Class 6 English Honeysuckle Poem 4 Summary

Beauty Class 6 English Honeysuckle Poem 4 Summary is available here. This summary is created by the subject experts of CBSE Wale. The poem is included in the Honeysuckle reader book, which is the main English textbook for Class 6 students. By reading this summary, students can understand the poem better and improve their English language skills.

Beauty Class 6 English Honeysuckle Poem 4 Summary

The poet is saying that there is beauty in everything around us, even in the small things we do. Everything has its own importance and uniqueness. We can see beauty in sunlight, growing crops, and people working or dancing. Beauty can also be heard or felt, like the sound of the wind, rain, or music. Beauty is not just outside, it is also within us. Our good deeds, happy thoughts, and dreams are all beautiful. Even our way of working and resting can be beautiful. Beauty is everywhere and depends on our attitude and how we see things. We just need to be able to feel it.

Beauty Short Summary In Hindi

कवि कह रहा है कि हमारे आस-पास की हर चीज में सुंदरता है, यहां तक कि छोटी-छोटी चीजों में भी जो हम करते हैं। हर चीज का अपना महत्व और विशिष्टता होती है। हम सूरज की रौशनी में, फ़सलें उगाते हुए, और काम करते हुए या नाचते हुए लोगों में सुंदरता देख सकते हैं। सुंदरता को हवा, बारिश या संगीत की आवाज़ की तरह सुना या महसूस भी किया जा सकता है। सुंदरता सिर्फ बाहर नहीं होती, हमारे भीतर भी होती है। हमारे अच्छे कर्म, खुशनुमा विचार और सपने सभी खूबसूरत होते हैं। यहां तक कि हमारे काम करने और आराम करने का तरीका भी खूबसूरत हो सकता है। सुंदरता हर जगह है और यह हमारे नजरिए और चीजों को देखने के तरीके पर निर्भर करती है। हमें बस इसे महसूस करने में सक्षम होना चाहिए।

Beauty Summary

The poem “Beauty” is written by E-Yeh-Shure. In this poem the poet tells us that Beauty is subjective and varies from person to person. It depends on how we see things. Beauty can be found everywhere around us. We can see it in sunlight, trees, birds, and even in growing crops. People dancing to show their happiness when their crops are ready also display beauty. Beauty is not just external, but it also comes from our attitude. If we have a positive attitude towards life, we can see beauty even in the smallest things. Beauty is not limited to physical appearance but can be found in everything around us. We just need to have the right mindset to appreciate it.
Beauty is not just something to be seen, but it can also be felt and heard. For example, we can hear the beauty of nature when night falls and the wind blows, or when we listen to the sound of rainfall. We can also hear beauty in the form of music when a singer sings. Beauty can also be felt in the sincere and honest conviction of a person. It is not limited to physical appearance but can be found in various forms. We can feel the beauty in the way people talk, act, and interact with others. Beauty is not just a visual experience; it is also an emotional and sensory experience. We can appreciate beauty in different ways and forms if we have the right mindset to do so.
Beauty is not always something we can see externally. It can also be found within us, and it can be abstract. It can be seen in our thoughts, views, and good actions. We can find beauty even in our dreams and wishes. Beauty can also be seen in the way we work or even in the style of our rest. It is a vast concept that cannot be limited to just one thing. Beauty can be found in everything around us; we just need to have the right mindset to see it. We need to open our eyes and hearts to appreciate the beauty around us. Beauty is not just a visual experience, but it is also a state of mind. If we have a positive mindset, we can see the beauty even in the smallest things.

