Class 6 English A Pact With The Sun Chapter 1 Summary

A Tale of Two Birds Class 6 English A Pact With The Sun Chapter 1 Summary is available here. This summary is created by the subject experts of our website CBSE Wale. The summary is available in both english and hindi to accommodate different students’ requirements. Its aim is to make learning easier and more convenient. The summary is authentic and reliable, giving students a reliable resource to help them with their studies.

A Tale of Two Birds Class 6 English A Pact With The Sun Chapter 1 Summary

A Tale of Two Birds Short Summary

This story is about a mother bird and her two newborns who get separated after their mother dies in a storm. One bird lands near a gang of robbers, while the other lands near a Rishi’s ashram. A king encounters the bird near the robbers, who tries to alert them to rob the king. Startled, the king escapes and reaches the ashram where he hears the other bird with a gentle voice, inviting him to rest. The king realises the birds are siblings and learns from the Rishi that their behaviour reflects their surroundings, not their fault. The forest is full of surprises.

A Tale of Two Birds Short Summary In Hindi

यह कहानी एक पक्षी माँ और उसके दो नवजात बच्चों की है जो तूफान में अपनी माँ के मरने के बाद बिछड़ जाते हैं। एक पक्षी लुटेरों के एक गिरोह के पास उतरता है, जबकि दूसरा एक ऋषि के आश्रम के पास उतरता है। एक राजा लुटेरों के पास पक्षी से मिलता है, जो उन्हें राजा को लूटने के लिए सतर्क करने की कोशिश करता है। चौंका, राजा भाग गया और आश्रम में पहुँच गया जहाँ उसने दूसरे पक्षी को कोमल आवाज के साथ आराम करने के लिए आमंत्रित करते हुए सुना। राजा को पता चलता है कि पक्षी भाई-बहन हैं और ऋषि से सीखते हैं कि उनका व्यवहार उनके परिवेश को दर्शाता है, उनकी गलती को नहीं। जंगल आश्चर्य से भरा है।

A Tale of Two Birds Summary

Once upon a time, there was a bird who had two baby birds. They lived in a tall tree in a forest, and the mother bird took good care of her babies. One day, a big storm came with thunder, lightning, and heavy rain. The wind was strong and knocked down many trees, including the one where the birds lived. Sadly, the mother bird died when a branch hit their nest. Luckily, the wind blew the baby birds to different parts of the forest. One ended up near a cave where robbers lived, and the other landed near a Rishi’s ashram.
As the days passed, the baby birds grew into big birds. One day, the king of the country went hunting in the forest. He was chasing a deer and got lost. He rode for a long time until he reached the other side of the forest. Exhausted, he got off his horse and sat under a tree near a cave. Suddenly, he heard a voice from above the tree, warning the robbers about his presence and urging them to steal his jewels and horse. The king was surprised and quickly rode away.
Later, the king came across a clearing that turned out to be a Rishi’s ashram. He tied his horse to a tree and rested in its shade. Then, he heard a gentle voice welcoming him to the ashram and inviting him to rest inside. When the king looked up, he saw a bird that resembled the one near the cave. He mentioned this aloud, and the bird confirmed that it was its brother who had become friends with the robbers and imitated their language. The Rishi then arrived and welcomed the king, inviting him inside and explaining that birds behave differently based on the company they keep.
The king realised that the forest held many surprises, and the Rishi assured him that he would learn more about the birds and the place inside the ashram.

A Tale of Two Birds Summary In Hindi

एक बार की बात है, एक चिड़िया थी जिसके दो बच्चे थे। वे एक जंगल में एक ऊँचे पेड़ में रहते थे, और माँ पक्षी अपने बच्चों की अच्छी देखभाल करती थी। एक दिन गरज, बिजली और भारी बारिश के साथ एक बड़ा तूफान आया। हवा बहुत तेज थी और पक्षियों के रहने वाले स्थान सहित कई पेड़ों को गिरा दिया। अफसोस की बात है कि जब एक शाखा उनके घोंसले से टकराई तो माँ पक्षी की मृत्यु हो गई। सौभाग्य से, हवा ने बच्चों को जंगल के विभिन्न हिस्सों में उड़ा दिया। एक एक गुफा के पास समाप्त हुआ जहाँ डाकू रहते थे, और दूसरा एक ऋषि के आश्रम के पास उतरा।
जैसे-जैसे दिन बीतते गए, चिड़ियों के बच्चे बड़े होते गए। एक दिन देश का राजा जंगल में शिकार खेलने गया। वह एक हिरण का पीछा कर रहा था और खो गया। वह जंगल के दूसरी तरफ पहुंचने तक काफी देर तक सवारी करता रहा। थककर वह अपने घोड़े से उतर गया और एक गुफा के पास एक पेड़ के नीचे बैठ गया। अचानक, उसने पेड़ के ऊपर से एक आवाज सुनी, लुटेरों को उसकी उपस्थिति के बारे में चेतावनी दी और उनसे उसके गहने और घोड़े को चुराने का आग्रह किया। राजा हैरान था और तेजी से वहां से चला गया।
बाद में, राजा को एक समाशोधन मिला जो एक ऋषि का आश्रम निकला। उसने अपने घोड़े को एक पेड़ से बांध दिया और उसकी छाया में विश्राम किया। फिर, उन्होंने एक कोमल आवाज सुनी जो उनका आश्रम में स्वागत कर रही थी और उन्हें अंदर आराम करने के लिए आमंत्रित कर रही थी। जब राजा ने ऊपर देखा, तो उसे गुफा के पास एक चिड़िया जैसी एक चिड़िया दिखाई दी। उसने जोर से इसका उल्लेख किया, और पक्षी ने पुष्टि की कि यह उसका भाई था जो लुटेरों से दोस्ती कर चुका था और उनकी भाषा की नकल करता था। ऋषि तब पहुंचे और राजा का स्वागत किया, उन्हें अंदर आमंत्रित किया और समझाया कि पक्षी जिस कंपनी में रहते हैं, उसके आधार पर अलग-अलग व्यवहार करते हैं।
राजा ने महसूस किया कि जंगल में कई आश्चर्य हैं, और ऋषि ने उन्हें आश्वासन दिया कि वे पक्षियों और आश्रम के अंदर की जगह के बारे में और जानेंगे।

