How the Dog Found Himself a New Master Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 2 Extra Questions

How the Dog Found Himself a New Master Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 2 Extra Questions are available here. These extra questions have been created by the subject experts of CBSE Wale.

How the Dog Found Himself a New Master Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 2 Extra Questions

Question 1: What was the original lifestyle of dogs according to the story?
Answer: Dogs lived in freedom, similar to wolves, being their own masters.

Question 2: What changed for dogs according to the story?
Answer: A dog was born who became discontented with the way of life of wandering alone for food and facing fear from stronger creatures.

Question 3: How did the discontented dog feel about his life?
Answer: The discontented dog felt sick and tired of wandering alone for food and being frightened by stronger creatures.

Question 4: What was the dissatisfaction of the discontented dog?
Answer: The discontented dog was dissatisfied with the solitary search for food and the fear of stronger beings.

Question 5: What did the discontented dog desire?
Answer: The discontented dog desired a change from the solitary wandering and the fear of stronger creatures.

Question 6: What did the discontented dog contemplate?
Answer: The discontented dog contemplated becoming the servant of a master stronger than anyone on earth.

Question 7: Why did the discontented dog decide to find a master stronger than anyone on earth?
Answer: The discontented dog believed that becoming the servant of such a master would be the best solution to his dissatisfaction.

Question 8: What action did the discontented dog take after making his decision?
Answer: The discontented dog set out on a journey to find a master who was stronger than anyone on earth.

Question 9: Who did the discontented dog encounter during his journey?
Answer: The discontented dog encountered a big wolf, who was both his kinsman and as strong as he was fierce.

Question 10: What did the wolf ask the dog upon their meeting?
Answer: The wolf asked the dog, “Where are you going, Dog?”

Question 11: What was the purpose of the dog’s journey?
Answer: The purpose of the dog’s journey was to find someone to serve.

Question 12: How did the dog propose the idea of servitude to the wolf?
Answer: The dog asked the wolf if he would like to be his master.

Question 13: How did the wolf respond to the dog’s proposal?
Answer: The wolf agreed to the proposal, saying, “I don’t see why not!”

Question 14: What happened after the agreement between the dog and the wolf?
Answer: After agreeing to become master and servant, the dog and the wolf continued their journey together.

Question 15: What happened while the dog and the wolf were walking?
Answer: While walking, the wolf suddenly lifted his nose, sniffed, and quickly veered off the path into the bushes, heading deeper into the forest.

Question 16: What was the dog’s reaction to the wolf’s sudden behavior?
Answer: The dog was greatly surprised by the wolf’s actions.

Question 17: What did the dog ask the wolf when he noticed his behavior?
Answer: The dog asked, “What’s come over you, master? What has frightened you so?”

Question 18: What did the wolf explain to the dog after he asked about his behavior?
Answer: The wolf explained that there was a bear in the vicinity, which posed a threat to both of them.

Question 19: What was the wolf’s concern regarding the bear?
Answer: The wolf was concerned that the bear might eat both the dog and the wolf.

Question 20: Why did the dog decide to leave the wolf and seek service with the bear?
Answer: The dog decided to leave the wolf and seek service with the bear because he perceived the bear as stronger than the wolf.

Question 21: What was the dog’s proposal to the bear?
Answer: The dog asked the bear to become his master.

Question 22: How did the bear respond to the dog’s proposal?
Answer: The bear readily agreed to the dog’s proposal.

Question 23: What did the bear suggest they do after agreeing to the dog’s proposal?
Answer: The bear suggested that they find a herd of cows, with the intention of killing one so they both could eat their fill.

Question 24: What did the dog and the bear encounter as they walked on?
Answer: They encountered a herd of cows.

Question 25: What happened just as the dog and the bear were about to approach the herd of cows?
Answer: They were stopped by a terrible noise, which was the cows mooing loudly and running in panic in all directions.

Question 26: How did the cows react to the presence of the dog and the bear?
Answer: The cows reacted to the presence of the dog and the bear by mooing loudly and running in panic in all directions.

Question 27: What did the bear do when they encountered the noise and commotion from the cows?
Answer: The bear looked out from behind a tree and then ran hastily deeper into the forest.

Question 28: What did the bear express to the dog after retreating into the forest?
Answer: The bear expressed his frustration, questioning why he had come there, and informed the dog that it was the lion who ruled the forest in those parts.

Question 29: How did the dog respond to the bear’s mention of the lion?
Answer: The dog asked, “The Lion? Who’s he?”

Question 30: How did the bear describe the lion to the dog?
Answer: The bear described the lion as the strongest beast on earth.

Question 31: What decision did the dog make after learning about the lion’s strength?
Answer: The dog decided to bid farewell to the bear, expressing his desire for a master stronger than anyone on earth.

Question 32: Where did the dog go after bidding farewell to the bear?
Answer: The dog went to ask the lion to be his master.

Question 33: How did the lion respond to the dog’s request?
Answer: The lion agreed to it.

Question 34: How long did the dog serve the lion?
Answer: The dog served the lion for a long, long time.

Question 35: What was the dog’s experience serving the lion?
Answer: It was a good life for the dog serving the lion, as there was no stronger beast in the forest than the lion, and no one dared to touch or offend the dog in any way.

Question 36: What happened while the dog and the lion were walking along a path?
Answer: The lion suddenly stopped, gave a great roar, and struck the ground angrily with his paw, creating a hole. Then, he began to back away quietly.

Question 37: How did the dog react to the lion’s behavior?
Answer: The dog, surprised, asked the lion if anything was wrong.

Question 38: What was the reason behind the lion’s behavior?
Answer: The lion explained that he smelled a man coming their way and suggested they run to avoid trouble.

Question 39: What decision did the dog make after the lion’s suggestion to run?
Answer: The dog decided to bid goodbye to the lion, expressing his desire for a master stronger than anyone on earth.

Question 40: What did the dog do after deciding to leave the lion?
Answer: The dog went to join the man.

Question 41: How did the dog behave towards the man?
Answer: The dog stayed with the man and served him faithfully.

Question 42: When did this event happen?
Answer: This event happened long, long ago.

Question 43: What is the status of the dog’s loyalty to man now?
Answer: To this day, the dog remains man’s most loyal servant and knows no other master.

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