Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 1 Summary

How the Dog Found Himself a New Master Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 1 Summary is available here. This summary is created by the subject experts of our website Study Shiksha, is available in both English and Hindi to meet the needs of different students. It aims to make learning efficient and convenient. The summary is original and trustworthy, providing students with a reliable resource.

How the Dog Found Himself a New Master Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 1 Summary

How the Dog Found Himself a New Master Short Summary

There was a dog who didn’t like living in the wild because it was dangerous. He wanted to find a strong master who could protect him. First, he met a wolf, but the wolf was afraid of bears. So, the dog decided to serve a bear instead. But then he learned that bears were afraid of lions. So, the dog became a servant to a lion. He had a good life with the lion, but one day he realized that even the lion was scared of humans. This made the dog understand that humans were the strongest creatures. From that day on, the dog chose to serve humans. That’s why dogs have been loyal friends to humans ever since.

How the Dog Found Himself a New Master Short Summary In Hindi

एक कुत्ता था जिसे जंगल में रहना पसंद नहीं था क्योंकि वह खतरनाक था। वह एक मजबूत गुरु खोजना चाहता था जो उसकी रक्षा कर सके। सबसे पहले, वह एक भेड़िये से मिला, लेकिन भेड़िया भालुओं से डरता था। इसलिए, कुत्ते ने इसके बजाय भालू की सेवा करने का फैसला किया। लेकिन तभी उसे पता चला कि भालू शेरों से डरते हैं। तो कुत्ता शेर का नौकर बन गया। शेर के साथ उनका जीवन अच्छा रहा, लेकिन एक दिन उन्हें अहसास हुआ कि शेर भी इंसानों से डरता है। इससे कुत्ते को समझ में आ गया कि इंसान सबसे मजबूत प्राणी है। उस दिन से कुत्ते ने इंसानों की सेवा करना चुना। इसलिए कुत्ते तब से इंसानों के वफादार दोस्त रहे हैं।

How the Dog Found Himself a New Master Summary

A long time ago, dogs lived in the forest just like wolves. They were not owned by anyone and were their own bosses. But one day, a dog realised that he didn’t like this difficult life. He was tired of always searching for food and being afraid of bigger animals. So, he decided to find a solution. He thought that if he became the servant of the strongest animal, his problems would be solved.
He kept walking and met a big wolf. The dog asked the wolf if he wanted to be his master. The wolf agreed, but when they saw a bear, the wolf hid in fear. The dog was surprised and asked why. The wolf explained that the bear could harm them. Seeing the wolf scared, the dog decided to leave him and serve the bear instead.
Later, the dog discovered that the bear was afraid of a lion. So, the dog left the bear and became the servant of the lion. They lived happily together for a long time, and the dog felt safe because nobody would challenge him with the lion as his master.
One day, while walking together on a narrow path, the lion smelled the scent of a human. The lion wanted to run away to protect themselves. The dog realised that even the lion was afraid of humans. So, he said goodbye to the lion and went to serve the man. Since then, the dog has been loyal and serving humans. In short, the dog now only recognizes humans as his master.

How the Dog Found Himself a New Master Summary In Hindi

बहुत समय पहले, कुत्ते जंगल में भेड़ियों की तरह रहते थे। वे किसी के स्वामित्व में नहीं थे और उनके अपने मालिक थे। लेकिन एक दिन कुत्ते को अहसास हुआ कि उसे यह मुश्किल जिंदगी पसंद नहीं है। वह हमेशा भोजन की तलाश में और बड़े जानवरों से डरते-डरते थक गया था। इसलिए, उन्होंने एक समाधान खोजने का फैसला किया। उसने सोचा कि यदि वह सबसे ताकतवर जानवर का नौकर बन जाए तो उसकी समस्या का समाधान हो जाएगा।
वह चलता रहा और एक बड़े भेड़िये से मिला। कुत्ते ने भेड़िये से पूछा कि क्या वह उसका मालिक बनना चाहता है। भेड़िया मान गया, लेकिन जब उन्होंने एक भालू को देखा, तो भेड़िया डर के मारे छिप गया। कुत्ता हैरान हो गया और पूछा क्यों। भेड़िये ने समझाया कि भालू उन्हें नुकसान पहुँचा सकता है। भेड़िये को डरा हुआ देखकर कुत्ते ने उसे छोड़कर भालू की सेवा करने का फैसला किया।
बाद में कुत्ते को पता चला कि भालू शेर से डरता है। इसलिए कुत्ता भालू को छोड़कर शेर का नौकर बन गया। वे लंबे समय तक एक साथ खुशी से रहते थे, और कुत्ता सुरक्षित महसूस करता था क्योंकि शेर को अपना स्वामी मानकर कोई भी उसे चुनौती नहीं देता था।
एक दिन एक संकरे रास्ते पर साथ-साथ चलते हुए शेर को इंसान की गंध सूंघी। शेर अपनी रक्षा के लिए भागना चाहता था। कुत्ते को एहसास हुआ कि शेर भी इंसानों से डरता है। इसलिए, उसने शेर को अलविदा कहा और उस आदमी की सेवा करने चला गया। तब से कुत्ता वफादार और इंसानों की सेवा कर रहा है। संक्षेप में, कुत्ता अब केवल मनुष्यों को अपना स्वामी मानता है।

