A Question of Trust Extra Questions and Answers Class 10 English

A Question of Trust Extra Questions and Answers Class 10 English are available here. Our expert teachers have prepared these additional questions and answers to help you excel in Class 10 English. These questions are divided into short-answer, and long-answer sections. Mastering these questions will assist you in achieving excellent marks in your board exams.

A Question of Trust Extra Questions and Answers

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. How did Horace learn all the details of the house?
Answer: Horace studied the house carefully for two weeks. He also read about it in a magazine, which had a plan of all the rooms and a picture of the safe. The magazine even mentioned where the safe was hidden.

Question 2. How did Horace continue reading books after he was arrested?
Answer: After being arrested, Horace became the assistant librarian in prison, which allowed him to keep reading books.

Question 3. Even though Horace planned everything carefully, why did he fail?
Answer: Horace’s plans were meticulous, but he failed because of the clever lady. She pretended to be the owner of the house and tricked him into opening the safe by claiming she didn’t know the password.

Question 4. How did flowers cause trouble for Horace?
Answer: Horace suffered from allergies, especially during the pollen season. Whenever flowers were nearby, he started sneezing. The only way to avoid it was to stay away from those particular flowers.

Question 5. What was Horace Danby’s hobby, and how did he pursue it?
Answer: Horace’s hobby was reading expensive and rare books. To afford them, he robbed a safe every year and bought the books through an agent.

Question 6. How did the lady ruin his plan?
Answer: The lady pretended to be the house owner and convinced Horace to open the safe for her because she claimed she didn’t know the password. Horace fell for her trick and handed over the jewels, spoiling his plan.

Question 7. Why did the lady report to the police despite promising not to?
Answer: The lady deceived Horace. She promised not to involve the police if he helped her retrieve the jewels. However, she broke her promise because she was also a thief and didn’t want to get caught.

Question 8. How did Horace gain entry to Shot over Grange?
Answer: Horace observed the housekeeper hanging the key outside the kitchen door. He sneaked behind the garden wall, put on gloves, took the key, and entered through the kitchen door.

Question 9. Who is the real culprit in this story, the lady or Horace? How did they manage to rob the safe without leaving fingerprints?
Answer: The real culprit is the lady. She tricked Horace into breaking the safe for her and didn’t leave any fingerprints. She cleverly avoided direct involvement and got away with the jewels.

Question 10. What does the phrase ‘honor among thieves’ mean?
Answer: ‘Honor among thieves’ refers to the idea that thieves have their own code of conduct. They trust and respect each other, seldom betraying their fellow thieves.

Question 11. Who lacked honor between the two characters?
Answer: The young lady lacked honor between the two. Despite encountering a thief, she tricked him into opening the safe. Horace, unaware of her true identity, was deceived, and she escaped with all the jewels. Her dishonesty went against the principles of thieves’ honor.

Question 12. Describe Horace Danby.
Answer: Horace Danby, around fifty years old and unmarried, was a respected locksmith. He ran a successful business but suffered from occasional bouts of hay fever. Despite his respectable facade, he had a dishonest streak.

Question 13. How did Horace Danby acquire rare and expensive books?
Answer: Horace acquired rare and expensive books through an agent, purchasing them secretly. However, since he lacked sufficient funds, he resorted to robbing a safe annually to finance his book collection.

Question 14. What did the young lady request Horace to do?
Answer: The young lady asked Horace to break open the safe, claiming she needed the jewels for a party that evening. She pretended to forget the safe’s combination and coerced Horace into assisting her by threatening to inform the police otherwise.

Question 15. What story did Horace tell the police upon his arrest?
Answer: Horace informed the police that he hadn’t stolen any jewels but had opened the safe for the young wife of the house owner. However, his story was debunked as the actual wife was an elderly woman with gray hair, rendering his tale implausible.

Question 16. Why is Horace Danby considered good and respectable but not entirely honest?
Answer: Horace Danby was respected for his locksmith profession and successful business. However, his annual thefts for purchasing rare books undermined his honesty, making him morally questionable.

Question 17. Why did he resort to theft every year? Was he a typical thief, and if so, why?
Answer: Horace resorted to theft annually to fund his passion for rare books. Although he engaged in thievery, his actions were limited to one safe per year, making him somewhat atypical as a thief due to his specific motive.

Question 18. Describe Horace Danby’s planning process.
Answer: Horace meticulously studied Shotover Grange for two weeks, analyzing its layout, electrical system, and surroundings. Confident that the family was away, and the servants were occupied, he entered the house from behind the garden wall.

