Letter To The Editor For Class 10 English

Letter To The Editor For Class 10 English Format, Tips and Samples are available here. Writing a letter to the editor is one of the best ways to get your point of view across to a wide audience. It is a highly effective way to share your opinion on an issue or to raise awareness about an important local, national, or global issue. Letters to the editor can be used to express an opinion on a variety of topics such as public policies, politics, international affairs, environmental issues, or even personal experiences. Letters to the editor also have the power to influence public opinion, and can even lead to changes in policies or laws.

Letter To The Editor For Class 10 English Format, Tips and Samples

Format of Letter to the editor

Sender’s Address
Date: February 28, 2024
The Editor
[Name of the Newspaper]
Receiver’s Address

Subject: _____________________________.

Sir/ Madam,
Through the column of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to draw your kind attention towards the [topic/issue].
[Provide background and context for the issue and why it is important.]
[Detail your thoughts and opinions on the issue and why it should be addressed.]
[Suggest a course of action and how you think it should be implemented.] 
I hope through these columns, the sleeping authorities will wake up and take action as soon as possible.

Thanking you 
Yours Truly
[Your Name]

Tip For Writing A Letter To The Editor 

1. Make sure to research the publication you are writing to. Understand the type of content they typically publish and check whether your letter fits the publication’s style. 
2. Keep your letter concise and to the point. It should be of approximately 120 words. 
3. Begin the letter by stating the issue and then explain why it is important to you and the community. 
4. Offer a solution to the issue or provide a different perspective on the issue that hasn’t been discussed. 
5. Use a polite and respectful tone. 
6. Double-check for spelling and grammar errors before submitting your letter. 
7. Include your name and contact information at the end of the letter so that the editor can contact you for any additional information or to verify your identity.

Samples Of Letter To The Editor

Question 1. Write a letter to the Editor of “The Times of India”, Delhi expressing your concern over the increase in the rate of road accidents, rash driving, and overcrowded road transport. You are Vishal/ Vaishali living at A-1 Vikas Vihar, New Delhi.


A-1 Vikas Vihar, 
New Delhi – 78
15 February 2023,
The Editor
Times of India 
New Delhi – 59

Subject: Increasing rate of road accidents, rash driving, and overcrowded road transport.

Through the column of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to express my concern over the increasing rate of road accidents, rash driving and overcrowded road transport in our city. It has become a matter of great worry that our roads are becoming unsafe because of these reasons.
Every day we come across news of road accidents and fatalities due to rash driving and overcrowded road transport. The increasing number of vehicles on the roads has also added to the problem. With narrow lanes and disorderly traffic, it has become difficult for drivers to navigate safely. 
Moreover, the lack of proper traffic rules and regulations has made the situation worse. It is the responsibility of the government to ensure that the roads are safe and secure for the citizens. 
So I request the concerned authorities to take immediate action to address this issue. Strict measures should be taken to penalize those who violate traffic rules and regulations. Also, more buses should be made available to reduce overcrowding on the roads. I hope that the government will take the necessary steps to address this problem and make our roads safer.

Thanking you
Yours Truly

Question 2. You are Vishal/ Vaishali of A-1 Vikas Vihar, New Delhi. Write a letter to the Editor of Dainik Bhaskar, Delhi about the frequent breakdown of electricity.

A-1 Vikas Vihar, 
New Delhi – 78
15 February 2023
The Editor
Dainik Bhaskar 
New Delhi – 59

Subject: Frequent breakdown of electricity in our area.

Through the column of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to draw your attention to the frequent breakdown of electricity in our area. Our area is facing frequent power cuts, which is causing immense inconvenience to us. The power goes off several times a day, and sometimes it takes several hours for it to be restored. 
This has caused a lot of disruption in our daily lives, as we are unable to complete our work and other activities. We have already approached the local electricity board and lodged our complaints, but no action has been taken so far. 
Therefore, I request you to help us in this regard and raise this issue in your esteemed newspaper so that appropriate action can be taken to provide us with a smooth and uninterrupted electricity supply. I hope you will take this matter into consideration and do the needful for us.

