Bholi Extra Questions and Answers Class 10 English

Bholi Extra Questions and Answers Class 10 English are available here. Class 10 English Bholi extra questions and answers are prepared by our expert teachers. All these questions are divided into two or three sections: short-type questions answers and long-type question answers. Learning these questions will help you score excellent marks in the board exams.

Bholi Extra Questions and Answers

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1: “God cannot be everywhere, so he created Mothers”. Do you think Bholi’s mother complies with this statement? Give at least three reasons to support your answer.
Answer: Bholi’s mother does not comply with this statement. Here are the reasons:
(i) Bholi’s mother neglected her care both in childhood and young age.
(ii) She showed no concern for Bholi’s education or clothing.
(iii) She disregarded Bholi’s future by not being selective about her groom, whether he was honorable or exploitative.

Question 2: What were the two steps taken by Ramlal to persuade Bishamber to marry Bholi?
Answer: Ramlal persuaded Bishamber to marry Bholi by offering him a dowry of five thousand rupees.

Question 3: Describe Bholi’s feelings when her teacher assured to make her the most learned in her village.
Answer: Bholi, initially a slow learner who stammered, felt uplifted when her teacher assured to make her the most learned in her village. She found solace in her teacher’s encouragement and teaching methods. Her confidence soared, and she overcame her stammering, feeling comfortable and empowered in her learning journey.

Question 4: Give two points to demonstrate that Bholi’s wedding was a grand one.
Answer: Bholi’s marriage was indeed grand. Firstly, a brass band played a popular tune from an Indian film, leading the procession. Secondly, the groom, Bishamber, arrived on a decorated horse amidst a large entourage of friends and relatives, resembling a grand procession.

Question 5: What two actions did Bholi take to stop her marriage to Bishamber?
Answer: To stop her marriage to Bishamber, Bholi courageously threw the garland into the fire during the wedding ceremony. Additionally, she removed her veil and implored her father to return the dowry, firmly refusing to marry Bishamber.

Question 6: How did Bholi console her father in the end?
Answer: Bholi consoled her father by promising to take care of her parents in their old age, even if she didn’t get married. She also reassured him that she would become a teacher at the same school where she had received her education.

Question 7: Draw a conclusion as to why Bholi’s teacher felt like an artist admiring her masterpiece.
Answer: Bholi’s teacher felt akin to an artist admiring her masterpiece as she witnessed the transformation of Bholi from a timid and uncertain girl to a confident and self-assured individual, thanks to her nurturing and encouragement.

Question 8: What did the Tehsildar suggest to Ramlal?
Answer: The Tehsildar advised Ramlal to set an example for the villagers by sending his daughters to school, emphasizing the importance of education for girls.

Question 9: Everyone’s first day at school is generally filled with fun, joy, and happiness. How was Bholi’s first day at school?
Answer: Despite her challenges, Bholi’s first day at school was enjoyable. Her teacher presented her with a book filled with colorful pictures of animals, promising that she would be able to read it within a month. This made her day delightful and promising.

Question 10: How was Bholi different from the other children at home?
Answer: Unlike her siblings, Bholi faced challenges from a young age. At ten months old, she fell from a cot, damaging part of her brain and affecting her intelligence, making her a slow learner. Additionally, she contracted smallpox at the age of two, leaving her with visible scars, which made her look different from her siblings.

Question 11: What kind of person was Ramlal, and what were his thoughts about sending girls to school?
Answer: Ramlal was a rich farmer with seven children. He didn’t believe in sending girls to school because he thought it would be hard to find them good husbands. He wanted to get rid of Bholi because she wasn’t pretty or smart.

Question 12: Can you explain how Bholi got disfigured and why she became a slow learner?
Answer: Bholi got smallpox when she was two, which left her with deep scars. She also fell off her cot when she was a baby, possibly damaging her brain. These accidents made her slow to learn.

Question 13: Was Ramlal happy about sending Bholi to school, and why did he agree to it?
Answer: Ramlal wasn’t happy about it because nobody in their family had ever gone to school. But the Tehsildar, a government official, told him to set a good example by sending Bholi. So, he had to obey.

