Class 10 English First Flight Poem 7 Summary

The Trees Class 10 English First Flight Poem 7 Summary is available here. This summary is created by the subject experts of CBSE Wale. The poem is included in the First Flight reader book, which is the main English textbook for CBSE Class 10 students. By reading this summary, students can understand the poem better and improve their English language skills.

The Trees Class 10 English First Flight Poem 7 Summary

The Trees Short Summary

The poem is titled “The Trees” and is about how humans have destroyed forests and confined trees to the four walls of their houses for their selfish needs. The poet believes that trees belong in the forest and keeping them indoors is wrong. The poem emphasises the desire for freedom that all living beings have and reminds us to follow the rules of nature and not try to control or manipulate it for our own purposes.

The Trees Short Summary In Hindi

कविता का शीर्षक “द ट्रीज़” है और यह इस बारे में है कि कैसे मनुष्यों ने अपनी स्वार्थी जरूरतों के लिए जंगलों को नष्ट कर दिया और पेड़ों को अपने घरों की चार दीवारों तक सीमित कर दिया। कवि का मानना है कि पेड़ जंगल के होते हैं और उन्हें घर के अंदर रखना गलत है। कविता स्वतंत्रता की इच्छा पर जोर देती है जो सभी जीवित प्राणियों के पास है और हमें प्रकृति के नियमों का पालन करने और अपने स्वयं के उद्देश्यों के लिए इसे नियंत्रित करने या हेरफेर करने की कोशिश नहीं करने की याद दिलाती है।

The Trees Summary

The poem “The Trees” is written by Adrienne Rich, who is also the speaker of the poem. The poem tells the story of a group of trees trying to escape from a greenhouse. This is not a typical nature poem because it includes elements that are not normally associated with nature poetry. The poem uses the trees to demonstrate how language can be like a greenhouse, constraining and limiting our understanding of the world. The poet is a witness to the trees’ struggle to escape, but she does not try to make something out of it. She is able to sit and write while observing the spectacle.
The speaker in the poem is talking to the audience, but at the same time, she is also listening to the whispers in her head. As readers of the poem, we are commanded to listen and pay attention to what the speaker is saying. The speaker tries to connect with the audience through the poem and acknowledges the transaction between the poem and the reader. In essence, she is saying thank you for listening to what she has to say.
The poet in the poem is aware of the different levels of reality, both internal and external, and how they can overlap and blur together. The trees in the poem are inside the poet’s house, and their roots work hard at night to break free from the cracks in the veranda floor. The leaves of the trees try to move towards the glass windows. The poet keeps the door open at night to experience the fullness of the moon and the sky, but she can still smell the leaves from inside. The poet’s mind is another interior space that is influenced by the whispers she hears.
The poet is fascinated by the image of the trees resembling newly discharged hospital patients. The branches of the trees have been cramped under the roof, just like the patients have been confined to their hospital beds. The branches of the trees want to break free and spread themselves in the fresh air, just like the patients want to leave the hospital and breathe in fresh air after a long illness.