Question 19. Despite being a successful thief, what went wrong during Horace’s attempt at Shotover Grange?
Answer: Despite his successful track record, Horace’s plan was foiled when he began sneezing uncontrollably due to hay fever triggered by a large flower pot in the room. His meticulous preparation was undone by an unexpected allergic reaction.

Question 20. What advice did the lady offer Horace regarding his hay fever, and was she genuinely concerned about his health?
Answer: The lady suggested that Horace identify the plant causing his hay fever and recommended he seek medical advice. Her concern appeared superficial, merely an attempt to appear sympathetic and friendly rather than a genuine interest in his well-being.

Question 21. Did the young lady anticipate Horace’s capture after the theft?
Answer: Yes, the young lady expected Horace to be caught after the theft because she believed his fingerprints would easily incriminate him.

Question 22. How could Horace’s arrest have benefited her?
Answer: If Horace Danby had been arrested for the jewel theft at Shotover Grange, it would have alleviated her worries. She obtained the jewels while Horace took the risk of breaking open the safe. Thus, his arrest would have relieved her of any potential repercussions.

Question 23. Did Horace retrieve the jewels from the Grange safe? If not, why was he arrested by the police?
Answer: No, Horace did not acquire the jewels from the Grange safe. However, he opened the safe barehanded, believing he was assisting the owner’s wife. In reality, she was a burglar, and Horace left his fingerprints all over the room. Consequently, the police arrested him for the theft of the Grange jewels.

Question 24. Who was Horace Danby?
Answer: Horace Danby, around fifty years old and unmarried, was perceived as a good and upright citizen. He lived with a concerned housekeeper and battled hay fever during the summer months. Despite his respectable locksmith profession, Horace had a clandestine habit of annually robbing safes to procure rare and expensive books.

Question 25. Why was Horace Danby considered not entirely honest?
Answer: Although regarded as a reputable citizen, Horace Danby wasn’t entirely honest. He maintained his livelihood as a locksmith and enjoyed success in business. However, his annual safe robberies to fund his book purchases contradicted his otherwise respectable image, revealing his moral ambiguity.

Question 26. What preparations did Horace make for this year’s robbery at Shotover Grange?
Answer: Horace meticulously prepared for the robbery at Shotover Grange by studying the house for two weeks. He scrutinized its layout, electrical system, and surroundings, noting the absence of the family and the departure of the servants to the movies. He also observed the housekeeper hanging the kitchen key outside.

Question 27. How did Horace Danby gain entry into the house?
Answer: Horace Danby, after careful preparation, entered the house at Shotover Grange by retrieving the key hung by the housekeeper on the kitchen door hook. He wore gloves to avoid leaving fingerprints and opened the door without any hindrance.

Question 28. What precautions did Horace take before reaching the safe? Name three of them.
Answer: Before reaching the safe, Horace took several precautions:
(i) He donned gloves to prevent leaving fingerprints.
(ii) He pacified the house dog, Sherry, to prevent any disturbance.
(iii) He disabled the poorly constructed burglar alarm by cutting its wires.

Question 29. Why was opening the safe not difficult for Horace Danby?
Answer: Opening the safe posed no challenge for Horace Danby, given his lifelong experience with locks and safes. As a locksmith with proficient knowledge, he understood the safe’s mechanism and possessed the key. Additionally, he had nullified the burglar alarm and encountered no obstacles in the empty house.

Question 30. Whose advice did Horace receive regarding his hay fever treatment?
Answer: While attempting to open the safe, Horace heard a female voice inquiring about his sneezing, suggesting a remedy for his hay fever. She recommended identifying the plant triggering his allergies and advised consulting a doctor for treatment.

Question 31. Describe the unexpected encounter between the young lady in red and Horace.
Answer: As Horace contemplated a remedy for his hay fever, a gentle yet resolute voice surprised him. Turning, he found a pretty young woman in a red dress, casually straightening ornaments by the fireplace. Expressing her disbelief at encountering a burglar, she subtly threatened to involve the police.

Question 32. Why did the woman in red threaten to involve the police?
Answer: Catching Horace in the act, the woman in red expressed her astonishment at encountering a burglar. Recognizing the potential inconvenience of their meeting, she warned Horace against fleeing, threatening to summon the police immediately if he attempted to escape.

Question 33. When and why did the woman in red declare, “Society must be protected from men like you”? Does this statement seem ironic?
Answer: Outraged by Horace’s plea to let him go, the woman in red asserted that society needed protection from individuals like him, emphasizing the threat he posed. Ironically, despite her condemnation, she herself was engaged in criminal activities similar to Horace’s.

Question 34. “I have always liked the wrong kind of people,” remarked the woman in red. Discuss.
Answer: The woman’s statement, “I have always liked the wrong kind of people,” hinted at her affinity for those on the fringes of society. Despite her facade of sophistication, she acknowledged a shared inclination towards deviance, a trait that aligned her with Horace and his illicit endeavors.

