The Thiefs Story Extra Questions and Answers Class 10 English

The Thiefs Story Extra Questions and Answers Class 10 English are available here. Our expert teachers have prepared these extra questions, which are divided into short-type, and long-type questions. Studying these questions will assist you in scoring excellent marks in the board exams.

The Thiefs Story Extra Questions and Answers

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. Why did Hari Singh not make many friends?
Answer: Hari Singh did not make friends because he believed that friends brought more trouble than help. Moreover, he avoided making anyone curious.

Question 2. Why did Hari Singh decide to come back to Anil?
Answer: Hari Singh decided to return to Anil because he anticipated that when Anil discovered the theft, his sorrow wouldn’t be for the lost money but for the betrayal of trust. Hari didn’t want to lose Anil’s trust.

Question 3. Why did Hari Singh choose Anil to be his next victim?
Answer: Hari Singh, an experienced thief, saw Anil as an easy-going, kind, and simple man—ideal for his purposes. Anil appeared to be an easy target to gain confidence.

Question 4. Why did Hari Singh not go to his friend’s house or a hotel just after missing the train?
Answer: Hari Singh had no friends and wanted to avoid arousing suspicion by staying at small hotels near the station.

Question 5. Why was it difficult for Hari Singh to rob Anil?
Answer: It was difficult to rob Anil because he was one of the most trusting individuals Hari Singh had encountered. Hari believed it was easier to steal from a greedy person, as they could afford it, while robbing a careless person like Anil was more challenging as they might not even notice the theft.

Question 6. Why did Hari Singh lie about his cooking abilities?
Answer: Hari Singh falsely claimed he could cook to secure a place in Anil’s household. However, his cooking turned out to be so terrible that Anil gave it to a stray dog. Despite this, Anil still offered to teach Hari how to cook.

Question 7. Why was the thief able to steal from Anil easily?
Answer: The thief, Hari Singh, could steal from Anil easily because Anil was highly trusting and somewhat careless, which made him vulnerable to deceit.

Question 8. Why did Hari Singh lie about his cooking abilities?
Answer: Hari Singh lied about his cooking skills because he knew Anil would only hire him if he could cook. However, he lacked cooking skills and resorted to deceit to gain entry into Anil’s home.

Question 9. Why did Hari Singh feel remorse after stealing the money?
Answer: Hari Singh felt remorse because Anil had placed complete trust in him, even teaching him to cook and read. Hari’s betrayal of Anil’s trust weighed heavily on his conscience after stealing the money.

Question 10. What are the different reactions of people when they are robbed?
Answer: According to Hari Singh, different people react differently to being robbed. Greedy individuals show fear, the wealthy display anger, and the poor may accept the loss. However, a trusting person like Anil would likely feel sorrow due to the betrayal of trust rather than just the loss of money.

Question 11. Why did Anil decide to pay Hari Singh regularly?
Answer: Anil handed Hari Singh a fifty-rupee note as payment for his services and expressed his intention to pay him regularly now that he was earning money. Anil understood Hari’s financial situation and wanted to prevent him from being tempted to steal again due to financial need.

Question 12. Describe Hari Singh, the young and successful thief.
Answer: Hari Singh was a fifteen-year-old boy who had mastered the art of thievery. He possessed the skill to identify potential victims and cleverly gain their trust. Even while learning to read and write, Hari’s focus remained on how he could exploit his knowledge for thieving.

Question 13. Why did Anil hire Hari Singh?
Answer: Anil hired Hari Singh because Hari expressed his willingness to work for him. When Anil mentioned that he couldn’t pay him, Hari inquired if he could be fed instead. Anil agreed to hire Hari if he could cook, setting the terms for his employment.

Question 14. How did Hari Singh realize that Anil knew about his theft?
Answer: Hari Singh received a fifty-rupee note from Anil in the morning, which was still damp from the previous night’s rain. Additionally, Anil mentioned that he would begin teaching Hari how to write full sentences and smiled knowingly, indicating that he was aware of Hari’s actions.

Question 15. What was Anil’s occupation? How did he typically spend his earnings?
Answer: Anil was a writer who contributed articles to magazines. His income was irregular, earned sporadically. When he earned money, Anil often celebrated by indulging in activities or outings.

Question 16. What did the thief observe about the reactions of different types of people when they were robbed?
Answer: Hari Singh observed that a greedy person panicked, a wealthy individual became angry, and a poor person resigned themselves to their loss when robbed.

