Class 10 Geography Chapter 3 Water Resources Notes

Class 10 Geography Chapter 3 Water Resources Notes

Freshwater Availability and Water Scarcity

  • Three-fourth of the Earth’s surface covered with water.
  • Only a small portion is usable freshwater.
  • Freshwater comes from surface runoff and groundwater, renewed through the hydrological cycle.
  • Water’s renewability makes it a crucial resource.

Freshwater Availability:

  • Obtained from surface runoff and groundwater.
  • Hydrological cycle maintains the availability of freshwater.
  • Water continuously circulated, ensuring its renewal.

Water Scarcity Despite Abundance:

  • Paradox: Abundance of water on Earth’s surface, yet water scarcity persists.
  • Factors contributing to water scarcity:
    • Uneven distribution of freshwater resources globally.
    • Population growth and increased demand for water.
    • Pollution and contamination of available freshwater sources.
    • Climate change affecting precipitation patterns.

Predicted Water Scarcity:

  • Projection: By 2025, approximately two billion people facing absolute water scarcity.
  • Causes behind the prediction:
    • Rapid population growth.
    • Increased industrialization and urbanization.
    • Depletion of groundwater reserves.
    • Insufficient infrastructure for water distribution and storage.

Water Scarcity: Causes, Implications, and Solutions

  • Despite water’s abundance and renewability, water scarcity is a global concern.
  • Water scarcity often linked with low rainfall, drought-prone areas, and regions like deserts.
  • Over-exploitation, excessive use, and unequal access contribute to water scarcity.

Causes of Water Scarcity:

  • Unequal distribution and variations in seasonal precipitation.
  • Growing populations demanding more water for domestic use and food production.
  • Over-exploitation due to agriculture expansion and industrialization.
  • Urbanization amplifying water and energy demands.
  • Pollution from domestic, industrial, and agricultural waste.

Agriculture’s Role:

  • Irrigated agriculture is a major water consumer.
  • Expanding irrigated areas for increased food production.
  • Need for innovation in drought-resistant crops and dry farming techniques.

Industrial and Urban Pressures:

  • Intensive industrialization and urbanization in post-independent India.
  • Industries as heavy water users; hydroelectric power generation.
  • Urban centers exerting pressure on water resources.
  • Groundwater depletion due to urban water pumping devices.

Water Quality Concerns:

  • Water scarcity not solely about quantity; quality matters too.
  • Pollution from domestic, industrial, and agricultural sources.
  • Chemicals, pesticides, and fertilizers contaminating water sources.

Government Initiatives:

  • Introduction of Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) in India.
  • Goal: Assure rural households of potable piped water supply.
  • Focus on enhancing quality of life, rural development, and ecological sustainability.

Need for Conservation and Management:

  • Urgent need to conserve and manage water resources.
  • Prevent health hazards, ensure food security, and protect livelihoods.
  • Over-exploitation threatens ecosystems and leads to ecological crises.

India’s Rivers in Crisis: Threats to Ecosystem and Survival

  • Alarming degradation of India’s rivers, including major ones like Ganga and Yamuna.
  • Rivers turning into toxic streams due to various factors.
  • Multifaceted assault caused by population growth, agricultural changes, urban expansion, and industrial growth.

Toxic Streams and Impure Rivers:

  • Even major rivers like Ganga and Yamuna not immune to pollution.
  • Pollution caused by sewage discharge, industrial effluents, agricultural runoff, and waste dumping.
  • Degraded water quality poses health risks and ecosystem damage.

Assault on Rivers from Different Sources:

  • Population growth leading to increased waste and pollution.
  • Agricultural modernization involving chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
  • Urbanization contributing to sewage discharge and waste accumulation.
  • Industrialization releasing pollutants into water bodies.

Impact on Ecosystem and Life:

  • Severe threat to aquatic life and biodiversity.
  • Ecosystem imbalance affecting food chains and water-dependent species.
  • Reduced availability of clean water for various needs.

Growing Threats:

  • The scale of river degradation increasing rapidly.
  • Combined effects of population, agriculture, urbanization, and industrialization.
  • Ecosystem and human livelihoods in jeopardy.

Need for Urgent Action:

  • Immediate attention required to address river degradation.
  • Policy interventions, regulations, and awareness campaigns needed.
  • Transition to sustainable practices in agriculture, industry, and waste management.

Preserving Lifelines:

  • Rivers as lifelines, vital for agriculture, drinking water, and livelihoods.
  • Collective responsibility to protect and restore rivers.
  • Collaborative efforts of government, industries, communities, and individuals crucial.

