CBSE Class 12 Physics Notes

Semiconductor Electronics Class 12 Physics Chapter 14 Notes

Semiconductor Electronics Class 12 Physics Chapter 14 Notes Electronic Devices and Semiconductors Classification of Materials Based on Conductivity Types of Semiconductors Classification of Materials Based on Energy Bands Atomic Model vs. Solid State Behavior: Formation of Energy Bands: Valence Band and Conduction Band: Energy Band Gap (Eg): Classification Based on Energy Band Gap: Classification Summary: […]

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Nuclei Class 12 Physics Chapter 13 Notes

Nuclei Class 12 Physics Chapter 13 Notes Atomic Mass Unit (u): Isotopes: Hydrogen Isotopes: Composition of Nucleus: Atomic masses and composition of nucleus Atomic Mass Unit (u): Isotopes: Hydrogen Isotopes: Composition of Nucleus: Discovery of Neutron Properties of Neutron: Nuclear Composition: Nuclide Notation: Isotopes and Isobars: Size of the Nucleus Nuclear Size Formula: Mass-Energy Equivalence

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Atoms Class 12 Physics Chapter 12 Notes

Atoms Class 12 Physics Chapter 12 Notes 19th Century Atomic Hypothesis: Thomson’s Plum Pudding Model (1898): Electromagnetic Radiation in Condensed Matter and Gases: Characteristic Spectra and Hydrogen: Rutherford’s Planetary Model (Nuclear Model): Challenges in Rutherford’s Model: Alpha-particle scattering experiment and Rutherford’s nuclear model of the atom Alpha-Particle Scattering Experiment (1911): Experimental Results: Rutherford’s Nuclear Model

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Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter Class 12 Physics Chapter 11 Notes

Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter Class 12 Physics Chapter 11 Notes Maxwell’s Equations and Hertz’s Experiments (1887): Electric Discharge Through Gases at Low Pressure (Late 19th Century): Cathode Rays: Discovery of Electrons (Around 1887): Millikan’s Oil-Drop Experiment (1913): Electron Emission Photoelectric Effect – Hertz’s Observations Hertz’s observations laid the foundation for understanding the photoelectric

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Wave Optics Class 12 Physics Chapter 10 Notes

Wave Optics Class 12 Physics Chapter 10 Notes Huygens’ Principle Huygens’ principle provides a useful geometric method to understand the propagation of waves and predict the shape of wavefronts at different times. Refraction of Plane Waves Snell’s law and the relationships between refractive indices, speeds, wavelengths, and frequencies provide a comprehensive explanation of the refraction

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