A Triumph of Surgery Extra Questions and Answers Class 10 English

A Triumph of Surgery Extra Questions and Answers Class 10 English are provided here. Our expert teachers have meticulously prepared these questions, dividing them into short-type, long-type, and extract-based sections. Familiarizing yourself with these questions will greatly enhance your performance in the board exams, enabling you to score excellent marks.

A Triumph of Surgery Extra Questions and Answers

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. What indicated that Mrs. Pumphrey was a wealthy lady?
Answer: Mrs. Pumphrey displayed signs of wealth through her numerous servants, her indulgence of a pet, and the elaborate care she provided for it. She fed her pet with a variety of dishes, sweets, and snacks, dedicated a separate room and wardrobe for her pet, all of which indicated her affluent status.

Question 2. Why did Mrs. Pumphrey call the doctor?
Answer: Mrs. Pumphrey sought medical attention for Tricki because he had been refusing food, experiencing bouts of vomiting, and exhibiting lethargic behavior, including reluctance to go for walks. These symptoms prompted her to consult a doctor.

Question 3. How did Dr. Herriot treat Tricki?
Answer: Dr. Herriot’s treatment for Tricki involved reducing his food intake and increasing his exercise. Initially, for the first three days, Tricki was given only water. Dr. Herriot did not prescribe any medicinal treatment but emphasized physical activity, allowing Tricki to spend time with other dogs, which contributed significantly to his recovery.

Question 4. Why were the household dogs initially uninterested in Tricki?
Answer: Initially, the household dogs showed disinterest in Tricki because he was a newcomer and appeared lethargic, making him an unengaging playmate. However, over time, Tricki’s participation in activities and interactions with the other dogs led to his acceptance as a member of the group.

Question 5. Why was Dr. Herriot concerned that Tricki would soon be seriously ill?
Answer: Dr. Herriot observed Tricki’s deteriorating condition, characterized by slow movements, refusal to eat, including favorite dishes, and bouts of vomiting. Concerned by Tricki’s lack of improvement and the severity of his symptoms, Dr. Herriot feared that without intervention, Tricki would become seriously ill.

Question 6. Why was the entire staff of Mrs. Pumphrey involved when Tricki was being taken to the hospital?
Answer: Tricki held a special place in Mrs. Pumphrey’s household, prompting the entire staff to mobilize when he needed medical attention. They packed Tricki’s belongings, including his beds, cushions, toys, rubber rings, and food bowls, into the narrator’s car as he was being transported to the hospital.

Question 7. What caused Tricki’s ailment?
Answer: Tricki’s ailment stemmed from overindulgence and overfeeding by Mrs. Pumphrey. He had become excessively overweight and inactive due to being pampered with cream cakes, chocolates, and rich foods, which led to his illness.

Question 8. Why did Dr. Herriot recommend admitting Tricki to a hospital?
Answer: Dr. Herriot advised Mrs. Pumphrey to admit Tricki to a hospital because she had been overly indulgent in pampering him with food and had not taken necessary measures to address his health issues, such as reducing his food intake and increasing exercise.

Question 9. Why did Mrs. Pumphrey treat Tricki in a special manner?
Answer: Mrs. Pumphrey treated Tricki in a special manner due to her excessive affection and wealth. She pampered him with cream cakes, chocolates, and cod-liver oil, treating him as if he were her own son.

Question 10. Why was Dr. Herriot concerned about Tricki?
Answer: Dr. Herriot expressed concern about Tricki’s health because he had become excessively overweight and inactive due to Mrs. Pumphrey’s indulgence. Despite Dr. Herriot’s recommendations to modify Tricki’s diet and increase his exercise, Mrs. Pumphrey was hesitant to do so, prompting Dr. Herriot’s worry for Tricki’s well-being.

Question 11. Why was Tricki sent to the hospital?
Answer: Tricki was admitted to the hospital because he displayed symptoms of severe illness, including sluggishness, difficulty walking, constant panting, vomiting, and loss of appetite, indicating a critical health condition.

Question 12. What was Mrs. Pumphrey’s reaction when Tricki showed little enthusiasm for exertion?
Answer: Mrs. Pumphrey was alarmed and concerned when Tricki displayed little interest in physical activity. She feared that Tricki might be seriously ill, attributing his lack of enthusiasm to potential malnutrition.