Question 17. How did he anticipate Anil’s reaction upon discovering the theft? Why?
Answer: Hari Singh anticipated that Anil would display a hint of sadness upon discovering the theft, not due to the lost money, but because of the breach of trust.

Question 18. What prompted Hari Singh to return to Anil?
Answer: Anil’s commitment to educating Hari Singh motivated him to return. He believed that education would transform him from a mere thief into a respected and intelligent individual.

Question 19. What did Anil give Hari Singh in the morning, and what was its condition?
Answer: In the morning, Anil gave Hari Singh a fifty-rupee note, which was still damp from the previous night’s rain.

Question 20. How did the thief realize that Anil knew the money had been stolen?
Answer: The thief realized that Anil knew the money was stolen when Anil handed him a fifty-rupee note that was still damp from the previous night’s rain, indicating that Anil was aware of the theft.

Question 21. How did the thief know that Anil had forgiven him?
Answer: Anil did not express any indication that he was aware of the theft. Instead, he promised to pay Hari regularly and continued teaching him how to write full sentences.

Question 22. Why did the thief smile without any effort towards the end of the story?
Answer: The thief smiled without effort because Anil did not express anger about the stolen money. Instead, he assured the thief of regular payment and continued teaching him, relieving the thief of tension.

Question 23. Why, according to Hari, is it difficult to rob a careless man?
Answer: Hari believes it’s challenging to rob a careless man because sometimes the person doesn’t even notice the theft, which diminishes the satisfaction of the act.

Question 24. Why did Hari Singh think of doing some real work?
Answer: Hari Singh considered stealing from Anil as ‘real work’ because he hadn’t stolen anything in a while. He also believed that Anil, being careless with his money, might waste it if not stolen.

Question 25. What made him think that he could live like an oil-rich Arab for some time?
Answer: Hari Singh stole a bundle of notes from Anil, totaling 600 rupees, believing he could live luxuriously with that money for a while.

Question 26. Why should he find friends to be more trouble than help?
Answer: Hari Singh, being poor, anticipated that friends in similar circumstances would only bring trouble rather than assistance.

Question 27. Why did he feel nervous about going back to Anil’s room?
Answer: Hari Singh felt nervous about returning to Anil’s room because he found it easier to steal than to return stolen items undetected.

Question 28. How was Hari Singh’s ‘appealing smile’ at the end different from similar smiles of his on earlier occasions?
Answer: Hari Singh’s smile at the end was genuine and natural, unlike his earlier artificial and flattering smiles.

Question 29. Who is ‘I’ in this story? Why did he change his name every month?
Answer: ‘I’ in the story is the boy thief, Hari Singh, who changed his name monthly to evade capture by the police and previous employers.

Question 30. Why did Hari Singh smile in his most appealing way?
Answer: Hari Singh smiled in his most appealing way to persuade Anil to let him stay after his failed attempt at cooking. Despite Anil’s initial reaction, Hari wanted to remain with him.

Question 31. Why was the thief grateful to Anil?
Answer: The thief was grateful to Anil because he offered him a job and promised to teach him how to read and write.

Question 32. Why did he want to become an educated man?
Answer: He desired education because he believed it would open limitless opportunities and respect.

Question 33. Who was the narrator or the boy thief, Hari Singh?
Answer: Hari Singh was a seasoned thief who changed his name monthly to evade capture. He was skilled at thievery and sought out Anil as a target.

Question 34. How and when did Hari Singh meet Anil?
Answer: Hari Singh encountered Anil at a wrestling match and identified him as a trusting and easy target. He offered to work for Anil, exploiting his kind nature.

Question 35. Anil couldn’t afford to pay Hari Singh. Why did he allow Hari Singh to stay with him?
Answer: Despite Anil’s financial constraints, Hari Singh manipulated him into allowing him to stay by falsely claiming he could cook and exploiting Anil’s generosity.

Question 36. Why was it so difficult for Hari Singh to rob a trusting and unsuspecting person like Anil?
Answer: Hari Singh found it challenging to steal from Anil because Anil’s trusting nature made him oblivious to the theft, robbing Hari of the satisfaction of successful thievery.

Question 37. Why did Hari Singh justify himself to rob Anil?
Answer: Hari Singh rationalized his theft by convincing himself that Anil’s carelessness with money and failure to pay him justified his actions.

