Amanda Extra Questions and Answers Class 10 English Poem

Amanda Extra Questions and Answers for Class 10 English are available here. Our expert teachers have prepared these questions, which are divided into three sections: very short-type questions answers, short-type questions answers, and long-type question answers. Studying these questions will help you score excellent marks in your board exams.

Amanda Extra Questions and Answers

Very Short Answer Questions

Question 1. What does the speaker tell Amanda not to do with her nails?
Answer: The speaker tells Amanda not to bite her nails.

Question 2. What should Amanda avoid doing to her shoulders?
Answer: She should avoid hunching her shoulders.

Question 3. How should Amanda sit?
Answer: Amanda should sit up straight.

Question 4. What does Amanda want to do in the sea?
Answer: She wants to peacefully drift with the gentle waves of the sea.

Question 5. What was Amanda supposed to complete?
Answer: She was supposed to finish her homework.

Question 6. Did Amanda clean her shoes?
Answer: No, she didn’t clean her shoes.

Question 7. What might Amanda do if she doesn’t have parents?
Answer: She might wander around in the streets.

Question 8. How is silence explained?
Answer: Silence is said to be as valuable as gold.

Question 9. What food is Amanda not allowed to eat?
Answer: She’s not allowed to eat chocolate.

Question 10. Why should Amanda avoid eating chocolate?
Answer: Eating chocolate can make her acne worse.

Question 11. Who was Rapunzel?
Answer: Rapunzel was a fair maiden with very long hair.

Question 12. What did Rapunzel use her long hair for?
Answer: She used her long hair to let her lover climb up to her tower.

Question 13. Who is the mermaid in ‘Amanda’, and what does she want to do?
Answer: The mermaid is Amanda herself, as imagined by Amanda. She wants to peacefully drift on a dreamy, green sea without anyone else around.

Question 14. What is the main idea of the poem ‘Amanda’?
Answer: The poem suggests that too many rules and restrictions can make children bored and frustrated, leading them to daydream.

Question 15. “Don’t eat that chocolate, Amanda! Remember your acne, Amanda!” Why is Amanda told not to eat chocolate?
Answer: Amanda is told not to eat chocolate because it can make her acne worse, and she already has problems with her skin.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. What is the role/importance of punctuation marks in language? Why did the poet use the exclamation mark after Amanda? What can we understand from the title of the poem?
Answer: Punctuation marks help make writing clear and organized, giving sentences structure and meaning. They provide cues for emphasis and expression in our language.
The poet used the exclamation mark after Amanda to show the mother’s surprise upon seeing her. Amanda’s demeanor, being sulky and moody, upsets her mother.
The title of the poem suggests that Amanda is central to the theme and narrative, prompting us to focus on her experiences and emotions.

Question 2. Is Amanda benefiting from constant instructions? Explain.
Answer: No, Amanda doesn’t respond well to constant instructions. She becomes sulky and moody, ignoring her mother’s guidance despite not wanting to completely disregard it. The poem highlights how excessive instructions can lead to disengagement and resistance from children.

Question 3. Amanda imagines herself as Rapunzel, yet she wouldn’t want to replicate all of Rapunzel’s actions. Why?
Answer: Amanda envisions herself living a peaceful life like Rapunzel, away from instructions and chores. However, unlike Rapunzel, she doesn’t wish to escape with a prince. She prefers the tranquility of her imagined life in the tower, free from obligations.

Question 4. What message does the poet convey through ‘Amanda’?
Answer: The poet suggests that too many instructions and nagging from parents can lead children, like Amanda, to daydream and resist authority. Parents should consider positive approaches to discipline and communication to prevent children from tuning out.

Question 5. Who is Amanda, and what impression does she give in the poem?
Answer: Amanda is a young school-going girl who enjoys fairy tales and daydreams. She appears to dislike excessive instructions and becomes moody when pressured. The poem portrays her as a child yearning for freedom and autonomy.

