Class 7 English Honeycomb Poem 1 Summary

The Squirrel Class 7 English Honeycomb Poem 1 Summary is available here. It gives a brief summary of the poem that helps students to understand and learn the poem quickly. The poem belongs to the Honeycomb reader book, which is the main textbook for CBSE Class 7 English.

The Squirrel Class 7 English Honeycomb Poem 1 Summary

The Squirrel Short Summary In Hindi

The poet saw a small animal called a squirrel eating nuts on a tree. The squirrel had a gray fur coat that looked too big for its body, and its tail was curved upward like a question mark. The squirrel liked to play with people and wouldn’t get scared if someone ran around its tree. It would even tease and play by running around the tree from the opposite direction.

The Squirrel Short Summary In Hindi

कवि ने देखा कि गिलहरी नाम का एक छोटा जानवर पेड़ पर अखरोट खा रहा है। गिलहरी के पास एक ग्रे फर कोट था जो उसके शरीर के लिए बहुत बड़ा लग रहा था, और उसकी पूंछ एक प्रश्न चिह्न की तरह ऊपर की ओर मुड़ी हुई थी। गिलहरी लोगों के साथ खेलना पसंद करती थी और अगर कोई उसके पेड़ के चारों ओर दौड़ता था तो वह डरती नहीं थी। यह विपरीत दिशा से पेड़ के चारों ओर दौड़कर चिढ़ाता और खेलता भी था।

The Squirrel Summary

“The Squirrel” is a poem written by Mildred Bowers Armstrong that describes a squirrel’s appearance and behavior. The poet notes that the squirrel’s tail is curved like a question mark and its gray fur looks like an overcoat. The squirrel enjoys eating nuts and sits upright while doing so. It also likes to play with the nuts. However, squirrels are easily frightened and move quickly, so approaching them is challenging. The poet and her friends used to run around the tree where the squirrel lived, but it always managed to disappear through the opposite direction. The poem provides a glimpse of the playful and elusive nature of squirrels, making us appreciate them more.

The Squirrel Summary In Hindi

मिल्ड्रेड बोवर्स आर्मस्ट्रांग द्वारा लिखित “द स्क्विरेल” एक कविता है जो एक गिलहरी की उपस्थिति और व्यवहार का वर्णन करती है। कवि नोट करता है कि गिलहरी की पूंछ एक प्रश्न चिह्न की तरह घुमावदार होती है और उसका ग्रे फर एक ओवरकोट जैसा दिखता है। गिलहरी को अखरोट खाने में मजा आता है और ऐसा करते समय वह सीधी बैठ जाती है। इसे अखरोट के साथ खेलना भी पसंद है। हालांकि, गिलहरियां आसानी से डर जाती हैं और तेजी से आगे बढ़ती हैं, इसलिए उनके पास पहुंचना चुनौतीपूर्ण होता है। कवयित्री और उसकी सहेलियाँ उस पेड़ के चारों ओर दौड़ती थीं जहाँ गिलहरी रहती थी, लेकिन वह हमेशा विपरीत दिशा से गायब हो जाती थी। कविता गिलहरियों की चंचल और मायावी प्रकृति की झलक प्रदान करती है, जिससे हम उनकी और अधिक सराहना करते हैं।

Poet Of The Poem “The Squirrel”

The Poet of “The Squirrel” Class 7 English Poem 1 is Mildred Bowers Armstrong.

Theme of the Poem “The Squirrel”

The theme of the poem “The Squirrel” by Mildred Bowers Armstrong is the playful and elusive nature of squirrels. The poet describes the squirrel’s appearance and behavior, highlighting its love for nuts and tendency to play.

The Explanation of the Poem “The Squirrel”


He wore a question mark for tail,
An overcoat of gray,
He sat up straight to eat a nut.
He liked to tease and play,
And if we ran around his tree,
He went the other way. 

Important Word Meaning

Overcoat: Overcoat refers to a long coat worn over other clothing, typically during cold weather. 
Tease: To tease means to playfully provoke or make fun of someone, often with the intention of creating a playful or humorous atmosphere. 


The poem “The Squirrel” by Mildred Bowers Armstrong describes the physical appearance and behavior of a squirrel. The squirrel’s tail is described as being shaped like a question mark due to its large and curled end. Its gray coat is described as being so long that it covers its entire body, making it look like an overcoat. When the squirrel wants to eat a nut, it sits up straight to do so. The squirrel is also depicted as being playful and mischievous. It enjoys teasing and playing with people, and when someone tries to catch it, it quickly escapes by running the other way. The poem highlights the natural beauty and characteristics of this little creature, as well as its playful and elusive nature. It encourages us to appreciate and enjoy the playful antics of squirrels, and to respect their tendency to be wary of humans. The poem also reminds us that nature is full of wonders that we should take time to appreciate and enjoy.

Poetic Devices

1. Personification – The poet has personified the squirrel by using ‘he’ instead of ‘it’ for him.
2. Alliteration – It is the repetition of a letter at the start of closely placed words. The repetition of the letter ‘s’ in “He sat up straight”.
3. Imagery – The poet has given the visual description of the squirrel throughout the poem. 
4. Anaphora – It is the repetition of a word at the start of two or more consecutive lines –
(He sat up straight to eat a nut.
He liked to tease and play).

Frequently Asked Questions Related To The Poem The Squirrel

Question 1. Who is teasing the poet and her friend in the poem “The Squirrel”?
Answer. The Squirrel is teasing the poet and her friend.

Question 2. What covers the body of the squirrel?
Answer. The body of the squirrel is covered with a gray overcoat.

Question 3. What does the squirrel’s tail look like?
Answer. The squirrel’s tail looks like a question mark.

Question 4. What is the squirrel doing on the ground?
Answer. The squirrel is eating a nut.

Question 5. Where is the squirrel sitting?
Answer. The squirrel is sitting on the ground.

Question 6. What does the squirrel do when the poet and her friend run around his tree?
Answer. The squirrel runs to the other side of the tree.

Question 7. How does the poet describe the squirrel?
Answer. The poet describes the squirrel as a playful, innocent, naughty, and intelligent creature. She also mentions that the squirrel’s tail looks like a question mark due to its curved shape.

Question 8. Where was the squirrel sitting, and what was he doing?
Answer. The squirrel was sitting on the ground, eating nuts because it loves to eat nuts.

Question 9. Why did the poet say the squirrel ‘wore a mark for tail’?
Answer. The poet said that the squirrel ‘wore a mark for a tail’ because its tail is twisted like a mark.

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