Question 13. What did she do to bring him back to normal health? Was she successful?
Answer: In an attempt to restore Tricki’s health, Mrs. Pumphrey administered beer, cod-liver oil, and Horlicks to him. However, these efforts were not successful; instead, they had adverse effects on Tricki’s condition, exacerbating his illness.

Question 14. What was Mr. Herriot’s strict advice? Did Mrs. Pumphrey heed his advice? What excuses did she make?
Answer: Mr. Herriot advised Mrs. Pumphrey to reduce Tricki’s consumption of sweet treats and to ensure he received ample exercise. Unfortunately, Mrs. Pumphrey disregarded this advice, attributing Tricki’s condition to weakness and continuing to pamper him with cream cakes and chocolates. She also cited the gardener’s illness as a reason for Tricki’s lack of exercise.

Question 15. Why did Mrs. Pumphrey make a frantic call to Mr. Herriot?
Answer: Mrs. Pumphrey urgently contacted Mr. Herriot because Tricki’s condition had deteriorated significantly. Tricki refused to eat, even his favorite dishes, experienced vomiting, and showed no interest in activities, alarming Mrs. Pumphrey about his deteriorating health.

Question 16. Describe the `parting scene’ between Tricki and Mrs. Pumphrey’s household.
Answer: The departure of Tricki from Mrs. Pumphrey’s household was emotional and chaotic. Mrs. Pumphrey was distraught, accompanied by a bustling staff who hurriedly gathered Tricki’s belongings, including his beds and bowls, for the journey to the doctor’s car. Tears flowed as the car departed, leaving an atmosphere of sorrow behind.

Question 17. “I think I know a cure for you.” What was the `cure’?
Answer: The “cure” prescribed by Mr. Herriot involved withholding food from Tricki for two days while ensuring he had access to plenty of water. Additionally, no medication was administered, but emphasis was placed on providing ample exercise, leading to Tricki’s significant improvement.

Question 18. The household dogs at the surgery rejected Tricki as “uninteresting objects.” Why?
Answer: At the surgery, Tricki appeared lethargic and unresponsive to the other dogs’ attempts to interact with him. His lack of engagement and energy rendered him uninteresting to the other dogs, resulting in their rejection of him as a playmate.

Question 19. How did he become an accepted member of the gang and start enjoying the company of other dogs?
Answer: As Tricki’s health improved under Mr. Herriot’s care, he gradually regained energy and began participating in activities with the other dogs. Over time, he integrated into the group, enjoying various games and interactions, which led to his acceptance as a valued member of the canine community.

Question 20. Describe the small dog Tricki.
Answer: Tricki, a small dog belonging to Mrs. Pumphrey, was deeply loved but significantly overfed, leading to his bloated appearance resembling a sausage. He had become excessively fat with bloodshot and rheumy eyes, reflecting the consequences of his indulgent lifestyle.

Question 21. What did Mrs. Pumphrey think her dog suffered from? How did she try to help him?
Answer: Mrs. Pumphrey believed that her dog Tricki was suffering from malnutrition, as he appeared dull and listless. To address this, she attempted to help him by giving him malt and cod-liver oil between meals, along with a bowl of Horlicks at night.

Question 22. What was the real issue that Tricki was suffering from?
Answer: In reality, Tricki did not have a physical disease; rather, his issues stemmed from overfeeding and lack of physical exercise, leading to vomiting and laziness.

Question 23. What was Mrs. Pumphrey’s reaction when the doctor said that Tricki must be taken to the hospital for a fortnight?
Answer: Upon hearing the doctor’s recommendation that Tricki must be taken to the hospital for a fortnight, Mrs. Pumphrey was deeply distressed. She feared that Tricki would pine and suffer greatly in her absence, emphasizing her emotional attachment to her pet.

Question 24. How did the gang of household dogs accept Tricki as their member?
Answer: After a couple of days, Tricki integrated with the household dogs, engaging in activities and exercises with them. He enjoyed playing and interacting with the other dogs, eventually earning acceptance as a member of their group.

Question 25. How did Tricki treat his mistress when she went to collect him?
Answer: Upon seeing his mistress, Tricki displayed overwhelming affection and excitement. He leaped into Mrs. Pumphrey’s lap, showering her with affectionate gestures such as licking her face and barking joyfully.

