Class 10 English First Flight Poem 6 Summary

Amanda Class 10 English First Flight Poem 6 Summary is available here. This summary is created by the subject experts of CBSE Wale. By reading this summary, students can understand the poem better and improve their English language skills.

Amanda Class 10 English First Flight Poem 6 Summary

Amanda Short Summary

The poem talks about a girl named Amanda and her mother who scolds her for many things. Her mother points out that she bites her nails, sits lazily, doesn’t clean her room, and doesn’t do her homework. Amanda imagines herself as a mermaid or an orphan to escape from her mother’s constant nagging. Her mother also scolds her for eating too many chocolates and not listening to her. Amanda imagines herself as Rapunzel and wants to live alone in a tower. At the end, Amanda’s mother tells her to stop being moody. This constant nagging makes Amanda very sad and she stops imagining herself as someone else to escape from her parents.

Amanda Short Summary In Hindi

कविता अमांडा नाम की एक लड़की और उसकी माँ के बारे में बात करती है जो उसे कई बातों के लिए डांटती है। उसकी माँ बताती है कि वह अपने नाखून काटती है, आलसी होकर बैठती है, अपने कमरे की सफाई नहीं करती है और अपना होमवर्क नहीं करती है। अमांडा अपनी मां की लगातार डांट से बचने के लिए खुद को जलपरी या अनाथ के रूप में कल्पना करती है। उसकी माँ भी उसे बहुत अधिक चॉकलेट खाने और उसकी बात न मानने के लिए डांटती है। अमांडा खुद को रॅपन्ज़ेल के रूप में कल्पना करती है और एक टावर में अकेले रहना चाहती है। अंत में, अमांडा की माँ उसे मूडी होने से रोकने के लिए कहती है। इस लगातार झगड़ने से अमांडा बहुत दुखी हो जाती है और वह अपने माता-पिता से बचने के लिए खुद को किसी और के रूप में कल्पना करना बंद कर देती है।

Amanda Summary

The poem ‘Amanda’ by Robin Klein shows how a young girl named Amanda feels when her mother constantly gives her instructions on what to do and what not to do. Her mother reminds her to sit up straight and not to hunch her shoulders. She also tells her to finish her homework. Amanda dreams of having freedom and living a carefree life outside.
Amanda’s mother thinks that she sits lazily, and this bothers her. To avoid her parents’ constant commands, Amanda escapes into her imagination. She imagines a calm and peaceful emerald sea where she is the only inhabitant. In this imaginary world, Amanda feels free and there are no limits. She pretends to be a carefree mermaid swimming in the gentle waves of the green sea. However, her mother interrupts her daydream by asking if she has cleaned her room and shoes.
Amanda has another daydream where she imagines herself as an orphan, walking freely and barefooted in complete silence and freedom. She thinks that if she were an orphan, she could enjoy her freedom and walk on the sand, leaving patterns of her bare feet. However, her daydream is interrupted by her mother’s nagging. Her mother tells her not to eat chocolates because it causes pimples, and scolds her for not paying attention while she is speaking to her.
Amanda has another dream where she imagines herself as Rapunzel, a character from a fairy tale who lives in a tall tower. She imagines that she will live alone in the tower and will never let her hair down like Rapunzel. She will not allow anyone to come into her tower and will have a peaceful life. Finally, Amanda’s mother tells her to stop being moody because she doesn’t want to be blamed for harassing her daughter. Amanda does not respond to her mother’s comments. This constant nagging has made her so upset that she has stopped imagining herself as someone else. She used to do this to escape from her parents’ continuous harassment and control.
Amanda’s parents feel that she is not reacting because she is upset. They think that her behaviour reflects badly on them and are worried about what other people will think if their child is always unhappy.