The Trees Summary In Hindi

कविता “द ट्रीज़” एड्रिएन रिच द्वारा लिखी गई है, जो कविता के वक्ता भी हैं। कविता एक ग्रीनहाउस से भागने की कोशिश कर रहे पेड़ों के समूह की कहानी कहती है। यह एक विशिष्ट प्रकृति कविता नहीं है क्योंकि इसमें ऐसे तत्व शामिल हैं जो आमतौर पर प्रकृति कविता से जुड़े नहीं होते हैं। कविता पेड़ों का उपयोग यह प्रदर्शित करने के लिए करती है कि कैसे भाषा ग्रीनहाउस की तरह हो सकती है, दुनिया की हमारी समझ को बाधित और सीमित कर सकती है। कवयित्री पेड़ों के बचने के संघर्ष की गवाह है, लेकिन वह इससे कुछ बनाने की कोशिश नहीं करती है। वह तमाशा देखते हुए बैठ और लिख सकती है।
कविता में वक्ता दर्शकों से बात कर रही है, लेकिन साथ ही वह अपने सिर में फुसफुसाहट भी सुन रही है। कविता के पाठकों के रूप में, हमें वक्ता जो कह रहा है उसे सुनने और उस पर ध्यान देने की आज्ञा दी गई है। वक्ता कविता के माध्यम से दर्शकों से जुड़ने की कोशिश करता है और कविता और पाठक के बीच के लेन-देन को स्वीकार करता है। संक्षेप में, वह कह रही है कि उसे जो कहना है उसे सुनने के लिए धन्यवाद।
कविता में कवि वास्तविकता के आंतरिक और बाहरी दोनों स्तरों के विभिन्न स्तरों से अवगत है, और वे कैसे एक साथ ओवरलैप और धुंधला हो सकते हैं। कविता में पेड़ कवि के घर के अंदर हैं, और उनकी जड़ें बरामदे के फर्श की दरारों से निकलने के लिए रात में कड़ी मेहनत करती हैं। पेड़ों की पत्तियाँ कांच की खिड़कियों की ओर बढ़ने की कोशिश करती हैं। कवयित्री रात में चाँद और आकाश की परिपूर्णता का अनुभव करने के लिए दरवाजा खुला रखती है, लेकिन वह अभी भी अंदर से पत्तियों को सूंघ सकती है। कवि का मन एक अन्य आंतरिक स्थान है जो उसके द्वारा सुनी जाने वाली फुसफुसाहटों से प्रभावित होता है।
अस्पताल से अस्पताल से छुट्टी पा चुके रोगियों के समान दिखने वाले वृक्षों की छवि से कवि मुग्ध है। पेड़ों की टहनियां छत के नीचे ऐसे सिमट गई हैं, जैसे मरीज अपने अस्पताल के बिस्तर तक ही सिमट कर रह गए हों। वृक्षों की शाखाएँ मुक्त होकर स्वयं को ताजी हवा में फैलाना चाहती हैं, ठीक वैसे ही जैसे रोगी लंबी बीमारी के बाद अस्पताल छोड़कर ताजी हवा में साँस लेना चाहते हैं।

The Explanation of the Poem “The Trees”

Stanza 1

The trees inside are moving out into the forest,
the forest that was empty all these days
where no bird could sit
no insect hide
no sun bury its feet in shadow
the forest that was empty all these nights
will be full of trees by morning.

Important Word Meaning

Sun bury its feet in shadow: The phrase “sun bury its feet in shadow” is a metaphorical expression used by the poetess to describe the absence of trees in the forest. The sun’s rays usually penetrate through the leaves and branches of the trees, casting shadows on the ground. However, in the absence of trees, the sun’s rays do not have any obstacles to block them, and the forest floor is devoid of shadows. The poetess is suggesting that the trees are essential for the proper functioning of the ecosystem, and their absence has disrupted the natural balance of the forest.
Forest that was empty all these nights: The phrase “forest that was empty all these nights” refers to the fact that the forest has been devoid of trees for a long time. Without trees, the forest is dark and quiet at night. No animals or insects can take shelter in the forest, and the absence of trees makes it difficult for the moon and stars to cast their light on the forest floor. The poetess is emphasising the importance of trees in maintaining the balance of nature and how their absence has left a void in the forest.


In this stanza, the poetess is describing how the trees that have been confined indoors are now moving out into the forest. The forest has been empty and barren because of the absence of trees, which are a vital part of the forest ecosystem. Without trees, no birds or insects could find shelter or food, and even the sun’s rays could not reach the forest floor because there were no leaves and branches to filter them. The poetess emphasises that the forest was empty both during the day and night. However, now that the trees are moving out of their confinement, the forest will be full of life and greenery again by morning. This shows the importance of trees in maintaining the balance of nature and how their absence can negatively impact the environment.

Poetic Devices

Anaphora: Anaphora is a rhetorical device in which a word or phrase is repeated at the beginning of successive clauses or sentences. The poet has used anaphora by repeating the word “no” at the start of consecutive lines.
Personification: Personification is a figure of speech in which an object or animal is given human qualities. In the stanza, the poet has given human qualities to trees and personified the sun by using “bury its feet in shadow” to describe it.
Imagery: Imagery is the use of figurative language to create vivid mental pictures or sensory experiences in the reader’s mind. In the stanza, the poet has used kinesthetic imagery to create a visual description of the trees moving out and the forest being empty
Enjambment: Enjambment is a literary device in which a sentence is continued from one line to another without a pause or break.

