Class 10 English First Flight Poem 2 Summary

Fire and Ice Class 10 English First Flight Poem 2 Summary is available here. This summary is created by the subject experts of CBSE Wale. The poem is included in the First Flight reader book, which is the main English textbook for Class 10 students. By using this summary, students can better understand the poem and improve their English language skills.

Fire and Ice Class 10 English First Flight Poem 2 Summary

Fire and Ice Short Summary

The poet of the poem is Robert Frost. He talks about two different ideas about how the world could end. He discusses how the world could end either by fire or by ice. The first idea is that the world will end in fire, because people have too many strong desires that could cause a big war, which will burn up the whole world. The second idea is that the world will end in ice, because people have a lot of hatred towards each other, which will freeze the world to death. The poet believes that these two opposite ideas are enough to destroy the world.

Fire and Ice Short Summary In Hindi

कविता के कवि रॉबर्ट फ्रॉस्ट हैं। वह दो अलग-अलग विचारों के बारे में बात करता है कि दुनिया कैसे खत्म हो सकती है। वह चर्चा करता है कि आग या बर्फ से दुनिया कैसे समाप्त हो सकती है। पहला विचार यह है कि दुनिया आग में खत्म हो जाएगी, क्योंकि लोगों की बहुत अधिक प्रबल इच्छाएं हैं जो एक बड़े युद्ध का कारण बन सकती हैं, जो पूरी दुनिया को जला देगा। दूसरा विचार यह है कि दुनिया बर्फ में खत्म हो जाएगी, क्योंकि लोगों में एक-दूसरे के प्रति बहुत नफरत है, जो दुनिया को मौत के घाट उतार देगी। कवि का विश्वास है कि ये दो विपरीत विचार संसार को नष्ट करने के लिए पर्याप्त हैं।

Fire and Ice Summary

The poet is talking about how someday the world will end and there are two beliefs about how this will happen. Some people think it will end in fire, and the poet agrees with them. He has seen how people’s desires can be uncontrolled and harmful, just like fire. So, he thinks that these desires could lead to the end of humanity and the world.
The second belief about the end of the world says that ice can destroy it too. The poet compares ice with the feelings of hatred that people have towards each other. Just like ice can make our body numb if we touch it for a long time, hatred can make our minds numb and insensitive, making us cruel towards others. The poet thinks that this cruelty towards humanity is more responsible for the destruction of the world than desires.
The speaker talks about two groups of people who have different opinions on how the world will end – in fire or in ice. The poet might be talking about the actual end of the world, but he is also discussing how humans have the power to harm and destroy each other.
The poet has felt intense emotions like love and lust, which he thinks can cause the world to burn. But he has also experienced the power of colder emotions like hate, which can be destructive in a different way. Although love is talked about more, hate can be just as harmful as a fiery end.

Fire and Ice Summary In Hindi

कवि इस बारे में बात कर रहा है कि एक दिन दुनिया कैसे खत्म होगी और यह कैसे होगा, इसके बारे में दो मान्यताएं हैं। कुछ लोग सोचते हैं कि इसका अंत आग में होगा, और कवि उनसे सहमत है। उसने देखा है कि कैसे लोगों की इच्छाएँ आग की तरह अनियंत्रित और हानिकारक हो सकती हैं। इसलिए, वह सोचता है कि ये इच्छाएँ मानवता और दुनिया के अंत की ओर ले जा सकती हैं।
दुनिया के अंत के बारे में दूसरी मान्यता कहती है कि बर्फ इसे भी नष्ट कर सकती है। कवि बर्फ की तुलना लोगों में एक दूसरे के प्रति घृणा की भावना से करता है। जिस तरह बर्फ हमारे शरीर को लंबे समय तक छूने से सुन्न कर सकती है, उसी तरह नफरत हमारे दिमाग को सुन्न और असंवेदनशील बना सकती है, जिससे हम दूसरों के प्रति क्रूर हो सकते हैं। कवि सोचता है कि संसार की तबाही के लिए इच्छाओं से ज्यादा मानवता के प्रति यह क्रूरता जिम्मेदार है।
वक्ता लोगों के दो समूहों के बारे में बात करता है जिनकी अलग-अलग राय है कि दुनिया कैसे खत्म होगी – आग में या बर्फ में। कवि भले ही दुनिया के वास्तविक अंत के बारे में बात कर रहा हो, लेकिन वह इस बात पर भी चर्चा कर रहा है कि कैसे मनुष्य एक दूसरे को नुकसान पहुंचाने और नष्ट करने की शक्ति रखते हैं।
कवि ने प्रेम और वासना जैसी तीव्र भावनाओं को महसूस किया है, जिसके बारे में वह सोचता है कि इससे दुनिया जल सकती है। लेकिन उन्होंने नफरत जैसी ठंडी भावनाओं की शक्ति का भी अनुभव किया है, जो अलग तरह से विनाशकारी हो सकती है। हालाँकि प्यार के बारे में अधिक बात की जाती है, नफरत एक उग्र अंत के समान ही हानिकारक हो सकती है।

The Explanation of the Poem “Fire and Ice”

Stanza 1

Some say the world will end in fire
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favour fire.