Question 6. Why does Amanda dream of being an orphan?
Answer: Amanda perceives orphans as leading carefree lives without constant instructions. She imagines the freedom of wandering streets and creating patterns in the dust without responsibilities or demands.

Question 7. Amanda imagines herself as Rapunzel but wouldn’t want to replicate all of Rapunzel’s actions. Why?
Answer: Amanda is captivated by Rapunzel’s tranquil life in the tower but doesn’t desire to escape with a prince. She prefers the solitude and peace of her imagined life, free from instructions and responsibilities.

Question 8. What causes Amanda to sulk and become moody?
Answer: Amanda becomes sulky when bombarded with too many instructions from her mother. Despite her resistance, she feels compelled to comply, leading to her moodiness.

Question 9. How does Amanda behave at the beginning of the poem, and what does the speaker advise her against?
Answer: At the start, Amanda bites her nails, hunches her shoulders, and slouches. The speaker advises her to behave properly, not to bite her nails, and to sit up straight.

Question 10. In her daydream, Amanda reaches the sea. What does she imagine herself as?
Answer: Amanda envisions herself as a mermaid in the sea, experiencing serenity and blissful solitude as she drifts along the waves.

Question 11. What tasks does the speaker remind Amanda to complete?
Answer: The speaker reminds Amanda to finish her homework, clean her room, and ensure her shoes are clean.

Question 12. How does Amanda describe her life as an orphan?
Answer: Amanda imagines orphan life as liberating, with the freedom to roam streets barefoot and create patterns in the dust without obligations or nagging.

Question 13. Why is Amanda advised against eating chocolate, and how does she respond to the speaker?
Answer: Amanda is warned against eating chocolate due to its potential to worsen her acne. She listens to the speaker without lifting her face, indicating her compliance.

Question 14. Why does Amanda declare, ‘I am Rapunzel,’ and what does she promise not to do?
Answer: Amanda likens herself to Rapunzel, valuing the peaceful life in the tower but pledging never to let down her imaginary hair.

Question 15. What does the speaker caution Amanda about in the end, and why?
Answer: The speaker urges Amanda not to sulk to avoid the perception that she’s constantly nagged. He fears others might misinterpret his intentions.

Question 16. What is the main idea of the poem?
Answer: The poem emphasizes children’s desire for freedom and autonomy, contrasting parental instruction with children’s daydreams and fantasies.

Question 17. Does Amanda dislike being controlled and instructed? Explain.
Answer: Yes, Amanda resents being controlled and instructed as it limits her freedom and autonomy, leading her to withdraw into daydreams.

Question 18. What does Amanda’s mother discourage her from doing?
Answer: Amanda’s mother discourages her from slouching, eating chocolate due to acne concerns, and sulking to prevent negative perceptions.

Question 19. Why does Amanda aspire to be a mermaid?
Answer: Amanda sees being a mermaid as an escape to a solitary and serene existence, reflecting her longing for freedom and peace.

Question 20. Why does Amanda wish to be an orphan?
Answer: Amanda perceives orphans as enjoying freedom from parental guidance, enabling carefree wandering and independence.

Question 21. Why does Amanda desire to be Rapunzel?
Answer: Amanda admires Rapunzel’s tranquil life in the tower, free from external demands and responsibilities, mirroring her longing for autonomy.

Question 22. Why does Amanda’s mother urge her to stop sulking?
Answer: Amanda’s mother advises her against sulking to avoid negative perceptions and potential misinterpretations of their relationship.

Question 23. What would Amanda do if she were a mermaid?
Answer: Amanda would drift blissfully in the sea, enjoying the freedom and solitude of her imagined mermaid existence.

Question 24. What does Amanda yearn for?
Answer: Amanda yearns for freedom from constraints and instructions, seeking autonomy and independence.

Question 25. What fear does the speaker express in the final stanza?
Answer: The speaker fears that Amanda’s constant sulking might lead others to believe he is nagging her, potentially damaging their relationship.

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