Class 6 English A Pact with the Sun Chapter 2 Summary

The Friendly Mongoose Class 6 English A Pact with the Sun Chapter 2 summary is available here. The summary is available in both English and Hindi to accommodate different students’ requirements. Its aim is to make learning easier and more convenient. The summary is authentic and reliable, giving students a reliable resource to help them with their studies.

The Friendly Mongoose Class 6 English A Pact with the Sun Chapter 2 Summary

The Friendly Mongoose Short Summary

There was a farmer and his wife who lived in a village. They had a baby son and wanted a companion for him. So, the farmer brought home a small mongoose. The mongoose grew quickly over six months, while the baby stayed in his cradle. One day, the wife went to the market, and she asked her husband to watch the baby because she didn’t trust the mongoose. The husband also left briefly to check his fields when he saw the baby sleeping deeply. When the wife returned with groceries, she saw the mongoose with blood on its body and thought it had killed their son. Out of anger, she hit the mongoose with a heavy basket. However, she later found a dead snake near the cradle and realised her mistake. Unfortunately, the mongoose had already died from her attack.

The Friendly Mongoose Short Summary In Hindi

एक गाँव में एक किसान और उसकी पत्नी रहते थे। उनका एक बेटा था और वे उसके लिए एक साथी चाहते थे। तो किसान एक छोटा सा नेवला घर ले आया। छह महीने में नेवला तेजी से बढ़ा, जबकि बच्चा अपने पालने में ही रहा। एक दिन पत्नी बाजार गई और उसने अपने पति से बच्चे की देखभाल करने के लिए कहा क्योंकि उसे नेवले पर भरोसा नहीं था। बच्चे को गहरी नींद में सोता देख पति भी कुछ देर के लिए अपने खेतों की जांच करने के लिए निकल गया। जब पत्नी सामान लेकर लौटी तो उसने नेवले को खून से लथपथ देखा और सोचा कि इसने उनके बेटे को मार डाला है। गुस्से में आकर उसने नेवले पर भारी टोकरी से वार कर दिया। हालांकि, बाद में उसे पालने के पास एक मरा हुआ सांप मिला और उसे अपनी गलती का एहसास हुआ। दुर्भाग्य से नेवला उसके हमले से पहले ही मर चुका था।

The Friendly Mongoose Summary

Once upon a time, there lived a farmer and his wife in a small village. They had a young son whom they adored and wished to provide him with a companion as he grew older. The farmer suggested getting a pet, believing it would be a perfect companion for their son in the future. The idea appealed to his wife, and they both agreed to find a suitable pet.
One evening, the farmer returned home with a tiny mongoose. Although it was just a baby, the farmer assured his wife that it would grow quickly and become a loyal friend to their son. As time passed, both the baby and the mongoose grew. Within five to six months, the mongoose had transformed into a beautiful creature with shining black eyes and a bushy tail. Meanwhile, the farmer’s son remained a baby, often alternating between sleep and cries.
One day, the farmer’s wife needed to go to the market. After feeding and rocking the baby to sleep in his cradle, she expressed her concerns to her husband. She didn’t feel entirely comfortable leaving the child alone with the mongoose. Nonetheless, the farmer reassured her, stating that the mongoose was a friendly animal and had formed a close bond with their baby. Reluctantly, the wife entrusted the baby’s safety to the mongoose and left for the market, urging her husband to keep an eye on them.
The wife returned home later, carrying a basket filled with groceries. As she approached their house, she noticed the mongoose sitting outside, seemingly waiting for her. In its presence, she felt a wave of terror and screamed upon seeing that the mongoose’s face and paws were covered in blood. Overwhelmed with rage, she accused the mongoose of killing her baby and unleashed her fury by striking it with the heavy basket of groceries. She rushed inside to check on her child, fearing the worst.
To her relief, the baby was peacefully asleep in the cradle. However, she noticed a torn and bleeding black snake lying on the floor. Realising what had truly transpired, she understood the mongoose’s actions. Filled with regret, she hurriedly went outside, searching for the mongoose. When she found it lifeless on the ground, she sobbed, understanding that the creature had selflessly protected her child. Despite her apologies and remorse, the mongoose remained motionless, unaware of her grief.
The farmer’s wife, who had acted impulsively in her anger, stared at the lifeless mongoose for a long while, contemplating the consequences of her actions. Eventually, she heard her baby crying and wiped away her tears. With a heavy heart, she went back inside to tend to her child, knowing that it was thanks to the mongoose’s bravery that her baby remained unharmed.