Question 35. Why did Horace mistake the young lady in red for the mistress of the house?
Answer: The young lady in red projected an aura of confidence and authority, effortlessly assuming the role of the mistress of the house. Her demeanor, coupled with her apparent ownership of the dog Sherry, convinced Horace of her authority, leading him to mistake her identity.

Question 36. Do you believe the young woman in red outwitted Horace Danby? Explain.
Answer: Undoubtedly, the young woman in red proved herself more cunning than Horace Danby. With unwavering confidence and calculated manipulation, she coerced Horace into opening the safe and subsequently absconded with the jewels, leaving Horace ensnared by her deception and the law.

Question 37. Who is the true culprit in the story, the young lady in red or Horace Danby? Discuss.
Answer: While both characters were complicit in the burglary, the evidence incriminated Horace Danby, leading to his arrest. Despite her pivotal role in orchestrating the crime, the young lady in red remained undetected and absconded with the stolen jewels, leaving Horace to face the consequences alone.

Question 38. Why didn’t the dog bark when Horace Danby and the young lady in red entered the house to commit theft?
Answer: Horace Danby and the young lady in red understood the nuances of dealing with dogs and employed tactics to maintain their silence. By addressing the dog Sherry by its name and exhibiting familiarity, they ensured the dog remained calm, preventing any disturbance.

Question 39. Why did Horace Danby prefer collecting books over paintings?
Answer: Horace Danby’s preference for books over paintings stemmed from their practicality. Books occupied less space compared to paintings, making them a more feasible choice for his modest living quarters. Moreover, his passion for rare and expensive books fueled his preference for collecting them.

Question 40. Why did Horace Danby never get the opportunity to search for another safe?
Answer: Despite his intention to continue his annual safe robberies for book funds, Horace Danby’s plans were thwarted by his arrest for the jewel theft at Shotover Grange. With the police closing in, Horace’s aspirations to locate another safe were abruptly cut short.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1: Horace Danby represents individuals who resort to wrongdoing to fulfill their desires. What values should such individuals embrace to reform themselves? Share your thoughts in about 100-120 words.
Answer: Horace Danby, a successful businessman in his fifties, had an unusual habit of robbing safes to acquire rare books. Despite his respectable facade, he resorted to theft annually. Such individuals should adopt values like honesty, responsibility, hard work, dedication, and self-confidence to reform themselves. They need to understand that success comes through honest efforts, not shortcuts. By cultivating these values, individuals like Danby can redirect their actions towards positive endeavors and contribute constructively to society.

Question 2: Horace Danby, though respectable, strayed into thievery. What factors might have led him down this path? Discuss the values he should have upheld in 100-120 words.
Answer: Horace Danby, though respectable, succumbed to thievery due to his passion for rare books. His actions stemmed from a lack of appreciation for the value of honesty and the acceptance of social differences. Instead of recognizing the importance of integrity and respecting others’ possessions, he targeted the wealthy for his thefts. Danby should have embraced values such as integrity, respect, empathy, and humility. These values would have guided him towards a more principled life, fostering a sense of accountability and empathy towards others regardless of their social status.

Question 3: Horace Danby promised honesty but failed to keep it. What values could have helped him stay true to his word? Reflect in 100-120 words.
Answer: Horace Danby’s inability to uphold his promise of honesty stemmed from a lack of resilience and ethical clarity. Despite his initial intentions, he succumbed to pressure and circumstances. To stay committed to his word, Danby needed to imbibe values like integrity, perseverance, accountability, and courage. These values would have empowered him to resist temptation and stand firm in his principles. By embracing these virtues, Danby could have navigated challenges with integrity and upheld his commitment to honesty, ultimately leading to personal growth and redemption.

Question 4: Horace Danby claimed to only target the wealthy. Was he truly a menace to society? Discuss the values he should have embraced in 100-120 words.
Answer: Horace Danby, despite his criminal acts, cannot be labeled a menace to society. His thefts, driven by a passion for rare books rather than malice, did not pose a direct threat to others. He maintained a semblance of honesty in his daily life and did not resort to violence or harm. However, Danby lacked foresight and ethical clarity. To lead a righteous life, he should have embraced values like honesty, empathy, responsibility, and respect for others’ property. By cultivating these virtues, Danby could have pursued his passions through legitimate means, contributing positively to society while upholding moral standards.