Multi-Purpose River Projects and Challenges in Integrated Water Resources Management

  • Historical records reveal ancient water management techniques.
  • Modern India continues this tradition with multi-purpose river projects.
  • These projects integrate various uses of water, including irrigation, power generation, and flood control.

Evolution of Dams:

  • Ancient hydraulic structures like dams, reservoirs, and canals for irrigation.
  • Modern dams serve multiple functions, including hydropower and water supply.
  • Dams as symbols of development, integrating agriculture, industry, and urban growth.

Critique of Multi-Purpose Projects:

  • Recent scrutiny and opposition to large dams and projects.
  • Altered river flow impacts sediment transport and aquatic habitats.
  • Fragmented rivers hinder aquatic migration and degrade ecosystems.
  • Submergence of floodplains affects vegetation, soil, and habitats.

Environmental Movements and Displacement:

  • Projects like ‘Narmada Bachao Andolan’ and ‘Tehri Dam Andolan’ sparked protests.
  • Displacement of local communities and loss of livelihoods.
  • Benefits often skewed towards landowners, industrialists, and urban centers.

Changing Landscape and Ecological Consequences:

  • Irrigation alters cropping patterns, leading to water-intensive and commercial crops.
  • Ecological consequences like soil salinization and social disparities.
  • Conflicts arise from competing demands and unequal distribution of benefits.

Failure to Achieve Objectives:

  • Some projects fail to fulfill intended purposes.
  • Dams meant to control floods sometimes exacerbate flooding.
  • Impact of sedimentation on flood plains and soil degradation.
  • Induced earthquakes, water-borne diseases, pests, and pollution due to excessive water use.

Water Harvesting as an Alternative: Sustainable Practices and Success Stories

  • Growing recognition of disadvantages and opposition to multi-purpose projects.
  • Water harvesting emerges as a viable alternative, aligning with socio-economic and environmental needs.
  • Ancient Indian water-harvesting practices reveal advanced knowledge of local conditions.

Traditional Water-Harvesting Techniques:

  • Diverse water-harvesting methods based on rainfall patterns, soil types, and local ecology.
  • Examples include diversion channels, rooftop rainwater harvesting, and floodplain irrigation channels.

Diverse Applications:

  • Diversion channels (‘guls’ or ‘kuls’) in hill regions for agricultural purposes.
  • ‘Rooftop rainwater harvesting’ in Rajasthan for drinking water storage.
  • Inundation channels in Bengal for floodplain irrigation.
  • ‘Khadins’ and ‘Johads’ in arid regions to store rainwater in agricultural fields.

Rajasthan’s Underground Tanks (‘Tankas’):

  • Underground tankas for drinking water storage in arid and semi-arid regions.
  • Part of rooftop rainwater harvesting systems.
  • Rainwater collected from rooftops via pipes and stored in tankas.
  • Tankas considered reliable water sources during dry spells and summer.

Modern Adaptations and Success Stories:

  • Gendathur village in Mysuru, Karnataka, a model for rooftop rainwater harvesting.
  • Annual precipitation of 1,000 mm, with 80% collection efficiency.
  • Nearly 200 households using rainwater harvesting systems.
  • Each house collects about 50,000 liters of water annually.
  • Success stories inspire similar initiatives in rural and urban areas.

Challenges and Decline:

  • Some traditional practices declining due to access to other water sources.
  • Perennial canals reducing reliance on rainwater harvesting in Rajasthan.
  • Focus on tap water leading to decreased preference for harvested rainwater.

Ancient Hydraulic Structures in India: Testament to Advanced Water Management

  • Ancient India displayed remarkable expertise in hydraulic engineering.
  • Hydraulic structures played a crucial role in managing water resources.

Evidences of Sophisticated Irrigation:

  • Sringaverapura, near Allahabad, had floodwater channelling in the 1st century B.C.
  • Chandragupta Maurya’s time saw construction of dams, lakes, and irrigation systems.
  • Notable irrigation works found in Kalinga (Odisha), Nagarjunakonda (Andhra Pradesh), Bennur (Karnataka), Kolhapur (Maharashtra), and more.

Prominent Hydraulic Achievements:

  • Bhopal Lake, 11th century, one of the largest artificial lakes at the time.
  • 14th-century tank in Hauz Khas, Delhi, built by Iltutmish for supplying water to Siri Fort area.

Sophisticated Water Management:

  • Chandragupta Maurya’s era marked by extensive irrigation and water storage.
  • Different regions showcased advanced irrigation systems.
  • Mastery over managing water for agriculture, cities, and fortifications.