Question 26. Why was Mr. Herriot shocked at Tricki’s appearance?
Answer: Mr. Herriot was taken aback by Tricki’s appearance, as the dog had become excessively overweight, resembling a bloated sausage. His eyes appeared bloodshot and rheumy, and his tongue protruded from his jaws, shocking Mr. Herriot.

Question 27. Why was Dr. Herriot really worried about Tricki?
Answer: Dr. Herriot’s concern for Tricki stemmed from the dog’s deteriorated condition. Tricki had become grossly overweight, with bloodshot eyes and a lethargic demeanor, prompting genuine worry about his health and well-being.

Question 28. What special diet did Mrs. Pumphrey give to build Tricki up?
Answer: Mrs. Pumphrey attempted to bolster Tricki’s health by providing him with a special diet intended to increase his energy levels. This diet included malt, cod-liver oil, and a nightly bowl of Horlicks. However, she continued to indulge Tricki with cakes and chocolates despite being advised otherwise.

Question 29. What was the only fault of Tricki as diagnosed by Dr. Herriot?
Answer: Dr. Herriot identified the primary issue with Tricki as his insatiable greed for food. Tricki had never learned to refuse food, and his constant overeating, combined with a lack of exercise, led to his obesity and dullness.

Question 30. Why did Dr. Herriot try to sound severe when he gave strict instructions to Mrs. Pumphrey about Tricki?
Answer: Dr. Herriot’s severity in instructing Mrs. Pumphrey about Tricki’s care stemmed from his understanding of the root cause of Tricki’s problems. Knowing that Tricki’s issues resulted from overindulgence and lack of exercise, Dr. Herriot emphasized the importance of strict dietary control and increased physical activity to address Tricki’s health concerns effectively.

Question 31. What plans did Dr. Herriot make to get Tricki out of the house?
Answer: Dr. James Herriot recognized that Tricki’s well-being was compromised as long as he remained with Mrs. Pumphrey. He recommended that Tricki be hospitalized under his care for a fortnight to address his health issues. Despite Mrs. Pumphrey’s initial shock and reluctance, Dr. Herriot firmly insisted that hospitalization was necessary to save Tricki.

Question 32. How did Mrs. Pumphrey react when she heard from the doctor that Tricki needed to be hospitalized for a fortnight?
Answer: Upon learning from Dr. Herriot that Tricki required hospitalization under his supervision, Mrs. Pumphrey was deeply distressed and nearly fainted. It was exceedingly difficult for her to contemplate being separated from her beloved pet for a fortnight. She reluctantly agreed only after understanding that it was crucial for Tricki’s well-being.

Question 33. How was Tricki treated at the surgery?
Answer: At the surgery, Dr. Herriot provided Tricki with no medical treatment, recognizing that the primary issue was his excessive greed for food. Instead, for two days, Tricki was withheld from food but given ample water. He was accommodated in a warm loose box adjacent to where other dogs slept.

Question 34. Describe the gradual progress of Tricki at the surgery.
Answer: Initially, Tricki lay motionless on the carpet, showing no interest in his surroundings. However, by the second day, he began to display some curiosity and whimpered upon hearing the other dogs. His progress accelerated rapidly thereafter; by the third day, he actively sought food and engaged in activities such as hunting rats at night.

Question 35. How did the word ‘convalescing’ (recovering) affect Tricki’s mistress, Mrs. Pumphrey?
Answer: Upon hearing that Tricki was out of danger and convalescing, Mrs. Pumphrey was thrilled. She endeavored to enhance Tricki’s recovery by providing him with fresh eggs, wine, brandy, and other indulgences. Her excitement and efforts reflected her deep affection and concern for Tricki’s well-being.

Question 36. Why was Dr. Herriot tempted to keep Tricki on as a permanent guest?
Answer: Dr. Herriot found great contentment during Tricki’s stay at the surgery, enjoying luxurious breakfasts and the liberal provision of wine and brandy brought by Mrs. Pumphrey. Tempted by this comfortable arrangement, Dr. Herriot contemplated keeping Tricki as a permanent guest.

Question 37. What excuses did Mrs. Pumphrey give for not following Dr. Herriot’s advice? What was the effect of ignorance?
Answer: Mrs. Pumphrey’s reluctance to heed Dr. Herriot’s advice stemmed from her indulgent nature and deep affection for Tricki. Despite being instructed to limit Tricki’s diet and provide more exercise, Mrs. Pumphrey continued to pamper him with malt, cod-liver oil, and other indulgences. Ignoring the doctor’s counsel resulted in Tricki’s deteriorating health, including loss of appetite and repeated vomiting.