Amanda Summary In Hindi

रॉबिन क्लेन की कविता ‘अमांडा’ दिखाती है कि अमांडा नाम की एक युवा लड़की को कैसा लगता है जब उसकी मां उसे लगातार निर्देश देती है कि उसे क्या करना चाहिए और क्या नहीं करना चाहिए। उसकी माँ उसे सीधे बैठने की याद दिलाती है और अपने कंधों को झुकाने की नहीं। वह उसे अपना होमवर्क पूरा करने के लिए भी कहती है। अमांडा स्वतंत्रता प्राप्त करने और बाहर एक लापरवाह जीवन जीने का सपना देखती है।
अमांडा की माँ सोचती है कि वह आलसी होकर बैठती है, और यह बात उसे परेशान करती है। अपने माता-पिता के लगातार आदेशों से बचने के लिए, अमांडा अपनी कल्पना में भाग जाती है। वह एक शांत और शांतिपूर्ण पन्ना समुद्र की कल्पना करती है जहां वह एकमात्र निवासी है। इस काल्पनिक दुनिया में, अमांडा स्वतंत्र महसूस करती है और इसकी कोई सीमा नहीं है। वह हरे समुद्र की कोमल लहरों में तैरती एक लापरवाह जलपरी होने का नाटक करती है। हालाँकि, उसकी माँ उसके दिवास्वप्न को यह पूछकर बाधित करती है कि क्या उसने अपने कमरे और जूतों की सफाई की है।
अमांडा का एक और दिवास्वप्न है जहां वह खुद को एक अनाथ के रूप में कल्पना करती है, पूरी तरह से चुप्पी और स्वतंत्रता में नंगे पांव चलती है। वह सोचती है कि अगर वह एक अनाथ होती, तो वह अपनी आजादी का आनंद ले सकती थी और रेत पर चल सकती थी, अपने नंगे पैरों के पैटर्न को छोड़कर। हालाँकि, उसकी दिवास्वप्न उसकी माँ की सता से बाधित होती है। उसकी माँ उसे चॉकलेट नहीं खाने के लिए कहती है क्योंकि इससे पिंपल्स होते हैं, और जब वह उससे बात कर रही होती है तो ध्यान न देने के लिए उसे डांटती है।
अमांडा का एक और सपना है जहां वह खुद को रॅपन्ज़ेल के रूप में कल्पना करती है, जो एक परी कथा का पात्र है जो एक ऊंचे टॉवर में रहता है। वह कल्पना करती है कि वह टावर में अकेली रहेगी और रॅपन्ज़ेल की तरह अपने बालों को कभी नीचे नहीं गिरने देगी। वह किसी को भी अपने टावर में आने की अनुमति नहीं देगी और एक शांतिपूर्ण जीवन व्यतीत करेगी। अंत में, अमांडा की माँ ने उसे मूडी होने से रोकने के लिए कहा क्योंकि वह नहीं चाहती कि उसकी बेटी को परेशान करने के लिए उसे दोषी ठहराया जाए। अमांडा अपनी मां की टिप्पणियों का जवाब नहीं देती। इस लगातार झगड़ने ने उसे इतना परेशान कर दिया है कि उसने खुद को किसी और के रूप में कल्पना करना बंद कर दिया है। ऐसा वह अपने माता-पिता के लगातार उत्पीड़न और नियंत्रण से बचने के लिए करती थी।
अमांडा के माता-पिता को लगता है कि वह प्रतिक्रिया नहीं दे रही है क्योंकि वह परेशान है। उन्हें लगता है कि उनका व्यवहार उन पर बुरा असर डालता है और इस बात को लेकर चिंतित रहते हैं कि अगर उनका बच्चा हमेशा नाखुश रहेगा तो दूसरे लोग क्या सोचेंगे।

The Explanation of the Poem “Amanda”

Stanza 1

Don’t bite your nails, Amanda!
Don’t hunch your shoulders, Amanda!
Stop that slouching and sit up straight,
(There is a languid, emerald sea,                     
where the sole inhabitant is me
a mermaid, drifting blissfully.)