The Friendly Mongoose Summary In Hindi

एक बार की बात है, एक छोटे से गाँव में एक किसान और उसकी पत्नी रहते थे। उनका एक छोटा बेटा था जिसे वे प्यार करते थे और बड़े होने पर उसे एक साथी प्रदान करना चाहते थे। किसान ने एक पालतू जानवर रखने का सुझाव दिया, यह विश्वास करते हुए कि यह भविष्य में उनके बेटे के लिए एक आदर्श साथी होगा। यह विचार उनकी पत्नी को पसंद आया और वे दोनों एक उपयुक्त पालतू जानवर खोजने के लिए तैयार हो गए।
एक शाम किसान एक नन्हा सा नेवला लेकर घर लौटा। हालाँकि यह सिर्फ एक बच्चा था, किसान ने अपनी पत्नी को आश्वासन दिया कि यह जल्दी से बड़ा होगा और उनके बेटे का एक वफादार दोस्त बन जाएगा। जैसे-जैसे समय बीतता गया, बच्चा और नेवला दोनों बड़े हो गए। पांच से छह महीने के भीतर, नेवला चमकदार काली आंखों और झाड़ीदार पूंछ वाले एक सुंदर प्राणी में बदल गया था। इस बीच, किसान का बेटा बच्चा बना रहा, अक्सर नींद और रोने के बीच बारी-बारी से।
एक दिन किसान की पत्नी को बाजार जाना था। बच्चे को पालने में सुलाने के बाद उसने अपने पति को अपनी चिंता बताई। बच्चे को नेवले के साथ अकेला छोड़ना उसे अच्छा नहीं लग रहा था। बहरहाल, किसान ने उसे यह कहते हुए आश्वस्त किया कि नेवला एक दोस्ताना जानवर था और उसने अपने बच्चे के साथ एक करीबी रिश्ता बनाया था। अनिच्छा से, पत्नी ने बच्चे की सुरक्षा नेवले को सौंप दी और अपने पति से उन पर नजर रखने का आग्रह करते हुए बाजार चली गई।
पत्नी बाद में सामान से भरी टोकरी लेकर घर लौटी। जैसे ही वह उनके घर के पास पहुंची, उसने देखा कि नेवला बाहर बैठा है, मानो उसका इंतजार कर रहा हो। उसकी उपस्थिति में, उसने आतंक की लहर महसूस की और नेवले के चेहरे और पंजे को खून से लथपथ देखकर चीख पड़ी। क्रोध से अभिभूत, उसने नेवले पर अपने बच्चे को मारने का आरोप लगाया और उसे किराने की भारी टोकरी से मारकर अपना रोष प्रकट किया। अनहोनी की आशंका से वह अपने बच्चे को देखने के लिए अंदर दौड़ी।
उसकी राहत के लिए, बच्चा पालने में शांति से सो रहा था। हालाँकि, उसने फर्श पर एक फटा हुआ और खून से लथपथ काला साँप देखा। वास्तव में क्या घटित हुआ था, इसे महसूस करते हुए, वह नेवले की हरकतों को समझ गई। पछतावे से भरकर वह नेवले को खोजते हुए जल्दी से बाहर निकल गई। जब उसने उसे जमीन पर निर्जीव पाया, तो वह यह समझकर सिसकने लगी कि जीव ने निस्वार्थ भाव से अपने बच्चे की रक्षा की है। उसके क्षमायाचना और पछतावे के बावजूद, नेवला अपने दुःख से बेखबर निश्चल रहा।
किसान की पत्नी, जिसने अपने क्रोध में आवेश में आ कर काम किया था, बहुत देर तक निर्जीव नेवले को अपने कार्यों के परिणामों के बारे में सोचते हुए देखती रही। आखिरकार, उसने अपने बच्चे को रोते हुए सुना और अपने आँसू पोंछे। भारी मन से, वह अपने बच्चे की देखभाल करने के लिए वापस अंदर चली गई, यह जानते हुए कि नेवले की बहादुरी के कारण ही उसके बच्चे को कोई नुकसान नहीं हुआ।

Important Word Meanings In “The Friendly Mongoose”

Companion: A person or animal with whom one spends a lot of time or has a close relationship.
Mongoose: A small carnivorous mammal native to Africa and Asia, known for its agility and ability to kill snakes.
Cradle: A small bed or cot for a baby, typically with enclosed sides.
Bazar: An open-air market or a street market.
Hysterically: In an extremely emotional or out-of-control manner, often accompanied by uncontrollable laughter or crying.
Rage: Violent, uncontrollable anger.
Groceries: Food and other items bought from a grocery store.
Smeared: Covered or stained with a substance in an untidy or uneven way.
Flash: A sudden moment or instance.
Rashly: In a reckless or impulsive manner, without thinking about the consequences.

Author of “The Friendly Mongoose”

The story “The Friendly Mongoose” is not written by a single author. It is a folktale that has been passed down for centuries, and there are many different versions of the story. The earliest known version of the story is from the Panchatantra, a collection of Indian fables that was compiled in the 3rd century BCE. The Panchatantra was translated into Persian in the 6th century CE, and from there it spread to other parts of the world. The story of the Friendly Mongoose was eventually adapted into many different languages, including English.

Theme of “The Friendly Mongoose”

The theme of the lesson “The Friendly Mongoose” revolves around the concept of judgement and the consequences of acting impulsively based on appearances. The story highlights the dangers of making assumptions without proper evidence or understanding, as the farmer’s wife mistakenly accuses the mongoose of harming her child. The theme emphasises the importance of being cautious and not jumping to conclusions, as well as the value of loyalty and the bond between humans and animals. Ultimately, the lesson teaches us the significance of thinking critically and considering all perspectives before taking action.

Conclusion of “The Friendly Mongoose”

The farmer’s wife gets scared and thinks the mongoose hurt her child, but she is wrong. The mongoose actually killed a snake to keep the baby safe. When she realises her mistake, she feels really sorry and sad for the mongoose’s sacrifice. She learns an important lesson from this experience.

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