Class 10 Science Chapter 3 Notes

Metals and Non-metals Class 10 Science Chapter 3 Notes are available here. These notes are prepared by the subject experts of our team.

Metals and Non-metals Class 10 Science Chapter 3 Notes


1. Grouping Substances by Physical Properties:

  • Metals can be grouped based on physical properties such as appearance, hardness, ductility, conductivity, and sonority.

2. Metallic Lustre:

  • Pure metals have a shining surface known as metallic lustre.

3. Hardness of Metals:

  • Metals are generally hard, but hardness varies between metals.
  • Sodium is softer and can be cut with a knife.

4. Ductility:

  • Metals can be drawn into thin wires (ductility).
  • Gold is the most ductile metal, capable of forming very long wires from a small amount.

5. Uses in Cooking Vessels:

  • Metals like aluminium and copper are used for cooking vessels due to their properties.

6. Conductivity and Melting Points:

  • Metals are good conductors of heat and have high melting points.
  • Good conductors: Silver and copper.
  • Poor conductors: Lead and mercury.

7. Electrical Conductivity

  • Metals conduct electricity, evident when the bulb in an electric circuit glows.
  • Electric wires are coated with insulating materials like PVC or rubber.

8. Sonority:

  • Metals produce sound when struck on a hard surface (sonorous).
  • School bells are made of metals due to this property.

Non Metals

1. Fewer Non-Metals than Metals:

  • Examples: Carbon, sulphur, iodine, oxygen, hydrogen, bromine (liquid).

2. Physical Properties of Non-Metals:

  • Non-metals can be solids or gases (except liquid bromine).
  • Non-metals generally do not share the same physical properties as metals.

3. Exceptions in Physical Properties:

  • Most metals are solid at room temperature; mercury is liquid.
  • Metals generally have high melting points, but gallium and caesium have very low melting points.
  • Iodine, a non-metal, is lustrous.
  • Carbon, a non-metal, has allotropes (e.g., diamond is the hardest natural substance, graphite conducts electricity).
  • Alkali metals (lithium, sodium, potassium) are soft and have low densities and melting points.

4. Chemical Properties for Classification:

  • Elements are more accurately classified as metals or non-metals based on chemical properties.

5. Chemical Properties:

  • Magnesium ribbon burns to form basic oxides.
  • Sulphur powder burns to form acidic oxides.
  • Non-metals typically produce acidic oxides in water.
  • Metals typically produce basic oxides in water.

Chemical Properties of Metals

1. Reaction of Metals with Oxygen:

  • Metals react with oxygen to form metal oxides.
  • Example reactions:
    • Copper + Oxygen → Copper(II) oxide (black oxide)
    • Aluminium + Oxygen → Aluminium oxide

2. Reactivity Order:

  • Metals can be arranged in decreasing order of reactivity based on their reactions with oxygen.

3. Amphoteric Oxides:

  • Some metal oxides (e.g., aluminium oxide, zinc oxide) show both acidic and basic behavior.
  • Reactions with acids and bases:
    • Aluminium oxide + Hydrochloric acid → Aluminium chloride + Water
    • Aluminium oxide + Sodium hydroxide → Sodium aluminate + Water

4. Solubility of Metal Oxides:

  • Most metal oxides are insoluble in water.
  • Some (e.g., sodium oxide, potassium oxide) dissolve in water to form alkalis:
    • Sodium oxide + Water → Sodium hydroxide
    • Potassium oxide + Water → Potassium hydroxide

5. Different Reactivities:

  • Metals like potassium and sodium react very vigorously with oxygen and are stored in kerosene oil to prevent fires.
  • Metals like magnesium, aluminium, zinc, and lead form protective oxide layers.
  • Iron filings burn vigorously, while solid iron and copper do not burn easily.
  • Silver and gold do not react with oxygen even at high temperatures.

6. Conclusion on Reactivity:

  • Sodium is highly reactive.
  • Magnesium is less reactive than sodium.
  • Further tests needed to determine the reactivity of zinc, iron, copper, and lead.


1. Anodising Definition:

  • Process of forming a thick oxide layer on aluminium.

2. Natural Oxide Layer:

  • Aluminium naturally develops a thin oxide layer when exposed to air, providing some corrosion resistance.

3. Enhanced Corrosion Resistance:

  • The resistance to corrosion can be improved by making the oxide layer thicker.