Stanza 2

All night the roots work
to disengage themselves from the cracks       
on the veranda floor.
The leaves strain toward the glass   
small twigs stiff with exertion
long-cramped boughs shuffling under the roof
like newly discharged patients
half-dazed, moving
to the clinic doors.

Important Word Meaning

Disengage: The word “disengage” means to detach or disconnect from something, to free or release from an engagement, to unfasten or untangle, or to withdraw from a situation or relationship.
Veranda: A veranda is a roofed platform, usually with a railing, that is built along the outside of a house or building. It is typically attached to the house and may extend across the front, side or back. Verandas are often used as an outdoor sitting area or for entertaining guests.
Strain: The word “strain” means to exert great effort, force or pressure on something. In the context of the poem, it means that the leaves of the trees are stretching or bending towards the glass window, as if they are putting in a lot of effort to break free from their confinement inside the house.
Twigs stiff: “Twigs stiff” means that the small branches of the trees are not flexible or pliable and are rather firm and rigid.
Exertion: Exertion means physical or mental effort. It refers to the act of putting in a lot of effort or energy towards achieving a goal or performing a task.
Long-cramped boughs: “Long-cramped boughs” refers to the long branches of the trees that have been confined and cramped for a long time under the roof or within the four walls.
Shuffling: Shuffling means moving with short dragging steps without lifting the feet completely off the ground.
Half-dazed: Half-dazed means to be partially stunned, confused or disoriented.


In this stanza, the poet describes how the trees are struggling to escape from the confined space of a greenhouse or a veranda. The roots are working all night to disengage themselves from the cracks on the veranda floor, while the leaves are straining towards the glass. The small twigs and long-cramped boughs are stiff and shuffling under the roof, similar to newly discharged patients who are half-dazed and moving towards the clinic doors after a long illness. The poet uses this metaphor to describe the trees’ struggle for freedom and their desire to be in the open air, like patients who want to leave the hospital and breathe fresh air after a prolonged stay.

Poetic Devices

Simile: The poet compared trees to patients who just left the hospital using the word “like”.
Personification: The poet gave human-like qualities to the twigs and boughs.
Imagery: The poet described the twigs in a way that creates a vivid sensory image by using the phrase “small twigs stiff with exertion”.
Enjambment: The poet wrote sentences that continue onto the next line without any punctuation in the stanza.

Stanza 3

I sit inside, doors open to the veranda
writing long letters
in which I scarcely mention the departure
of the forest from the house.
The night is fresh, the whole moon shines 
in a sky still open
the smell of leaves and lichen
still reaches like a voice into the rooms.

Important Word Meaning

Scarcely: The word “scarcely” means hardly or barely. In the context of the stanza, it means that the speaker barely mentions the departure of the forest from the house in their letters. The word suggests that the speaker is either avoiding talking about the topic or trying to downplay its significance.
Departure: The word “departure” refers to the act of leaving or going away from a place. In the context of the stanza, the departure of the forest from the house suggests that the forest, which was once near the house, has now gone away or disappeared. The departure may be a literal or metaphorical one, but it signifies a change or loss that the speaker is either trying to ignore or struggling to come to terms with.
Lichen: Lichen is a composite organism made up of a fungus and an alga or a cyanobacterium. It grows on rocks, trees, and other surfaces, and its appearance can vary depending on the species. Lichen is known for its ability to survive in extreme environments and for its ecological importance as a source of food and habitat for various organisms. In the context of the stanza, the smell of lichen suggests that the forest is nearby and that its presence can still be felt despite its departure from the house.