Question 38. Why did Tricki become an uninteresting object for other dogs at the surgery?
Answer: Tricki’s weakened state and lack of energy rendered him uninteresting to the other dogs at the surgery. He lay motionless on the carpet, gasping for breath, and showed no response to their attempts at interaction, leading the other dogs to perceive him as an uninteresting companion.

Question 39. How did Mrs. Pumphrey and her servants behave when Tricki was being taken away to surgery?
Answer: When Tricki was being transported to the surgery for hospitalization, Mrs. Pumphrey and her entire household staff were deeply emotional and frantic. The staff busily gathered Tricki’s belongings, including his beds, cushions, toys, and bowls, while Mrs. Pumphrey expressed despair and desperation at the prospect of Tricki’s departure.

Question 40. How was Tricki accepted as a member of the gang, and how did the other dogs start enjoying his company?
Answer: As Tricki’s health improved, he gradually integrated with the other dogs and began participating in activities with them. His newfound energy and engagement endeared him to the other dogs, who welcomed him as a member of their group, thus enabling Tricki to enjoy their companionship.

Question 41. Do you think that Dr. Herriot was a sensible, practical, and clever person? How?
Answer: Yes, Dr. Herriot demonstrated sensibility, practicality, and cleverness in his handling of Tricki’s case. He recognized the underlying issues causing Tricki’s health problems and devised a practical solution by recommending hospitalization. His insistence on Tricki’s hospitalization despite Mrs. Pumphrey’s initial resistance underscores his commitment to the dog’s well-being.

Question 42. Wasn’t Mrs. Pumphrey an overindulgent but silly and impractical mistress?
Answer: Yes, Mrs. Pumphrey’s actions reflected her indulgent nature towards Tricki, pampering him excessively with various treats and comforts. Despite her affection, her failure to adhere to Dr. Herriot’s advice and her impractical approach to Tricki’s care resulted in his declining health, highlighting the consequences of her overindulgence.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1. Herriot enjoyed the sumptuous meal during Tricki’s stay, but he still felt compelled to inform Mrs. Pumphrey about Tricki’s recovery. Why did he not keep Tricki for a longer time? Did he feel concerned for Mrs. Pumphrey? Was it not his attitude to break the trust of others? Discuss the values he possessed in 100-120 words.
Answer: Herriot enjoyed the nice meal when Tricki stayed with him, but he still told Mrs. Pumphrey when Tricki got better. He didn’t keep Tricki longer because he cared about Mrs. Pumphrey and didn’t want to break her trust. His values include being honest, caring about others’ feelings, and doing what’s right, even if it’s not the easiest thing for him. He showed that being truthful and considerate are important, especially when helping others, like caring for pets and dealing with their owners.

Question 2. The chapter illustrates the imprudent and neglectful behavior of affluent individuals like Mrs. Pumphrey, whose excessive care may harm loved ones. Tricki’s declining health resulted from Mrs. Pumphrey’s overindulgence. Can such actions prove detrimental to their well-being? What values should they adopt? Explain in 100-120 words.
Answer: The chapter highlights how excessive care, particularly when fueled by wealth and indulgence, can backfire, as seen in Mrs. Pumphrey’s case with Tricki. Her overindulgence led to Tricki’s decline in health, emphasizing how unchecked affluence can harm loved ones. Such actions can indeed prove detrimental to well-being, promoting dependency and poor health outcomes. Affluent individuals like Mrs. Pumphrey should adopt values of moderation, responsibility, and mindfulness. Balancing care with boundaries, ensuring proper nutrition and exercise, and fostering independence are crucial. Embracing humility and recognizing the limitations of excessive indulgence can promote healthier relationships and outcomes for both individuals and their loved ones, ensuring their well-being is prioritized over excessive materialism or indulgence.

Question 3. “He had never been known to refuse food; he would tackle a meal at any hour of the day or night.” Herriot attributed Tricki’s issue to greed. Did he lack tolerance? What values should Tricki adopt? Elaborate.
Answer: Herriot’s observation about Tricki’s eating habits points to a concern about overindulgence rather than a lack of tolerance. Tricki’s insatiable appetite and inability to refuse food led to health problems, highlighting the importance of moderation and self-control. Tricki should adopt values of moderation, discipline, and balance in his eating habits. Learning to listen to his body’s signals, eating only when hungry, and avoiding excessive consumption can promote better health and well-being. Additionally, Tricki could benefit from values of self-awareness and mindfulness, understanding the consequences of overeating and making healthier choices for himself. By embracing these values, Tricki can improve his health and quality of life.

