Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 7 Summary

Fair Play Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 7 Summary is available here. The summary, created by the subject experts of our website CBSE Wale. It aims to make learning efficient and convenient. The summary is original and trustworthy, providing students with a reliable resource.

Fair Play Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 7 Summary

Fair Play Short Summary

Jumman and Algu were best friends. Jumman’s aunt had some property and needed someone to take care of her. Jumman agreed to do it in exchange for the property. But after a while, Jumman and his wife started mistreating the aunt. She asked Jumman for money, but he refused. So, the aunt took the case to the village council. The aunt chose Algu as the leader of the council. Even though Jumman was Algu’s best friend, Algu decided to do what was fair. He told Jumman to give the aunt money or return the property. Jumman didn’t like this and treated Algu as his enemy. Later, Algu had his own problem. He sold a healthy bullock to someone, but the bullock died before Algu could get paid. The buyer refused to pay. Algu took the case to the council. The buyer chose Jumman as the leader this time. Jumman realised he had to be fair and carefully reviewed the case. He decided that Algu was innocent and told the buyer to pay him. Algu was happy and surprised. They hugged each other, and their friendship was restored.

Fair Play Short Summary In Hindi

जुम्मन और अलगू पक्के दोस्त थे। जुम्मन की बुआ के पास कुछ जायदाद थी और उनकी देखभाल के लिए किसी की ज़रूरत थी। संपत्ति के बदले में जुम्मन ऐसा करने को तैयार हो गया। लेकिन कुछ देर बाद जुम्मन और उसकी पत्नी बुआ के साथ बदसलूकी करने लगे। उसने जुम्मन से पैसे मांगे, लेकिन उसने मना कर दिया। तो, चाची मामले को ग्राम सभा में ले गईं। मौसी ने अलगू को कौंसिल का नेता चुना। हालाँकि जुम्मन अलगू का सबसे अच्छा दोस्त था, अलगू ने वही करने का फैसला किया जो उचित था। उसने जुम्मन से कहा कि मौसी को पैसे दे दो या संपत्ति वापस कर दो। जुम्मन को यह पसंद नहीं आया और उसने अलगू को अपना दुश्मन मान लिया। बाद में अलगू की अपनी समस्या थी। उसने एक स्वस्थ बैल किसी को बेच दिया, लेकिन अलगू के भुगतान से पहले बैल की मृत्यु हो गई। खरीदार ने भुगतान करने से इनकार कर दिया। अलगू मामले को परिषद में ले गया। खरीदार ने इस बार जुम्मन को नेता चुना। जुम्मन ने महसूस किया कि उन्हें निष्पक्ष होना है और मामले की सावधानी से समीक्षा करनी है। उसने फैसला किया कि अलगू निर्दोष था और उसने खरीदार को उसे भुगतान करने के लिए कहा। अलगू खुश और हैरान था। उन्होंने एक-दूसरे को गले लगाया और उनकी दोस्ती फिर से कायम हो गई।