Question 38. Why did Hari Singh lie that he knew how to cook? Why did Anil have to throw the food cooked by Hari to the stray dogs?
Answer: Hari Singh lied about his cooking skills to secure a place in Anil’s home. However, his cooking was so poor that Anil had to discard it, offering it to stray dogs.

Question 39. How did Hari Singh feel working for Anil? Did Anil know that Hari Singh was making a little money from purchases?
Answer: Hari Singh felt comfortable working for Anil, occasionally profiting from purchases. Anil was aware of the theft but chose to overlook it due to his kindness.

Question 40. How did Anil get that substantial money that he brought home in a bundle? How did it tempt Hari Singh?
Answer: Anil earned the money by selling a book to a publisher. Seeing Anil stash the cash under his mattress tempted Hari Singh to steal it.

Question 41. How did Hari Singh steal the money that Anil got from selling his book to a publisher?
Answer: Hari Singh silently took the money from under Anil’s mattress while he slept, executing the theft unnoticed.

Question 42. Describe Hari Singh’s dilemma at the station. Why didn’t he jump into a compartment of the Lucknow Express when he could?
Answer: At the station, Hari Singh hesitated to board the train, uncertain of his decision. Despite having the opportunity, he lacked conviction to leap onto the moving Lucknow Express.

Question 43. What did Hari Singh think when he was standing alone on the deserted platform?
Answer: Stranded on the platform, Hari Singh contemplated his options, realizing he had no place to go. With no friends and unwilling to seek refuge in a hotel, he considered returning to the man he had recently robbed.

Question 44. What did Hari Singh do in the ‘maidan’ and how did the notes become damp?
Answer: Hari Singh sought shelter in the ‘maidan’, sitting beneath the clock tower. As rain poured, his clothes and the stolen notes became soaked, adding to his discomfort.

Question 45. How did Hari Singh forget about his education in the excitement of his theft? What did he think about it in the end?
Answer: In the thrill of theft, Hari Singh neglected his education. However, he later realized its value, understanding that education could elevate his status and earnings.

Question 46. Did Hari Singh understand the value of education? How can you prove it?
Answer: Yes, Hari Singh comprehended the importance of education, recognizing its potential to enhance his life materially and socially. His decision to return to Anil for education validation of this understanding.

Question 47. How and when did Hari Singh put the stolen money back at the same place from where he had stolen? Did Anil know it?
Answer: Hari Singh stealthily returned the stolen money under Anil’s mattress later that night. Anil was aware of the theft but chose not to confront Hari Singh, opting to give him a chance to rectify his actions.

Question 48. Why didn’t Anil hand Hari Singh over to the police even when he knew all about the theft?
Answer: Despite being aware of Hari Singh’s theft, Anil refrained from involving the police, choosing instead to offer Hari Singh a chance to reform and educating him, demonstrating his compassion and belief in redemption.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1. Anil plays a major role in the transformation of Hari Singh. Comment on the statement by highlighting the values possessed by Anil which touched Hari’s heart and made him return to his honest ways of earning his livelihood. Write in about 100-120 words.
Answer: Anil, a struggling writer, offered Hari Singh, a seasoned thief, not just a job but also kindness and trust. Despite Hari’s deception, Anil continued to treat him with respect and even taught him to read and write. This act of generosity deeply touched Hari, instilling in him a sense of gratitude and the realization of the importance of trust and integrity. Anil’s values of compassion, forgiveness, and patience inspired Hari to return to an honest path. Through Anil’s example, Hari learned that genuine relationships and personal growth are far more valuable than material gains obtained through deceit.

Question 2. Hari Singh didn’t confess that he robbed Anil. Did he lack the courage to do so or he really wanted to maintain his relationship with Anil at any cost? Explain the values Had needed to imbibe in about 100-120 words.
Answer: Hari Singh, driven by his past as a thief, wrestled with his conscience after robbing Anil. His failure to confess stemmed from both fear and a desire to preserve his relationship with Anil. As a young and impressionable teenager, Hari lacked the courage to confront Anil with the truth, fearing rejection and disappointment. Additionally, he cherished the bond he had formed with Anil and yearned to maintain it. The values Hari needed to embrace included honesty, accountability, and courage. By confessing, he could have demonstrated integrity and a commitment to truth, thereby strengthening his character and nurturing a genuine connection with Anil.