Question 14: Why was Bholi scared to go to school?
Answer: Bholi thought her parents were punishing her by sending her to school. She didn’t understand what school was, so she was terrified.

Question 15: How did Bholi’s family prepare her for school, and when did she start thinking school was better than home?
Answer: They gave her clean clothes and bathed her. They made her hair neat. Only after this, Bholi thought school might be better than home.

Question 16: What was Bholi’s first day at school like? Did she enjoy it?
Answer: Bholi was happy to see many girls her age but didn’t understand what the teacher said. She liked the pictures on the wall. She felt relieved when the teacher encouraged her.

Question 17: How did the teacher help Bholi pronounce her name clearly?
Answer: The teacher asked Bholi to say her name and encouraged her patiently until she could say it clearly.

Question 18: Why did the teacher believe that Bholi could become the most educated person in the village?
Answer: Despite Bholi’s difficulty in speaking, the teacher saw her potential and encouraged her to learn. The teacher believed Bholi could excel with time.

Question 19: When did Bholi feel hopeful and full of life again?
Answer: When the teacher helped her pronounce her name and gave her a picture book, Bholi felt hopeful and excited about learning.

Question 20: What changes did the village undergo after some years?
Answer: The village turned into a small town. A cinema, a cotton-ginning mill, and a railway station were established, signifying growth and progress.

Question 21: How did Ramlal feel about Bishamber’s proposal for Bholi? What was Bholi’s mother’s opinion about this proposal?
Answer: Ramlal was pleasantly surprised by Bishamber’s proposal for Bholi’s marriage despite her lack of beauty or intelligence. Bholi’s mother accepted the proposal, believing Bholi was fortunate to have such a wealthy suitor who didn’t ask for a dowry.

Question 22: Was Bishamber a suitable match for Bholi? Share your thoughts.
Answer: No, Bishamber was not a suitable match for Bholi. Despite his wealth, he was greedy and heartless. He demanded a dowry of 5000 rupees upon seeing Bholi’s scars, showing his unworthiness as a husband. Bholi made the right decision in rejecting him.

Question 23: Initially, why didn’t Bholi oppose the unequal match proposal? Why did she eventually agree to it?
Answer: Bholi felt she was a burden to her parents and saw their happiness in the proposal. To honor her family’s wishes and protect their dignity, she didn’t oppose it initially. She agreed to the marriage to alleviate her parents’ concerns and maintain their respect.

Question 24: What preparations did Bishamber make for the wedding day, and how did Bholi’s family react to the celebrations?
Answer: Bishamber arrived with a large entourage of friends and relatives, accompanied by a brass band playing lively tunes. Ramlal was delighted by the grandeur of the event, while Bholi’s elder sisters were envious of her luck.

Question 25: What happened when Bishamber caught a glimpse of Bholi’s face?
Answer: When Bishamber saw Bholi’s face, he noticed her scars and demanded 5000 rupees as dowry, causing a commotion during the ceremony.

Question 26: How did Ramlal respond to Bishamber’s demand for 5000 rupees?
Answer: Ramlal pleaded with Bishamber, offering 2000 rupees instead, but Bishamber remained firm. Ramlal eventually surrendered, placing the money at Bishamber’s feet.

Question 27: Why did Bholi throw the wedding garland into the fire?
Answer: Feeling betrayed and outraged by Bishamber’s greed and insensitivity, Bholi rejected him by tossing the wedding garland into the fire, refusing to marry such a mean-spirited man.

Question 28: How did Bholi react to the derogatory remarks from an old woman?
Answer: Bholi confronted the old woman, rejecting the demeaning labels of “shameless girl” and “dumb cow,” asserting her newfound voice and determination to stand up for herself.

Question 29: How did Ramlal react after the ceremony concluded with Bishamber leaving alone?
Answer: Ramlal stood in despair, realizing the bleak future for Bholi. He questioned what would become of her now that she was unlikely to find another suitor.

Question 30: When Bholi’s grieving father expressed concern about her future, how did she respond?
Answer: Bholi reassured her father, expressing her commitment to care for him and her mother in their old age. She also resolved to teach at the same school where she had received her education.

