A Tiger in the Zoo Extra Questions and Answers Class 10 English Poem

A Tiger in the Zoo Extra Questions and Answers Class 10 English Poem are available here. Class 10 English “A Tiger in the Zoo” (Poem) extra questions and answers are prepared by our expert teachers. All these questions are divided into two or three sections: short-type question answers, long-type question answers, and extract-based questions. Learning these questions will help you to score excellent marks in the board exams.

A Tiger in the Zoo Extra Questions and Answers

Very Short Answer Questions

Question 1. How does the tiger feel in the cage?
Answer: In the cage, he is in a state of anger.

Question 2. How does the tiger walk in the cage?
Answer: In the cage, he walks with pride.

Question 3. How should the tiger walk through the grass?
Answer: He should walk with ease through the grass.

Question 4. Where should the tiger hide himself?
Answer: The tiger should hide in the shadow.

Question 5. Who passes near the water hole?
Answer: The fat deer passes near the water hole.

Question 6. Where is the tiger’s strength locked?
Answer: His strength is locked behind the bars.

Question 7. How does the caged tiger react to the visitors?
Answer: He ignores the visitors.

Question 8. What sound does the tiger hear at night?
Answer: The tiger hears the sound of patrolling cars at night.

Question 9. How do the eyes of the tiger look?
Answer: His eyes look brilliant.

Question 10. At what does the tiger look?
Answer: At night, the tiger looks at the stars.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. What do you understand by ‘His strength behind bars’? What kind of cage is he locked in?
Answer: The phrase “His strength behind bars” implies that the tiger’s power and freedom are confined within the cage. He is locked in a small enclosure that deprives him of his natural habitat. The tiger feels unhappy, frustrated, restless, and angry due to his captivity.

Question 2. Is it safe to allow tigers to live in their natural habitat these days?
Answer: While it is ideal for tigers to live in the wild, it is increasingly unsafe for them due to fast-diminishing jungles and the threat posed by poachers. Allowing tigers to live in their natural habitat today often leads to their endangerment and even extinction.

Question 3. The tiger in the poem ‘A Tiger in the Zoo’ has some obvious limitations. Describe them in contrast to its natural habitat.
Answer: The tiger in the zoo is confined to a small space, unable to move freely or hunt as it pleases. It is reduced to being a mere showpiece, with the bars of the cage obstructing its view of the starry night. This is in stark contrast to its natural habitat where it roams, hunts, and sleeps freely, embodying its wild nature.

Question 4. What is the theme of the poem? Or What message does the poet want to convey through the poem ‘Tiger in the Zoo’?
Answer: The poet conveys the cruelty of confining wild animals to small enclosures in zoos, depriving them of their natural habitat. The poem highlights the tiger’s feelings of anger, helplessness, and longing for freedom, serving as a reminder of the importance of respecting the natural environment of such magnificent creatures.

Question 5. Why do you think the tiger was stalking in the cage? What does it show?
Answer: The tiger’s stalking in the cage reflects its restlessness and frustration at being confined. It demonstrates the tiger’s longing for freedom and disdain for being reduced to a spectacle for human entertainment.

Question 6. Describe the movement of the tiger in the cage and in the wild. Or What difference do you find in the mood of a tiger when he is in a zoo and when he is in a forest?
Answer: In the zoo, the tiger moves restlessly within its small cage, exhibiting signs of unhappiness and anger. In the wild forest, however, the tiger moves majestically, asserting its dominance and enjoying its natural freedom. The contrast in behavior reflects the disparity between captivity and the natural environment.

Question 7. What does the poet say about a tiger in his natural surroundings?
Answer: The poet emphasizes that a tiger belongs in the jungle, where it can move freely and exhibit its natural behaviors. In its natural habitat, the tiger prowls through tall grass near waterholes and hunts its prey, maintaining its role as a formidable predator.

Question 8. Where is the strength of the tiger, and how does he treat the visitors?
Answer: The tiger’s strength is confined behind the bars of its cage. Despite being on display for visitors, the tiger chooses to ignore them, reflecting its indifference and longing for freedom.

Question 9. How does the tiger terrify the villagers?
Answer: The tiger terrifies villagers by prowling around their houses, snarling, baring its fangs, and displaying its sharp claws. Its presence near the jungle border instills fear among the villagers, reminding them of the wildness and unpredictability of nature.

Question 10. How does the tiger behave at night?
Answer: At night, the tiger feels isolated and lonely within its cage. It listens to the sound of patrolling cars and gazes at the shining stars through the bars, reflecting its yearning for the freedom of the wild.

Question 11. How does the poet contrast the tiger in the cage with a tiger in the forest?
Answer: The poet contrasts the imprisoned, angry tiger in the cage with the free tiger in the jungle. While the caged tiger is confined and frustrated, the tiger in the forest walks freely in tall grass and hunts deer near water holes.

Question 12. How does the tiger walk in the cage?
Answer: The tiger walks proudly in the cage, though his eyes reveal his anger and frustration at being imprisoned. Despite his quiet demeanor, he cannot hide his resentment for his lack of freedom.

Question 13. How does the tiger stalk in the cage?
Answer: The tiger, confined in the unnatural environment of a cement and concrete cage, paces back and forth quietly. He displays a quiet rage, his padded heels moving like velvet as he stalks within his restricted confines.