Important Word Meaning

Hunch: In the context of the given stanza, “hunch” is used as a verb, which means to bend forward and raise your shoulders slightly, making your back appear rounded.
Slouching: “Slouching” is a verb that refers to the act of sitting, standing, or walking with a drooping, bent, or hunched posture. It is a posture that lacks energy, confidence, and attentiveness.
Languid: “Languid” is an adjective that means lacking in vigour, vitality, or energy; slow and relaxed.
Emerald sea: “Emerald sea” refers to a sea that has a greenish-blue color similar to the gemstone emerald. It is a descriptive phrase used in the poem to create an image of a calm and serene sea where Amanda, the protagonist, can escape from the constant nagging of her mother.
Sole inhabitant: “Sole inhabitant” refers to the only person or living being present in a particular place or environment. In the context of the poem, it refers to Amanda’s imagination of herself as the only inhabitant of a calm and peaceful emerald sea.
Mermaid: A mermaid is a mythical creature that is half-human and half-fish. It is usually depicted as having the upper body of a woman and the lower body of a fish. In the context of the poem, Amanda imagines herself as a mermaid, drifting blissfully in an emerald sea in order to escape the nagging of her mother.
Drifting: Drifting refers to the movement of something slowly or aimlessly in a particular direction, usually due to external forces such as wind or water currents. In the context of the poem, it refers to the movement of the mermaid in the emerald sea.
Blissfully: Blissfully means to do something in a happy and carefree manner or to experience a feeling of great pleasure or happiness. It can also refer to doing something with complete contentment and satisfaction.


The stanza is describing how Amanda’s mother is nagging her about her posture and habits, telling her not to bite her nails, hunch her shoulders or slouch, and to sit up straight. While her mother is giving her these instructions, Amanda is imagining a beautiful and peaceful world in her mind. She pictures herself as a mermaid living in a calm, green sea where she is the only inhabitant, and she can drift around happily without any restrictions. The contrast between Amanda’s mother’s demands and Amanda’s desire for freedom and relaxation is highlighted in this stanza.

Poetic Devices

Assonance: Assonance is the repetition of similar vowel sounds, as the repeated “o” sound in “Don’t hunch your shoulders”.
Alliteration: Alliteration is when a sound or letter is repeated at the beginning of closely placed words. In the line “Stop that slouching and sit up straight”, the letter “s” is repeated.
Repetition: Repetition is the repeated use of a word or phrase. In this case, the word “Amanda” is repeated several times throughout the poem.
Metaphor: Metaphor is when a comparison is made between two unlike things. Amanda comparing herself to a mermaid is an example of a metaphor.
Symbolism: Symbolism is when a word or object represents something else, such as the use of “emerald” to symbolise the green colour of the sea.
Imagery: Imagery refers to vivid descriptions that create a mental picture for the reader. The lines “There is a languid, emerald sea, where the sole inhabitant is me, a mermaid, drifting blissfully” are an example of imagery.
Allusion: Allusion is when a reference is made to a well-known person, place, or thing. The use of the word “mermaid” is an example of allusion.
Anaphora: Anaphora is when a word is repeated at the beginning of consecutive lines. For example, in the lines 
“Don’t bite your nails, Amanda! 
Don’t hunch your shoulders, Amanda!”, 
The word “Don’t” is repeated at the beginning of each line.
Epiphora: Epiphora is when a word is repeated at the end of consecutive lines. In the same example of Anaphora, the word “Amanda” is repeated at the end of both lines.

Stanza 2

Did you finish your homework, Amanda?
Did you tidy your room, Amanda?
I thought I told you to clean your shoes,
(I am an orphan, roaming the street.
I pattern soft dust with my hushed, bare feet.
The silence is golden, the freedom is sweet.)

