Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 3 Summary

Taro’s Reward Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 3 Summary is available here. This summary is created by the subject experts of our website CBSE Wale. We aim to make learning efficient and convenient. This summary is original and trustworthy, providing students with a reliable resource.

Taro’s Reward Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 3 Summary

Taro’s Reward Short Summary

Taro, a young woodcutter, lived with his elderly parents. His father wished for sake, but they couldn’t afford it. Taro worked harder and discovered a magical waterfall that turned water into sake. His father’s health improved after drinking it. The story spread, and everyone visited Taro’s house for sake. The next day, only Taro could get sake from the waterfall. The Emperor rewarded Taro with gold coins and named the waterfall after him. Taro was rewarded by both the waterfall and the Emperor for his thoughtfulness.

Taro’s Reward Short Summary In Hindi

तारो, एक युवा लकड़हारा, अपने वृद्ध माता-पिता के साथ रहता था। उनके पिता ने खातिरदारी की कामना की, लेकिन वे इसे वहन नहीं कर सके। तारो ने कड़ी मेहनत की और एक जादुई झरने की खोज की जिसने पानी को खाद में बदल दिया। इसे पीने के बाद उसके पिता की सेहत में सुधार हुआ। कहानी फैल गई, और हर कोई खातिर तारो के घर गया। अगले दिन, केवल तारो ही जलप्रपात से पानी निकाल सकी। सम्राट ने तारो को सोने के सिक्कों से पुरस्कृत किया और उसके बाद झरने का नाम रखा। तारो को उसकी विचारशीलता के लिए जलप्रपात और सम्राट दोनों द्वारा पुरस्कृत किया गया था।

Taro’s Reward Summary

There was a young woodcutter named Taro who lived with his parents on a hill. He worked hard chopping wood but earned very little money. He wanted to provide everything his old parents needed.
One evening, Taro and his parents were in their hut when a strong wind blew, making them feel cold. Taro’s father wished for a warm drink called saké to make him feel better.
Taro became even sadder because saké was expensive. He wondered how he could earn more money to buy saké for his father. He decided to work even harder.
The next morning, Taro woke up early and went to the forest to chop wood. He worked so hard that he became warm and sweaty. He thought about his father and how he wished he could be warm too.
Suddenly, Taro heard a sound like rushing water. He had never heard or seen a stream in that part of the forest before. He was thirsty and dropped his axe to follow the sound.
Taro discovered a beautiful waterfall hidden behind a rock. He tasted the water and to his surprise, it was saké instead of cold water.
Taro filled a pitcher with saké and hurried home. His father was delighted and stopped shivering after drinking it. He even danced happily.
A neighbour visited and Taro’s father offered her a cup of saké. She drank it greedily and thanked them. Taro told her the story of the magic waterfall. The neighbour left in a hurry and spread the story throughout the village.
Many visitors came to Taro’s house to taste the saké and hear the story of the waterfall. Within an hour, the pitcher was empty.
The next morning, Taro went to the waterfall with a large pitcher. He found his neighbours already there, carrying containers to collect the saké. But when they tried to drink from the waterfall, it was only cold water.
The villagers realised they had been tricked and wanted to find Taro to punish him. However, Taro had hidden behind a rock and escaped.
Taro came out of hiding and wondered if the saké was just a dream. He tasted the liquid again and it was still delicious. The magic waterfall gave saké only to Taro, not to anyone else.
The story of Taro and the magic waterfall reached the Emperor of Japan. He rewarded Taro with twenty pieces of gold and named a beautiful fountain in the city after him. The Emperor wanted to encourage children to honour and obey their parents.

