Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 4 Summary

From the Diary of Anne Frank Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 4 Summary is available here. It provides a brief summary of Chapter 4 from the book “First Flight” called From the Diary of Anne Frank. The summary is designed to make it easier for students to understand the chapter. It is available in both English and Hindi. The purpose of the summary is to simplify learning and make it more convenient.

From the Diary of Anne Frank Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 4 Summary

From the Diary of Anne Frank Short Summary

This story is about a young girl named Anne Frank who lived during World War II. She writes about her thoughts and experiences in a diary given to her by her father on her 13th birthday. Anne Frank is Jewish and is hiding from the Nazis during the war. She, along with seven other people, hides in a secret place called the secret annexe in Amsterdam for two years. In her diary, she shares her feelings of sadness and describes her life in hiding. She spends her time studying, writing, and learning about politics and literature. Even though Anne Frank died, her diary became well-known worldwide.

From the Diary of Anne Frank Short Summary In Hindi

यह कहानी ऐनी फ्रैंक नाम की एक युवा लड़की की है जो द्वितीय विश्व युद्ध के दौरान रहती थी। वह अपने 13वें जन्मदिन पर अपने पिता द्वारा दी गई एक डायरी में अपने विचारों और अनुभवों के बारे में लिखती हैं। ऐनी फ्रैंक यहूदी हैं और युद्ध के दौरान नाजियों से छिप रही हैं। वह, सात अन्य लोगों के साथ, दो साल के लिए एम्स्टर्डम में गुप्त एनेक्सी नामक एक गुप्त स्थान में छिप जाती है। अपनी डायरी में, वह अपनी उदासी की भावनाओं को साझा करती है और छिपकर अपने जीवन का वर्णन करती है। वह अपना समय अध्ययन, लेखन और राजनीति और साहित्य के बारे में सीखने में बिताती हैं। भले ही ऐनी फ्रैंक की मृत्यु हो गई, लेकिन उनकी डायरी दुनिया भर में प्रसिद्ध हो गई।

From the Diary of Anne Frank Summary

In this diary entry, a thirteen-year-old girl named Anne is writing about her experiences and feelings. She starts by saying that writing in a diary is strange for her because she’s never done it before and she doesn’t think anyone will be interested in reading the thoughts of a young schoolgirl like her. However, she still wants to write because she has a lot on her mind.
Anne mentions a saying that she thought of one day when she was feeling down: “Paper has more patience than people.” She believes that paper is more understanding and patient than people, which is why she wants to confide in her diary, even though she doesn’t plan on letting anyone else read it unless she finds a true friend.
Anne explains that the main reason she started the diary is because she doesn’t have a friend. She clarifies that she has a loving family, parents, a sister, and around thirty people she considers friends, but she doesn’t have a close friend with whom she can truly connect. When she’s with her friends, they only talk about ordinary things and can’t seem to get closer. She wonders if it’s her fault that they don’t confide in each other. That’s why she wants her diary to be her friend, and she named it “Kitty.”
Anne briefly describes her family and her life, including her father, mother, and sister. She talks about her birth and early years in Frankfurt, Germany, and how her father emigrated to Holland in 1933. She also mentions her experiences at school and the teachers she likes. She shares a story about her maths teacher, Mr. Keesing, who assigned her an essay as punishment for talking too much in class. Anne wrote an essay about chatterboxes and then had to write another one about herself being an incorrigible chatterbox. Eventually, she turned the assignment into a humorous poem about a duck family. Mr. Keesing took it well and even shared it with other classes. As a result, Anne was allowed to talk in class and didn’t receive any extra homework.
The entry concludes with Anne signing off as “Yours, Anne” and ends with the date of the entry.

