Class 10 Science Chapter 6 Notes

Control And Coordination Class 10 Science Chapter 6 Notes are available here. Developed by subject experts from CBSE Wale. These notes offer a reliable and trustworthy resource for students to enhance their understanding and support their studies.

Control And Coordination Class 10 Science Chapter 6 Notes


  • Life processes involved in maintenance functions in living organisms were discussed in the previous chapter.
  • Initial notion: moving entities are considered alive.
  • Some movements are due to growth, as seen in plants.
  • Example: a germinating seed moves by pushing soil aside as it grows.
  • Movement stops if growth is halted.
  • Certain movements in animals and some plants are unrelated to growth.
  • Examples: a running cat, children playing on swings, and buffaloes chewing cud.
  • Visible movements are associated with life because they are responses to environmental changes.
  • Movements are attempts by organisms to use environmental changes to their advantage.
  • Examples: plants growing towards sunlight, children swinging for fun, buffaloes chewing cud for better digestion.
  • Movement as a response to protect from changes like bright light or touching a hot object.
  • Movement in response to the environment is carefully controlled.
  • Appropriate movements are triggered by specific environmental changes.
  • Example: whispering in class instead of shouting.
  • Controlled movement depends on recognizing environmental events and responding correctly.
  • Living organisms use systems for control and coordination.
  • In multicellular organisms, specialized tissues provide control and coordination activities.

Animals – Nervous System

  • Control and coordination in animals are provided by nervous and muscular tissues.
  • Touching a hot object is an urgent and dangerous situation requiring detection and response.
  • Detection of environmental information is done by specialized tips of nerve cells located in sense organs (inner ear, nose, tongue, etc.).
  • Gustatory receptors detect taste; olfactory receptors detect smell.
  • Information acquired at the dendritic tip of a nerve cell sets off a chemical reaction that creates an electrical impulse.
  • The electrical impulse travels from the dendrite to the cell body, then along the axon to its end.
  • At the axon end, the electrical impulse triggers the release of chemicals.
  • These chemicals cross the synapse and start a similar electrical impulse in the dendrite of the next neuron.
  • Nervous impulses travel in the body through this mechanism.
  • Synapses allow the delivery of impulses from neurons to other cells (muscle cells or glands).
  • Nervous tissue consists of an organized network of neurons, specialized for conducting information via electrical impulses.
  • Identify parts of a neuron: (i) where information is acquired, (ii) through which information travels as an electrical impulse, (iii) where the impulse is converted into a chemical signal for onward transmission.
  • Question to consider: Does food taste different if your nose is blocked? Why might this happen? Discuss possible explanations, especially in the context of having a cold.

What happens in Reflex Actions?

  • “Reflex” refers to sudden actions in response to environmental stimuli, such as jumping away from danger or pulling back from heat.
  • These actions occur without conscious thought or deliberate control.
  • Despite the lack of conscious control, these actions are responses to changes in the environment.
  • Control and coordination in reflex actions involve rapid and automatic responses to ensure safety or immediate adjustment to stimuli.
  • Touching a flame is perceived as urgent and dangerous.
  • The response involves consciously thinking about the pain and potential harm.
  • The speed of response depends on the time it takes to process these thoughts and impulses.
  • Thinking involves a complex interaction of nerve impulses from multiple neurons.
  • Nerve impulses play a crucial role in the transmission of sensory information and decision-making processes.
  • The brain, which processes thoughts and responses, is densely networked with neurons.
  • It is located at the forward end of the skull and integrates signals from across the body.
  • Signals from various parts of the body are received and processed before a response is generated.
  • Nerves connect the brain to different parts of the body for signal transmission.
  • Delays in processing these signals could result in potential harm, such as getting burnt when touching a hot object.
  • The body’s design solves the problem of delayed responses by using reflex arcs.
  • Reflex arcs connect sensory nerves detecting stimuli (like heat) directly to motor nerves that control muscles.
  • This direct connection allows for quick detection of stimuli and immediate motor response.
  • Reflex arcs are commonly formed in the spinal cord, where sensory and motor nerves first meet.
  • The spinal cord serves as a central point for reflex arc connections, though sensory information also continues to the brain for further processing.
  • Reflex arcs have evolved in animals because the brain’s thinking process is not fast enough for immediate responses.
  • Many animals lack the complex neuron networks required for higher-level thinking.
  • Reflex arcs are efficient mechanisms for quick responses to stimuli.
  • Even with the evolution of complex neuron networks, reflex arcs remain effective for rapid reactions.

As for tracing the sequence of events when a bright light is focused on your eyes, it typically involves:

  • The light stimulus is detected by photoreceptors in the retina of the eye.
  • Nerve impulses are generated in the retina and transmitted via the optic nerve.
  • These impulses travel to the brain, specifically to the visual cortex for processing.
  • Simultaneously, a reflex arc may cause the pupils to constrict to protect the retina from excessive light (the pupillary light reflex).

