Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 8 Summary

The Banyan Tree Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 8 Summary is available here. The summary is available in both English and Hindi to meet the needs of different students. Our goal is to make learning more efficient and convenient. The summary is original and reliable, providing students with a trustworthy resource to aid their studies.

The Banyan Tree Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 8 Summary

The Banyan Tree Short Summary

“The Banyan Tree” is a story about a young boy’s experiences at his grandfather’s house. He created a library in a big banyan tree and made friends with a squirrel. During spring, the tree became a noisy place with various birds like bulbul, parrots, myna, and crows fighting on its branches. The main part of the story revolves around a fight between a cobra and a mongoose, witnessed by the boy, a myna, and a crow. The mongoose ultimately wins the fight after several attempts, and the myna celebrates the victory.

The Banyan Tree Short Summary In Hindi

“बरगद का पेड़” अपने दादा के घर पर एक युवा लड़के के अनुभवों की कहानी है। उन्होंने एक बड़े बरगद के पेड़ में एक पुस्तकालय बनाया और एक गिलहरी से दोस्ती की। वसंत के दौरान, पेड़ अपनी शाखाओं पर बुलबुल, तोता, मैना और कौवे जैसे विभिन्न पक्षियों के साथ एक शोर स्थान बन गया। कहानी का मुख्य भाग एक कोबरा और एक नेवले के बीच लड़ाई के इर्द-गिर्द घूमता है, जिसके गवाह एक लड़का, एक मैना और एक कौआ है। कई प्रयासों के बाद नेवला अंततः लड़ाई जीत जाता है, और मैना जीत का जश्न मनाती है।

The Banyan Tree Summary Class 6 English

Even though the house and land belonged to the narrator’s grandparents, there was a special banyan tree that the narrator considered their own because their grandfather couldn’t climb it anymore.
The banyan tree had branches that spread out and touched the ground, creating twisting passages. It was full of squirrels, snails, and butterflies. The tree was very old, even older than the house and the narrator’s grandfather. The narrator loved hiding in the tree’s branches, behind its thick leaves, and spying on the world below.
The narrator’s first friend was a small grey squirrel. At first, the squirrel seemed unhappy that the narrator invaded its privacy. But when the squirrel realized that the narrator meant no harm, it became friendly. The squirrel even started taking food from the narrator’s hand and searching their pockets for treats. The squirrel’s other squirrel friends might have thought it was foolish to trust a human.
During the spring, when the banyan tree was covered in small red figs, birds of different kinds would gather in its branches. They would make a lot of noise and squabble over the figs. The tree was a busy and noisy place during this time.
The narrator had built a simple platform halfway up the banyan tree. They would spend their afternoons there, reading books with the tree as support. Some of the books they had in their “banyan tree library” were Treasure Island, Huckleberry Finn, and The Story of Dr. Dolittle.
Sometimes when the narrator didn’t feel like reading, they would look down through the leaves of the tree and observe the world below. Once, they had a great view of a fight between a mongoose and a cobra.
On a warm afternoon, when everyone, including the gardener, had gone inside, the narrator noticed a large black cobra coming out of a clump of cactus. At the same time, a mongoose appeared from the bushes and confronted the cobra.
In a sunny clearing beneath the banyan tree, the cobra and mongoose faced each other. Both animals were skilled fighters. The mongoose was agile and aggressive, while the cobra was swift and possessed deadly poison. It was going to be an intense battle between two champions.
The cobra hissed and raised itself up, trying to intimidate the mongoose with its hood. The mongoose prepared itself, and the hair on its spine stood up.
Although the cobra and mongoose were unaware of the narrator’s presence, two other spectators, a myna bird and a jungle crow, arrived to watch the fight. They perched on the cactus to witness the battle.
The cobra swayed and tried to mesmerize the mongoose with its eyes, but the mongoose avoided looking directly at the cobra’s gaze. Instead, it focused on a spot just below the cobra’s hood and launched its attack.
The mongoose swiftly moved forward, pretending to go to one side, tricking the cobra into striking. The cobra’s hood came down quickly, but the mongoose jumped aside and bit the snake’s back before retreating out of reach.
At the same moment the cobra struck, the myna bird and the crow tried to attack the cobra but collided with each other in mid-air. They returned to the cactus, squawking and insulting each other. The cobra had a few drops of blood on its back.
The cobra struck again and missed, while the mongoose sprang aside once more, then bit the snake. The birds attempted to attack the cobra again but ended up colliding and returned to the safety of the cactus.
The third round followed a similar pattern to the first, but this time, the myna bird and the crow missed each other and the cobra. The crow tried to turn back but was struck by the cobra’s snout in mid-air. The injured crow was thrown across the garden, and the myna bird wisely decided not to interfere anymore.
The mongoose, seeing that the cobra was weakening, fearlessly approached it and bit the snake’s snout. The cobra writhed and coiled around the mongoose, but the mongoose held on until the snake stopped struggling. It then dragged the snake into the bushes. 
The myna bird landed carefully on the ground. It hopped around and looked into the bushes while staying at a safe distance. After observing the scene, the myna bird let out a loud and happy cry of celebration. Then, it flew away.