In this stanza, the speaker is sitting inside a house with open doors leading to a veranda. She is writing long letters, but she hardly mentions the forest’s departure from the house, which could suggest that the speaker is preoccupied with other thoughts or emotions. The night outside is refreshing, and there is a full moon shining in the sky, which is still open. The smell of leaves and lichen still fills the air, and it reaches inside the rooms like a voice, perhaps hinting at the lingering presence of the forest. The stanza captures a sense of introspection and connection to nature, with the speaker taking in the sights and smells of the night while reflecting on her own thoughts and feelings.

Poetic Devices

Enjambment: This refers to a sentence that continues onto the next line without any punctuation to signal a break. It is used throughout the stanza.
Alliteration: This refers to the repetition of the same sound at the beginning of closely placed words. The poet uses this literary device by repeating the letters ‘L’, ‘F’, ‘S’, and ‘L’ in words such as “long letters”, “forest from”, “sky still”, and “leaves and lichen” respectively.
Imagery: This is a literary device that appeals to the senses to create a vivid description in the reader’s mind. The poet uses visual imagery by describing the night as fresh and the whole moon shining. The poet also uses olfactory imagery by describing the smell of leaves and lichen, which helps the reader imagine the scent.

Stanza 4

My head is full of whispers
which tomorrow will be silent
Listen. The glass is breaking.
The trees are stumbling forward
into the night. Winds rush to meet them. 
The moon is broken like a mirror,
its pieces flash now in the crown
of the tallest oak.

Important Word Meaning

Whispers: In this context, “whispers” refers to thoughts, ideas, or voices that are quiet and hard to hear. The line “My head is full of whispers” suggests that the speaker has a lot of thoughts and ideas swirling around in their mind. The word “whispers” can also imply secrecy or something hidden, as if the thoughts are not fully formed or not ready to be shared.
Stumbling: The word “stumbling” means to trip or lose one’s balance while walking or moving. In the context of the stanza, the trees are described as stumbling forward into the night, which is a personification of the trees that creates a sense of movement and urgency.
Crown of the tallest oak: The “crown” of a tree refers to the topmost branches and leaves that extend outward from the trunk. In the context of the stanza, the “crown of the tallest oak” is where the broken pieces of the moon are flashing. This is a personification of the tree that creates a visual image of the moon’s shattered fragments sparkling in the branches. The use of the word “crown” suggests a sense of majesty or importance, as if the oak tree is holding something valuable or precious in its uppermost branches.


In this stanza, the speaker describes a scene of chaos and change. She says that her head is full of whispers that will be gone by tomorrow, suggesting that she may be preoccupied with her thoughts or fears. The glass breaking and the trees stumbling forward create a sense of disruption and instability. The wind rushing to meet the trees adds to the feeling of chaos. The moon is described as broken like a mirror, and its pieces are now flashing in the crown of the tallest oak. This could be interpreted as a metaphor for the natural world being disrupted or changed in some way. The stanza creates a sense of unease and uncertainty, as if the world is in a state of transition or transformation. The use of imagery and personification gives the poem a sense of vividness and immediacy.

Poetic Devices

Simile: The poet has used a comparison between the moon and a broken window using the word ‘like’. This means that the poet is trying to describe the appearance of the moon by comparing it to something else that is broken or shattered.
Imagery: The poet has used a phrase that appeals to our sense of hearing in the stanza. For example, in the line “My head is full of whispers”, the poet is trying to create a mental image of soft, hushed sounds that are barely audible.
Enjambment: The sentence in the stanza is being continued to the next line without a break, creating a sense of flow and continuity. This technique is called enjambment and is often used in poetry to maintain the rhythm and pace of the poem.

Poet of the Poem “The Trees”

The poem “The Trees” was written by American poet and feminist Adrienne Rich.

About the Poet of the Poem “The Trees”

Adrienne Rich, the poet of the poem “The Trees” was an American poet, essayist, and feminist activist. She was born on May 16, 1929, in Baltimore, Maryland, and died on March 27, 2012, in Santa Cruz, California. Rich was a highly regarded poet whose work often explored themes of feminism, social justice, and politics. She was the recipient of numerous awards and honours, including the National Book Award, the MacArthur Fellowship, and the Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize. Rich’s poetry is characterised by her use of language and imagery to challenge societal norms and to explore the intersections of gender, sexuality, and power. 