Human Brain

  • The spinal cord is not solely responsible for reflex actions; it also serves to transmit information for thinking.
  • Thinking involves complex mechanisms and neural connections.
  • The brain is the main coordinating center of the body.
  • The brain and spinal cord together form the central nervous system (CNS).
  • The CNS receives and integrates information from all parts of the body.
  • The brain controls voluntary actions such as writing, talking, and moving objects.
  • Messages from the brain are sent to muscles for voluntary actions.
  • The peripheral nervous system includes cranial nerves from the brain and spinal nerves from the spinal cord, facilitating communication with the rest of the body.
  • The brain enables thinking and actions based on decisions.
  • Different parts of the brain integrate various inputs and outputs.
  • The brain is divided into three major regions: forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain.
  • The fore-brain is responsible for processing sensory impulses from various receptors.
  • Different regions of the fore-brain specialize in processing sensory information related to hearing, smell, sight, etc.
  • There are areas of association within the fore-brain where sensory information is interpreted and integrated with stored information.
  • Decisions on responses are made based on integrated sensory information.
  • Motor areas in the fore-brain control voluntary muscle movements, such as those in the legs.
  • The fore-brain includes centers that handle sensations like hunger and feeling full, which are distinct from sensory perceptions like sight or hearing.
  • The human brain has specific functions associated with its different parts.
  • Reflex actions include involuntary responses like salivation, heartbeat, and digestion, which occur without conscious control.
  • Involuntary actions, such as those controlled by the mid-brain and hind-brain, include functions like blood pressure regulation and vomiting.
  • The medulla in the hind-brain controls many involuntary actions.
  • The cerebellum, located in the hind-brain, is responsible for coordinating voluntary actions like walking, cycling, and fine motor movements.
  • The cerebellum also maintains posture and balance in the body.
  • These involuntary and voluntary actions are crucial for everyday activities, even when not consciously thought about.

How are these Tissues protected?

  • The brain is a delicate and crucial organ.
  • The brain needs careful protection due to its importance for various activities.
  • The body is designed to protect the brain by encasing it in a bony box (the skull).
  • Inside the skull, the brain is contained in a fluid-filled balloon for shock absorption.
  • The vertebral column (backbone) protects the spinal cord.
  • The vertebral column can be felt as a hard, bumpy structure down the middle of the back.

How does the Nervous Tissue cause Action?

  • Nervous tissue collects, sends, and processes information in the body.
  • Nervous tissue makes decisions based on information and conveys them to muscles for action.
  • Muscle tissue performs the final job of movement.
  • When a nerve impulse reaches a muscle, muscle fibers shorten.
  • Muscle cells change shape by altering the arrangement of special proteins in response to nervous impulses.
  • Different types of muscles include voluntary and involuntary muscles.
  • Voluntary muscles are likely under conscious control, while involuntary muscles operate without conscious effort.

Coordination In Plants

  • Animals have a nervous system and muscles for controlling and coordinating body activities.
  • Plants lack a nervous system and muscles.
  • Plants respond to stimuli differently than animals.
  • Example: Chhui-mui (touch-me-not) plants fold up and droop when touched.
  • Another example: Germinating seeds show directional movement—roots grow down, stems grow up.
  • Movement in sensitive plants like chhui-mui is rapid and not linked to growth.
  • Movement in seedlings is directional and caused by growth.
  • If growth is hindered, seedlings do not exhibit movement.
  • Plants exhibit two types of movement: growth-dependent and growth-independent.

Immediate Response to Stimulus

  • Sensitive plants like the chhui-mui respond to touch without involving growth.
  • Plants lack nervous tissue and muscle tissue.
  • The plant detects touch and moves its leaves in response using electrical-chemical means.
  • Movement occurs at a point different from where the plant is touched.
  • Information about touch is communicated through electrical-chemical signals between cells.
  • Unlike animals, plants lack specialized tissue for conducting information.
  • Cells in plants change shape by adjusting water content, causing swelling or shrinking.
  • This change in cell shape allows for movement in response to stimuli.