Fair Play Summary

Jumman Shaikh and Algu Chowdhry were close friends who took care of each other’s families when one of them was away. They were respected in their village. Jumman had an elderly aunt who transferred her property to him under the condition that he would take care of her. Initially, things went well, but over time, Jumman and his family grew tired of the aunt and treated her poorly. The aunt finally asked for a monthly allowance to set up her own kitchen, but Jumman callously refused. This angered the aunt, leading her to decide to take the matter to the village panchayat (council). She sought support from the villagers, including Algu, who was hesitant to go against his best friend, Jumman. However, the aunt questioned whether it was right for Algu to remain silent and not speak up for what he believed was fair and just. Algu didn’t respond but was deeply affected by her words.
A panchayat (a village council) was held in the evening under an old banyan tree. Jumman, a participant, suggested that his aunt should nominate the head of the council, and he would accept her decision. The aunt then mentioned that the council should consider Algu Chowdhry. Jumman, concealing his joy, agreed to this unexpected stroke of luck. Algu acknowledged his friendship with Jumman but emphasised that his conscience wouldn’t allow him to compromise justice for the sake of friendship. Algu, now a member of the council, treated Jumman and his aunt equally and asked Jumman to present his defence. Jumman explained that his aunt had transferred her property to him three years ago, and he had promised to support her. However, there were conflicts between his wife and his aunt, which he couldn’t prevent. Now his aunt demanded a monthly allowance, which he believed was not feasible. After cross-examining Jumman, Algu and others concluded that Jumman must pay his aunt a monthly allowance, or else the property would be returned to her. As a result, the bond of friendship between Jumman and Algu was broken, and Jumman sought revenge against Algu.
Algu Chowdhry encountered unfortunate circumstances when one of his bullocks died. He sold the remaining bullock to Samjhu Sahu, with an agreement that Sahu would pay for it in a month. However, the bullock died within that time. Months later, Algu reminded Sahu about the money, but Sahu refused to pay, offering the use of another bullock instead. Algu decided to take the case to the panchayat, and preparations were made for the gathering. During the panchayat, Algu suggested that Sahu nominate the head Panch, willing to accept his decision. Sahu proposed Jumman’s name, causing Algu to feel worried. However, Jumman, as the head Panch, prioritised justice over personal feelings. Both parties presented their cases, were cross-examined, and Jumman announced that Sahu should pay Algu for the bullock. Algu expressed his joy and proclaimed the victory of justice. Jumman realised the true role of a Panch and approached Algu, embracing him and emphasising the importance of justice and truth above friendship or enmity. Their tears washed away their misunderstandings, and their friendship was restored.

Fair Play Summary In Hindi

जुम्मन शेख और अलगू चौधरी गहरे दोस्त थे जो एक दूसरे के दूर रहने पर एक दूसरे के परिवार की देखभाल करते थे। उनके गाँव में उनका सम्मान था। जुम्मन की एक बुज़ुर्ग बुआ थीं जिन्होंने अपनी जायदाद उन्हें इस शर्त पर दे दी थी कि वह उनकी देखभाल करेंगे। शुरू में तो सब कुछ ठीक चला, लेकिन समय के साथ जुम्मन और उसका परिवार बुआ से थक गया और उसके साथ बुरा व्यवहार करने लगा। आंटी ने आखिरकार अपनी रसोई बनाने के लिए मासिक भत्ता मांगा, लेकिन जुम्मन ने बड़ी बेरहमी से मना कर दिया। इससे चाची नाराज हो गईं, जिसके कारण उन्होंने इस मामले को ग्राम पंचायत (परिषद) तक ले जाने का फैसला किया। उसने अलगू सहित ग्रामीणों से समर्थन मांगा, जो अपने सबसे अच्छे दोस्त जुम्मन के खिलाफ जाने से हिचकिचा रहे थे। हालाँकि, चाची ने सवाल किया कि क्या अलगू का चुप रहना और जो वह उचित और न्यायपूर्ण मानता था, उसके लिए कुछ न बोलना सही था। अलगू ने कोई जवाब नहीं दिया लेकिन उसकी बातों से गहरा प्रभावित हुआ।
शाम को एक पुराने बरगद के पेड़ के नीचे एक पंचायत (एक ग्राम सभा) आयोजित की गई थी। जुम्मन, एक प्रतिभागी, ने सुझाव दिया कि उसकी चाची को परिषद का प्रमुख नामित करना चाहिए, और वह उसके निर्णय को स्वीकार करेगी। फिर आंटी ने कहा कि कौंसिल को अलगू चौधरी के बारे में सोचना चाहिए। जुम्मन ने अपनी खुशी को छुपाते हुए भाग्य के इस अप्रत्याशित झटके को स्वीकार कर लिया। अलगू ने जुम्मन के साथ अपनी मित्रता को स्वीकार किया लेकिन इस बात पर जोर दिया कि उसका विवेक उसे मित्रता के लिए न्याय से समझौता करने की अनुमति नहीं देगा। अलगू, जो अब परिषद का सदस्य है, ने जुम्मन और उसकी चाची के साथ समान व्यवहार किया और जुम्मन को अपना बचाव प्रस्तुत करने के लिए कहा। जुम्मन ने बताया कि उसकी चाची ने तीन साल पहले अपनी संपत्ति उसे हस्तांतरित कर दी थी और उसने उसे समर्थन देने का वादा किया था। हालाँकि, उसकी पत्नी और उसकी चाची के बीच मतभेद थे, जिसे वह रोक नहीं सका। अब उसकी चाची ने मासिक भत्ते की मांग की, जो उसे लगा कि संभव नहीं है। जुम्मन से जिरह करने के बाद, अलगू और अन्य लोगों ने निष्कर्ष निकाला कि जुम्मन को अपनी चाची को मासिक भत्ता देना होगा, अन्यथा संपत्ति उसे वापस कर दी जाएगी। नतीजतन, जुम्मन और अलगू के बीच दोस्ती का बंधन टूट गया और जुम्मन ने अलगू से बदला लेने की ठान ली।
अलगू चौधरी को दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण परिस्थितियों का सामना करना पड़ा जब उनके एक बैल की मृत्यु हो गई। उसने बचे हुए बैल को समझू साहू को इस समझौते के साथ बेच दिया कि साहू एक महीने में इसकी कीमत चुका देगा। हालांकि, उसी दौरान बैल की मौत हो गई। महीनों बाद, अलगू ने साहू को पैसे के बारे में याद दिलाया, लेकिन साहू ने भुगतान करने से मना कर दिया, इसके बजाय दूसरे बैल के उपयोग की पेशकश की। अलगू ने मामले को पंचायत में ले जाने का फैसला किया और सभा की तैयारी की गई। पंचायत के दौरान, अलगू ने सुझाव दिया कि साहू अपने निर्णय को स्वीकार करने के इच्छुक, प्रधान पंच को नामित करें। साहू ने जुम्मन का नाम प्रस्तावित किया, जिससे अलगू चिंतित हो गया। हालांकि, जुम्मन, प्रमुख पंच के रूप में, व्यक्तिगत भावनाओं पर न्याय को प्राथमिकता देते थे। दोनों पक्षों ने अपना मामला पेश किया, जिरह की गई और जुम्मन ने घोषणा की कि साहू को बैल के लिए अलगू को भुगतान करना चाहिए। अलगू ने खुशी जाहिर की और न्याय की जीत का ऐलान किया। जुम्मन ने एक पंच की सच्ची भूमिका को महसूस किया और अलगू के पास गया, उसे गले लगाया और दोस्ती या दुश्मनी से ऊपर न्याय और सच्चाई के महत्व पर जोर दिया। उनके आंसुओं ने उनकी गलतफहमियों को धो दिया और उनकी दोस्ती फिर से कायम हो गई।

