Class 11 English Hornbill Poem 3 Summary

The Voice of the Rain Class 11 English Hornbill Poem 3 Summary is available here. This summary is created by the subject experts of CBSE Wale. By reading this summary, students can better understand the poem.

The Voice of the Rain Class 11 English Hornbill Poem 3 Summary

The Voice of the Rain Short Summary

The Voice of the Rain is a poem by Walt Whitman in which the speaker asks the rain who it is. The rain replies that it is the poem of Earth, and goes on to describe its journey from the land and sea to the clouds and back again. The rain speaks of its power to beautify and purify the Earth, and of its ability to bring life to the land. The poem ends with the rain urging the speaker to listen to its voice and to learn from its wisdom.

The Voice of the Rain Short Summary In Hindi

द वॉइस ऑफ द रेन वॉल्ट व्हिटमैन की एक कविता है जिसमें वक्ता बारिश से पूछता है कि यह कौन है। बारिश जवाब देती है कि यह पृथ्वी की कविता है, और जमीन और समुद्र से बादलों तक और फिर वापस आने की अपनी यात्रा का वर्णन करती है। बारिश पृथ्वी को सुशोभित और शुद्ध करने की अपनी शक्ति और भूमि पर जीवन लाने की अपनी क्षमता की बात करती है। कविता बारिश के साथ समाप्त होती है जो वक्ता से उसकी आवाज सुनने और उसके ज्ञान से सीखने का आग्रह करती है।

The Voice of the Rain Summary

The poet Walt Whitman once had a conversation with the rain. The rain was falling gently from the heavens, and the poet asked, “Who are you?”
The rain replied, “I am the poem of the earth.”
The rain explained that it was born as invisible vapors from the deep waters of the earth and the land. It rose up to the heavens and changed its form into clouds, but it was still the same rain at its core.
Then the rain fell back to earth as droplets, washing away the dust and restoring the dry land. New plants grew from the seeds that were hidden in the earth, and the rain had given life to the land.
The poet realized that the rain was like a song. A song is born in the poet’s heart, and it travels from one place to another. It may change or remain the same, but it always returns to the poet with the love of the listeners.
The rain is also like a song. It comes from the earth, and it returns to the earth to nourish it. Without the rain, the seeds would remain seeds, and the earth would be dry and barren.
The rain is a poem of the earth. It is a song of life. It is a gift from the heavens.

The Voice of the Rain Summary In Hindi

कवि वाल्ट व्हिटमैन ने एक बार बारिश से बातचीत की थी। आकाश से वर्षा धीरे-धीरे गिर रही थी, और कवि ने पूछा, “तुम कौन हो?”
बारिश ने जवाब दिया, “मैं धरती की कविता हूँ।”
बारिश ने समझाया कि यह पृथ्वी और भूमि के गहरे पानी से अदृश्य वाष्प के रूप में पैदा हुआ था। वह आकाश तक उठी और बादलों में अपना रूप बदल लिया, लेकिन उसके मूल में अभी भी वही बारिश थी।
फिर बारिश वापस पृथ्वी पर बूंदों के रूप में गिरती है, धूल को धोती है और सूखी भूमि को पुनर्स्थापित करती है। धरती में छिपे बीजों से नए पौधे उगे और बारिश ने ज़मीन को जीवन दिया।
कवि ने अनुभव किया कि वर्षा एक गीत के समान है। कवि के हृदय में एक गीत का जन्म होता है और वह एक स्थान से दूसरे स्थान तक जाता है। यह बदल सकता है या वही रह सकता है, लेकिन यह हमेशा कवि के पास श्रोताओं के प्यार के साथ लौटता है।
बारिश भी एक गीत की तरह है। यह पृथ्वी से आता है, और यह इसे पोषण करने के लिए पृथ्वी पर लौटता है। बारिश के बिना, बीज बीज ही रहेंगे, और पृथ्वी सूखी और बंजर होगी।
बारिश धरती की कविता है। यह जीवन का गीत है। यह स्वर्ग से एक उपहार है।