Question 4. Herriot epitomizes a duty-bound doctor valuing others’ emotions over personal interests. Elaborate on this statement. Identify Herriot’s values worth emulating and justify in 100-120 words.
Answer: Herriot exemplifies a duty-bound doctor by prioritizing others’ emotions and well-being over his personal interests. His commitment to his patients, such as Tricki, and their owners, like Mrs. Pumphrey, underscores his empathy and professionalism. Despite enjoying the perks of Tricki’s stay, Herriot’s foremost concern remains Tricki’s health and Mrs. Pumphrey’s peace of mind. His values worth emulating include integrity, compassion, and selflessness. Herriot’s actions reflect the importance of prioritizing the needs of others, maintaining trust and transparency in relationships, and upholding ethical standards in professional conduct. By embodying these values, individuals can foster positive and supportive relationships, contribute to the well-being of their communities, and uphold the principles of integrity and empathy in their interactions.

Question 5. How did Mrs. Pumphrey care for her dog? How did her actions exacerbate his issues?
Answer: Mrs. Pumphrey cared for her dog, Tricki, with excessive indulgence and pampering. She provided him with lavish comforts, including nutritious food, multiple coats for different weather conditions, various cushions for comfort, and treats like cream cakes and chocolates. However, her actions exacerbated Tricki’s issues. Mrs. Pumphrey’s overindulgence led to Tricki becoming obese, lethargic, and unhealthy. By constantly feeding him rich foods and treats, she encouraged his insatiable appetite and lack of self-control, contributing to his decline in health. Instead of recognizing the negative impact of her indulgence and promoting a balanced diet and exercise, Mrs. Pumphrey’s actions ultimately worsened Tricki’s well-being, highlighting the importance of responsible pet care and moderation in nurturing animal companions.

Question 6. How did Herriot save Tricki’s life?
Answer: Tricki fell seriously ill, refusing food and suffering bouts of vomiting, causing Mrs. Pumphrey great concern. She called upon Mr. Herriot, a veterinarian familiar with Tricki’s condition. Recognizing the severity, Herriot advised immediate hospitalization for Tricki. Transporting Tricki to his surgery, Herriot placed him in a dedicated room, withholding food but ensuring ample water for two days. With time, Tricki’s health improved, engaging in playful activities. Thus, Herriot’s strategic care and attention facilitated Tricki’s recovery without resorting to medication or surgery.

Question 7. Write a character sketch of Mrs. Pumphrey.
Answer: Mrs. Pumphrey, a wealthy and devoted pet owner, doted on her dog Tricki excessively. She overfed Tricki with nutritious meals, oblivious to his declining health. Concerned by Tricki’s lethargy and convinced of malnutrition, she intensified her care efforts, adding malt, cod-liver oil, and Horlicks to his diet. Despite Herriot’s counsel for hospitalization, Mrs. Pumphrey’s attachment to Tricki prevailed. She expressed deep gratitude towards Herriot, considering Tricki’s recovery a “Triumph of Surgery,” despite her lack of awareness regarding Tricki’s ailment.

Question 8. Mrs. Pumphrey says, “This is ‘A Triumph of Surgery’. Why did she say so? Did she know what Tricki’s ailment was?
Answer: Mrs. Pumphrey, witnessing Tricki’s remarkable transformation after Herriot’s care, hailed it as a “Triumph of Surgery.” Unaware of Tricki’s ailment, she entrusted Herriot, acknowledging his expertise. Herriot’s regimen of food deprivation and exercise revitalized Tricki, impressing Mrs. Pumphrey with the apparent success of surgical intervention, although it involved no actual surgery. Her commendation reflected her gratitude and trust in Herriot’s methods.

Question 9. Mrs. Pumphrey, the overindulgent and caring mistress of Tricki, pampers her pet dog like a spoilt child. Comment.
Answer: Mrs. Pumphrey’s wealth and affection led her to pamper Tricki excessively, treating him akin to a spoiled child. Ignoring professional advice, she inundated Tricki with indulgent treats and comforts, oblivious to the adverse effects on his health. Herriot’s diagnosis revealed Tricki’s decline due to overindulgence. Despite Mrs. Pumphrey’s caring nature, her lack of discipline and practicality exacerbated Tricki’s condition, underscoring the pitfalls of excessive pampering and the need for balanced care and moderation in pet ownership.