Beauty Summary In Hindi

कविता “ब्यूटी” ई-ये-श्योर द्वारा लिखी गई है। इस कविता में कवि हमें बताता है कि सौंदर्य व्यक्तिपरक है और एक व्यक्ति से दूसरे व्यक्ति में भिन्न होता है। यह इस बात पर निर्भर करता है कि हम चीजों को कैसे देखते हैं। सुंदरता हमारे चारों ओर हर जगह पाई जा सकती है। हम इसे धूप, पेड़ों, पक्षियों और यहां तक कि बढ़ती फसलों में भी देख सकते हैं। जब उनकी फसल तैयार हो जाती है तो अपनी खुशी दिखाने के लिए नाचते हुए लोग भी सुंदरता का प्रदर्शन करते हैं। सुंदरता सिर्फ बाहरी नहीं होती, बल्कि यह हमारे नजरिए से भी आती है। अगर हम जीवन के प्रति सकारात्मक नजरिया रखते हैं तो हम छोटी-छोटी चीजों में भी खूबसूरती देख सकते हैं। सुंदरता केवल शारीरिक रूप तक ही सीमित नहीं है बल्कि हमारे आस-पास की हर चीज में पाई जा सकती है। हमें इसकी सराहना करने के लिए बस सही मानसिकता रखने की जरूरत है।
खूबसूरती सिर्फ देखने की चीज नहीं होती, बल्कि इसे महसूस और सुना भी जा सकता है। उदाहरण के लिए, जब रात होती है और हवा चलती है, या जब हम बारिश की आवाज सुनते हैं तो हम प्रकृति की सुंदरता सुन सकते हैं। जब कोई गायक गाता है तो हम सौंदर्य को संगीत के रूप में भी सुन सकते हैं। सुंदरता को किसी व्यक्ति के ईमानदार और ईमानदार विश्वास में भी महसूस किया जा सकता है। यह शारीरिक रूप तक ही सीमित नहीं है बल्कि विभिन्न रूपों में पाया जा सकता है। लोग जिस तरह से बात करते हैं, कार्य करते हैं और दूसरों के साथ बातचीत करते हैं, उसमें हम सुंदरता को महसूस कर सकते हैं। सुंदरता केवल एक दृश्य अनुभव नहीं है; यह एक भावनात्मक और संवेदी अनुभव भी है। यदि हमारे पास ऐसा करने की सही मानसिकता है तो हम विभिन्न तरीकों और रूपों में सुंदरता की सराहना कर सकते हैं।
सुंदरता हमेशा कोई ऐसी चीज नहीं होती जिसे हम बाहर से देख सकें। यह हमारे भीतर भी पाया जा सकता है, और यह अमूर्त हो सकता है। यह हमारे विचारों, विचारों और अच्छे कार्यों में देखा जा सकता है। हम अपने सपनों और चाहतों में भी सुंदरता पा सकते हैं। खूबसूरती हमारे काम करने के तरीके या हमारे आराम करने के तरीके में भी देखी जा सकती है। यह एक विशाल अवधारणा है जिसे केवल एक चीज तक सीमित नहीं किया जा सकता है। सुंदरता हमारे आस-पास की हर चीज में पाई जा सकती है; हमें इसे देखने के लिए बस सही मानसिकता रखने की जरूरत है। हमें अपने आस-पास की सुंदरता की सराहना करने के लिए अपनी आंखें और दिल खोलने की जरूरत है। सुंदरता केवल एक दृश्य अनुभव नहीं है, बल्कि यह मन की एक अवस्था भी है। अगर हमारी सोच सकारात्मक है तो हम छोटी से छोटी चीज में भी खूबसूरती देख सकते हैं।

The Explanation of the Poem “Beauty”

Stanza 1

Beauty is seen
In the sunlight,
The trees, the birds,
Corn growing and people working
Or dancing for their harvest.

Important Word Meaning

Beauty: Beauty refers to the quality of being pleasing to the senses or the mind.
Corn: Corn, also known as maize, is a cereal crop that is widely cultivated around the world.
Harvest: Harvest refers to the process of gathering crops that have reached maturity and are ready for consumption or further processing.


In this stanza, the poet is expressing how beauty can be found in various natural elements such as sunlight, trees, and birds. The poet also highlights the beauty in the process of corn growing and people working or dancing for their harvest. The poet wants to emphasize that beauty is not limited to just external appearance, but it can be found in the simplest things around us. The process of corn growing and people working towards their harvest symbolizes the hard work and dedication that goes into achieving something beautiful. The imagery used in this stanza creates a beautiful and vibrant picture of nature and the people working in it, highlighting the beauty in their actions and surroundings. The poet wants to convey that we should appreciate the beauty in everything around us, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem.