Legacy of Knowledge:

  • Hydraulic achievements reflected deep understanding of local ecology.
  • Water harvesting, storage, and distribution integrated with local conditions.
  • Engineering feats symbolized advanced civilization and resourcefulness.

Relevance Today:

  • Ancient hydraulic structures offer lessons for modern water management.
  • Sustainability, efficiency, and adaptability remain valuable principles.
  • Balancing traditional wisdom with contemporary challenges vital.

Dams: Structures, Types, and Classification

  • Dams are structures built across water bodies to obstruct, redirect, or control the flow of water.
  • They create reservoirs or impoundments, serving various purposes.

Components and Terminology:

  • A “dam” refers to the reservoir formed, not just the structure.
  • Most dams have a spillway or weir for controlled water release.

Types Based on Structure:

  • Timber Dams: Constructed using wood and logs.
  • Embankment Dams: Built with compacted earth and rock materials.
  • Masonry Dams: Constructed using bricks, stones, or concrete blocks.

Types Based on Intended Purpose:

  • Different dams designed for various purposes, like flood control, water supply, power generation, irrigation, etc.

Classification by Height:

  • Large Dams: Built for significant water storage or power generation.
  • Major Dams: Dams of substantial importance based on storage or function.
  • Low Dams: Smaller in height, used for minor water control or diversion.
  • Medium Height Dams: Intermediate in size, serving multiple purposes.
  • High Dams: Taller structures designed for larger water storage or power generation.

Dams and Their Functions:

  • Flood Control: Dams manage and regulate water flow during heavy rains to prevent flooding.
  • Water Supply: Dams store water for domestic, industrial, and agricultural needs.
  • Hydropower Generation: Water flow through turbines produces electricity.
  • Irrigation: Dams release water for controlled irrigation in agriculture.
  • Recreation: Dams create reservoirs used for recreational activities like boating and fishing.

Impact and Considerations:

  • Dams offer benefits but can also have environmental and social consequences.
  • Ecological impact on river systems, sediment flow, aquatic habitats, and fish migration.
  • Displacement of communities due to reservoir creation.
  • Balancing the benefits and drawbacks of dam construction is essential.

Narmada Bachao Andolan: A Struggle for Rights and Rehabilitation

  • Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA) is a prominent Non-Governmental Organization (NGO).
  • Mobilized diverse groups against the construction of the Sardar Sarovar Dam on the Narmada river in Gujarat.

Origins and Focus:

  • NBA initially centered on environmental concerns, particularly submerged trees.
  • Evolved to advocate for comprehensive rehabilitation of displaced people.

Campaign Against Sardar Sarovar Dam:

  • Mobilized tribal communities, farmers, environmentalists, and human rights activists.
  • Fought against the construction of the Sardar Sarovar Dam due to environmental and social impacts.
  • Brought attention to the displacement of communities due to the dam’s construction.

Aims and Transformation:

  • NBA re-focused on ensuring proper rehabilitation for displaced citizens, especially oustees.
  • Highlighted the need for the government to provide complete rehabilitation facilities.
  • Struggle for social justice, human rights, and protection of livelihoods.

Narratives of Sacrifice and Questioning:

  • People initially endured displacement believing in promises of progress and benefits.
  • Acceptance of hardships as a national sacrifice for better prospects.
  • After years of displacement, questions arose about the unequal distribution of sacrifices.

Ongoing Struggle:

  • Struggle continues for just rehabilitation, livelihoods, and rights.
  • Advocates for equitable distribution of benefits and compensation.
  • Represents a larger narrative of social and environmental justice.

Sardar Sarovar Dam: A Major Multi-State Water Resource Project

  • The Sardar Sarovar Dam stands over the Narmada River in Gujarat, India.
  • It ranks among India’s largest water resource projects, spanning four states.

Project Coverage:

  • Encompasses the states of Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, and Rajasthan.
  • Aims to provide water resources across these states.

Water Supply Objectives:

  • Addressing water scarcity in drought-prone and desert areas.
  • Catering to the needs of 9,490 villages and 173 towns in Gujarat.
  • Providing water to 124 villages in Rajasthan.

Sardar Sarovar Project’s Significance:

  • Seeks to alleviate water shortages in arid and desert regions.
  • Key infrastructure for water supply, irrigation, and power generation.
  • An ambitious endeavor aimed at promoting agricultural growth and economic development.

Multi-Purpose Benefits:

  • Water Supply: Provides water to regions facing chronic water scarcity.
  • Irrigation: Facilitates irrigation to enhance agricultural productivity.
  • Power Generation: Harnesses hydropower potential for electricity generation.