Question 31: How did the teacher react to Bholi’s wish expressed in the end?
Answer: The teacher had been observing everything from a corner and heard Bholi express her desire to teach in the same school she attended. When Bholi looked to the teacher for confirmation, she warmly replied, “Yes, Bholi, of course.” It made Bholi feel as if her mission had been accomplished.

Question 32: Why was Sulekha called Bholi, the simpleton?
Answer: Sulekha was nicknamed Bholi because she suffered a brain injury when she fell off her cot as a baby. This made her a backward child who struggled with speaking and had pockmarks on her face, leading others to mock and call her a simpleton.

Question 33: Describe the family of Ramlal, the Numberdar.
Answer: Ramlal, the Numberdar, had seven children—three sons and four daughters. His daughters were healthy and good looking, except for Bholi, his youngest, who faced challenges due to her appearance and intelligence. His sons received education in the city.

Question 34: Why was Sulekha nicknamed Bholi?
Answer: Sulekha was called Bholi because she suffered a brain injury when she fell from her cot as a baby, which affected her development and intelligence.

Question 35: Why did Sulekha start stammering?
Answer: Sulekha started stammering because other children mocked and mimicked her due to her struggles with speaking, which made her self-conscious and anxious.

Question 36: Why did the Tehsildar come to Ramlal’s village? What did he ask Randal to do?
Answer: The Tehsildar visited Ramlal’s village to inaugurate a girls’ primary school. He requested Ramlal, the village head, to set an example by sending his daughters to school.

Question 37: Why was Bholi reluctant to go to school with her father?
Answer: Bholi was hesitant to go to school with her father because she misunderstood and feared that she was being expelled from her home, akin to their old cow Lakshmi.

Question 38: What made her feel that she was going to a better place than her home?
Answer: Bholi felt she was going to a better place than her home because she was given clean clothes, a bath, and had her hair oiled, which was unusual treatment for her and made her feel special.

Question 39: Why did Bholi’s parents accept Bishamber’s marriage proposal? Give three reasons.
Answer: Bholi’s parents agreed to Bishamber’s proposal because he did not demand dowry, was from another village and unaware of Bholi’s appearance and lack of sense, and they feared Bholi might remain unmarried if they declined.

Question 40: How does she become a masterpiece?
Answer: Despite being neglected and considered foolish, Bholi’s teacher supported and inspired her, leading her to become confident and assertive. She refused to marry a greedy man and resolved to care for her parents, transforming into a masterpiece.

Question 41: Give details about Ramlal’s children.
Answer: Ramlal had seven children—four daughters and three sons. His sons received education in schools and colleges, while his daughters, except for Bholi, were healthy and attractive. Bholi, the youngest, faced challenges due to her appearance and intelligence.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1: Although Bholi never got the deserved love, care, and acceptance from her family, she is ready to reciprocate like all daughters in Indian society. Discuss the character of Bholi in the light of the above-mentioned.
Answer: Bholi, the fourth daughter of Ramlal, suffered neglect and mistreatment due to her physical and mental challenges. Despite this, she displayed remarkable loyalty and filial devotion typical of daughters in Indian society. Despite being engaged to a much older, greedy man, she remained silent for her parents’ sake. However, when faced with the unjust demand for dowry, she boldly refused, vowing to serve her parents in their old age. Thus, despite her hardships, Bholi embodies the sacrificial love expected of daughters in Indian culture.

Question 2: Bholi challenged the dowry seeker. She used to be a meek girl. What changed her attitude towards life?
Answer: Bholi, once meek and submissive, underwent a transformation due to the influence of education and her teacher’s encouragement. Despite facing neglect and ridicule, her teacher instilled confidence and ambition in her. Education empowered Bholi to challenge societal norms and reject injustice, as seen in her refusal to accept the dowry demand from her prospective groom, Bishamber. Education thus changed Bholi’s outlook on life, imbuing her with courage and independence.