Important Word Meaning

Tasted: “tasted” means to have experienced or felt the effects of desire. 

Desire: Desire is a strong feeling of wanting or wishing for something or someone.

Favour: “Favour” means to support or prefer one option over another. 


This stanza of the poem “Fire and Ice” by Robert Frost talks about the two different beliefs about how the world will come to an end; either by fire or by ice. The speaker says that based on his own experiences with “desire,” he agrees with those who believe that the world will end in fire. The word “desire” here refers to intense and uncontrolled passion, which can cause destruction similar to that of a fire. The speaker is suggesting that the fiery destruction of the world might be caused by the reckless and unbridled desires of humans.

Stanza 2

But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

Important Word Meaning

Perish: “Perish” means to die or cease to exist. It can also refer to something being destroyed or ruined.
Destruction: Destruction refers to the act of damaging or ruining something to the extent that it cannot be used or repaired.
Suffice: The word “suffice” means to be enough or sufficient for a particular purpose or need.


In this stanza, the poet considers the possibility that if the world had to end a second time after being destroyed once, he believes that he knows enough about the power of hate to say that ice would be just as effective in bringing about destruction as fire would. He suggests that hatred, like ice, has the ability to numb and destroy the human mind, which could ultimately lead to the downfall of humanity. The phrase “would suffice” suggests that ice would be enough to bring about the destruction of the world if it had to perish twice.

Poet of the Poem “Fire and Ice”

The Poet of “Fire and Ice” Class 10 English Poem 1 is Robert Frost.

About the Poet of the Poem “Fire and Ice”

The poet of the poem “Fire and Ice” is Robert Frost, an American poet who lived from 1874 to 1963. Frost is known for his rural settings and use of colloquial language in his poetry, which often explore complex philosophical and social themes. He was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry four times, and his poems have become some of the most widely read and studied in American literature. “Fire and Ice” is one of his shorter poems, but it has become a popular and enduring work that reflects his style and themes.

Theme of the Poem “Fire and Ice”

The theme of the poem “Fire and Ice” is the destructive potential of human emotions, specifically desire and hatred. The poet presents the idea that the world could end in either fire or ice, and compares these two natural elements to the destructive power of human emotions. Through this comparison, the poet suggests that desire and hatred can lead to the destruction of the world in the same way that fire and ice can. The theme of the poem is therefore centred around the idea that uncontrolled human emotions can have catastrophic consequences.

Main Idea of the Poem “Fire and Ice”

The main idea of the poem “Fire and Ice” is about the destruction of the world and the human emotions that can lead to it. The poem presents two possible ways that the world could end, through fire or ice, and compares them to two destructive human emotions, desire and hatred. The speaker initially favours the idea of the world ending in fire, which represents passionate desire, but then acknowledges that ice, representing cold and calculated hatred, could also lead to the destruction of the world. The main idea of the poem is that human emotions have the potential to be destructive and can lead to the downfall of society, just as fire and ice can destroy the world.

Moral of the Poem “Fire and Ice”

The poem “Fire and Ice” teaches us that there are different ways the world could end and there are always good and bad things in life. The poet shows how strong emotions like desire and hatred can cause destruction if we don’t control them properly. The poem is a reminder to be careful of our actions and emotions and find a balance in life. We should be mindful of our behaviour and its impact on the world.

Message of the Poem “Fire and Ice”

The message of the poem “Fire and Ice” is to live a balanced and moderate life, while being responsible for our actions and mindful of their impact on the world around us. It warns against the dangers of uncontrolled human emotions such as desire and hatred, which can lead to destruction.

Conclusion of the Poem “Fire and Ice”

The poem “Fire and Ice” concludes that the end of the world can come in various ways. However, what’s essential is how our actions and emotions affect it. The poem warns us that uncontrolled and extreme emotions such as desire and hatred can lead to destruction, be it through fire or ice. Therefore, the poem advises us to find balance and moderation in life and be aware of our actions and emotions. The ending lines of the poem suggest that we must make wise choices and take responsibility for the consequences of our actions.

Rhyme Scheme of the poem “Fire and Ice”

The rhyme scheme of the poem “Fire and Ice” by Robert Frost is ABAA BCBCB.