Thanking you 
Yours Truly

Question 3. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper highlighting the problem of traffic jams near Akshardham Temple Crossing and suggesting some remedy for it.

A-1 Vikas Vihar, 
New Delhi – 78
15 February 2023
The Editor
Dainik Bhaskar 
New Delhi – 59

Subject: Concerning traffic jams that occur near Akshardham Temple Crossing.

Through the column of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to express my concern about the traffic jams that occur near Akshardham Temple Crossing. Traffic congestion has been a growing issue in the area for some time now, and it has caused a great deal of frustration for commuters. 
The worst times for traffic jams occur during peak hours when people are trying to get to work or go home. The Akshardham Temple Crossing is a major junction, connecting several major roads. As a result, traffic has increased exponentially in the past few years, leading to congestion. This has negatively affected the quality of life in the area, as commuters have to waste valuable time stuck in traffic jams. 
I strongly believe that the government should take immediate action to solve this problem. One possible solution would be to build additional lanes at the crossing, to accommodate the increased traffic. This would help to reduce congestion and make travel easier for commuters. Additionally, the government should consider introducing better public transport options in the area, to reduce the number of vehicles on the roads. 
I hope that the authorities take this issue seriously and take the necessary steps to address it. 

Thanking you 
Yours faithfully 

Question 4. Your grandfather is very upset about the rising prices and keeps thinking of his olden times when things were very cheap. You are convinced that inflation has made life difficult for the common man. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily describing the difficulties faced by poor families.

A-1 Vikas Vihar, 
New Delhi – 78
15 February 2023
The Editor
National Daily
New Delhi – 59

Subject: Difficulties faced by poor families due to the rising prices in the country.

Through the column of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to express my concern about the difficulties faced by poor families due to the rising prices in the country. My grandfather, who belongs to the weaker section of society, often talks about the good old days when life was simpler and things were more affordable. The current rate of inflation has put a strain on the finances of poor families. They are finding it increasingly difficult to make ends meet and are struggling to get even the basic necessities. The rising prices have drastically reduced their purchasing power and made it difficult for them to feed their families. It is high time that the government takes concrete steps to address the issue of rising prices and inflation. It should consider providing subsidies and other forms of assistance to poor families so that they can lead decent life. 

Thanking you. 
Yours truly,

Question 5. You are Vishal/ Vaishali of New Delhi. Write a letter to the Editor of Hindustan Times New Delhi, about the scarcity of water in your locality suggesting ways to improve the position of water supply. 

A-1 Vikas Vihar, 
New Delhi – 78
15 February 2023
The Editor
Hindustan Times, 
New Delhi – 59

Subject: Scarcity of Water in our area.

Through the column of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to bring your kind attention towards the severe water scarcity problem in our locality. In my locality, the water supply is erratic and inadequate. It is often interrupted for hours together, making it difficult for the inhabitants to manage their daily needs. The problem is further compounded by the fact that the water that is supplied is often of poor quality, with an unpleasant odour and a murky colour. This makes it unfit for use in any form. It is high time that something concrete is done to resolve the issue. The government should take immediate steps to increase the water supply by tapping into new sources of water such as rainwater harvesting, desalination of seawater, etc. In addition, the existing water supply lines should be regularly maintained and upgraded to ensure that there is no wastage of water. I hope that the government takes the necessary steps to improve the situation and provide the citizens with adequate and quality water. 

Thanking you. 
Yours truly, 

Question 6. Recently, you visited the Water Park in your city as part of your school excursion. You noticed that the water was not clean and also had a stale smell which could result in many waterborne diseases. Write a letter to the editor of ‘Hindustan Times’ newspaper about your experience on visiting the place and how the polluted water would affect the visitors.

A-1 Vikas Vihar, 
New Delhi – 78
15 February 2023
The Editor
Hindustan Times,
New Delhi – 59

Subject: Regarding unhygienic condition of water park.

Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to attract the kind attention of concerned authorities towards the water park in my city which I visited recently as part of my school excursion. I was appalled to see the dismal state of the water park and the water in it. The water was not clean and had a stale smell. This could result in a variety of waterborne diseases and infections. The water park is a popular destination for many people who visit to enjoy and relax. However, instead of providing a safe and healthy environment, this park is a potential health hazard. The polluted water could have serious and long-term consequences for the visitors. In addition, the environment around the park is also not up to the mark and needs to be improved. I urge the authorities to take serious action and look into the matter immediately. It is the responsibility of the local government to ensure that the environment is safe and healthy. Strict measures should be taken to clean up the water and make the environment suitable for visitors. I am sure that the people of this city will be grateful if the water park is improved and made safe for everyone. 

Thanking you
Yours Sincerely,

Question 7. Write a letter to the Editor of the local newspaper informing about the rising cases of COVID-19 in your locality. You are Vishal/ Vaishali of A-73, Vikas Vihar New Delhi. You must explain in your letter about.

  • Negligence of government guidelines
  • Avoidance of social distancing
  • Unawareness of wearing  mask
  • Improper sanitization

A-1 Vikas Vihar, 
New Delhi – 78
15 February 2023
The Editor
The Daily News, 
New Delhi – 59

Subject: Rising Cases of COVID-19 in our area.

Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to attract the kind attention of concerned authorities towards the increasing number of COVID-19 cases in our locality, Vikas Vihar. Over the past couple of weeks, the cases have spiked alarmingly. It appears that people are not taking the guidelines of the government seriously. People are gathering in large numbers and hardly follow social distancing. Many people are also not wearing masks and there is a lack of awareness regarding its importance. Moreover, there is a lack of proper sanitization in public places. I would request you to bring this issue to the notice of the higher authorities so that necessary action can be taken to curb the spread of COVID-19. 
I request the people of Vikas Vihar to follow the guidelines and maintain social distance to keep themselves and their families safe.

Thanking You, 
Yours truly, 

Question 8. You are Vishal/ Vaishali, of 73 Vikas Vihar, New Delhi. Write a letter to the Editor of The Daily News expressing your views on ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’ and how, if it is implemented sincerely at all levels, it can produce a great change in society.

A-1 Vikas Vihar, 
New Delhi – 78
15 February 2023
The Editor
The Daily News, 
New Delhi – 59

Subject – Expressing views on Swachh Bharat Abhiyan.

Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to express my views on the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan and its importance for our country’s progress. “Swachchh Bharat Abhiyan” is a national campaign to ensure a clean and healthy environment in our country. It is an initiative to make India a clean and green nation. To achieve this, every citizen must come forward and take responsibility of their surroundings. The government has taken several steps towards achieving this noble cause such as providing dustbins, improving sanitation facilities, and launching cleanliness drives. If implemented sincerely at all levels, it can help eradicate poverty, reduce environmental pollution, create job opportunities, and improve the quality of life of the people. It will also help in improving the health of citizens and ensure a better future for the coming generations. Therefore, I earnestly appeal to all the citizens to join hands in this mission and make it a success. 

Thanking You
Yours Truly

Question 9. You are Vishal/ Vaishali of A-73, Vikas Vihar, New Delhi. Write a letter to the editor national daily, expressing your opinion and views on the increased human dependence on technology. Right from a small child to an adult, or even an old man, everyone wants gadgets only—cell phones, I-pod, laptops, etc. This also has a negative effect on social relationships. Using your own ideas write the letter in 100-120 words.

A-1 Vikas Vihar, 
New Delhi – 78
15 February 2023
The Editor,
The National Daily, 
New Delhi – 59

Subject: Concerning increased Human dependency on technology.