Question 3: ‘And in her smiling eyes was the light of deep satisfaction that an artist feels when he is contemplating the completion of his masterpiece.’ Imagine you are Bholi’s teacher. You are overwhelmed with a sense of satisfaction to see the conversion of Moll to Selecta. Express your feelings in the form of a diary entry.
Answer: Diary Entry:
Today marks a profound sense of fulfillment as I witness Bholi’s remarkable transformation from timidity to strength. From her tentative beginnings in my classroom, she has blossomed into a beacon of resilience and integrity. Despite the indifference of her family, she embraced education with unwavering determination, shedding her former identity as ‘Bholi’ to embrace her true self as ‘Selecta.’ Today, as she defied societal expectations and stood against injustice, I am reminded of the immense power of education to ignite change. Bholi embodies the essence of resilience and courage, and in her, I see the realization of my most cherished aspirations as a teacher. She is indeed my masterpiece, a testament to the transformative power of education.

Question 4: Demanding dowry is an evil practice. Describe how Bholi, a dumb cowgirl fought against this evil.
Answer: Bholi, once perceived as a helpless ‘dumb cowgirl,’ emerged as a courageous crusader against the evil of dowry. Despite societal pressures and her own family’s indifference, she refused to succumb to injustice. When confronted with Bishamber’s demand for dowry, she rejected it vehemently, denouncing the practice as despicable and unworthy. Her defiance shattered stereotypes and ignited a beacon of hope for countless women trapped in similar circumstances. Bholi’s unwavering stance against dowry epitomizes the strength of character and moral integrity that define her newfound identity.

Question 5: Who was Bishamber? Why did Bholi’s parents accept his marriage proposal?
Answer: Bishamber Nath, a prosperous grocer, proposed marriage to Bholi, offering financial stability and security. Despite being a widower, Bishamber was financially well-off and did not demand dowry, making him an attractive prospect for Ramlal, Bholi’s father. Concerned about Bholi’s future and burdened by societal expectations, Ramlal accepted the proposal, hoping it would ensure his daughter’s welfare. Unaware of Bholi’s challenges, Bishamber seemed like an ideal match, prompting Ramlal to embrace the opportunity for his daughter’s marital security.

Question 6: It was a twist of fate that Bholi’s future was made better.’ Rate the above statement with reference to how Bholi was sent to school and educated.
Answer: Bholi, once neglected and mistreated due to her physical and mental challenges, experienced a twist of fate when she was sent to school. Despite her parents’ low expectations and societal prejudices, education became her beacon of hope. Under the guidance of a compassionate teacher, Bholi blossomed from a timid girl into a confident, self-respecting individual. Though her engagement to an older man seemed like her predetermined fate, her refusal to accept dowry showcased her newfound strength and determination. Education became the catalyst for Bholi’s transformation, illuminating a brighter future despite the odds.

Question 7: Bholi’s father was worried about her. Why didn’t Bholi’s parents treat her at par with other siblings? Parents are the ones who the children look up to. What values should the parents possess that help their children share a strong bond with them?
Answer: Bholi’s parents, overwhelmed by her physical and mental challenges, failed to treat her equally with her siblings, perpetuating societal biases and neglect. The absence of empathy and understanding led to Bholi’s alienation within her family. Parents should embody values of compassion, acceptance, and unconditional love to foster strong bonds with their children. By embracing their child’s uniqueness and offering unwavering support, parents can cultivate a sense of belonging and security, nurturing healthy relationships built on mutual respect and trust.

Question 8: The story, ‘Bholi’ throws light on some social evils being practiced in our society. Bholi took a stand and succeeded in overcoming social barriers. What can you contribute to change the social attitudes illustrated in the story?
Answer: Bholi’s courageous stand against societal injustices underscores the need for collective action to challenge and eradicate entrenched social evils. To effect change, individuals can advocate for education, gender equality, and human rights, fostering awareness and empowerment within their communities. By promoting inclusive values, condemning discriminatory practices, and advocating for policy reforms, individuals can contribute to a more equitable and just society, where every individual is treated with dignity and respect.