The Explanation of the Poem “The Voice of the Rain”

Stanza 1

And who art thou? said I to the soft-falling shower,
Which, strange to tell, gave me an answer, as here translated:
I am the Poem of Earth, said the voice of the rain,
Eternal I rise impalpable out of the land and the bottomless
Upward to heaven, whence, vaguely form’d, altogether
changed, and yet the same,

Important Word Meaning

Eternal: Lasting forever.
Impalpable: Not able to be felt or touched.
Bottomless sea: The ocean. It is so vast that its depth cannot be measured.
Heaven: The place where God is believed to live. It is often described as a place of peace and happiness.
Vaguely formed: Not completely formed or defined.


The speaker asks the rain who it is, and the rain responds that it is the “Poem of Earth.” The rain goes on to say that it rises eternally from the land and the sea, and that it returns to heaven, where it is “vaguely form’d, altogether changed, and yet the same.”
The first line, “And who art thou?”, is the speaker’s question to the rain. The rain’s response, “I am the Poem of Earth ”, is a personification of rain. Personification is a literary device that gives human qualities to nonhuman things. In this case, the rain is given the human quality of speech.
The rain’s next statement, “Eternal I rise impalpably out of the land and the bottomless sea”, tells us that rain is a natural force that is always present. It rises from the earth and the sea, which are two of the most basic elements of the natural world.
The rain’s final statement, “Upward to heaven, whence, vaguely form’d, altogether changed, and yet the same”, tells us that rain is a force of renewal. It rises to heaven, where it is changed into something new. However, it is still the same rain, just in a different form.
The stanza is a beautiful and evocative poem that celebrates the power of rain. It is a reminder that rain is not just a natural force, but also a source of inspiration, beauty, and renewal.

Poetic Devices

Personification: The soft-falling shower is personified as having a voice and being capable of speaking. It answers the speaker’s question, “And who art thou?”
Metaphor: The rain is metaphorically described as “the Poem of Earth.” This comparison suggests that the rain is a creative expression of nature, like a poem.
Symbolism: The rain symbolizes the eternal cycle of life and regeneration. It rises from the land and the bottomless sea, representing the interconnectedness of the earth’s elements.
Imagery: The stanza utilizes vivid and sensory language to paint a picture in the reader’s mind. Phrases such as “soft-falling shower,” “impalpable out of the land and the bottomless sea,” and “Upward to heaven” create visual and tactile images.
Hyperbole: ‘Bottomless sea’ is an example of hyperbole. The poet describes the sea as bottomless which is an exaggerated statement to bring out the desired effect.
Paradox: The line “altogether changed, and yet the same” presents a paradoxical statement. It suggests that the rain undergoes transformation while still retaining its essential qualities.

Stanza 2

I descend to lave the droughts, atomies, dust-layers of the
And all that in them without me were seeds only, latent,
And forever, by day and night, I give back life to my own
And make pure and beautify it;
(For song, issuing from its birth-place, after fulfilment,
Reck’d or unreck’d, duly with love returns.)

Important Word Meaning

Droughts: A period of dry weather, especially one that is long and severe.
Atomies: Tiny particles of matter.
Dust-layers: Layers of dust that have accumulated on the surface of something.
Globe: The Earth.
Latent: Existing but not yet developed or active.
Unborn: Not yet born.
Origin: The place where something begins or comes from.
Fulfilment: The achievement of a goal or purpose.
Wandering: Moving from place to place without a fixed destination.
Reck’d or unreck’d: Whether or not it is noticed or cared about.
Duly: At the right time or in the right way.