Question 3. “But to be a really big man, a clever and respected man was something else.” Hari finally accepted the importance of education and honest living. What do you think about the role of education in changing people like Hari? Comment on it by highlighting the values one imbibes through education.
Answer: Hari’s realization about the significance of education reflects the transformative power of learning. Education not only equips individuals with knowledge and skills but also cultivates values essential for personal and societal growth. Through education, individuals like Hari can break free from the cycle of dishonesty and embrace honesty, integrity, and responsibility. Education fosters critical thinking, empathy, and moral reasoning, enabling individuals to make informed decisions and contribute positively to society. Moreover, it instills a sense of self-worth and empowers individuals to pursue meaningful goals ethically. Hari’s journey underscores the role of education in fostering character development and shaping individuals into principled and respected members of society.

Question 4. Hari Singh believed that it was difficult to rob a man like Anil. Do you think that he really appreciated kind people? Why do you think he found it difficult to cheat a man like Anil? Discuss the values that stop a person from doing something wrong.
Answer: Hari’s recognition of Anil’s kindness suggests his appreciation for genuine human qualities. Despite his background as a thief, Hari respected Anil’s trust and generosity, which made it difficult for him to deceive him further. Hari’s reluctance to exploit Anil stemmed from his innate conscience and moral compass, which recognized the value of honesty and integrity. The values that deterred Hari from wrongdoing included empathy, gratitude, and respect for trust. By acknowledging Anil’s kindness, Hari confronted the ethical dilemma between personal gain and moral principles, ultimately choosing the path of integrity and redemption.

Question 5. “I couldn’t cook his meals, run to the bazaar or learn to write whole sentences anymore.” Hari Singh could not at once come out of the idea of working for Anil. Do you think he accepted the joy of earning money by following the path of honesty? Explain the values highlighted through Hari’s character in 100-120 words.
Answer: Hari’s initial reluctance to abandon his dishonest ways reflects his internal struggle between temptation and moral rectitude. Despite the allure of ill-gotten gains, Hari ultimately embraced the inherent satisfaction of earning money through honesty. His decision to return to Anil’s side symbolizes his acknowledgment of the intrinsic value of trust, integrity, and genuine relationships over material wealth acquired through deceit. Hari’s transformation underscores the importance of ethical conduct, accountability, and self-respect in shaping one’s character. By prioritizing integrity and personal growth over immediate gratification, Hari embodies the virtues of resilience, humility, and moral courage, paving the way for redemption and a brighter future built on principles of honesty and dignity.

Question 6. “You look a bit of a wrestler yourself,” I said. A little flattery helps in making friends. Hari Singh believed that a little flattery can help in making friends. Did he lack love and empathy? Was his attitude towards friendship acceptable or not? Explain the values one must have to win over true friends in 100-120 words.
Answer: Hari Singh, a seasoned thief, initially manipulated others, including Anil, to serve his interests. While flattery may facilitate initial connections, true friendship requires sincerity, empathy, and mutual respect. Hari’s approach lacked authenticity and genuine care for others, suggesting a deficit in empathy. True friendship demands honesty, loyalty, and genuine concern for one another’s well-being. To win over true friends, one must demonstrate integrity, empathy, and the willingness to support and understand others. Hari’s attitude towards friendship, driven by self-interest rather than genuine affection, highlights the importance of sincerity and empathy in fostering meaningful relationships.

Question 7. The chapter shows Hari Singh’s journey from a thief to an honest man who values friendship and other human values. Do you think it was Anil’s selfless friendship that helped Hari to redeem himself? Give reasons in support of your answer in 100-120 words.
Answer: The chapter reveals Hari Singh’s transformation from a thief to an honest individual, largely influenced by Anil’s selfless friendship. Anil’s kindness, trust, and forgiveness provided Hari with a model of genuine human connection, inspiring him to reassess his values and behavior. Hari’s guilt over betraying Anil’s trust and his recognition of the importance of friendship and integrity propelled him towards redemption. Anil’s unwavering support and compassion created an environment conducive to Hari’s moral growth and self-reflection. Ultimately, Anil’s selfless friendship catalyzed Hari’s journey towards honesty and moral rectitude, highlighting the transformative power of genuine human connection in shaping individual character and values.