Question 14. How does the tiger prepare himself for hunting when he is in his natural habitat — the jungle?
Answer: In his natural habitat, the jungle, the tiger roams freely, patiently waiting to ambush his prey. He lurks unseen in the shadows of trees and moves through the long grass unnoticed, eventually reaching the water hole where he can find his preferred prey, plump deer.

Question 15. How does the tiger terrorize the villagers? Does he have any intention of killing them?
Answer: The tiger occasionally roams near the edge of the jungle, close to the villagers’ houses situated on the outskirts. He displays his sharp teeth and paws, terrorizing the villagers. However, he does not have any intention of killing them unless provoked.

Question 16. How does the tiger feel locked in the concrete cell of the zoo? Why does he ignore the visitors?
Answer: Locked in the concrete cell of the zoo, the tiger feels helpless and frustrated, unable to exercise his immense strength. He paces the length of his cage, ignoring the visitors who view him as an object of entertainment, reflecting his disdain for captivity.

Question 17. What does the tiger do at night? What does he feel when he stares at the brilliant stars in the sky?
Answer: At night, the tiger hears the sound of patrolling cars and gazes at the brilliant stars through the bars of his cage. Despite the beauty of the stars, they intensify his feelings of helplessness and captivity.

Question 18. Freedom can’t be bargained at any cost. What message does Leslie Norris give to the readers in ‘A Tiger in the Zoo’?
Answer: Leslie Norris conveys the message that freedom is invaluable and cannot be compromised. The tiger’s captivity, despite being well-fed and protected, incites a quiet rage within him. His natural habitat in the jungle allows him the freedom to roam and hunt, highlighting the importance of preserving wild spaces.

Question 19. He hears the last voice at night, The patrolling cars, Who hears the last voice and of what?
Answer: The tiger hears the sound of patrolling cars at night, which signify the end of the day’s activities. The cars patrol the zoo to ensure everything is in order, serving as a reminder of the tiger’s captivity.

Question 20. And stares with his brilliant eyes At the brilliant stars. Why are the eyes brilliant? What is common between the eyes and the stars?
Answer: The tiger’s eyes shine brightly in the darkness of night, much like the stars in the sky. The brilliance of the eyes reflects the intensity of the tiger’s gaze, while the comparison to the stars emphasizes their shared luminosity in the night sky.

Question 21. What message do you get from this poem?
Answer: The poem underscores the innate desire for freedom, even among animals like tigers. It highlights the pitiable existence of animals confined to zoos, emphasizing the importance of preserving their natural habitats.

Question 22. Baring his white fangs, his claws Terrorising the village. Who bares his fangs and how does he terrorize the village?
Answer: The tiger bares his white fangs and displays his sharp claws, terrorizing the village by prowling around houses and snarling, instilling fear among the villagers.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1. Animals, big and small, are being used by humans for their selfish ends. What is your opinion regarding the exploitation of animals? Mention some examples and propose a possible solution to this problem.
Answer: It is true that animals, big and small, are being exploited by humans for their own benefits. They are killed, poached, and captured for commercial gain. The confinement of animals in zoos, often in poor conditions, is also inhumane. In the poem, the plight of the tiger illustrates this suffering. Animals like monkeys forced to perform on streets and elephants chained for heavy labor are examples of exploitation. To address this issue, we must respect nature and its inhabitants, preserving their habitats and treating them with compassion.

Question 2. Some animals are becoming extinct; the tiger is one such animal. What do you think could be the reason? Should this decrease in number be stopped? Why?
Answer: Tigers face extinction primarily due to poaching and habitat loss caused by human development. The demand for tiger parts and traditional medicines contributes to their decline. To protect tigers, we must combat poaching and preserve their habitats. Tigers play a crucial role in ecosystems, so their decline must be halted to maintain ecological balance.

Question 3. “And stares with his brilliant eyes, At the brilliant stars.” We can no longer do that. How do we feel about the ‘tigers in the zoo’? You can even imagine yourself in captivity.
Answer: The tiger in the poem suffers in captivity, longing for freedom. While captivity may ensure safety, it strips away the essence of life. Like humans, animals deserve freedom and respect. Encroaching on their habitats and confining them in zoos is unjust. We must recognize their right to live freely in their natural environments.

Question 4. Give contrasting pictures of the tiger in his natural habitat and in the locked cage of the zoo. How does he feel and behave differently in both places?
Answer: In the jungle, the tiger is free, roaming and hunting at will. He waits for prey and moves stealthily through the grass. However, in a zoo cage, he paces in frustration and ignores visitors. He yearns for the vastness of the sky and the freedom of the wild. Captivity diminishes his spirit and vitality.

Question 5. Freedom is such an essential virtue valued not only by human beings but also by animals alike. Justify the statement with reference to Leslie Norris’s poem ‘A Tiger in the Zoo’.
Answer: Freedom is intrinsic to all beings, including animals. The caged tiger symbolizes the deprivation of liberty. In the wild, tigers exhibit their natural behaviors, essential for their survival. Captivity denies them their essence, causing despair and restlessness. The poem underscores the universal longing for freedom and the injustice of confinement. Animals deserve dignity and autonomy, as do humans, in their natural habitats.

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