The rain falls to wash away the drought and dry land, and to nourish the seeds that are latent, or dormant, in the earth. The rain also returns to the sky, where it evaporates and forms clouds. The rain is a cycle of renewal, and it is a symbol of hope and rebirth.
The first line, “I descend to lave the droughts, atomies, dust-layers of the globe” tells us that the rain falls to wash away the drought and dry land. The rain also falls on the dust and dirt, which it washes away and cleans.
The second line, “And all that in them without me were seeds only, latent, unborn” tells us that the rain nourishes the seeds that are latent, or dormant, in the earth. The rain provides the water that the seeds need to grow.
The third line, “And forever, by day and night, I give back life to my own origin” tells us that the rain is a cycle of renewal. The rain falls from the sky, nourishes the earth, and then returns to the sky. The rain is a symbol of hope and rebirth.
The fourth line, “And make pure and beautify it” tells us that the rain makes the earth pure and beautiful. The rain washes away the dirt and grime, and it leaves the earth clean and new. The rain is a symbol of hope and rebirth.
The fifth line, “(For song, issuing from its birth-place, after fulfilment, wandering Reck’d or unreck’d, duly with love returns)” is a metaphor for the rain. The rain is compared to a song that issues from its birth-place, or the sky, and wanders the earth, or the world. The rain is a symbol of hope and rebirth.

Poetic Devices

Personification: The speaker personifies the rain, giving it the ability to “lave” and “give back life.” This creates a more vivid and engaging image for the reader.
Metaphor: The speaker compares the rain to a song, saying that both “issue from their birth-place, after fulfilment, wandering.” This metaphor helps to convey the sense of the rain as a creative force, bringing new life to the world.
Alliteration: The repetition of the “d” sound in “descend to lave the droughts”, and ‘t’ sound in “And all that in them without me were seeds only latent” create a smooth and flowing rhythm.
Imagery: The vivid imagery of the rain “laving” the earth and “giving back life” helps to create a sense of the power and beauty of nature.
Simile: In the last two lines, the poet has drawn a parallel between the rain and the song of a poet.

Poet of the Poem “The Voice of the Rain”

The poem “The Voice of the Rain” was written by Walt Whitman. It was first published in 1855 in the first edition of his book Leaves of Grass.

About the Poet of the Poem “The Voice of the Rain”

Walt Whitman (May 31, 1819 – March 26, 1892) was an American poet, essayist and journalist. A humanist, he was a part of the transition between transcendentalism and realism, incorporating both views in his works. Whitman is among the most influential poets in the American canon, often called the father of free verse. His work was very controversial in its time, particularly his poetry collection Leaves of Grass, which was described as obscene for its overt sexuality. However, Whitman’s poetry has since been embraced as a celebration of the human experience.

Theme of the Poem “The Voice of the Rain”

“The Voice of the Rain” by Walt Whitman is a poem that talks about how rain has the amazing ability to bring life and rejuvenation to our world. It’s all about celebrating the rain and the important role it plays in nature. Whitman uses descriptive words and imagery to show us just how powerful and kind the rain can be. The poem is a lovely and emotional tribute to this wonderful natural phenomenon.

Main Idea of the Poem “The Voice of the Rain”

In the poem “The Voice of the Rain” by Walt Whitman, the main idea is that rain is a strong and vital force that brings life and rejuvenation to the world. The poem praises the rain and emphasises its crucial role in nature. Whitman’s use of vivid descriptions and expressive words captures the rain as a mighty and kind force. Overall, the poem is a lovely and touching tribute to the rain.

Moral of the Poem “The Voice of the Rain”

The moral of Walt Whitman’s poem “The Voice of the Rain” is that rain holds great power in bringing life and rejuvenation to our planet. The poem joyfully honours the rain and recognizes its vital role in nature. Whitman uses strong descriptions and expressive words to portray the rain as a mighty and kind force. Overall, the poem is a captivating and heartfelt tribute to the beauty of rainfall.