Question 8. Write a character sketch of the thief boy.
Answer: The thief boy, Hari Singh, is a complex character portrayed as a skilled and experienced thief with a cunning demeanor. Despite his deceptive nature, he exhibits moments of introspection and moral conflict, indicating a latent desire for redemption and respectability. Hari is astute in assessing human behavior, using flattery and deception to manipulate others for personal gain. However, his encounter with Anil catalyzes a transformation, revealing his capacity for empathy, gratitude, and moral growth. Hari’s character embodies the struggle between vice and virtue, as he grapples with the allure of dishonesty and the pursuit of ethical integrity. His journey underscores themes of redemption, self-discovery, and the transformative power of human connection.

Question 9. Draw a character sketch of Anil.
Answer: Anil is depicted as a compassionate, trusting individual with a generous spirit and a forgiving nature. Despite facing betrayal from Hari Singh, he extends kindness and support, embodying qualities of empathy and understanding. Anil’s selflessness is evident in his willingness to forgive Hari and offer him opportunities for personal growth and redemption. As a struggling writer, Anil embodies resilience and optimism, earning a livelihood through his passion for literature. His relationship with Hari reflects his capacity for unconditional friendship and his belief in the inherent goodness of humanity. Anil’s character symbolizes hope, forgiveness, and the transformative power of compassion in fostering meaningful human connections.

Question 10. How did Hari Singh rob Anil of his six hundred rupees? What stopped him to rush away?
Answer: Hari Singh, posing as a trustworthy helper, gained Anil’s confidence and access to his home. Taking advantage of Anil’s generosity, Hari stole six hundred rupees from him while he slept. Despite his initial intent to flee, Hari’s conscience and appreciation for Anil’s kindness prevented him from escaping. The realization of the depth of Anil’s trust and the moral implications of his actions compelled Hari to return the stolen money and confront the consequences of his deceit. Anil’s goodness and unsuspecting nature acted as barriers to Hari’s escape, ultimately leading him to a path of redemption and moral awakening.

Question 11. Why did Hari Singh decide to return the stolen money? What light does it throw on his character?
Answer: After stealing the money, when Hari Singh reached the station, he hesitated to board the Lucknow Express, despite having the opportunity. Standing alone on the deserted platform, he contemplated Anil’s inevitable disappointment upon discovering the theft. Hari recognized the depth of Anil’s trust and felt compelled to rectify his wrongdoing. Despite his initial intent to escape, Hari’s conscience and admiration for Anil’s kindness led him to return to rectify his mistake. His decision to confront Anil and return the stolen money reflects Hari’s evolving conscience and growing respect for integrity, showcasing his capacity for redemption and moral growth.

Question 12. What kind of life was Hari Singh leading with Anil?
Answer: Anil employed Hari Singh as a house-servant, primarily responsible for cooking meals and preparing tea. While Hari lacked culinary expertise initially, Anil patiently taught him the basics of cooking. Additionally, Anil promised to educate Hari, emphasizing the importance of reading and writing. Despite his past as a thief, Hari found solace and purpose in his newfound role, appreciating Anil’s generosity and commitment to his personal and educational development. Hari’s life with Anil was marked by opportunities for growth, gratitude, and the pursuit of a more honorable path.

Question 13. ‘The Thief’s Story’ is an in-depth study of the human mind. Discuss.
Answer: “The Thief’s Story” delves into the complexities of the human psyche, exploring themes of morality, redemption, and the intricacies of human behavior. Through Hari Singh’s character, the story navigates the tension between temptation and conscience, highlighting the internal struggle faced by individuals caught between vice and virtue. Hari’s transformation from a cunning thief to a remorseful individual reflects the profound impact of moral dilemmas and the capacity for redemption inherent in human nature. The story serves as a nuanced exploration of the human mind, revealing the intricacies of moral decision-making and the transformative power of empathy, integrity, and self-awareness.

Question 14. Give a character-sketch of the thief, Hari Singh. Highlight the gradual changes that come in him.
Answer: Hari Singh, the protagonist, is a fifteen-year-old seasoned thief with a knack for deception and manipulation. Initially driven by self-interest, Hari’s encounter with Anil catalyzes a gradual transformation, prompting introspection and moral reckoning. While initially motivated by greed and opportunism, Hari experiences a shift in conscience, grappling with the moral implications of his actions and the value of integrity and redemption. His journey underscores the complexities of human nature and the capacity for growth and change, illustrating the transformative power of compassion, self-reflection, and genuine human connection.