4. Anodising Process:

  • Clean aluminium article is made the anode in an electrolytic cell.
  • Electrolysis is performed using dilute sulphuric acid.
  • Oxygen gas evolved at the anode reacts with aluminium to form a thicker oxide layer.

5. Advantages:

  • Thicker oxide layer provides better protection.
  • Oxide layer can be dyed to give aluminium articles an attractive finish.

What happens when Metals react with Water?

1. Chemical Reactions:

  • Metals react with water to produce metal oxides and hydrogen gas.
  • Soluble metal oxides form metal hydroxides in water.
  • General reactions:
    • Metal + Water → Metal oxide + Hydrogen
    • Metal oxide + Water → Metal hydroxide

2. Reactivity of Specific Metals:

  • Potassium and Sodium: React violently with cold water; the hydrogen gas ignites.
  • Calcium: Reacts less violently; hydrogen gas bubbles make it float.
  • Magnesium: Does not react with cold water; reacts with hot water and floats.
  • Aluminium, Iron, Zinc: Do not react with cold or hot water; react with steam.
  • Lead, Copper, Silver, Gold: Do not react with water at all.

What happens when Metals react with Acids?

1. Reactions with Dilute Hydrochloric Acid:

  • General reaction: Metal + Dilute acid → Salt + Hydrogen
  • Record which metals react vigorously and produce the highest temperature.
  • Write equations for reactions of magnesium, aluminium, zinc, and iron with dilute hydrochloric acid.

2. Reactions with Nitric Acid:

  • Hydrogen gas is not evolved with nitric acid due to its strong oxidizing properties.
  • Nitric acid oxidizes hydrogen gas to water and itself gets reduced to nitrogen oxides.
  • Magnesium and manganese can react with very dilute nitric acid to produce hydrogen gas.

3. Observations and Reactivity:

  • Magnesium reacts the fastest and most exothermically.
  • Reactivity order with dilute hydrochloric acid: Mg > Al > Zn > Fe.
  • Copper does not react with dilute hydrochloric acid, showing no bubbles or temperature change.

Aqua Regia

  • Aqua regia is a mixture of concentrated hydrochloric acid and concentrated nitric acid.
  • The ratio of hydrochloric acid to nitric acid is 3:1.
  • It is a freshly prepared, highly corrosive, fuming liquid.
  • Aqua regia can dissolve gold and platinum, which neither of the acids can do alone.

How do Metals react with Solutions of other Metal Salts?

  • Reactive metals can displace less reactive metals from their compounds in solution or molten form.
  • The reactivity of metals can be compared by observing displacement reactions.
  • General reaction format: Metal A + Salt solution of Metal B → Salt solution of Metal A + Metal B.

Reactivity Series

1. Reactivity Series Definition: The reactivity series is a list of metals arranged in order of decreasing reactivity.

  • Most Reactive:
    • K (Potassium)
    • Na (Sodium)
    • Ca (Calcium)
    • Mg (Magnesium)
    • Al (Aluminium)
    • Zn (Zinc)
  • Intermediate Reactivity:
    • Fe (Iron)
    • Sn (Tin)
    • Pb (Lead)
    • [H] (Hydrogen)
  • Least Reactive:
    • Cu (Copper)
    • Hg (Mercury)
    • Ag (Silver)
    • Au (Gold)

How Do Metals and Non Metals React

1. Reactivity and Electronic Configuration:

  • Metals and non-metals react to attain a completely filled valence shell, similar to noble gases which are chemically inactive due to their stable electronic configuration.

2. Electronic Configurations:

  • Noble Gases: Have completely filled valence shells (e.g., Neon: 2,8; Argon: 2,8,8).
  • Metals: Tend to lose electrons to achieve a stable configuration (e.g., Sodium: 2,8,1 becomes Na⁺ with 2,8).
  • Non-Metals: Tend to gain electrons to achieve a stable configuration (e.g., Chlorine: 2,8,7 becomes Cl⁻ with 2,8,8).

3. Reaction Examples:

  • Sodium and Chlorine:
    • Sodium loses one electron to form Na⁺.
    • Chlorine gains one electron to form Cl⁻.
    • Sodium chloride (NaCl) forms from the electrostatic attraction between Na⁺ and Cl⁻ ions.
  • Magnesium and Chlorine:
    • Magnesium loses two electrons to form Mg²⁺.
    • Chlorine gains one electron each to form two Cl⁻ ions.
    • Magnesium chloride (MgCl₂) forms from the electrostatic attraction between Mg²⁺ and Cl⁻ ions.

