The Tale of Custard the Dragon Extra Questions and Answers Class 10 English Poem

The Tale of Custard the Dragon Extra Questions and Answers Class 10 English Poem are provided here. These questions and answers for Class 10 English, covering “The Tale of Custard the Dragon” poem, have been meticulously crafted by our expert teachers. The questions are categorized into short-answer and long-answer. Studying these questions will aid you in achieving excellent marks in your board exams.

The Tale of Custard the Dragon Extra Questions and Answers

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1: What are two language tricks used in the line “Belinda was as brave as a barrel full of bears”?
Answer: (i) She’s brave like a barrel – Simile
(ii) Brave as a barrel full of bears – Alliteration

Question 2: Why did Belinda call for help? Who came to help her?
Answer: Belinda called for help because she was scared of the pirate. Custard came to her rescue.

Question 3: How did Belinda’s pets, except Custard, react to the pirate?
Answer: The other pets used to boast about being brave and make fun of Custard. But when they saw the pirate, they got scared and ran away, disappearing except for Custard.

Question 4: What was the reaction of each of Belinda’s pets when they saw the pirate?
Answer: Each pet ran away and hid because they were frightened of the pirate.

Question 5: Describe the pirate in “The Tale of Custard the Dragon.”
Answer: The pirate entered through the window with pistols in both hands and a shiny cutlass clenched in his teeth. He had a black beard and a wooden leg.

Question 6: Who shared the white house with Belinda?
Answer: Belinda lived with Ink, a black kitten, Blink, a grey mouse, Mustard, a yellow dog, Custard, a dragon, and a red wagon.

Question 7: Why did everyone mock the dragon?
Answer: They teased the dragon because while they boasted about their bravery, the dragon always sought safety.

Question 8: How did they express their fondness for the dragon after the pirate’s defeat?
Answer: They rejoiced, with Belinda hugging him, Mustard licking him, and Ink and Blink dancing around him. This was their way of showing affection, and nobody mourned the pirate.

Question 9: What did they say about their bravery after the pirate’s defeat?
Answer: Mustard admitted he was nervous, while Ink and Blink claimed they were even braver than Mustard. Custard agreed, acknowledging their bravery surpassed his own.

Question 10: Who was truly brave among them, and how did he show it?
Answer: Custard the dragon proved his courage by confronting the pirate while the others fled. He bravely defeated the pirate by swallowing him whole.

Question 11: How is ‘The Tale of Custard the Dragon’ a ballad?
Answer: It’s a ballad because it tells a story with elements of adventure and bravery in a humorous, rhyming manner.

Question 12: What were Belinda’s animals’ nicknames?
Answer: Ink the kitten, Blink the mouse, Mustard the dog, and Custard the dragon.

Question 13: How does the poet depict Belinda and her animals’ bravery, contrasting Custard’s behavior?
Answer: Belinda and her pets are described as brave, facing lions and tigers. However, Custard is portrayed as cowardly, always seeking safety.

Question 14: How did the animals mock the dragon?
Answer: They teased and laughed at Custard, even calling him Percival while sitting in their red wagon.

Question 15: Despite being described as brave, how did they react upon seeing the pirate?
Answer: They panicked: Belinda cried for help, Mustard barked fearfully, Ink hid downstairs, and Blink ran into his hole.

Question 16: How did Custard display bravery against the pirate?
Answer: Custard attacked the pirate fiercely, striking him with his tail and swallowing him like a robin catching a worm.

Question 17: What was the pirate’s reaction to the dragon’s attack?
Answer: The pirate was startled, took a drink, fired bullets, but was ultimately swallowed by Custard.

Question 18: Where did Belinda reside, and who were her companions?
Answer: Belinda lived in a small white house with Ink, Blink, Mustard, and Custard, along with their red wagon.

Long Questions and Answers

Question 1: Why do you think Custard, the dragon, was labeled a coward? How did Custard manage to rescue his housemates from the pirate? What attitudes should Belinda have shown towards Custard for him to feel more included?
Answer: Custard earned the label of a coward because he often sought safety in a cage, unlike his housemates who boasted about their bravery. When the pirate arrived, everyone panicked and fled, except Custard, who confronted the pirate courageously, attacking him with his tail and ultimately swallowing him whole. Belinda should have treated Custard with kindness and made him feel accepted, rather than joining in the teasing and laughter with the other pets. She should have shown protective and caring behavior towards Custard.

Question 2: Can you recount the clash between the dragon and the pirate?
Answer: The dragon, often teased for his timidity despite his fearsome appearance, faced ridicule until the pirate arrived. In a moment of crisis, while everyone else fled, Custard confronted the pirate boldly. He fought fiercely, striking the pirate with his tail and devouring him entirely. The grateful household later acknowledged Custard’s bravery, realizing the error of their assumptions.

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