The Banyan Tree Summary In Hindi Class 6 English

भले ही घर और जमीन कथावाचक के दादा-दादी के थे, फिर भी एक विशेष बरगद का पेड़ था जिसे कथावाचक ने अपना माना क्योंकि उनके दादा अब उस पर नहीं चढ़ सकते थे।
बरगद के पेड़ की शाखाएँ फैली हुई थीं और जमीन को छू रही थीं, जिससे घुमावदार रास्ते बन रहे थे। यह गिलहरी, घोंघे और तितलियों से भरा हुआ था। पेड़ बहुत पुराना था, घर और वर्णनकर्ता के दादाजी से भी पुराना। कथावाचक को पेड़ की शाखाओं में, उसकी मोटी पत्तियों के पीछे छिपना और नीचे की दुनिया पर जासूसी करना बहुत पसंद था।
वर्णनकर्ता की पहली मित्र एक छोटी सलेटी गिलहरी थी। सबसे पहले, गिलहरी नाखुश लग रही थी कि कथावाचक ने उसकी निजता पर आक्रमण किया। लेकिन जब गिलहरी को एहसास हुआ कि कथावाचक का मतलब कोई नुकसान नहीं है, तो वह मित्रवत हो गई। गिलहरी ने वर्णनकर्ता के हाथ से खाना भी लेना शुरू कर दिया और दावत के लिए उनकी जेबों की तलाशी लेने लगी। गिलहरी के अन्य गिलहरी मित्रों ने सोचा होगा कि मनुष्य पर भरोसा करना मूर्खता है।
वसंत ऋतु में जब बरगद का पेड़ छोटे-छोटे लाल अंजीरों से ढका होता था, तब तरह-तरह के पक्षी उसकी शाखाओं में इकट्ठा हो जाते थे। वे बहुत शोर मचाते और अंजीरों को लेकर आपस में टकराते। इस दौरान पेड़ एक व्यस्त और शोरगुल वाला स्थान था।
वर्णनकर्ता ने बरगद के पेड़ के आधे ऊपर एक साधारण चबूतरा बनाया था। वे अपनी दोपहर वहीं बिताते थे, पेड़ को सहारा देकर किताबें पढ़ते थे। उनकी “बरगद के पेड़ की लाइब्रेरी” में जो कुछ किताबें थीं, उनमें ट्रेजर आइलैंड, हकलबेरी फिन और द स्टोरी ऑफ डॉ. डोलिटल शामिल थीं।
कभी-कभी जब वर्णनकर्ता का पढ़ने में मन नहीं लगता, तो वे पेड़ की पत्तियों के माध्यम से नीचे देखते और नीचे की दुनिया का निरीक्षण करते। एक बार उन्होंने नेवले और नाग के बीच लड़ाई का बड़ा अदभुत दृश्य देखा।
एक गर्म दोपहर में, जब माली सहित सभी लोग अंदर चले गए, तो वर्णनकर्ता ने कैक्टस के झुरमुट से एक बड़ा काला कोबरा निकलते देखा। उसी समय झाड़ियों से एक नेवला निकला और कोबरा से भिड़ गया।
बरगद के पेड़ के नीचे एक धूप में, कोबरा और नेवला आमने-सामने थे। दोनों जानवर कुशल लड़ाके थे। नेवला फुर्तीला और आक्रामक था, जबकि कोबरा तेज था और उसके पास घातक जहर था। दो चैंपियन के बीच कड़ा मुकाबला होने वाला था।
नेवले को अपने फन से डराने की कोशिश करते हुए, कोबरा ने फुफकारा और खुद को ऊपर उठाया। नेवला तैयार हो गया और उसकी रीढ़ की हड्डी के बाल खड़े हो गए।
हालांकि कोबरा और नेवले को कथावाचक की उपस्थिति का पता नहीं था, दो अन्य दर्शक, एक मैना पक्षी और एक जंगली कौआ लड़ाई देखने पहुंचे। वे लड़ाई देखने के लिए कैक्टस पर बैठ गए।
कोबरा हिल गया और नेवले को अपनी आंखों से सम्मोहित करने की कोशिश की, लेकिन नेवला सीधे कोबरा की तरफ देखने से बच गया। इसके बजाय, इसने कोबरा के फन के ठीक नीचे एक स्थान पर ध्यान केंद्रित किया और अपना हमला शुरू कर दिया।