Message of the Poem “The Voice of the Rain”

The message of the poem is that rain is a force of good that brings life and renewal to the world. It is a reminder that we should appreciate the rain and all that it does for us. The poem also suggests that rain is a metaphor for poetry and art. Just as rain brings life and beauty to the world, so too does poetry and art bring life and beauty to the world.

Conclusion of the Poem “The Voice of the Rain”

In the poem “The Voice of the Rain” by Walt Whitman, it ends with the speaker comparing rain to a song that returns to its home with love. The poem highlights how rain is like a natural force that brings life and rejuvenation to our planet. It’s a heartfelt tribute to the rain’s beauty. The conclusion reminds us to value and be grateful for the rain and its positive impact on our world. The poem also hints at rain being a symbol for poetry and art. Like rain, poetry and art also bring life and beauty to our world.

Rhyme Scheme of the poem “The Voice of the Rain”

The poem “The Voice of the Rain” by Walt Whitman does not have a rhyme scheme. It is written in free verse, which means that it does not follow any specific pattern of rhyme or metre.

Frequently Asked Questions Related To Poem The Voice of the Rain

Question 1. What is the theme of the poem “The Voice of the Rain”?
Answer. The theme of the poem is that rain is a powerful force that brings life and renewal to the world.

Question 2. How does the poem “The Voice of the Rain” celebrate the rain?
Answer. The poem celebrates the rain by highlighting its essential role in nature and portraying it as a powerful and benevolent force.

Question 3. What techniques does Walt Whitman use to convey the power of rain in the poem “The Voice of the Rain”?
Answer. Whitman uses vivid imagery and language to create a sense of the rain’s strength and benevolence. For example, he describes the rain as “the Poem of Earth” and “a song issuing from its birth-place, after fulfilment, wandering.”

Question 4. What is the moral or lesson of the poem “The Voice of the Rain”?
Answer. The moral of the poem is that rain is a force of nature that brings life and renewal to the world. We should appreciate and value the rain and its positive effects on our world.

Question 5. How does the speaker compare rain to a song in the conclusion of the poem “The Voice of the Rain”?
Answer. The speaker compares rain to a song that returns to its birthplace with love, emphasising its beauty and harmony.

Question 6. What does the poem “The Voice of the Rain” suggest about the role of rain in nature?
Answer. The poem suggests that rain plays an essential role in the natural world by bringing life and rejuvenation.

Question 7. How would you describe the overall tone of the poem “The Voice of the Rain”?
Answer. The overall tone of the poem is celebratory and appreciative of the rain’s significance.

Question 8. What emotions does the poem “The Voice of the Rain” evoke?
Answer. The poem evokes a sense of awe, wonder, and gratitude towards the rain.

Question 9. How does the poem “The Voice of the Rain” connect rain to poetry and art?
Answer. The poem suggests that rain can be seen as a metaphor for poetry and art, both of which bring beauty and life to the world.

Question 10. What is the significance of the rain being described as a “voice”?
Answer. Describing rain as a “voice” emphasises its ability to communicate and have an impact on the world.

Question 11. How does the poem “The Voice of the Rain” portray rain as a benevolent force?
Answer. The poem portrays rain as a kind and generous force that brings life and renewal to the world.

Question 12. What does the conclusion of the poem “The Voice of the Rain” remind readers to do?
Answer. The conclusion of the poem reminds readers to appreciate and value the rain and its positive effects on our world.

Question 13. What is the overall message of the poem “The Voice of the Rain”?
Answer. The overall message of the poem is to recognize and celebrate the power and beauty of rain in bringing life and renewal.

Question 14. How does the poem “The Voice of the Rain” convey a sense of beauty?
Answer. The poem uses vivid imagery and descriptive language to paint a beautiful and captivating picture of the rain’s impact.

Question 15. Why is “The Voice of the Rain” considered a moving ode to the rain?
Answer. The poem is considered a moving ode to the rain because of its heartfelt and appreciative tone, highlighting the rain’s importance and impact on the world.

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