Who Did Patrick’s Homework? Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 1 Extra Questions

Who Did Patrick’s Homework? Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 1 Extra Questions are available here. These extra questions have been created by the subject experts of CBSE Wale.

Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 1 Extra Questions

Question 1: Why does Patrick never do homework?
Answer: Patrick finds homework too boring, preferring to engage in activities like playing hockey, basketball, and Nintendo.

Question 2: What do Patrick’s teachers tell him regarding his homework?
Answer: Patrick’s teachers warn him that if he doesn’t do his homework, he won’t learn anything.

Question 3: How does Patrick feel about his lack of homework completion?
Answer: Sometimes Patrick feels like an ignoramus due to not doing his homework, as acknowledged by himself and his teachers.

Question 4: What is Patrick’s attitude towards homework?
Answer: Patrick hates homework, which is evident from his reluctance to do it despite the admonitions from his teachers.

Question 5: What did Patrick find his cat playing with one day?
Answer: Patrick found his cat playing with what he initially thought was a doll.

Question 6: What did Patrick realize upon closer inspection of the object his cat was playing with?
Answer: Upon closer inspection, Patrick realized that the object his cat was playing with was actually a tiny man.

Question 7: How was the appearance of the tiny man described?
Answer: The tiny man wore a little wool shirt, old-fashioned britches, and a tall hat resembling that of a witch’s.

Question 8: What did the tiny man say to Patrick when he was grabbed away from the cat?
Answer: The tiny man begged Patrick to save him from the cat and promised to grant him a wish in return.

Question 9: What offer did the tiny man make to Patrick in exchange for not being returned to the cat?
Answer: The tiny man promised Patrick that he would grant him a wish if Patrick saved him from being given back to the cat.

Question 10: What was Patrick’s reaction upon realizing the potential of the tiny man’s offer?
Answer: Patrick couldn’t believe his luck, as he saw the offer as the solution to all his problems.

Question 11: What condition did Patrick set for the tiny man in exchange for granting his wish?
Answer: Patrick told the tiny man that he would only grant his wish if the tiny man agreed to do all of his homework until the end of the semester, which amounted to 35 days.

Question 12: How did Patrick envision the outcome of the arrangement with the tiny man?
Answer: Patrick believed that if the tiny man did a good enough job with his homework, he could even achieve A grades.

Question 13: What was the duration of the homework arrangement Patrick proposed to the tiny man?
Answer: Patrick proposed that the tiny man do all his homework until the end of the semester, which spanned 35 days.

Question 14: How did the little man react when Patrick proposed the homework arrangement?
Answer: The little man’s face wrinkled, and he displayed signs of frustration by kicking his legs, doubling his fists, grimacing, scowling, and pursing his lips.

Question 15: What did the little man say in response to Patrick’s condition for granting his wish?
Answer: The little man expressed his reluctance by acknowledging that he felt cursed but ultimately agreed to Patrick’s terms.

Question 16: How did the little man react physically to the situation?
Answer: The little man displayed physical signs of distress and frustration, such as kicking his legs, doubling his fists, grimacing, scowling, and pursing his lips.

Question 17: What was the emotional state of the little man when agreeing to Patrick’s proposal?
Answer: Despite feeling cursed, the little man reluctantly agreed to Patrick’s proposal.

Question 18: What did the little elf do as promised by him?
Answer: The little elf began to do Patrick’s homework as promised.

Question 19: What issue arose with the little elf while doing Patrick’s homework?
Answer: The little elf encountered difficulties and didn’t always know what to do, requiring Patrick’s assistance.

Question 20: How did the little elf seek help from Patrick while doing the homework?
Answer: The little elf would ask for help by saying, “Help me! Help me!” and Patrick would have to assist him in whatever way necessary.

Question 21: What specific help did the little elf request from Patrick regarding unfamiliar words?
Answer: The little elf squeaked that he didn’t know certain words in Patrick’s homework and asked Patrick to either get him a dictionary or, even better, to look up the word and sound it out letter by letter.

Question 22: What was Patrick’s luck like when it came to mathematics with the little elf’s assistance?
Answer: Patrick was out of luck with mathematics as the elf had no knowledge of concepts like times tables, addition, subtraction, division, and fractions.

Question 23: What was the little elf’s reaction upon encountering mathematical concepts unfamiliar to him?
Answer: The little elf shrieked in confusion when confronted with mathematical concepts like times tables, stating that elves never needed to learn them.

Question 24: How did the little elf expect Patrick to assist him with mathematics?
Answer: The little elf insisted that Patrick sit beside him and guide him through mathematical concepts like addition, subtraction, division, and fractions, which were unfamiliar to the elf.

Question 25: What was the little elf’s reaction when it came to human history?
Answer: The little elf considered human history a mystery and expressed frustration, getting louder and demanding that Patrick go to the library to fetch more books, with Patrick’s assistance in reading them.

Question 26: How would you describe the little elf’s behavior towards Patrick?
Answer: The little elf was consistently nagging Patrick every day in various ways.

Question 27: How did Patrick feel about the situation with the little elf?
Answer: Patrick found the situation exhausting and burdensome, as he was working harder than ever before.

Question 28: What was the impact of the arrangement with the little elf on Patrick’s daily life?
Answer: The arrangement with the little elf caused Patrick to stay up nights, leaving him feeling extremely weary, and he attended school with puffy and bleary eyes.

Question 29: Can you summarize how Patrick’s life was affected by the presence of the little elf?
Answer: Patrick’s life became more challenging and tiring due to the constant demands and nagging of the little elf, resulting in sleepless nights and fatigue.

Question 30: What event marked the departure of the little elf?
Answer: The last day of school marked the departure of the little elf.

Question 31: What happened to the homework when the last day of school arrived?
Answer: With the arrival of the last day of school, there was no more homework.

Question 32: How did the little elf leave Patrick’s life?
Answer: The little elf quietly and slyly slipped out the back door, signifying his departure from Patrick’s life.

Question 33: What were the outcomes of Patrick’s arrangement with the little elf?
Answer: Patrick achieved A grades, astonishing his classmates and earning praise from his teachers.

Question 34: How did Patrick’s behavior change after the departure of the little elf?
Answer: Patrick’s behavior underwent a significant transformation, as he became the model kid. He started cleaning his room, doing his chores, and exhibiting cheerful behavior, never being rude.

Question 35: How did Patrick’s parents react to the changes in his behavior?
Answer: Patrick’s parents were puzzled by the sudden positive changes in his behavior, wondering what had happened to him.

Question 36: Can you summarize the overall impact of the little elf’s presence on Patrick’s life?
Answer: The little elf’s presence led to Patrick achieving academic success and undergoing a positive behavioral transformation, becoming a model student and child.

Question 37: Who did Patrick believe had completed all his homework in the end?
Answer: In the end, Patrick believed that the tiny man had completed all his homework.

Question 38: What secret is revealed about who actually completed Patrick’s homework?
Answer: The secret revealed is that Patrick had actually completed all his homework himself, despite his belief that the tiny man had done it.

Question 39: Who is the information shared with?
Answer: The information is shared “just between you and me,” implying that it’s being kept confidential between the speaker and the listener.

Question 40: What is the discrepancy between Patrick’s belief and the reality regarding his homework completion?
Answer: Patrick believed that the tiny man had completed his homework, but the truth is that Patrick had done it himself.

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