Important Word Meaning

Tidy: The word “tidy” means to make something neat, organized, or arranged in an orderly way. In the context of the stanza, the mother is asking Amanda if she has cleaned and organized her room.
Orphan: An orphan is a child who has lost both of their parents or has been abandoned by them.
Roaming: Roaming means to move around without a fixed purpose or direction, often for a long distance or period of time.
Pattern soft dust: In this context, “pattern” means to create a design or pattern on the soft dust by walking on it repeatedly. So, “pattern soft dust with my hushed, bare feet” means that the speaker is walking on soft dust and creating a design or pattern on it with their quiet, bare feet.
Hushed: “Hushed” means to be very quiet, calm, or still. It can also refer to a sound that is quiet or muffled.
Bare feet: “Bare feet” refers to feet that are not covered with shoes or socks and are in direct contact with the ground or surface they are walking on.
The silence is golden: “The silence is golden” is an idiom which means that silence is often better than speaking, and it can have more value or impact than words. It implies that remaining silent or not saying anything can be the best course of action in certain situations.
Freedom is sweet: “Freedom is sweet” means that the feeling of being free is very enjoyable and pleasurable. It suggests that the speaker feels happy and unburdened by any restrictions or limitations. In the context of the stanza, it represents the daydream of Amanda who imagines herself as an orphan wandering freely, enjoying uninterrupted freedom.


In this part of the poem, Amanda’s mother is checking whether she completed her homework, tidied her room, and cleaned her shoes. Amanda is not interested in doing these things and feels irritated when her mother reminds her about them. She starts daydreaming about being an orphan and walking on the street. She enjoys the freedom of walking on the street without any restrictions from her mother. She imagines herself making designs on the dust with her bare feet. Amanda feels that silence is golden and precious and enjoys her freedom while walking on the street. She wants to be free like an orphan and not be under her mother’s constant supervision.

Poetic Devices

Assonance: Assonance means the repetition of similar vowel sounds in a phrase or sentence. In the sentence “I thought I told you to clean your shoes,” the “o” sound is repeated in “thought,” “told,” and “shoes.”
Metaphor: Metaphor is when a comparison is made between two things that are not alike. For example, in the phrase “The silence is golden,” the poet compares silence to the value of gold.
Repetition: Repetition means repeating a word or phrase more than once in a sentence or a paragraph. For instance, in the sentences “Did you finish your homework, Amanda? Did you tidy your room, Amanda?” the word “Amanda” is repeated.
Anaphora: Anaphora is the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of two or more consecutive sentences. For example, “Did you” is repeated at the beginning of “Did you finish your homework, Amanda?” and “Did you tidy your room, Amanda?”
Epiphora: Epiphora is the repetition of a word or phrase at the end of two or more consecutive sentences. For example, “Amanda” is repeated at the end of “Did you finish your homework, Amanda?” and “Did you tidy your room, Amanda?”

Stanza 3

Don’t eat that chocolate, Amanda!
Remember your acne, Amanda!
Will you please look at me when I’m speaking to you,
(I am Rapunzel; I have not a care;                         
life in a tower is tranquil and rare;
I’ll certainly never let down my bright hair!)

Important Word Meaning

Acne: Acne is a common skin condition that occurs when hair follicles become clogged with oil and dead skin cells. It is characterised by blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, or cysts on the face, chest, back, or other parts of the body.
Rapunzel: Rapunzel is a fictional character in a German fairy tale. The story is about a beautiful girl named Rapunzel, who is locked up in a tower by a wicked enchantress. Rapunzel’s long hair becomes her only means of contact with the outside world.
I have not a care: It means that the person has no worries or concerns at the moment. They feel carefree and happy, without any troubles or anxieties.
Tranquil and rare: In this context, “tranquil” means calm and peaceful, and “rare” means uncommon or unusual. So, the speaker is saying that life in a tower is calm, peaceful, and unusual.