Taro’s Reward Summary In Hindi

तारो नाम का एक युवा लकड़हारा था जो अपने माता-पिता के साथ एक पहाड़ी पर रहता था। वह लकड़ी काटने में बहुत मेहनत करता था लेकिन पैसे बहुत कम कमाता था। वह अपने बूढ़े माता-पिता की जरूरत की हर चीज उपलब्ध कराना चाहता था।
एक शाम, तारो और उसके माता-पिता अपनी झोपड़ी में थे जब एक तेज़ हवा चली, जिससे उन्हें ठंड का एहसास हुआ। तारो के पिता ने उसे बेहतर महसूस कराने के लिए साके नामक गर्म पेय की कामना की।
साके महंगा होने के कारण तारो और भी दुखी हो गया। वह सोचता था कि वह अपने पिता के लिए साकी खरीदने के लिए और पैसे कैसे कमा सकता है। उसने और भी ज्यादा मेहनत करने का फैसला किया।
अगली सुबह, तारो जल्दी उठा और जंगल में लकड़ी काटने चला गया। उसने इतनी मेहनत की कि वह गर्म और पसीने से तर हो गया। उसने अपने पिता के बारे में सोचा और वह कैसे चाहता था कि वह भी गर्म हो सके।
अचानक तारो को पानी के तेज बहाव जैसी आवाज सुनाई दी। जंगल के उस हिस्से में उसने पहले कभी जलधारा के बारे में सुना या देखा नहीं था। वह प्यासा था और आवाज का पालन करने के लिए उसने अपनी कुल्हाड़ी गिरा दी।
तारो ने एक चट्टान के पीछे छिपे हुए एक खूबसूरत झरने की खोज की। उसने पानी को चखा और उसके आश्चर्य के लिए, यह ठंडे पानी के बजाय साक था।
तारो ने एक घड़ा साके से भर लिया और घर की ओर चल दिया। उसके पिता प्रसन्न हुए और उसे पीने के बाद काँपना बंद कर दिया। उन्होंने खुशी से डांस भी किया।
एक पड़ोसी आया और तारो के पिता ने उसे एक प्याला साके दिया। उसने इसे लालच से पी लिया और उन्हें धन्यवाद दिया। तारो ने उसे जादू के झरने की कहानी सुनाई। पड़ोसी जल्दी में चला गया और पूरे गाँव में कहानी फैला दी।
साक का स्वाद लेने और झरने की कहानी सुनने के लिए कई आगंतुक तारो के घर आए। घंटे भर में ही घड़ा खाली हो गया।
अगली सुबह तारो एक बड़ा घड़ा लेकर झरने के पास गया। उसने अपने पड़ोसियों को पहले से ही साके को इकट्ठा करने के लिए कंटेनर ले जाते हुए पाया। लेकिन जब उन्होंने झरने से पीने की कोशिश की तो वह ठंडा पानी ही था।
ग्रामीणों को एहसास हुआ कि उनके साथ छल किया गया है और वे उसे दंडित करने के लिए तारो को ढूंढना चाहते थे। हालाँकि, तारो एक चट्टान के पीछे छिप गया था और भाग निकला था।
तारो छिपकर बाहर आया और सोचा कि क्या साके सिर्फ एक सपना था। उसने फिर से तरल चखा और यह अभी भी स्वादिष्ट था। जादू के झरने ने साके को केवल तारो को दिया, किसी और को नहीं।
तारो और जादुई जलप्रपात की कहानी जापान के सम्राट तक पहुँची। उसने तारो को सोने के बीस टुकड़े दिए और उसके बाद शहर में एक खूबसूरत फव्वारे का नाम रखा। सम्राट बच्चों को अपने माता-पिता का सम्मान करने और उनकी आज्ञा मानने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करना चाहता था।

Important Word Meanings In Chapter Taro’s Reward

Woodcutter – Someone who cuts wood
Lonely – Feeling alone or isolated
Chopped – Cut with force
Earned – Received as payment
Thoughtful – Considerate or caring
Hut – Small and simple house
Whistled – Made a high-pitched sound
Cracks – Openings or gaps
Saké – A type of alcoholic drink
Expensive – Costing a lot of money
Earn – Get or make money
Climbed – Rose or went up
Jacket – Piece of clothing worn on the upper body
Sweat – Moisture produced by the body when hot
Rushing – Moving quickly and forcefully
Stream – Small flowing body of water
Thirsty – Feeling a strong need for a drink
Waterfall – A cascade of water falling from a height
Kneeling – Being on one’s knees
Cupped – Held in the shape of a cup
Pitcher – Container with a handle and spout for holding liquids
Delighted – Very pleased or happy
Swallow – To consume liquid by taking it into the mouth and down the throat
Neighbor – Person who lives nearby
Politely – Acting in a respectful and courteous manner
Greedily – Eagerly or with excessive desire
Procession – A group of people moving in an orderly manner
Sip – Drink in small amounts
Carried – Held or transported
Surprise – Feeling of astonishment or shock
Trick – Deceive or fool
Shout – To speak loudly or forcefully
Drown – To kill by submerging in water
Anger – Strong feeling of displeasure or annoyance
Disappointment – Feeling of sadness or letdown
Muttering – Speaking in a low and indistinct voice
Reached – Arrived at
Reward – Something given in recognition or appreciation
Fountain – Ornamental structure that releases water into the air
Emperor – Ruler of an empire or a country
Encourage – Inspire or motivate
Honour – Show respect and admiration
Obey – Follow rules or commands