Question 9: Bholi’s teacher was not an ordinary teacher. She was more than that. Suppose you become a teacher. What qualities of Bholi’s teacher will you imbibe to help students to overcome social discrimination?
Answer: If I were to become a teacher, I would emulate the qualities of Bholi’s teacher to empower students to confront and overcome social discrimination. Compassion, empathy, and inclusivity would guide my interactions with students, fostering a safe and supportive learning environment where diversity is celebrated and valued. By promoting critical thinking, empathy, and respect for others, I would empower students to challenge prejudice and advocate for social justice, instilling in them the confidence and resilience to navigate a complex world with integrity and compassion.

Question 10: Describe the teacher’s role in molding the life of Bholi.
Answer: Bholi’s teacher played a transformative role in shaping her life, serving as a beacon of hope and guidance in her journey towards self-discovery and empowerment. With patience, compassion, and unwavering support, the teacher nurtured Bholi’s confidence and self-esteem, instilling in her the belief that she was capable of transcending societal expectations and realizing her full potential. Through encouragement and mentorship, the teacher helped Bholi find her voice, enabling her to challenge injustice and discrimination with courage and conviction. The teacher’s influence extended beyond the classroom, empowering Bholi to envision a future defined by dignity, equality, and self-determination.

Question 11: Give a brief character sketch of Bholi and describe the role of the teacher played in her life?
Answer: Bholi, originally named Selecta, suffered from neglect and mistreatment due to her physical and mental challenges. With a damaged brain from a fall and pockmarks from smallpox, she was deemed an undesirable match for marriage. Sent to school at seven, Bholi encountered a compassionate teacher who nurtured her confidence and self-respect. Despite her parents’ intentions to marry her off to an older man, Bholi’s teacher instilled in her the courage to reject such a fate, envisioning a future where she would serve her parents in their old age and become a teacher herself.

Question 12: Give a character-sketch of Bholi’s teacher who taught at the primary village school.
Answer: Bholi’s teacher exemplified compassion and dedication in her role as an educator. Patient and understanding, she recognized Bholi’s potential despite her challenges. With gentle encouragement, she helped Bholi overcome her stammer and gain confidence. Her unwavering support empowered Bholi to defy societal expectations and assert her worth. During Bholi’s wedding, the teacher silently observed, embodying both mentorship and affirmation as Bholi asserted her independence and rejected societal norms.

Question 13: Who was Bishamber Nath? Did Bholi do the right thing to reject such a person?
Answer: Bishamber Nath, a wealthy grocer and widower, proposed marriage to Bholi. Despite his financial stability, he demanded a dowry upon discovering Bholi’s pockmarked face. Bholi’s refusal to accept such demeaning treatment was commendable, affirming her dignity and self-worth. Rejecting Bishamber’s proposal was the right decision, as it upheld Bholi’s integrity and condemned the practice of dowry, illustrating her courage and self-respect.

Question 14: What kind of treatment does Bholi get from her parents? Does she deserve it? Comment.
Answer: Bholi, the neglected daughter of Ramlal, faced indifference and mistreatment from her parents due to her physical and mental challenges. Denied new clothes and basic care, she was deemed undesirable for marriage. Bholi’s parents prioritized societal expectations over her well-being, demonstrating callous disregard for her happiness. No child deserves such neglect and discrimination, highlighting the injustices perpetuated by societal prejudices and parental neglect.

Question 15: Draw a pen—portrait of Ramlal in about 120 words.
Answer: Ramlal, a prosperous farmer and patriarch of his household, embodied traditional values of family and societal honor. Concerned with appearances and societal expectations, he prioritized marrying off his daughters over their education and happiness. As the Numberdar of the village, Ramlal valued wealth and status, willing to sacrifice his daughter’s well-being to preserve his family’s honor. Despite his pragmatic nature, Ramlal’s actions revealed a lack of empathy and compassion towards Bholi, his neglected daughter. His willingness to comply with societal norms, even at the expense of his daughter’s happiness, underscores the limitations of traditional values and the prevalence of discrimination within society.