In this part of the poem, Amanda’s mother tells her not to eat chocolates as they cause pimples on her face. Amanda’s mother scolds her for not listening to her instructions. In the meantime, Amanda imagines herself as a character from a fairy tale, Rapunzel. She thinks that life in a tower is peaceful and rare. Rapunzel’s hair was long, and the witch climbed up the tower using her hair. Amanda also thinks that she will never let anyone come close to her and disturb her peace, just like Rapunzel.

Poetic Devices

Assonance: If a group of words has similar vowel sounds, it’s called assonance. For instance, in the sentence “Will you please look at me when I’m speaking to you,” the prominent sound of the vowel ‘e’ is repeated.
Consonance: When a particular consonant sound is repeated in a group of words, it’s called consonance. In the line “I am Rapunzel; I have not a care; life in a tower is tranquil and rare; I’ll certainly never let down my bright hair!”, the prominent sound of the consonant ‘r’ is repeated.
Repetition: Repeating a word or phrase is called repetition. In the example above, the word “Amanda” is being repeated.
Metaphor: When someone compares one thing to another thing, it’s called a metaphor. In this case, Amanda is comparing herself to Rapunzel.
Allusion: When a writer or speaker refers to a well-known person, animal, or thing, it’s called allusion. For example, when a poet uses the name “Rapunzel” in their poem, they are making an allusion to the famous fairy tale character.
Epiphora: The repetition of a word at the end of consecutive lines is called epiphora. For example, in the lines “Don’t eat that chocolate, Amanda! Remember your acne, Amanda!”, the word “Amanda” is repeated at the end of each line.

Stanza 4

Stop that sulking at once, Amanda!
You’re always so moody, Amanda!        
Anyone would think that I nagged at you,

Important Word Meaning

Sulking: Sulking means being in a bad mood or showing irritation or discontent by being silent or withdrawn after being disappointed, hurt or offended about something.
Moody: The word “moody” refers to a person who is frequently changing their moods and emotions. A moody person may have unpredictable changes in their emotions and may often seem sad or angry without any apparent reason.
Nagged: “Nagged” means to continuously criticise or annoy someone to do something or stop doing something. It often involves repeating the same request or criticism over and over again in an irritating way.


In this situation, Amanda’s mother is telling her to stop being moody and scolding her for it. She says that Amanda’s mood swings are not good and people might think she is treating her badly. Amanda can’t say anything in response because her mother might misunderstand her and scold her more. Amanda stays quiet because she doesn’t want her mother to think that others see her as a controlling parent.

Poetic Devices

Alliteration: It means using the same starting letter for nearby words. For example, in the sentence “Stop that sulking,” the “s” sound is repeated at the beginning of two words.
Epiphora: It is when a word is repeated at the end of two or more consecutive lines. For instance, in the lines “Stop that sulking at once, Amanda! You’re always so moody, Amanda!”, the word “Amanda” is repeated at the end of both lines.
Repetition: It is simply using the same word or phrase more than once in a sentence or text. In the example above, the word “Amanda” is repeated for emphasis.

Poet of the Poem “Amanda”

The poet of the poem “Amanda” is Robin Klein.

About the Poet of the Poem “Amanda”

Robin Klein is an Australian author born on February 28, 1936, in Kempsey, New South Wales. She has written over 40 books for children and young adults, including novels, short stories, and poetry. Klein has won many awards for her work, including the CBCA Book of the Year Award for Younger Readers and the Human Rights Award for Literature. Her stories deal with family relationships, growing up, and challenges faced by young people. Her writing style is known for being funny, sensitive, and imaginative.

Theme of the Poem “Amanda”

The theme of “Amanda” poem by Robin Klein is the conflict between a mother and daughter, as the daughter tries to rebel against her mother’s expectations and rules. The poem also shows how imagination can be an escape from reality. Communication breakdown is also a theme as Amanda’s mother doesn’t understand her, and Amanda can’t express herself. The poem highlights the challenges of parent-child relationships and growing up.