नेवला कोबरा को छलते हुए एक तरफ जाने का नाटक करते हुए तेजी से आगे बढ़ा। कोबरा का फन जल्दी से नीचे आ गया, लेकिन नेवला एक तरफ कूद गया और पहुंच से बाहर होने से पहले सांप की पीठ पर डस लिया।
उसी क्षण कोबरा मारा गया, मैना पक्षी और कौए ने कोबरा पर हमला करने की कोशिश की लेकिन बीच हवा में एक दूसरे से टकरा गए। वे कैक्टस में लौट आए, चिल्लाते हुए और एक-दूसरे का अपमान करते हुए। कोबरा की पीठ पर खून की कुछ बूंदें थीं।
कोबरा ने फिर से वार किया और चूक गया, जबकि नेवला एक बार फिर उछला और फिर सांप को काट लिया। पक्षियों ने कोबरा पर फिर से हमला करने का प्रयास किया लेकिन टकरा कर समाप्त हो गया और कैक्टस की सुरक्षा में वापस आ गया।
तीसरे दौर ने पहले के समान पैटर्न का पालन किया, लेकिन इस बार, मैना पक्षी और कौवा एक दूसरे और कोबरा से चूक गए। कौवे ने पीछे मुड़ने की कोशिश की लेकिन बीच हवा में कोबरा के थूथन से मारा गया। घायल कौवे को बगीचे में फेंक दिया गया, और मैना पक्षी ने बुद्धिमानी से फैसला किया कि वह अब और हस्तक्षेप नहीं करेगी।
नेवला, यह देखकर कि कोबरा कमजोर पड़ रहा था, निडरता से उसके पास आया और सांप के थूथन को काट लिया। कोबरा नेवले के चारों ओर लिपटा और लिपट गया, लेकिन नेवला तब तक डटा रहा जब तक कि सांप ने संघर्ष करना बंद नहीं कर दिया। इसके बाद सांप को घसीटकर झाड़ियों में ले गया।
मैना पक्षी सावधानी से जमीन पर उतरा। यह चारों ओर कूद गया और सुरक्षित दूरी पर रहते हुए झाड़ियों में देखा। इस दृश्य को देखने के बाद, मैना पक्षी ने उत्सव की एक ज़ोरदार और ख़ुशी की आवाज़ निकाली। फिर, यह उड़ गया।

Important Word Meanings In “The Banyan Tree”

Spy: Secretly observe or watch.
Resent: Feel bitterness or anger towards.
Invasion: Intrusion or encroachment.
Catapult: A device used for launching objects.
Air gun: A gun that uses compressed air to propel projectiles.
Morsels: Small pieces or portions of food.
Delving: Digging or searching deeply.
Headstrong: Determined and stubborn.
Flock: Gather or come together in a group.
Red-bottomed bulbul: A type of bird with a red lower body.
Myna: A species of bird known for its vocal abilities.
Squabbling: Engaged in a noisy argument or disagreement.
Crude: Simple or rudimentary.
Platform: Raised surface or structure.
Propping: Supporting or holding up.
Cushion: Soft pad or pillow.
Grandstand: Elevated seating area for spectators.
Classic: Traditional or typical example.
Indian wilds: Natural areas in India with wildlife.
Mongoose: A small carnivorous mammal known for its agility and ability to fight snakes.
Defensive: Ready to defend oneself.
Cobra: A venomous snake with a hood-like neck.
Mesmerise: To capture the attention or interest of someone completely.
Shrieking: Making a loud, high-pitched sound.
Perch: A resting place or position on a branch or other elevated surface.