Movement Due to Growth

  • Plants like the pea plant use tendrils to climb by wrapping around supports upon contact.
  • Tendrils circle objects because the part in contact grows slower than the unattached part.
  • Plants commonly respond to stimuli through directional growth, which gives the appearance of movement.
  • Environmental triggers like light or gravity influence the direction of plant growth.
  • Tropic movements, such as phototropism and gravitropism, involve bending towards or away from stimuli.
  • Shoots exhibit positive phototropism (bending towards light), while roots show negative phototropism (bending away from light).
  • These tropic movements help plants optimize their growth towards light for photosynthesis or anchor themselves more effectively in soil.
  • Roots of plants exhibit positive geotropism (growing downwards) while shoots show negative geotropism (growing upwards).
  • Geotropism is the response to gravity’s pull on the Earth.
  • ‘Hydrotropism’ refers to directional growth in response to water, and ‘chemotropism’ refers to directional growth in response to chemicals.
  • An example of chemotropism is the growth of pollen tubes towards ovules during the reproductive process of plants.
  • Information communication in multicellular organisms involves different speeds of response.
  • The sensitive plant shows very quick movement in response to touch.
  • Sunflowers exhibit slower movement in response to day or night.
  • Growth-related movements in plants are even slower.
  • In animal bodies, growth occurs in carefully controlled directions, not randomly.
  • Controlled movements in animals can vary in speed.
  • Fast responses to stimuli require rapid information transfer.
  • Rapid transmission mediums are necessary for quick responses to stimuli.
  • Electrical impulses are effective for communication.
  • Limitations of electrical impulses include reaching only cells connected by nervous tissue.
  • Cells require time to reset mechanisms between generating impulses.
  • Continuous creation and transmission of electrical impulses by cells are not possible.
  • Multicellular organisms use chemical communication as an alternative means of cell communication.
  • Stimulated cells release chemical compounds instead of electrical impulses.
  • These compounds diffuse around the original cell.
  • Cells with specific molecules on their surfaces can detect and transmit this information.
  • Chemical communication is slower but can potentially reach all cells of the body.
  • Hormones used by multicellular organisms are diverse and aid in control and coordination.
  • Plant hormones coordinate growth, development, and responses to the environment.
  • Hormones are synthesized at one location and diffuse to their target areas of action.
  • Auxin, synthesized at the shoot tip, helps plants grow longer in response to light.
  • Auxin diffuses towards the shaded side of the shoot, causing cells to elongate on the opposite side, bending the plant towards light.
  • Gibberellins aid in stem growth similar to auxins.
  • Cytokinins promote cell division and are found in high concentrations in areas like fruits and seeds.
  • Abscisic acid inhibits growth and causes leaf wilting.

Hormones In Animals

  • Animals, including humans, use hormonal means for information transmission and coordination.
  • In scary situations, animals like squirrels prepare for fight or flight responses.
  • These activities require energy and coordination across various tissue types.
  • Adrenaline, secreted from the adrenal glands, is a key hormone involved.
  • Adrenaline is released into the bloodstream, affecting target organs like the heart.
  • Effects of adrenaline include increased heart rate to supply more oxygen to muscles.
  • Adrenaline also reduces blood flow to the digestive system and skin, diverting it to skeletal muscles.
  • Breathing rate increases due to muscle contractions, preparing the body for action.
  • Animal hormones, such as adrenaline, are part of the endocrine system for control and coordination.
  • Hormonal signals reach all cells of the body, ensuring widespread physiological changes in preparation for action.
  • Animal hormones serve different functions compared to plant hormones.
  • Unlike plants, animal hormones do not regulate directional growth.
  • Animal growth occurs in specific, controlled areas of the body.
  • The body’s design ensures precise growth patterns, such as not growing fingers on faces.
  • Growth in animals is carefully maintained during development, including in children.
  • Iodine is crucial for the synthesis of thyroxin hormone by the thyroid gland.
  • Thyroxin regulates carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism for balanced growth.
  • Iodine deficiency can lead to conditions like goitre, characterized by a swollen neck.
  • Growth hormone, secreted by the pituitary gland, regulates overall growth and development.
  • Deficiency of growth hormone in childhood can result in dwarfism or excessive growth (gigantism).
  • Puberty brings dramatic changes due to the secretion of testosterone in males and estrogen in females.
  • Diabetes patients may need to reduce sugar intake and use insulin injections to regulate blood sugar levels.
  • Insulin, produced by the pancreas, plays a crucial role in maintaining proper blood sugar levels.
  • Hormone secretion is regulated by feedback mechanisms to ensure precise timing and amounts.
  • When blood sugar levels rise, pancreas cells increase insulin production; when levels fall, insulin secretion decreases.
S.No.HormoneEndocrine GlandFunctions
1.Growth hormonePituitary glandStimulates growth in all organs
2.ThyroxineThyroid glandRegulates metabolism for body growth
3.InsulinPancreasRegulates blood sugar level
4.TestosteroneTestesDevelopment of male sex organs, secondary sexual characteristics, etc.
5.Oestrogen and ProgesteroneOvariesDevelopment of female sex organs, regulates menstrual cycle, etc.
6.AdrenalineAdrenal glandPrepares body for fight-or-flight response, increases heart rate and blood pressure
7.Releasing hormonesHypothalamusStimulates pituitary gland to release other hormones

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