Question 5: Horace Danby sought to conceal his actions. Was fear his primary motivation? Explore the values associated with accepting one’s mistakes in 100-120 words.
Answer: Yes, fear of exposure motivated Horace Danby’s attempts to conceal his crimes. Despite being a fundamentally honest individual, he feared tarnishing his reputation and facing consequences. However, courage and humility are essential values in accepting one’s mistakes. Danby could have demonstrated integrity by acknowledging his wrongdoing and taking responsibility for his actions. Embracing values such as honesty, accountability, and courage would have enabled him to confront his mistakes with dignity and integrity. By accepting accountability and striving for personal growth, individuals like Danby can navigate challenges with grace and contribute to building a more ethical and compassionate society.

Question 6. Why did Horace feel hopeful when he met the young lady at Shotover Grange? Did he think she cared about him? Was she fair in her actions? Explain Horace’s values needed to understand others better in 100-120 words.
Answer: Horace, a 50-year-old robber, usually stole to buy rare books. At Shotover Grange, he encountered a confident young lady claiming to be the mistress. She spoke kindly and discussed noble ideas like acting. Horace felt a glimmer of hope and compassion from her. He found her sympathetic and was amused by her demeanor. However, he misjudged her intentions. She manipulated him into opening the safe, pretending to be the owner’s wife, and fled with the jewels, leaving Horace to face the consequences. Horace needed to discern people better, recognizing true intentions beyond surface appearances, to avoid such traps in the future.

Question 7. Describe Horace Danby’s character.
Answer: Horace Danby, a 50-year-old locksmith, was a respected figure but unmarried. Despite his success, he had a dishonest streak, robbing safes annually to afford rare books. He was meticulous in his planning, careful to avoid leaving evidence. However, his encounter with a deceptive young lady led to his arrest, shattering his trust in criminal codes.

Question 8. Explain Horace Danby’s encounter with the young lady.
Answer: While attempting a robbery at Shotover Grange, Horace encountered a confident young lady who claimed to be the owner’s wife. She manipulated him into opening the safe, pretending she needed the jewels for a party. Horace fell for her ruse, giving her the jewels and inadvertently leaving evidence that led to his arrest.

Question 9. What were Horace Danby’s plans for his latest robbery?
Answer: Horace meticulously planned his latest robbery at Shotover Grange, aiming to steal jewels worth thousands of pounds. He observed the house for weeks, noting the servants’ absence and preparing his tools. Horace believed this heist would provide funds for another year.

Question 10. How did the lady in red outsmart Horace Danby?
Answer: Despite Horace’s expertise, the lady in red, a fellow thief, deceived him at Shotover Grange. Acting as the mistress, she convinced Horace to open the safe, exploiting his trust. Horace, unaware of her true identity, complied, leaving fingerprints that led to his arrest. The lady’s cunning and manipulation proved superior, exposing Horace’s vulnerability to deception.

Question 11. Who is Horace Danby, and how did he get outsmarted by the lady in red?
Answer: Horace Danby, a middle-aged unmarried man, was perceived as a good and honest citizen who suffered from hay fever in the summer. He had a successful business making locks but secretly robbed a safe every year to fund his passion for buying rare books. Despite his meticulous preparations for each robbery, he fell prey to the lady in red’s deception. She confidently posed as the homeowner and manipulated him into opening the safe without gloves, allowing her to steal the jewels while Horace ended up in prison.

Question 12. Describe the lady in red and how she outwitted Horace Danby.
Answer: The lady in red remains enigmatic throughout the story, with no background information revealed about her past. She arrives at the scene with the sole intention of committing theft, just like Horace. Confident and convincing, she impersonates the lady of the house flawlessly, dominating the situation and exploiting Horace’s naivety. By pretending she needed the jewels for a party, she persuades Horace to hand them over without suspicion, ultimately outsmarting him and escaping with the loot.

Question 13. How did Horace plan to rob the house at Shotover Grange?
Answer: Horace Danby meticulously planned his robbery at Shotover Grange, just like his previous heists. He spent two weeks studying the house, its layout, and its occupants’ routines. Knowing that the servants were out, he carefully observed their departure and retrieved the key to the house. Following his routine, he wore gloves before entering and had detailed knowledge of where the safe was hidden, ensuring his theft would be as successful as his previous endeavors.

Question 14. What led to Horace Danby’s arrest for the jewel robbery at Shotover Grange, and was his own error to blame?
Horace, typically meticulous in his thefts, fell victim to his own trust in the lady in red. Believing her to be the homeowner’s wife, he opened the safe without gloves as she requested. His arrest came swiftly after, as the real homeowner arrived and refuted his story, revealing the lady in red’s true identity as a fellow thief. Horace’s downfall stemmed from his failure to see through her deception, leading to his arrest and exposure as a novice compared to the cunning lady in red.

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