Important Word Meanings In Chapter How the Dog Found Himself a New Master

Ill pleased – not happy or satisfied
Servant – a person or animal who works for someone else
Kinsman – a male relative
Darted – moved quickly and suddenly
Readily – willingly or easily
Panic – a sudden feeling of fear or anxiety
Hasty – done quickly or without much thought
Offend – to cause anger or hurt feelings
Angrily – with strong feeling of anger
Faithfully – with loyalty and dedication

The Author of “How the Dog Found Himself a New Master”

The author of the story “How the Dog Found Himself a New Master” is unknown. The story is a folktale that has been passed down for generations, and it is not clear who the original author is. The story is often told in schools to teach children about the relationship between humans and dogs.

The Theme of “How the Dog Found Himself a New Master”

The theme of the story “How the Dog Found Himself a New Master” is the relationship between humans and dogs. The story tells the tale of a dog who is tired of living in the wild and wants to find a stronger master. The dog travels to different animals, including a wolf, a bear, and a lion, but each animal is afraid of something stronger than itself. Finally, the dog meets a human, who is the strongest animal on earth. The dog agrees to become the human’s servant, and the two of them live happily ever after.

Conclusion of the Chapter How the Dog Found Himself a New Master?

The conclusion of the chapter “How the Dog Found Himself a New Master” is that the dog finally found his master in man. The dog had been searching for the strongest master in the world, and he had found that the lion was the strongest animal. However, the dog soon realised that even the lion was afraid of man. This made the dog realise that man was the strongest being in the world, and he decided to serve man as his master. The dog has been man’s loyal servant ever since, and he has proven himself to be a valuable companion.

Frequently Asked Questions Related To “How the Dog Found Himself a New Master”

Question 1: What is the title of the lesson?
Answer: The title of the lesson is “How the Dog Found Himself a New Master”.

Question 2: Why was the dog tired of living in the wild in the lesson “How the Dog Found Himself a New Master”?
Answer: The dog was tired of living in the wild because he had to constantly search for food and was afraid of stronger animals.

Question 3: What did the dog decide to do to improve his life in the lesson “How the Dog Found Himself a New Master”?
Answer: The dog decided to find a new master who was stronger than any other animal.

Question 4: Who did the dog first meet on his journey in the lesson “How the Dog Found Himself a New Master”?
Answer: The dog first met a wolf on his journey.

Question 5: Why did the wolf agree to be the dog’s master in the lesson “How the Dog Found Himself a New Master”?
Answer: The wolf agreed to be the dog’s master because he didn’t see any reason not to.

Question 6: Why did the dog leave the wolf and decide to serve the bear instead in the lesson “How the Dog Found Himself a New Master”?
Answer: The dog left the wolf and decided to serve the bear because the bear was stronger than the wolf.

Question 7: What scared the wolf and made him hide in the bushes in the lesson “How the Dog Found Himself a New Master”?
Answer: The presence of a bear scared the wolf and made him hide in the bushes.

Question 8: Why did the dog choose to serve the bear in the lesson “How the Dog Found Himself a New Master”?
Answer: The dog chose to serve the bear because he saw that the bear was stronger than the wolf.

Question 9: What happened when the dog and the bear encountered a herd of cows in the lesson “How the Dog Found Himself a New Master”?
Answer: The herd of cows panicked and ran away, causing the bear and the dog to back away as well.

Question 10: Why did the bear run away from the cows in the lesson “How the Dog Found Himself a New Master”?
Answer: The bear ran away from the cows because he was afraid of the lion, who ruled the forest.

Question 11: Why did the dog decide to leave the bear and serve the lion in the lesson “How the Dog Found Himself a New Master”?
Answer: The dog decided to leave the bear and serve the lion because he wanted a master who was stronger than anyone on earth.

Question 12: What made the lion and the dog run away from a man in the lesson “How the Dog Found Himself a New Master”?
Answer: The lion and the dog ran away from a man because they sensed his presence and believed they would be in trouble.

Question 13: Why did the dog decide to leave the lion and join the man in the lesson “How the Dog Found Himself a New Master”?
Answer: The dog decided to leave the lion and join the man because he wanted a master who was stronger than anyone on earth.

Question 14: How does the lesson “How the Dog Found Himself a New Master” explain why dogs serve humans?
Answer: The story explains that the dog realised that humans were the strongest creatures on earth, so he chose to serve them.

Question 15: What is the dog’s role as a servant to humans?
Answer: The dog’s role as a servant to humans is to be loyal and obedient, serving them faithfully.

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