Controversies and Disputes:

  • Environmental and social concerns have surrounded the project.
  • Displacement of communities, ecological impact, and questions of equitable distribution.

Balancing Development and Conservation:

  • Striking a balance between development goals and environmental conservation.
  • Challenges include ensuring the well-being of displaced populations and maintaining ecological equilibrium.

Krishna-Godavari River Dispute: Water Allocation and Interstate Conflicts

  • The Krishna-Godavari river dispute involves Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and Maharashtra.
  • Centered on water diversion at Koyna by Maharashtra for a multipurpose project.

Dispute Overview:

  • Maharashtra’s project involves diverting more water at Koyna.
  • Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh governments raise objections due to downstream implications.

Water Diversion and Consequences:

  • Maharashtra’s project would lead to reduced downstream flow in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.
  • Adverse impacts on agriculture and industries in these states.
  • The dispute underscores the interconnectedness of water resources across states.

Interstate Conflicts and Concerns:

  • Concerns about equitable distribution of water resources.
  • Tensions arise when one state’s development affects another’s water availability.
  • Disputes highlight the complexities of balancing developmental needs with the shared nature of water resources.

Multipurpose Projects and Impacts:

  • Multipurpose projects often serve various needs but can lead to conflicts.
  • Need for careful planning and collaboration among states to mitigate negative impacts.

Resolution Efforts:

  • Resolving interstate water disputes requires negotiation and cooperation.
  • Legal frameworks like water-sharing agreements may be necessary.
  • Collaborative management and long-term sustainability are key considerations.

Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting in Shillong: Addressing Water Scarcity in a Rain-Rich Region

  • Rooftop rainwater harvesting is a prevalent practice in Shillong, Meghalaya.
  • Despite being in proximity to some of the world’s highest rainfall areas, Shillong faces water scarcity.

Rainfall Discrepancy and Water Scarcity:

  • Cherapunjee and Mawsynram, just 55 km from Shillong, receive world’s highest rainfall.
  • Despite abundant rainfall nearby, Shillong experiences acute water shortage.

Widespread Implementation:

  • Rooftop rainwater harvesting structures are common in Shillong.
  • Practiced in nearly every household to alleviate water scarcity.

Effective Water Source:

  • Rainwater harvesting contributes significantly to water availability in households.
  • About 15-25% of the total water requirement is met through rooftop water harvesting.

Importance of Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting:

  • Mitigates water scarcity by harnessing abundant rainfall.
  • Enhances local water self-sufficiency and resilience.

Factors Contributing to Water Scarcity:

  • Factors like rapid urbanization, population growth, and infrastructure development.
  • Insufficient infrastructure to capture and store rainwater.

Benefits and Challenges:

  • Benefits include reduced reliance on external water sources and improved water security.
  • Challenges include maintaining and managing the rainwater harvesting systems.

Local Solutions for Global Issues:

  • Shillong’s example emphasizes the need for context-specific solutions to water scarcity.
  • Illustrates that abundant rainfall does not guarantee access to reliable water sources.

Tamil Nadu’s Trailblazing Initiative: Mandatory Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting

  • Tamil Nadu leads as the pioneer state in India to mandate rooftop rainwater harvesting.
  • The state has made it compulsory for all houses, backed by legal provisions and penalties.

Mandatory Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting:

  • Tamil Nadu’s proactive step aims to address water scarcity and promote sustainable water management.
  • Every house in the state is required to have a rooftop rainwater harvesting structure.

Significance of the Initiative:

  • Represents a forward-thinking approach to tackle water scarcity and ensure water self-sufficiency.
  • Addresses the state’s water challenges by harnessing rainwater.

Legal Backing and Penalties:

  • Legal provisions ensure compliance with the mandatory rainwater harvesting requirement.
  • Defaulters may face penalties or consequences for non-compliance.

Benefits of Mandatory Rainwater Harvesting:

  • Enhances water availability and security.
  • Promotes water conservation, reduces reliance on external water sources.

Inspiration for Other Regions:

  • Tamil Nadu’s initiative sets an example for other states facing water scarcity.
  • Encourages governments to explore similar policies to alleviate water stress.

Challenges and Implementation:

  • Ensuring proper implementation and maintenance of rainwater harvesting structures.
  • Overcoming challenges related to awareness, technology, and community involvement.

Sustainable Water Management:

  • Tamil Nadu’s approach highlights the importance of proactive policies for sustainable water management.
  • Demonstrates the potential for impactful change through legislative measures.

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