Question 10. Give a character sketch of Tricki.
Answer: Tricki, more than a mere dog, was like a pampered child to Mrs. Pumphrey. Initially sprightly, Tricki’s downfall was his insatiable appetite. Pampered with sweets, cakes, and chocolates, Tricki ballooned into an overweight, lethargic dog with rheumy eyes and a protruding tongue. Despite Dr. Herriot’s advice for a strict diet and exercise, Tricki’s condition deteriorated, leading to vomiting and loss of appetite. Eventually hospitalized under Dr. Herriot’s care, Tricki’s recovery was swift, transforming him into a lively and affectionate companion, displaying his loyalty to Mrs. Pumphrey upon her return.

Question 11. Dr James Herriot was a competent veterinary surgeon. His practical approach and common sense helped in the rapid recovery of Tricki. Comment.
Answer: Dr. James Herriot’s competence as a veterinary surgeon shone through in Tricki’s case. Recognizing Tricki’s ailment as stemming from overindulgence, Herriot prescribed a strict regimen of diet and exercise. Despite Mrs. Pumphrey’s initial reluctance, Herriot’s practical approach yielded rapid results, eschewing medical intervention in favor of water and observation. Tricki’s remarkable turnaround showcased Herriot’s expertise, validating Mrs. Pumphrey’s gratitude and labeling his achievement as a “Triumph of Surgery.”

Question 12. Why did Mrs Pumphrey, the mistress of Tricki, make a frantic call to the noted veterinary surgeon, Dr James Herriot? How did Dr James Herriot succeed in curing Tricki?
Answer: Mrs. Pumphrey’s frantic call to Dr. James Herriot stemmed from Tricki’s deteriorating health, marked by vomiting and loss of appetite despite her indulgent care. Recognizing Tricki’s critical condition, Herriot prescribed immediate hospitalization and strict observation for a fortnight. Despite initial apprehension, Mrs. Pumphrey conceded to Herriot’s recommendation, ultimately witnessing Tricki’s swift recovery under his care. Herriot’s method, devoid of medical intervention but rich in discipline and observation, proved highly effective, restoring Tricki’s health and earning Mrs. Pumphrey’s profound gratitude.

Question 13. Why did Dr James Herriot say that he was tempted to keep Tricki on as a permanent guest? Give a reasoned answer.
Answer: Dr. James Herriot’s temptation to retain Tricki stemmed from the creature comforts and luxuries offered during his stay. Mrs. Pumphrey’s lavish gratitude, including fresh eggs, wine, and brandy, alongside Tricki’s rapid recovery, made the prospect enticing. However, Herriot’s professionalism prevailed, prompting him to prioritize Tricki’s return to his rightful owner over personal comfort and indulgence.

Question 14. Describe Tricki’s stay at Dr. James Herriot’s surgery, highlighting his behavior and his rapid recovery.
Answer: Tricki’s stay at Dr. James Herriot’s surgery marked a pivotal period of transformation. Initially despondent and lethargic, Tricki’s days were characterized by a lack of appetite and engagement. However, under Herriot’s watchful eye, Tricki experienced a remarkable turnaround. Devoid of food but rich in water and observation, Tricki’s demeanor shifted, embracing his surroundings with newfound energy and enthusiasm. His recovery was swift, exemplifying the efficacy of Herriot’s pragmatic approach and Tricki’s resilience.

Question 15. The foolish indulgence and pampering of the rich mistress, Mrs. Pumphrey, were the real cause of Tricki’s miserable condition. Give a reasoned answer.
Answer: Mrs. Pumphrey’s excessive indulgence and lack of discipline were indeed the primary factors contributing to Tricki’s decline. Ignoring professional advice and inundating Tricki with excessive treats and comforts, Mrs. Pumphrey inadvertently exacerbated his health issues. Had she heeded Dr. Herriot’s counsel earlier, Tricki’s suffering could have been mitigated. The eventual acceptance of Herriot’s regimen and Tricki’s subsequent recovery underscore the perils of overindulgence and the importance of balanced care in pet ownership.

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