Through the column of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to express my opinion and views on the increased human dependence on technology. The use of technology has made life easier for us but it also has some drawbacks like reduced human contact and communication. Gadgets like cell phones, I-pods, laptops, etc., are greatly increasing in demand. Everyone, be it a child, an adult, or an elderly person, wants to own the latest gadgets and technology. This has a negative effect on social relationships. People are more interested in their gadgets than in talking to each other. The excessive use of technology is also having a negative impact on our physical and mental health. Children are spending more time in front of screens and less time outdoors. This is leading to various health problems such as obesity, diabetes, etc.
Therefore, I urge everyone to use technology in moderation and maintain a balance between the use of technology and social relationships. 

Thanking you 
Yours truly, 

Question 10. Write a letter to the editor of The National Daily, to aware people of how stray animals can be COVID-19 carriers and hence they must avoid direct contact.

A-1 Vikas Vihar, 
New Delhi – 78
15 February 2023
The Editor,
The National Daily, 
New Delhi – 59

Subject: An appeal to not neglect stray animals during the Covid19 pandemic.

Through the column of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to bring the kind notice of every citizen towards the potential danger of COVID-19 disease that stray animals can spread.
Though there is no evidence that animals can contract or spread the virus, it is still prudent to avoid direct contact with strays. This is because, though animals themselves may not be affected, they could still be carrying the virus on their fur or in their saliva, thus creating a risk of infection if direct contact is made. We must also ensure that we take care of the animals around us, as they are vulnerable to the virus in the same way that humans are. This means that we must not abandon them or throw them out onto the streets, as this will only increase the risk of infection. It is therefore important for everyone to be aware of the potential risk that stray animals can pose during this pandemic, and to take the necessary precautions to protect themselves and their pets from the virus.

Thanking you
Yours truly

Question 11. You are Vishal/ Vaishali living at A-73 Vikas Vihar, New Delhi. Write a letter to the editor of Navbharat Times to express your concern about the recent increase in road accidents and miss happenings in your city.

A-1 Vikas Vihar, 
New Delhi – 78
15 February 2023
The Editor 
Navbharat Times 
New Delhi – 59

Subject: Increasing number of road accidents and miss happenings in New Delhi. 

Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper I would like to attract the kind attention of concerned authorities towards the increasing number of road accidents and miss happenings in New Delhi. 
The roads of our city are becoming more and more dangerous day by day. The situation is so alarming that it has become a major concern for all the citizens. Recently, there have been several accidents in my locality, and it is becoming quite difficult to stay safe on the roads. The cases of robbery and other such crimes are also on the rise. The law and order situation in the city is deteriorating and there has to be some kind of action taken to control this. 
The police should be more vigilant on the roads and strict action should be taken against those who are found breaking the traffic rules. The government should also take steps to improve the infrastructure and ensure that roads are well-maintained and safe for the citizens.
So I request you to highlight this issue in your esteemed newspaper so that the concerned authorities wake up and take appropriate actions to ensure the safety of the citizens as soon as possible.

Thanking you
Yours truly

Question 12. You are Vishal/Vaishali living at A-73 Vikas Vihar, New Delhi. You are concerned about the condition of Parks in your locality. People have littered the entire parks with plastic, masks and garbage. As a responsible citizen, write a letter to the editor of Navbharat Times to spread awareness on this matter.

A-1 Vikas Vihar, 
New Delhi – 78
15 February 2023
The Editor 
Navbharat Times 
New Delhi – 59

Subject: Concerning the Poor Condition of Parks in Vikas Vihar, New Delhi.

I am writing to bring attention to a pressing issue that requires urgent action in our locality. The condition of the parks in Vikas Vihar has become a matter of great concern. It pains me to witness the rampant littering of plastic, masks, and garbage in these once serene and green spaces.
Parks serve as a refuge from the concrete jungle, allowing residents to connect with nature and enjoy recreational activities. However, the current state of our parks not only compromises their aesthetic appeal but also poses a threat to the environment and public health.
I urge fellow residents and visitors to recognize their responsibility towards maintaining cleanliness in these public spaces. By refraining from littering and disposing of waste properly, we can preserve the beauty of our parks and create a healthier environment for everyone.

Thanking you
Yours truly

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