Question 16: Narrate Bholi’s first experience in the class. How was she treated by her teacher?
Answer: Bholi’s initial school experience was marked by fear and uncertainty. She resisted her father’s attempts to take her to school, fearing abandonment. However, her teacher’s warm and gentle demeanor transformed her apprehension into curiosity. Despite struggling to pronounce her name, Bholi found solace in her teacher’s encouraging words. Through patient guidance and reassurance, the teacher created a safe space for Bholi to overcome her fears and embrace learning, igniting a newfound sense of hope and belonging in her young student’s heart.

Question 17: Draw a character-sketch of Bholi in your own words, highlighting her transformation from a harmless ‘dumb cow’ to a fearless and independent girl. Or Bholi was known to be a “dumb cow.” How did she turn out to be an outspoken and fearless girl?
Answer: Bholi, once deemed a “dumb cow” by society due to her physical and mental challenges, underwent a remarkable transformation under the guidance of her compassionate teacher. Initially timid and resigned to her fate, Bholi’s encounter with education empowered her to challenge societal norms and assert her worth. With newfound confidence and resilience, she refused to succumb to the oppressive demands of dowry and outdated traditions, rejecting a demeaning marriage proposal. Instead, she embraced her independence, envisioning a future where she served her parents and community as an educator, embodying the spirit of resilience and self-determination.

Question 18: On the basis of your understanding of the story, sketch the character of Bholi and describe the role the teacher played in her life.
Answer: Bholi, a neglected and marginalized girl, found hope and empowerment through the nurturing guidance of her teacher. Despite facing ridicule and discrimination due to her physical and mental challenges, Bholi’s teacher recognized her potential and instilled in her the confidence to defy societal expectations. Through patient mentorship and encouragement, the teacher facilitated Bholi’s transformation from a timid outcast to a courageous and independent young woman. Empowered by education and self-belief, Bholi challenged injustice and embraced her voice, determined to shape her destiny on her own terms.

Question 19: What was new hope and new life for Bholi?
Answer: For Bholi, her first day at school symbolized a new beginning and a source of hope amid adversity. Encouraged by her teacher’s gentle demeanor and supportive words, Bholi found solace in the promise of education. Through the teacher’s guidance, Bholi discovered a path to self-discovery and empowerment, envisioning a future where she could overcome her limitations and achieve her dreams. The teacher’s belief in Bholi’s potential ignited a spark of resilience within her, transforming her outlook on life and offering a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness of societal prejudice and discrimination.

Question 20: Give a brief sketch of Ramlal’s character.
Answer: Ramlal, the patriarch of his family and a respected figure in the village, exhibited both traditional values and genuine concern for his daughters’ well-being. Despite his initial apprehensions about Bholi’s future, Ramlal demonstrated compassion and support by facilitating her education. While influenced by societal expectations, Ramlal’s ultimate decision to prioritize Bholi’s happiness over material concerns underscored his underlying commitment to familial love and integrity. Despite facing challenges, Ramlal’s character reflected a blend of pragmatism and empathy, ultimately shaping his daughter’s journey towards empowerment and self-discovery.

Question 21: Question: Give a brief account of Ramlal’s children.
Answer: Ramlal was the father of seven children, comprising three sons and four daughters. Among his daughters were Radha, Mangla, Champa, and Sulekha, known as Bholi. Ramlal, a prosperous farmer, prioritized education for his sons, sending them to the city and later to college. His three daughters, Radha, Mangla, and Champa, were considered beautiful and faced no challenges in finding suitable matches. However, Ramlal harbored concerns about Bholi’s future due to her backwardness, pock-marked face, and stammering speech, making her the subject of neglect within the family.

Question 22: What kind of treatment is given to Bholi by her parents? Is it justified?
Answer: Bholi, the youngest among Ramlal’s children, faced neglect and mistreatment from her parents due to her physical and cognitive challenges. Despite her struggles, her parents failed to provide her with the care and attention she needed, relegating her to the status of a burden within the family. They neglected her hygiene, clothing, and emotional needs, further exacerbating her sense of isolation and worthlessness. The treatment meted out to Bholi by her parents was unjustified, reflecting a lack of empathy and compassion towards a vulnerable member of their family.

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