Poetic Devices

Imagery: The poet has used visual imagery in the first line. 
Enjambment: The sentence is being continued to the next line without the use of any punctuation marks or breaks. It has been used throughout the stanza.
Repetition: The poet has repeated the word ‘the’.

Stanza 2

Beauty is heard
In the night,
Wind sighing, rain falling,
Or a singer chanting
Anything in earnest.
Earnest sincere and honest conviction

Important Word Meaning

Sighing: “Sighing” in the stanza refers to the sound made by the wind blowing. It is a soft, low, and continuous sound that can create a peaceful and soothing atmosphere. 
Chanting: “Chanting” in the context of the stanza refers to a singer singing in a repetitive manner with a particular rhythm and melody.
Earnest: In the context of the stanza, “earnest” means sincere and genuine.
Sincere: In the context of the stanza, “sincere” means honest and genuine.
Honest: In the context of the stanza, “honest” means truthful and genuine.
Conviction: In the context of the stanza, “conviction” refers to a strong belief or opinion that is expressed with sincerity and determination.


In this stanza, the poet describes how beauty can be heard, rather than seen. The beauty is present in the sounds that we hear at night such as the sound of wind blowing or the sound of rain falling on the ground. Even a singer who sings with earnest, sincere and honest conviction can create a beautiful sound that can be pleasing to the ears.
The use of the word “earnest” in the last line highlights the importance of sincerity and honesty in creating beauty. The poet suggests that true beauty can only be created when there is a genuine and sincere commitment to the art, whether it is in singing or any other form of expression.

Poetic Devices

Imagery: The poet has used auditory imagery in the first line. 
Enjambment: The sentence is being continued to the next line without the use of any punctuation marks or breaks. It has been used throughout the stanza.

Stanza 3

Beauty is in yourself.
Good deeds, happy thoughts
That repeat themselves
In your dreams,
In your work, And even in your rest.

Important Word Meaning

Deed: “deed” is an action or performance that is carried out intentionally or consciously.
Rest: “Rest” means the act of ceasing work or activity in order to relax and refresh oneself.


In this stanza, the poet emphasises that beauty is not just external, but also within oneself. It can be found in the goodness of our actions, the positivity of our thoughts, and the happiness that we feel. The poet highlights that this beauty is not limited to our conscious moments but also seeps into our dreams. Even the way we work or rest can be beautiful. The poet suggests that one’s attitude towards life and the world is essential in finding beauty in everything around us.

Poetic Devices

Imagery: The poet has used sensory imagery in the first line.
Enjambment: The sentence is being continued to the next line without the use of any punctuation marks or breaks. It has been used throughout the stanza.
Alliteration: Occurrence of same letter at the beginning of closely connected words – ‘t’ in that repeat themselves.
Repetition: The poet has repeated the word ‘your’.
Anaphora: The repetition of words or phrases in a group of poetic lines. Here “In your” is repeated in the starting of the 4th and 5th line of the stanza.

Poet of the Poem “Beauty”

The poet of the poem “Beauty” is E-Yeh-Shure.

About the Poet of the Poem “Beauty”

Louise Abeita, also known by her pen name E-Yeh-Shure or Blue Corn, was a Native American writer born on September 9, 1926, in Isleta Pueblo, New Mexico. At the age of thirteen, E-Yeh-Shure published her first book titled “I am a Pueblo Indian Girl,” which included both her poetry and prose works. This book is significant as it is considered the first authentic record of Pueblo community art and culture that is accessible to non-Native people. E-Yeh-Shure was also a teacher and contributed to the preservation of Native American cultural heritage. She passed away at the age of 87 on July 21, 2014, in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Theme of the Poem “Beauty”

The theme of the poem “Beauty” is that beauty can be found everywhere, in both visible and invisible things. It is a matter of perception and attitude. Beauty can be seen in nature, in people working or celebrating their harvest, in the sounds of the wind and rain, and in the sincerity and honesty of a person’s beliefs and actions. Ultimately, beauty is also within oneself, in the good deeds, happy thoughts, and peaceful moments that one experiences in life.