Author of “Taro’s Reward”

“Taro’s Reward” is a story that comes from a Japanese fairy tale called “The Enchanted Waterfall.” We don’t know exactly when the story was first told because it’s very old. However, in 1892, a woman named Mrs. Kate James retold the story in English. Her version of the story was published in a book called “Japanese Fairy Tale Series” by a Japanese publisher named Hasegawa Takejirō.

Theme of “Taro’s Reward”

The theme of “Taro’s Reward” is that good deeds are always rewarded. Taro is a kind and hardworking young man who takes care of his sick father. One day, he discovers a magical waterfall that produces sake, a delicious Japanese alcoholic beverage. Taro uses the sake to help his father, and soon the news of the magical waterfall spreads throughout the village. People from all over come to try the sake, and Taro becomes very wealthy. However, he remains kind and generous, and he uses his wealth to help others. One day, the Emperor of Japan hears about Taro’s kindness, and he rewards him with a large sum of money. Taro uses the money to build a new house for his family, and he lives happily ever after.

Conclusion of “Taro’s Reward”

The conclusion of “Taro’s Reward” teaches us the value of hard work, perseverance, kindness, selflessness, and filial piety. Taro’s dedication, his act of sharing, and his commitment to his parents exemplify the rewards of effort, the power of kindness, and the importance of honouring and respecting one’s parents.

Frequently Asked Questions Related To The Lesson “Taro’s Reward”

Question 1: Who is the main character in “Taro’s Reward”?
Answer: The main character is Taro, a young woodcutter.

Question 2: Why does Taro work hard as a woodcutter in the story “Taro’s Reward”?
Answer: Taro works hard to earn money and provide for his elderly parents.

Question 3: What does Taro’s father express a desire for in the story “Taro’s Reward”?
Answer: Taro’s father expresses a desire for a cup of sake to warm his heart.

Question 4: Why does Taro become sad after his father expresses his desire for sake in the story “Taro’s Reward”?
Answer: Taro becomes sad because sake is expensive, and he wants to fulfil his father’s wish.

Question 5: What does Taro decide to do to earn more money in the story “Taro’s Reward”?
Answer: Taro decides to work even harder than before.

Question 6: What does Taro discover while working in the forest in the story “Taro’s Reward”?
Answer: Taro discovers a hidden waterfall that turns water into sake.

Question 7: How does Taro’s discovery of the magical waterfall benefit his father in the story “Taro’s Reward”?
Answer: Taro brings sake from the waterfall to his father, warming his heart and relieving his shivering.

Question 8: What does Taro’s father do after taking a sip of the sake in the story “Taro’s Reward”?
Answer: Taro’s father stops shivering and does a little dance in joy.

Question 9: What happens when Taro shares the sake with his neighbour in the story “Taro’s Reward”?
Answer: The neighbour enjoys the sake and spreads the story of the magical waterfall throughout the village.

Question 10: How do the villagers react when they find out about the magical waterfall in the story “Taro’s Reward”?
Answer: The villagers rush to the waterfall with various containers, hoping to collect the sake.

Question 11: Why do the villagers become angry at the waterfall in the story “Taro’s Reward”?
Answer: The villagers become angry because the waterfall only provides them with cold water, not sake.

Question 12: How does Taro escape the villagers’ anger in the story “Taro’s Reward”?
Answer: Taro hides behind a rock and avoids being discovered by the angry villagers.

Question 13: What does Taro realise when he tastes the sake from the waterfall again in the story “Taro’s Reward”?
Answer: Taro realises that the magical waterfall only provides him with sake, not to others.

Question 14: How does Taro’s act of kindness and hard work get recognized in the story “Taro’s Reward”?
Answer: The story of Taro and the magical waterfall reaches the Emperor of Japan, who rewards him with gold and names a fountain after him.

Question 15: What is the main lesson we can learn from “Taro’s Reward”?
Answer: The main lesson is the importance of hard work, kindness, and honoring and obeying one’s parents.

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