Main Idea of the Poem “Amanda”

“Amanda” poem’s main idea is about the conflict between a mother and her daughter over the daughter’s behaviour. Amanda often daydreams to avoid her mother’s constant criticism, but her mother continues to scold and correct her. The poem shows how a lack of understanding and communication can cause problems in parent-child relationships.

Moral of the Poem “Amanda”

The poem tells us that children should be given more freedom. While it’s important to teach them good manners and behaviour, parents should also allow them to have their own space and time to learn and enjoy their childhood.

Message of the Poem “Amanda”

“Amanda” poem’s message is that parents should be aware of their children’s emotional needs and give them space to explore their thoughts and feelings. The poem shows Amanda’s frustration with her controlling mother and suggests children need the freedom to express themselves and have some control. The poem encourages parents to be kind and patient with their children, instead of always criticising or belittling them.

Conclusion of the Poem “Amanda”

“Amanda” is a poem about a girl who feels trapped by her mother’s strict rules. The poem suggests that children need freedom to learn and grow. Parents should balance discipline with freedom to ensure a happy childhood. The poem highlights the importance of a supportive environment for children.

Rhyme Scheme of the poem “Amanda”

The poem “Amanda” has an AABA CCC rhyme scheme, where the words spoken by Amanda’s mother have an AABA rhyme scheme and Amanda’s imagined words have a CCC rhyme scheme.

Frequently Asked Questions Related To The Poem Amanda

Question 1. Who is the author of the poem “Amanda”?
Answer: Robin Klein is the author of the poem “Amanda”.

Question 2. What is the theme of the poem “Amanda”?
Answer: The poem “Amanda” deals with themes such as parent-child relationships, imagination, communication breakdown, and the challenges of growing up.

Question 3. Who is Amanda in the poem “Amanda”?
Answer: Amanda is a young girl who feels suffocated by her mother’s constant nagging and strict rules.

Question 4. What is the conflict between Amanda and her mother in the poem?
Answer: The conflict between Amanda and her mother arises due to Amanda’s behaviour and habits, which her mother constantly criticises and controls.

Question 5. What is the rhyme scheme of the words spoken by Amanda’s mother in the poem?
Answer: The words spoken by Amanda’s mother in the poem have an AABA rhyme scheme.

Question 6. What is the rhyme scheme of Amanda’s imagined words in the poem?
Answer: Amanda’s imagined words in the poem have a CCC rhyme scheme.

Question 7. What is the message of the poem “Amanda” for parents?
Answer: The poem “Amanda” serves as a reminder to parents to strike a balance between discipline and freedom, to ensure that their children have a happy and healthy childhood.

Question 8. What is the role of imagination in the poem “Amanda”?
Answer: Amanda’s imagination provides her with an escape from the mundane realities of life.

Question 9. What is the significance of the title “Amanda” for the poem?
Answer: The title “Amanda” refers to the main character in the poem and highlights her struggles and challenges.

Question 10. What is the mood of the poem “Amanda”?
Answer: The poem “Amanda” has a melancholic and reflective mood, highlighting the difficulties of growing up and parent-child relationships.

Question 11. What does the conclusion of the poem “Amanda” emphasise?
Answer: The conclusion of the poem “Amanda” emphasises the importance of a nurturing and supportive environment for children.

Question 12. What kind of relationship is depicted in the poem “Amanda”?
Answer: The poem “Amanda” depicts a troubled relationship between a mother and her daughter.

Question 13. How does the poem “Amanda” highlight the challenges faced by young people?
Answer: The poem “Amanda” highlights the challenges faced by young people, such as communication breakdown, conflicts with authority figures, and the need for personal space and freedom.

Question 14. What is the significance of the poem “Amanda” for readers?
Answer: The poem “Amanda” is significant for readers as it offers insights into the complexities of parent-child relationships and the challenges of growing up, encouraging empathy and understanding towards young people.

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