4. Ionic Compounds:

  • Compounds formed by the transfer of electrons from metals to non-metals are called ionic or electrovalent compounds.
  • Example of ionic compounds: Sodium chloride (NaCl) and Magnesium chloride (MgCl₂).

5. Ions in MgCl₂:

  • Cation: Mg²⁺
  • Anion: Cl⁻

Properties of Ionic Compounds

1. Physical Nature:

  • Ionic compounds are solid and somewhat hard due to strong attraction between ions.
  • They are generally brittle and break under pressure.
  • Ionic compounds have high melting and boiling points, indicating strong inter-ionic attraction.
  • Ionic compounds are generally soluble in water.
  • Insoluble in solvents like kerosene and petrol.
  • Ionic compounds in solid form do not conduct electricity due to the rigid structure preventing ion movement.
  • They conduct electricity in molten state as ions move freely when electrostatic forces are overcome by heat.
Ionic CompoundMelting Point (K)Boiling Point (K)

Extraction of Metals

1. Metals are found either in a free state or as compounds.

2. Metal Categories Based on Reactivity:

  • Least Reactive Metals:
    • Found in a free state in the earth’s crust.
    • Examples: Gold, silver, platinum, copper.
  • Moderately Reactive Metals:
    • Found mainly as oxides, sulphides, or carbonates.
    • Examples: Zinc, iron, lead.
  • Highly Reactive Metals:
    • Never found in nature as free elements due to their reactivity.
    • Examples: Potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, aluminum.

3. Occurrence of Metals:

  • Free State: Least reactive metals like gold and silver.
  • Combined State: Copper and silver as sulphides or oxides.
  • Oxide Ores: Many metals form oxides due to the abundance and reactivity of oxygen.

4. Extraction Techniques:

  • Low Reactivity Metals: Found in native state, extracted with minimal effort.
  • Medium Reactivity Metals: Reduced using carbon.
  • High Reactivity Metals: Extracted via electrolysis.
Metal ReactivityExamplesExtraction Method
LowGold (Au), Silver (Ag)Found in native state
MediumZinc (Zn), Iron (Fe)Reduction using carbon
HighPotassium (K), Sodium (Na)Electrolysis

Enrichment of Ores

  • Ores mined from the earth contain impurities like soil and sand, known as gangue.
  • Impurities must be removed before metal extraction.
  • The processes depend on the physical or chemical property differences between the gangue and the ore.
  • Various techniques are used to separate the gangue from the ore based on these differences.

Extracting Metals in the Middle of the Activity Series

1. Moderately Reactive Metals:

  • Examples: Iron, zinc, lead, copper.
  • Usually present as sulphides or carbonates in nature.

2. Conversion to Oxides:

  • Easier to extract metals from oxides than from sulphides or carbonates.
  • Roasting: Converts sulphide ores to oxides by heating in excess air.
    • Example: 2ZnS(s) + 3O2(g) → 2ZnO(s) + 2SO2(g)
  • Calcination: Converts carbonate ores to oxides by heating in limited air.
    • Example: ZnCO3(s) → ZnO(s) + CO2(g)

3. Reduction of Metal Oxides:

  • Metal oxides are reduced to metals using suitable reducing agents like carbon.
    • Example: ZnO(s) + C(s) → Zn(s) + CO(g)
  • Reduction involves obtaining metals from their compounds.

4. Alternative Reduction Methods:

  • Displacement Reactions: Highly reactive metals (e.g., sodium, calcium, aluminum) used as reducing agents to displace metals of lower reactivity.
    • Example: 3MnO2(s) + 4Al(s) → 3Mn(l) + 2Al2O3(s) + Heat
    • Identifying oxidation and reduction: Aluminum is oxidized, manganese dioxide is reduced.

5. Thermit Reaction:

  • Highly exothermic displacement reaction producing molten metal.
  • Used in applications like joining railway tracks or repairing machine parts.
    • Example: Fe2O3(s) + 2Al(s) → 2Fe(l) + Al2O3(s) + Heat

Extracting Metals Towards the Top of the Activity Series:

1. High Reactivity Metals:

  • Examples: Sodium, magnesium, calcium, aluminum.
  • These metals are very reactive and cannot be reduced using carbon.

2. Limitation of Carbon Reduction:

  • Carbon cannot reduce the oxides of these metals due to their higher affinity for oxygen compared to carbon.