Theme of the Poem “The Trees”

The poem “The Trees” by Adrienne Rich explores how human actions have affected the natural world and the importance of preserving it. The trees in the poem are a symbol for nature, and the poem suggests that they are trying to communicate with humans. The poem emphasises the need to listen to nature and to respect it.

Main Idea of the Poem “The Trees”

“The Trees” by Adrienne Rich is about how humans harm nature and how trees, as a symbol of nature, try to communicate with us. The poem suggests that we should listen to nature and protect it. We need to respect and take care of the environment, and understand how our actions affect it. The main idea is that we should strive for a better relationship between humans and nature.

Moral of the Poem “The Trees”

The poem “The Trees” by Adrienne Rich teaches us to respect and care for nature. We should understand how our actions affect the environment and work towards preserving it. By listening to nature and taking steps to protect it, we can achieve a more balanced and sustainable life. The poem encourages us to recognize the interconnectedness of all things and to act responsibly towards the environment. The main moral of the poem is that we must take care of nature because it is crucial for our own survival and well-being.

Message of the Poem “The Trees”

“The Trees” poem by Adrienne Rich reminds us to take care of nature. We should listen to nature’s voice to live in harmony with it. Human actions can harm the environment, but we can reduce the damage by protecting it. We must respect and preserve nature for a sustainable and healthy future. The poem teaches us to appreciate and understand the value of all living things and act accordingly to protect the environment.

Conclusion of the Poem “The Trees”

In the poem “The Trees” Adrienne Rich concludes that nature is always speaking to us, and it’s our responsibility to listen and respond. Humans have become too self-involved to hear the trees reaching out to us. The poem emphasises the significance of the natural world and urges us to protect it. We need to reconnect with nature to ensure a sustainable and peaceful future. Therefore, the poem encourages us to establish a strong bond with the environment and act responsibly to preserve it.

Rhyme Scheme of the poem “The Trees”

There is no rhyme scheme in the poem “The Trees”. It is written in free verse.

Frequently Asked Questions Related To The Poem The Trees

Question 1. Who is the author of the poem “The Trees”?
Answer: Robin Klein is the author of the poem “The Trees”.

Question 1. Who is the author of the poem “The Trees”?
Answer: The author of the poem “The Trees” is Adrienne Rich.

Question 2. What is the central theme of the poem?
Answer: The central theme of the poem is the relationship between humans and the natural world.

Question 3. How does the poem reflect on the relationship between humans and nature?
Answer: The poem suggests that the relationship between humans and nature is strained and disrupted by human activities.

Question 4. What is the symbolic significance of the trees in the poem?
Answer: The trees are symbolic of the natural world and represent the voice of nature that is trying to communicate with humans.

Question 5. What literary device is used to describe the moon in the poem?
Answer: The moon is described using a simile, as being “broken like a mirror”.

Question 6. How is the imagery in the poem used to create a sensory experience for the reader?
Answer: The poet uses imagery to evoke the senses, such as the olfactory sense when describing the “smell of leaves and lichen”.

Question 7. What is the mood or tone of the poem?
Answer: The mood or tone of the poem is contemplative and reflective.

Question 8. What is the impact of human intervention on the natural world, according to the poem?
Answer: The poem suggests that human intervention has had a negative impact on the natural world, leading to the loss of natural habitats.

Question 9. What is the significance of the glass breaking in the poem?
Answer: The breaking glass is a symbol of the disruption and destruction of the natural world caused by human activities.

Question 10. How does the poem convey the idea that nature has a voice?
Answer: The poem personifies the trees and other elements of nature, suggesting that they are attempting to communicate with humans.

Question 11. What is the significance of the title “The Trees”?
Answer: The title “The Trees” refers to the central symbol of the poem, representing the natural world and its relationship with humans.

Question 12. How does the poem suggest we can work towards preserving the natural world?
Answer: The poem suggests that we need to listen to the voice of nature and work towards protecting and preserving the natural world.

Question 13. What is the main message of the poem?
Answer: The main message of the poem is that humans need to recognize their interconnectedness with the natural world and work towards a more respectful and balanced relationship with nature.

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