Poetic Devices Used In The Poem “Fire and Ice”

1. Assonance: Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds in the same line such as the long sound of /o/ in “I hold with those who favour fire”.
2. Rhyme scheme: The poem follows an ABA ABC BC rhyme scheme, which creates a musical quality.
3. Alliteration: The repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words, such as “favour” and “fire,” and “perish” and “twice.”
4. Metaphor: The comparison between fire and ice and human emotions of desire and hatred.
5. Symbolism: Fire and ice are symbolic of the two ways in which the world can end.
6. Personification: The poem personifies desire by suggesting that it has a taste.
7. Repetition: The repetition of the phrase “some say” emphasises the various opinions and viewpoints about the end of the world.
8. Contrast: The contrast between fire and ice and desire and hatred highlights the destructive power of human emotions.
9. Irony: The poem employs irony by suggesting that the world can end in either fire or ice, which are two opposing elements.
10. Enjambment: it is defined as the thought or clause that does not come to an end at a line break, rather it moves over to the next line.
Example: “From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favour fire”
11. Anaphora: the repetition of a word or expression at the start of two or more consecutive lines.
Example: “Some say” is repeated at the start of lines 1 and 2.

Frequently Asked Questions Related To The Poem Fire and Ice

Question 1. What is ‘Ice’ a symbol of in the poem “Fire and Ice”?
Answer. In the poem “Fire and Ice,” “Ice” is a symbol of hatred and destruction. The poet suggests that just as desire and passion can lead to destruction through fire, hatred and coldness can also lead to destruction through ice. The use of ice as a symbol may also represent the coldness of human emotions and the dangers of uncontrolled anger and hatred. Ultimately, the symbol of ice reinforces the theme of the poem, which warns against the dangers of extreme emotions and urges readers to find balance and moderation in life.

Question 2. What is ‘fire’ a symbol of in the poem “Fire and Ice”?
Answer. In the poem “Fire and Ice,” ‘fire’ is a symbol of desire, passion, and the destructive nature of uncontrolled human emotions. The poet suggests that these intense emotions can lead to destruction if not managed properly, much like fire that can consume everything in its path. The symbol of fire also represents the idea of ending the world in a fiery apocalypse, as some believe. Overall, fire in the poem represents the destructive power of human passions and desires.

Question 3. Why does the poet hold with those who favour fire in the poem “Fire and Ice”?Answer. In the poem “Fire and Ice,” the poet says, “From what I’ve tasted of desire, I hold with those who favour fire.” The speaker is saying that based on their experience with desire, they believe that fire is more likely to be the cause of the world’s destruction. The word “desire” can be interpreted as representing all human emotions, such as passion, ambition, and greed, that can lead to destruction if not controlled. The poet is suggesting that it is the uncontrolled passions of humans that will lead to the world’s destruction by fire. Therefore, the poet holds with those who favour fire.

Question 4. Which two ideas about how the world will end have been mentioned in the poem “Fire and Ice”?
Answer. The poem “Fire and Ice” mentions two ideas about how the world will end: fire and ice.

Question 5. What do people think about the end of the world in the poem “Fire and Ice”?
Answer. In the poem “Fire and Ice,” people have different opinions on how the world will end. Some believe that the world will end in fire, while others believe that it will end in ice. The poem does not explicitly mention what people think about the end of the world beyond these two possibilities. However, the fact that the speaker is partial towards fire suggests that some people might favour one idea over the other.

Question 6. Why does the poet say, ‘I’ve tasted of desire in the poem “Fire and Ice”?
Answer. In the poem “Fire and Ice”, the line “From what I’ve tasted of desire” suggests that the poet has experienced the destructive power of unchecked human passion. By using the word “tasted,” the poet implies that desire is a powerful force that can be addictive and all-consuming. The poet suggests that desire, when uncontrolled, can be as destructive as fire, which is also a symbol of uncontrolled passion. Thus, the poet holds with those who favour fire as a symbol of how the world will end, indicating that he understands the power of desire and its potential for destruction.

Question 7. What will be the cause of the end of the world if it has to perish twice in the poem “Fire and Ice”?
Answer. In the poem “Fire and Ice,” the cause of the end of the world, if it has to perish twice, is suggested to be either through fire or ice. The poet suggests that both these elements can lead to destruction, and there is no clear answer as to which would be the cause of the world’s end. The poem is a reflection on the human condition and the destructive power of uncontrolled emotions.

Question 8. How does the poet ‘know enough of hate’ in the poem ‘Fire and Ice’. 
Answer. In the poem “Fire and Ice,” the poet says he “knows enough of hate” because he has experienced it or observed it in others. The poet suggests that hatred is a destructive force that can lead to the end of the world, just like desire or passion. The line “I think I know enough of hate” indicates that the poet has some understanding of how hatred can consume and destroy individuals and communities. The poem suggests that such destructive emotions should be controlled and balanced with reason and moderation to avoid catastrophic consequences.

Question 9. According to the poet, what is great for destruction in the poem “Fire and Ice”?
Answer. According to the poet in the poem “Fire and Ice”, for destruction, ice is also great.

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