Important Word Meanings In “Fair Play”

Shaikh: A surname or family name.
Chowdhry: A surname or family name.
Aunt: The sister of one’s parents.
Indifferent: Having no interest or concern.
Grudged: Felt resentful or reluctant to give.
Insults: Offensive or disrespectful remarks.
Swallowed: To accept or endure.
Obvious: Clear or apparent.
Allowance: A sum of money given regularly.
Shamelessly: Without feeling shame or embarrassment.
Panchayat: A village council or assembly.
Sympathised: Felt or expressed compassion or understanding.
Nephew: A son of one’s sibling.
Chachi: A respectful term for aunt in some cultures.
Mum: Silent or not speaking.
Pleaded: Made an emotional appeal or request.
Panch: A term referring to the head or leader of a panchayat.
Conscience: A person’s moral sense of right and wrong.
Defence: The action of defending or protecting oneself or someone else.
Cross-examined: Questioned closely and thoroughly, usually in a legal context.
Allowance: A sum of money given regularly.
Seldom: Rarely or infrequently.
Revenge: The desire to harm someone in return for perceived wrongdoings.
Ill luck: Unfortunate circumstances or bad luck.
Bullocks: Male cattle, usually castrated and used as working animals.
Cart driver: A person who drives a cart, a vehicle with two or four wheels, typically pulled by animals.
Annoyed: Feeling or showing irritation or displeasure.
Proposal: Offering or suggesting something for consideration or acceptance.
Revenge: Inflicting harm or punishment on someone as a response to a perceived wrongdoing.
Cross-examined: Questioned in a detailed and rigorous manner, especially in a legal setting.
Disability: A physical or mental condition that limits a person’s movements, senses, or activities.
Unfortunate: Unlucky or regrettable.
Blamed: Held responsible for something negative or wrong.
Embraced: Hugged or held closely in one’s arms.
Misunderstanding: A failure to understand or interpret something correctly.