Author of “The Banyan Tree”

The author of the lesson “The Banyan Tree” is Ruskin Bond. He is an English author who was born in India and has written over 100 books, including novels, short stories, and essays. His work is known for its humour, its sense of place, and its exploration of themes of childhood, friendship, and nature.

Theme of “The Banyan Tree”

The theme of the lesson “The Banyan Tree” is the importance of nature, friendship, and courage. The story tells the tale of a young boy who visits his grandparents in India and befriends a squirrel. The boy spends his days climbing the banyan tree in his grandparents’ garden, reading books and watching the world go by. One day, he witnesses a fight between a cobra and a mongoose, and he learns the importance of courage and friendship.

Conclusion of “The Banyan Tree”

The conclusion of the lesson “The Banyan Tree” is that nature, friendship, and courage are all essential for a happy and fulfilling life. The story shows us how these three things can help us overcome challenges, achieve our goals, and find peace and happiness.

Frequently Asked Questions Related To The Lesson “The Banyan Tree”

Question 1. Who did the house and grounds belong to?
Answer. The house and grounds belonged to the narrator’s grandparents.

Question 2. Why was the banyan tree considered the narrator’s?
Answer. The narrator considered the banyan tree as theirs because their grandfather, who owned the property, couldn’t climb it due to his age.

Question 3. What did the spreading branches of the banyan tree do?
Answer. The spreading branches of the banyan tree hung down to the ground and formed twisting passages, providing endless pleasure for the narrator.

Question 4. What creatures could be found among the branches of the banyan tree?
Answer. Squirrels, snails, and butterflies could be found among the branches of the banyan tree.

Question 5. How old was the banyan tree compared to the house and the narrator’s grandfather?
Answer. The banyan tree was older than both the house and the narrator’s grandfather.

Question 6. Where could the narrator hide in the banyan tree?
Answer. The narrator could hide in the branches of the banyan tree, behind thick green leaves, and spy on the world below.

Question 7. Who was the narrator’s first friend in the banyan tree?
Answer. The narrator’s first friend in the banyan tree was a small grey squirrel.

Question 8. How did the squirrel initially react to the narrator’s presence?
Answer. The squirrel initially seemed to resent the narrator’s invasion of its privacy, arching its back and sniffing into the air.

Question 9. How did the squirrel’s attitude change towards the narrator?
Answer. The squirrel’s attitude changed when it realised that the narrator did not pose a threat and started bringing it pieces of cake and biscuit. It grew friendly and bold, even taking food from the narrator’s hand.

Question 10. What did the squirrel start doing after becoming friendly with the narrator?
Answer. After becoming friendly with the narrator, the squirrel started delving into the narrator’s pockets and helping itself to whatever it could find.

Question 11. How did other squirrels and relatives of the narrator’s first squirrel friend probably view its behaviour?
Answer. Other squirrels and relatives probably thought the squirrel was foolish and headstrong for trusting a human.

Question 12. When did various birds flock into the branches of the banyan tree?
Answer. Various birds flocked into the branches of the banyan tree during the spring, particularly when it was full of small red figs.

Question 13. Which birds could be found in the banyan tree during the fig season?
Answer. Birds such as the red-bottomed bulbul, parrots, myna, and crows would squabble and gather in the branches of the banyan tree during the fig season.

Question 14. Where did the narrator spend their afternoons in the banyan tree?
Answer. The narrator spent their afternoons in a crude platform they had built halfway up the banyan tree.

Question 15. What activity did the narrator engage in while on the platform in the banyan tree?
Answer. While on the platform in the banyan tree, the narrator would read books, propping themselves up against the tree with a cushion from the living room.

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