Important Word Meanings In “A Tale of Two Birds”

Nest: A structure built by birds to hold their eggs and provide shelter for their young.
Shady: Protected from direct sunlight by shade or shadow.
Thunder: The loud, rumbling sound that accompanies a lightning flash during a storm.
Lightning: A sudden and intense flash of light that occurs during a storm.
Robbers: People who steal or engage in illegal activities.
Rishi: A sage or a wise person, often associated with spiritual practices.
Ashram: A secluded place, often a residence for spiritual or religious purposes.
Tethered: Tied or secured by a rope or chain to restrict movement.
Respite: A period of rest or relief from activity or trouble.
Emanated: Came forth or originated from a source.
Peculiar: Unusual or strange.
Astonishment: A feeling of great surprise or amazement.
Enlightenment: Gaining knowledge or understanding about something.
Imitates: Copies or mimics the actions, behaviour, or speech of others.
Holy man: A person who is considered holy or spiritually enlightened.
Repeated: Said or done again, often based on what one has heard or experienced before.

Author of “A Tale of Two Birds”

There is no author of the lesson “A Tale of Two Birds”. It is a folk tale that has been passed down through generations. The earliest known version of the story is from India, and it has been translated into many languages. The story teaches us that our choices in life can have a big impact on who we become. It also teaches us that it is important to be careful about the company we keep, as it can influence our behaviour.

Theme of “A Tale of Two Birds”

The theme of the story “A Tale of Two Birds” is the transformative power of environment and associations on individual behaviour and character. The story highlights how two birds, despite their physical similarities, develop contrasting behaviours as a result of the different environments they encounter. One bird’s association with robbers leads to imitating their ways, while the other bird’s proximity to a sage’s ashram fosters a welcoming and peaceful nature. The story emphasises the significant role that surroundings and companions play in shaping one’s actions and values. It serves as a reminder to choose positive influences and environments that align with one’s desired virtues and moral compass.

Conclusion of “A Tale of Two Birds”

In conclusion, “A Tale of Two Birds” teaches us that our environment and associations have a profound impact on our behaviour and character. The contrasting stories of the two birds remind us to choose positive influences and surroundings that align with our values, as they shape who we become. It emphasises the importance of surrounding ourselves with goodness and making conscious choices to lead a virtuous life.

Frequently Asked Questions Related To The Lesson “A Tale of Two Birds”

Question 1. Who are the main characters in the story “A Tale of Two Birds”?
Answer. The main characters are the two birds and the king.

Question 2. Where did the birds have their nest in the story “A Tale of Two Birds”?
Answer. The birds had their nest in a tall, shady tree in the forest.

Question 3. What happened to the mother bird in the story “A Tale of Two Birds”?
Answer. The mother bird was killed when a big branch hit the nest during a storm.

Question 4. How did the baby birds end up in different places in the story “A Tale of Two Birds”?
Answer. The strong wind blew them away to different parts of the forest.

Question 5. Where did one of the birds land in the story “A Tale of Two Birds”?
Answer. One of the birds landed near a cave where a gang of robbers lived.

Question 6. Where did the other bird land in the story “A Tale of Two Birds”?
Answer. The other bird landed outside a rishi’s ashram.

Question 7. How did the birds behave differently as they grew up in the story “A Tale of Two Birds”?
Answer. One bird imitated the ways of the robbers, while the other embraced peace and hospitality.

Question 8. Who came to the forest to hunt in the story “A Tale of Two Birds”?
Answer. The king of the country came to the forest to hunt.

Question 9. What happened when the king lost his way in the forest in the story “A Tale of Two Birds”?
Answer. He heard a voice from a bird warning of robbers near a tree, and later he found a welcoming ashram.

Question 10. What did the bird near the cave encourage the robbers to do in the story “A Tale of Two Birds”?
Answer. The bird near the cave encouraged the robbers to rob the king of his jewels and horse.

Question 11. What did the bird near the ashram do when the king arrived in the story “A Tale of Two Birds”?
Answer. The bird near the ashram welcomed the king and invited him to rest and have cold water.

Question 12. What did the king tell the rishi in the story “A Tale of Two Birds”?
Answer. The king told the rishi the story of the two birds and their contrasting behaviours.

Question 13. What did the rishi say about the bird near the cave in the story “A Tale of Two Birds”?
Answer. The rishi explained that the bird near the cave imitated the robbers due to its association with them.

Question 14. What lesson did the rishi teach the king in the story “A Tale of Two Birds”?
Answer. The rishi emphasised that one’s actions and character are influenced by the company one keeps.

Question 15. What was the overall message of the story in the story “A Tale of Two Birds”?
Answer. The story teaches the importance of choosing positive influences and environments that shape our behaviour and character.

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