From the Diary of Anne Frank Summary In Hindi

इस डायरी प्रविष्टि में ऐनी नाम की एक तेरह वर्षीय लड़की अपने अनुभवों और भावनाओं के बारे में लिख रही है। वह यह कहकर शुरू करती है कि डायरी में लिखना उसके लिए अजीब है क्योंकि उसने ऐसा पहले कभी नहीं किया है और उसे नहीं लगता कि उसके जैसी युवा छात्रा के विचारों को पढ़ने में किसी की दिलचस्पी होगी। हालाँकि, वह अभी भी लिखना चाहती है क्योंकि उसके दिमाग में बहुत कुछ है।
ऐनी एक कहावत का उल्लेख करती है कि उसने एक दिन सोचा था जब वह उदास महसूस कर रही थी: “कागज में लोगों की तुलना में अधिक धैर्य है।” उनका मानना है कि लोगों की तुलना में कागज अधिक समझदार और धैर्यवान है, यही कारण है कि वह अपनी डायरी में विश्वास करना चाहती है, भले ही वह किसी और को इसे पढ़ने देने की योजना नहीं बनाती जब तक कि उसे एक सच्चा दोस्त नहीं मिल जाता।
ऐनी बताती है कि डायरी शुरू करने का मुख्य कारण यह है कि उसका कोई दोस्त नहीं है। वह स्पष्ट करती है कि उसका एक प्यार करने वाला परिवार, माता-पिता, एक बहन और लगभग तीस लोग हैं जिन्हें वह दोस्त मानती है, लेकिन उसका कोई करीबी दोस्त नहीं है जिसके साथ वह वास्तव में जुड़ सके। जब वह अपने दोस्तों के साथ होती है, तो वे केवल सामान्य चीजों के बारे में बात करते हैं और करीब नहीं आ पाते हैं। वह सोचती है कि क्या यह उसकी गलती है कि वे एक-दूसरे पर विश्वास नहीं करते। इसलिए वह चाहती है कि उसकी डायरी उसकी मित्र हो, और उसने उसका नाम “किट्टी” रखा।
ऐनी संक्षेप में अपने परिवार और अपने जीवन का वर्णन करती है, जिसमें उसके पिता, माता और बहन शामिल हैं। वह फ्रैंकफर्ट, जर्मनी में अपने जन्म और प्रारंभिक वर्षों के बारे में बात करती है, और कैसे उसके पिता 1933 में हॉलैंड चले गए। वह स्कूल में अपने अनुभवों और उन शिक्षकों का भी उल्लेख करती है जिन्हें वह पसंद करती है। वह अपने गणित शिक्षक श्री कीसिंग के बारे में एक कहानी साझा करती है, जिन्होंने उसे कक्षा में बहुत अधिक बात करने के लिए सजा के रूप में एक निबंध सौंपा था। ऐनी ने चैटरबॉक्स के बारे में एक निबंध लिखा था और फिर खुद के बारे में एक और लिखना पड़ा कि वह एक बेढंगा चैट्टरबॉक्स है। आखिरकार, उसने असाइनमेंट को एक बत्तख परिवार के बारे में हास्य कविता में बदल दिया। श्री कीसिंग ने इसे अच्छी तरह से लिया और अन्य कक्षाओं के साथ इसे साझा भी किया। परिणामस्वरूप, ऐनी को कक्षा में बात करने की अनुमति दी गई और उसे कोई अतिरिक्त गृहकार्य नहीं मिला।
प्रविष्टि ऐनी के “तुम्हारा, ऐनी” के रूप में हस्ताक्षर करने के साथ समाप्त होती है और प्रविष्टि की तिथि के साथ समाप्त होती है।

Difficult Words

Musings: Thinking or thoughts.
Stiff-backed: A notebook with a hard cover or spine.
Plunge right in: Start right away without giving background information.
Emigrated: Moved to another country to live there permanently.
Heartbreaking: Very sad or distressing.
Solemn: Serious or serious in a serious way.
Quaking in its boots: Feeling very scared or anxious.
Kept back: Not allowed to go to the next level or grade in school.
Dummies: Students who are not doing well in school.
Fogey: An old-fashioned person who doesn’t like new ideas or trends.
Ramble on: Talk or write for a long time without a clear focus.
Inherited traits: Characteristics or qualities passed down from parents to their children.
Ingenuity: Cleverness or creativity in solving problems or creating new things.
Verse: Writing with a specific rhythm, often used in poetry.
Bitten to death: Killed by being bitten many times.
Quacked: The sound made by ducks.
Ridiculous: Very silly or absurd.
Unpredictable: Cannot be predicted or expected; uncertain.
Convincing: Able to make someone believe or agree with something.
Inherited: Passed down from previous generations, usually through genetics.
Remarks: Comments or statements made in a conversation or discussion.
Assigned: Given or designated as a task or responsibility.
Intense: Strong or extreme in degree or amount; deep or profound.
Distress: Extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain; suffering.
Reflections: Thoughts or considerations; thinking deeply.
Chatterbox: A person who talks a lot or constantly.
Solemn: Serious or grave in character, tone, or manner.
Dedication: The act of committing oneself to a specific purpose or cause.
Quaking: Shaking or trembling with fear, apprehension, or excitement.
Forthcoming: About to happen; coming soon.
Form: A specific grade or level in a school system.
Incorrigible: Not able to be corrected, improved, or changed.
Resourcefulness: The ability to find quick and clever solutions to overcome difficulties or solve problems.


The author of the story “From the Diary of Anne Frank” is Anne Frank herself. The story is an adaptation of Anne Frank’s diary, which she wrote while in hiding during the Holocaust.


The story “From the Diary of Anne Frank” is about Anne and her family hiding from the Nazis during the Holocaust. The story focuses on themes of hope, resilience, loss of freedom, prejudice, friendship, and the strength of the human spirit. It raises questions about war, the Holocaust, and the importance of remembering history. Overall, it reminds us of the horrors of the Holocaust and the courage of those who lived through it.


The story “From the Diary of Anne Frank” is about a girl named Anne who wrote a diary during a very difficult time in history. Anne and her family had to hide from the Nazis because they were Jewish. In her diary, Anne wrote about her daily life, her thoughts, and the challenges she faced while hiding. Unfortunately, the story doesn’t have a happy ending. Anne and her family were discovered by the Nazis and taken away. Anne didn’t survive, but her diary did. It was published after the war and became an important book that teaches us about the Holocaust and the importance of treating everyone with kindness and respect.

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