Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Science Chapter 9 Notes

Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Science Chapter 9 Notes

Electric Current:

  • Electric current is like a flow of tiny particles called electrons through a wire or a circuit.
  • It’s like water flowing through a pipe, but instead of water, it’s electricity moving through wires.

Types of Electric Current:

  • There are two main types of electric current: Direct Current (DC) and Alternating Current (AC).
  • DC flows in one direction, like a steady stream, and is used in batteries and some gadgets.
  • AC changes direction many times per second, like the electricity in our homes that powers our lights and appliances.

Source of Electric Current:

  • Electric current needs a source to flow, like a battery, power plant, or generator.
  • Batteries have chemicals inside that produce electricity, while power plants use different methods to generate electricity for our homes.


  • Electricity is a form of energy that can make things work, like turning on lights or making TVs show pictures.
  • It’s a magical force that helps us do so many things in our daily lives.

Formation of Electricity:

  • Electricity can be created in various ways. One common way is by moving a magnet near a coil of wire.
  • When the magnet moves, it creates a flow of electrons in the wire, producing electricity.

Uses of Electricity:

  • Electricity has countless uses! It helps light up our homes, power our toys, and run our computers.
  • It’s also used in machines, like refrigerators and washing machines, to make our lives easier.

Source of Electricity:

  • Electricity can come from different sources, such as coal, natural gas, wind, water, or the sun.
  • Power plants convert these sources into electricity that we can use in our homes and schools.

Importance of Electricity:

  • Electricity is super important in our lives because it makes everything work smoothly.
  • Without electricity, we wouldn’t have lights, computers, or even our favorite cartoons on TV!

Electric Cell:

  • An electric cell is a small device that produces electricity. It’s like a tiny power source!
  • It’s used in toys, flashlights, and remote controls to make them work.

Different Types of Electric Cell:

  • There are many types of electric cells. Some common ones are AA, AAA, and button cells.
  • Each type has a different size and provides a certain amount of electricity.

Different Parts of an Electric Cell:

  • An electric cell has three main parts: the positive terminal (+), the negative terminal (-), and the electrolyte inside.
  • The terminals are like the cell’s doors that let the electricity flow in and out, and the electrolyte helps create the electricity.

Working of an Electric Cell:

  • Inside an electric cell, there are special chemicals that create a flow of electrons.
  • When we connect the positive and negative terminals to a wire or device, the electrons flow through the wire, and that’s how the cell makes electricity!


  • A battery is like a bunch of electric cells stacked together. It’s like a team of tiny power sources working together!
  • Batteries are used in bigger devices like cameras, clocks, and even cars.

Different Types of Batteries:

  • There are various types of batteries, such as alkaline, rechargeable, and lithium-ion batteries.
  • Some batteries can be used again and again, while others are meant to be used once and then thrown away.

Working of a Battery:

  • A battery works the same way as a single electric cell, but with more power.
  • The chemicals inside the battery create electricity, and when we use the battery in our gadgets, it powers them up and makes them work.

Electric Bulb:

  • An electric bulb is a special light that brightens up our rooms when we switch it on.
  • It has a glass cover around a small wire called a filament, and it lights up when electricity passes through it.

Fused Electric Bulb:

  • A fused electric bulb is a bulb that doesn’t light up anymore because the filament inside has melted due to too much electricity flowing through it.
  • When this happens, we need to replace the fused bulb with a new one.

Working of an Electric Bulb:

  • When we turn on the switch, electricity flows through the wires and reaches the filament inside the bulb.
  • The filament gets really hot and starts glowing, producing light that brightens up the room.

Electric Wires:

  • Electric wires are like the pathways for electricity to travel from one place to another.
  • They are made of metal and are covered with plastic or rubber to keep us safe.

Different Types of Electric Wires:

  • There are different types of electric wires, such as copper and aluminum wires.
  • They come in different thicknesses, depending on how much electricity they need to carry.

Electric Torch:

  • An electric torch is a handheld device that gives us light when it’s dark outside or inside.
  • It’s like a portable light that we can carry around.

Different Parts of an Electric Torch:

  • An electric torch has three main parts: the body, the bulb, and the batteries.
  • The body is the outer part that we hold, the bulb is the small glass part that lights up, and the batteries provide the power.

Working of an Electric Torch:

  • When we switch on the torch, the batteries send electricity to the bulb through the wires inside.
  • The bulb’s filament gets hot and lights up, helping us see in the dark. And when the batteries run out, we need to put new ones in to make the torch shine again!

Electric Circuit:

  • An electric circuit is like a path for electricity to travel through.
  • It’s made up of wires and different components that let the electricity flow in a loop.

Different Types of Electric Circuits:

  • There are two main types of electric circuits: series and parallel circuits.
  • In a series circuit, the electricity travels through one path, while in a parallel circuit, it can flow through multiple paths.

Electric Switch:

  • An electric switch is like a magic button that can turn electricity on or off.
  • When we press the switch, it opens or closes the circuit, controlling the flow of electricity.

Different Parts of Electric Switches:

  • An electric switch has a lever or button that we press to turn it on or off.
  • Inside, there are metal parts and springs that help make the connection for electricity to flow.

Working of Electric Switch:

  • When the switch is in the “on” position, it connects the wires and completes the circuit, allowing electricity to flow.
  • When we turn the switch “off,” it breaks the connection, and the circuit is open, stopping the flow of electricity.

Good Conductors of Electricity:

  • Good conductors are materials that allow electricity to flow easily.
  • Some examples of good conductors are metals like copper, aluminum, and silver.

Bad Conductors of Electricity:

  • Bad conductors, also called insulators, don’t let electricity flow through them easily.
  • Materials like rubber, plastic, and wood are examples of bad conductors.

Conduction Tester:

  • A conduction tester is a handy tool to check if something is a good conductor or a bad conductor.
  • When we touch the tester to a material, it shows us if electricity can pass through it or not.

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