Main Idea of the Poem “Beauty”

The main idea of the poem “Beauty” is that beauty is all around us and can be found in nature, in our actions and thoughts, and even within ourselves. The poem emphasizes the idea that beauty is not just limited to external appearances, but can also be found in abstract concepts such as sincerity and honesty. The poet encourages us to appreciate and acknowledge the beauty around us, and to recognize that it is present in everything if we look for it with an open heart and mind.

Moral of the Poem “Beauty”

The moral of the poem “Beauty” is that beauty can be found in everything around us, both inside and outside of ourselves, and it is up to us to open our hearts and minds to see it. The poem encourages us to appreciate the beauty in nature, in the work that we do, and in our own thoughts and actions. It reminds us that beauty is not just about what we can see or hear, but also about what we feel and believe. The poem suggests that by embracing beauty, we can find happiness and meaning in our lives.

Message of the Poem “Beauty”

The message of the poem “Beauty” is that beauty can be found in every aspect of life, including nature, work, and even within oneself. It encourages the reader to appreciate the simple things in life and to have a positive outlook. The poem also suggests that beauty is subjective and can be perceived differently by different people. Ultimately, the message is to find beauty in everything and to appreciate it.

Conclusion of the Poem “Beauty”

The conclusion of the poem “Beauty” is that beauty is all around us, and it can be found in nature, in our own actions and thoughts, and in the sincere and honest convictions of others. The poet wants us to recognize and appreciate the beauty that surrounds us and to understand that it is not just limited to external appearances.

Rhyme Scheme of the poem “Beauty”

The poem “Beauty” by E-Yeh-Shure does not have a consistent rhyme scheme. It is written in free verse, which means that it does not follow a regular pattern of rhyme.

Frequently Asked Questions Related To The Poem Beauty

Question 1. What is beauty in the poem “Beauty”?
Answer. In the poem “Beauty”, the term “beauty” refers to the various forms of beauty that exist in the world beyond just physical appearance. The poem suggests that beauty can be found in nature, in the actions and thoughts of people, and even within oneself. It emphasises that beauty is not confined to a single definition and is subjective to each individual’s perception. The poem encourages the reader to appreciate the diverse forms of beauty that exist in the world and to see it with an open heart and mind.

Question 2. Where can beauty be seen in the poem “Beauty”?
Answer. In the poem “Beauty,” beauty can be seen in the sunlight, trees, birds, corn growing, people working or dancing for their harvest, wind sighing, rain falling, and in oneself through good deeds and happy thoughts.

Question 3. What does the poet mean by ‘wind sighing’ in the poem “Beauty”?
Answer. In the poem “Beauty,” the phrase “wind sighing” refers to the sound that the wind makes as it blows through the trees or other objects. The poet is suggesting that this sound can be beautiful and can be heard in the night, adding to the overall beauty of nature.

Question 4. Who is working and dancing for their harvest in the poem “Beauty”?
Answer. In the poem “Beauty,” it is mentioned that people are working and dancing for their harvest.

Question 5. When can beauty be heard in the poem “Beauty”?
Answer. Beauty can be heard in the night, according to the poem “Beauty”.

Question 6. What happens in the night in the poem “Beauty”?
Answer. In the poem “Beauty,” the night is described as a time when beauty can be heard. The wind is sighing, and rain is falling. A singer may also be chanting something in earnest.

Question 7. What beauty gives us in the poem “Beauty”?
Answer. The poem “Beauty” suggests that beauty gives us a sense of happiness, inspiration, and a connection to the world around us. It also encourages us to look beyond the surface and appreciate the beauty that exists in everyday life, such as nature, hard work, and honest expression.

Question 8. Which things keep on repeating themselves in the poem “Beauty”?
Answer. In the poem “Beauty,” good deeds and happy thoughts keep on repeating themselves in dreams, work, and even in rest.

Question 9. Who is the poet of the poem ‘Beauty?
Answer. The poet of the poem “Beauty” is E-Yeh-Shure, also known as Blue Corn, a Native American writer.

Question 10. What can you see in yourself in the poem “Beauty”?
Answer. In the poem “Beauty,” you can see beauty in the form of good deeds, happy thoughts, and positive experiences in yourself.

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