Author of “Fair Play”

The author of the lesson “Fair Play” is Munshi Premchand. He was a Hindi writer who is considered one of the greatest writers in Indian literature. He wrote over 300 short stories, novels, and essays, and his work has been translated into many languages. “Fair Play” is one of his most famous stories, and it tells the tale of two friends who turn into enemies when one of them delivers a verdict against the other. The story explores themes of friendship, justice, and truth.

Theme of “Fair Play”

The theme of the lesson “Fair Play” revolves around the principles of justice, honesty, and equality. It emphasises the importance of treating others fairly and impartially, regardless of personal relationships or biases. The story highlights the significance of upholding fairness in resolving conflicts and making decisions. It encourages individuals to set aside personal interests and prejudices and to prioritise truth and justice. The theme promotes the idea that fair play should guide our actions and interactions with others, fostering a harmonious and equitable society.

Conclusion of “Fair Play”

The conclusion of “Fair Play” emphasises the power of fairness, justice, and impartiality in resolving conflicts, restoring relationships, and building harmonious communities. It shows that setting aside personal biases, embracing the truth, and acting with integrity can lead to positive outcomes and stronger bonds between individuals. Fair play is not only a moral virtue but also a practical approach to achieving understanding and harmony.

Frequently Asked Questions Related To The Lesson “Fair Play”

Question 1. What is the main theme of the lesson “Fair Play”?
Answer. The main theme of the lesson is the importance of fairness and justice in resolving conflicts.

Question 2. How does fair play contribute to building harmonious relationships?
Answer. Fair play ensures that conflicts are resolved in an impartial and just manner, promoting understanding and trust between individuals.

Question 3. What is the role of the panchayat in the lesson “Fair Play”?
Answer. The panchayat serves as a neutral body that listens to both sides of a conflict and makes unbiased decisions based on fairness and justice.

Question 4. Why did Algu decide to refer the case to the panchayat in lesson “Fair Play”?
Answer. Algu referred the case to the panchayat to ensure an objective judgement and to avoid personal biases in resolving the conflict.

Question 5. How does the story demonstrate the power of fair play?
Answer. The story shows that fair play can overcome misunderstandings, mend broken relationships, and restore harmony between individuals.

Question 6. What did Jumman realise when he became the head Panch?
Answer. Jumman realised his responsibility as a judge and the importance of setting aside personal feelings to uphold fairness and justice.

Question 7. How does the story highlight the idea that fair play knows no friend or enemy
Answer. The story demonstrates that fair play requires individuals to prioritise justice over personal relationships and not let biases influence their decisions.

Question 8. What was the final decision of the panchayat in the case between Algu and Sahu?
Answer. The panchayat decided that Sahu should pay Algu the price of the bullock, as the death of the bullock was unfortunate but not Algu’s fault.

Question 9. Why did the Jumman and Algu’s friendship suffer?
Answer. Jumman and Algu’s friendship suffered because Jumman became indifferent to his old aunt, which led to a conflict between them.

Question 10. How does fair play help Jumman and Algu reconcile their differences?
Answer. Fair play allows an unbiased judgement that helps Jumman and Algu understand each other’s perspectives and find a fair resolution to their conflict.

Question 11. What role does truth play in fair play?
Answer. Fair play requires individuals to prioritise truthfulness and honesty in presenting their cases and making decisions based on factual information.

Question 12. How does fair play contribute to a sense of justice?
Answer. Fair play ensures that everyone is treated equally and that decisions are made based on fairness, contributing to a sense of justice within a community.

Question 13. Why is fair play considered a practical approach in resolving conflicts?
Answer. Fair play provides a structured and impartial method for resolving conflicts, ensuring that decisions are based on merit and reducing the chances of further disputes.

Question 14. How does fair play benefit communities?
Answer. Fair play fosters trust, cooperation, and unity within communities by promoting just resolutions to conflicts and maintaining a sense of equality.

Question 15. What is the significance of the aunt’s statement, “God lives in the heart of the Panch”?
Answer. The aunt’s statement emphasises the importance of the panch’s impartial judgement and suggests that fairness and justice are divine qualities that should guide their decisions.

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