3. Electrolytic Reduction:

  • Metals are extracted by electrolytic reduction of their compounds.
  • Example: Sodium, magnesium, and calcium are obtained by electrolysis of their molten chlorides.

4. Electrolysis Process:

  • At the Cathode (Negatively Charged Electrode):
    • Metal ions gain electrons and are deposited as metals.
    • Example reaction: (Na+) + (e-) → Na
  • At the Anode (Positively Charged Electrode):
    • Non-metal ions lose electrons and are liberated.
    • Example reaction: 2(Cl-) → Cl2 + 2(e^-)

5. Example: Aluminium Extraction:

  • Aluminium is extracted through the electrolytic reduction of aluminum oxide (Al₂O₃).

Refining of Metals

1. Impurities in Metals:

  • Metals obtained from reduction processes contain impurities that need to be removed for purity.

2. Electrolytic Refining:

  • The most common method for refining impure metals.
  • Used for metals like copper, zinc, tin, nickel, silver, and gold.

3. Process of Electrolytic Refining:

  • Anode: Impure metal is used as the anode.
  • Cathode: A thin strip of pure metal is used as the cathode.
  • Electrolyte: A solution of the metal salt is used as the electrolyte.
  • When electric current passes through the electrolyte:
    • Pure metal dissolves from the anode into the electrolyte.
    • An equivalent amount of pure metal is deposited on the cathode.
    • Soluble impurities remain in the solution, while insoluble impurities settle as anode mud.

4. Example: Electrolytic Refining of Copper:

  • Electrolyte: Acidified copper sulfate solution.
  • Anode: Impure copper.
  • Cathode: Pure copper strip.
  • Pure copper is deposited on the cathode as the current is passed.


  • Silver: Becomes black over time when exposed to air due to the formation of silver sulfide from sulfur in the air.
  • Copper: Reacts with moist carbon dioxide in the air, losing its shiny brown surface and forming a green coat of copper carbonate.
  • Iron: Develops a brown flaky substance called rust when exposed to moist air for a prolonged period.

Experiment to Determine Rusting Conditions:

1. Setup:

  • Test Tube A: Contains iron nails with water and air.
  • Test Tube B: Contains iron nails in boiled distilled water, covered with oil to prevent air dissolution.
  • Test Tube C: Contains iron nails with anhydrous calcium chloride to absorb moisture, creating dry air.

2. Observations:

  • Test Tube A: Nails rust, exposed to both air and water.
  • Test Tube B: Nails do not rust, exposed only to water without air.
  • Test Tube C: Nails do not rust, exposed to dry air without moisture.

3. Conclusion:

  • Iron rusts in the presence of both air (oxygen) and water (moisture).
  • Rusting does not occur if either air or moisture is absent.

Prevention of Corrosion

1. Methods to Prevent Rusting:

  • Painting, oiling, greasing, galvanizing, chrome plating, anodizing, and alloying.

2. Galvanization:

  • Protects steel and iron by coating with a thin layer of zinc.
  • Even if the zinc coating is broken, the galvanized article remains protected from rusting.


1. Benefits of Alloying:

  • Improves the properties of metals.
  • Allows customization of metal properties.

2. Examples:

  • Pure iron is soft and stretches easily when hot. Alloying with carbon (about 0.05%) makes it hard and strong.
  • Stainless steel, an alloy of iron with nickel and chromium, is hard and does not rust.
  • Alloys can be made from metals and non-metals.

3. Definition:

  • An alloy is a homogeneous mixture of two or more metals, or a metal and a non-metal.
  • Prepared by melting the primary metal and dissolving other elements in definite proportions, then cooling to room temperature.

4. Special Types:

  • Amalgams: Alloys containing mercury.

5. Properties of Alloys:

  • Lower electrical conductivity and melting points compared to pure metals.
  • Examples:
    • Brass (copper and zinc) and bronze (copper and tin) are not good conductors of electricity.
    • Solder (lead and tin) has a low melting point, used for welding electrical wires.

6. Gold Alloying:

  • Pure gold (24 carat) is very soft and unsuitable for jewelry.
  • 22 carat gold, used in India for ornaments, is alloyed with silver or copper to increase hardness.

Ancient Indian Metallurgy

Iron Pillar of Delhi:

  • Built over 1600 years ago by Indian iron workers.
  • Known for its rust resistance, attracting scientific examination worldwide.
  • The pillar is 8 meters high and weighs 6 tonnes (6000 kg).

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