Question 15. Give a character-sketch of Anil. Did he know all about the theft? If so, why did he keep Had Singh again to work for him?
Answer: Anil embodies generosity, compassion, and integrity, evident in his treatment of Hari Singh, despite being aware of the theft. As a struggling writer, Anil extends kindness and support to Hari, offering him employment and educational opportunities. Despite his knowledge of Hari’s transgression, Anil chooses forgiveness over retribution, emphasizing the importance of second chances and personal growth. Anil’s decision to retain Hari reflects his belief in redemption and the transformative power of trust and compassion. As a progressive and empathetic individual, Anil serves as a catalyst for Hari’s moral awakening, embodying the values of forgiveness, empathy, and the inherent goodness of humanity.

Question 16. How did Hari Singh come into contact with Anil? He breached Anil’s trust, but why did Anil not only forgive him but also promise to pay him regularly?
Answer: Hari Singh, a seasoned thief, encountered Anil when he sought employment. Despite Hari’s lack of cooking skills, Anil, struggling financially, gave him a chance. Hari’s habitual theft led him to steal 600 rupees from Anil, a sum he could have used for personal gain. However, Hari’s conscience intervened, prompting him to return the money. Anil’s forgiveness and promise of regular pay despite knowing about the theft reflect his compassionate nature and belief in the potential for reform. Anil’s generosity and understanding fostered an environment conducive to Hari’s moral growth and transformation.

Question 17. Love, human sympathy, and education can transform even a thief. How could Anil bring such a change in Hari Singh?
Answer: Anil’s compassionate and understanding demeanor played a pivotal role in Hari Singh’s transformation from a thief to a reformed individual. Despite Hari’s initial deceit and theft, Anil chose to forgive and offer him opportunities for personal and educational development. Anil’s kindness, coupled with his commitment to educating Hari, instilled in Hari a sense of self-worth and the desire for a more honorable life. By nurturing a supportive environment based on trust and empathy, Anil inspired Hari to embrace the values of integrity and redemption, demonstrating the transformative power of love, human sympathy, and education.

Question 18. ‘He was the most trusting person I had ever met.’ Justify this statement of Hari Singh about his benefactor, Anil. Did he breach Anil’s trust?
Answer: Hari Singh’s description of Anil as the most trusting person underscores Anil’s unwavering faith and generosity. Despite Hari’s past as a thief, Anil entrusted him with employment and educational opportunities. Hari’s theft of 600 rupees tested Anil’s trust, yet Anil’s forgiving nature prevailed. Anil’s decision not to report Hari’s theft and to continue employing him reflects his belief in second chances and the transformative power of compassion. Though Hari breached Anil’s trust initially, Anil’s forgiveness and support ultimately fostered Hari’s redemption and moral growth.

Question 19. How did Hari Singh steal the money? Describe the circumstances that brought him back to work for Anil. What was the main motivating factor that forced him to take that decision?
Answer: Hari Singh stole 600 rupees that Anil had tucked under his mattress, intending to escape with the stolen money. However, upon reaching the station, Hari’s conscience prevented him from boarding the train, prompting him to return the money. The realization of Anil’s kindness and promise to educate him motivated Hari to rectify his mistake and seek redemption. Education emerged as the primary motivating factor, offering Hari the prospect of respect and financial stability beyond the transient gains of theft.

Question 20. Describe the sequence of events that took place after Hari Singh stole the money. Evaluate Hari Singh as a thief and as a human being.
Answer: Hari Singh’s theft of 600 rupees marked a pivotal moment in his moral journey. Despite his expertise as a thief, Hari’s conscience compelled him to return the stolen money to Anil. His decision to prioritize education over ill-gotten gains reflects his evolving values and aspirations for a more honorable life. As a thief, Hari demonstrated cunning and skill, yet his eventual remorse and desire for redemption highlight his capacity for moral growth and self-reflection. Anil’s compassion and belief in Hari’s potential facilitated his transformation from a thief to a morally conscientious human being.

Question 21. Hari Singh could have lived like a rich Arab for a week or two. Why did he choose to go back to Anil in the end?
Answer: Despite the allure of wealth, Hari Singh’s realization of the value of education and the depth of Anil’s kindness compelled him to return to Anil. The prospect of a luxurious lifestyle paled in comparison to the promise of respect and self-improvement through education. Anil’s commitment to Hari’s personal and intellectual growth provided a beacon of hope amidst Hari’s moral turmoil, ultimately guiding him back to a path of redemption and self-discovery. Hari’s decision to prioritize education and integrity over material gain underscores the transformative power of empathy and the pursuit of higher values.

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