Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 6 Summary

Who I Am Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 6 Summary is available here. These summary is created by the subject experts of CBSE Wale. It aims to make learning efficient and convenient. The summary is original and trustworthy, providing students with a reliable resource.

Who I Am Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 6 Summary

Who I Am Short Summary

The lesson “Who I am” introduces six children: Radha, Nasir, Rohit, Serbjit, Dolma, and Peter. Radha enjoys climbing trees, especially a mango tree near her house. Nasir wants to be a seed collector to help his father with their cotton field. Rohit dreams of travelling and exploring nature, including mountains, rivers, and coral reefs. Serbjit feels frustrated when people don’t believe him, even when he tells the truth. Dolma aspires to become the Prime Minister of India to improve the country’s infrastructure and support scientific advancements. Peter’s favourite day is Sunday when his family goes to the cinema, enjoys snacks, and eats ice cream together, creating joyful memories.

Who I Am? Short Summary In Hindi

पाठ “Who I am” छह बच्चों का परिचय देता है: राधा, नासिर, रोहित, सर्बजीत, डोलमा और पीटर। राधा को पेड़ों पर चढ़ना अच्छा लगता है, खासकर अपने घर के पास आम के पेड़ पर। नासिर अपने कपास के खेत में अपने पिता की मदद करने के लिए बीज संग्राहक बनना चाहता है। रोहित पहाड़ों, नदियों और प्रवाल भित्तियों सहित प्रकृति की यात्रा और खोज करने का सपना देखता है। सर्बजीत निराश महसूस करता है जब लोग उस पर विश्वास नहीं करते हैं, तब भी जब वह सच कहता है। डोलमा देश के बुनियादी ढांचे में सुधार करने और वैज्ञानिक प्रगति का समर्थन करने के लिए भारत के प्रधान मंत्री बनने की इच्छा रखते हैं। पीटर का पसंदीदा दिन रविवार है जब उसका परिवार सिनेमा जाता है, स्नैक्स का आनंद लेता है और एक साथ आइसक्रीम खाता है, जिससे सुखद यादें बनती हैं।

Who I Am? Summary

Radha: Radha, a young girl, shares that her favourite activity is climbing trees. There is a mango tree located near her house, and she loves to climb it. The branches of the tree are spread out, making it easy for her to climb. She enjoys sitting comfortably in the space where two branches meet. Radha’s mother advises her that it is not sensible for girls to climb trees, but one afternoon, her mother joined her in climbing the tree. They sat together, talking and eating raw mangoes. When Radha is high up in the tree, she feels a sense of empowerment and confidence, as if she can rule the whole world.
Nasir: Nasir wants to be a seed collector when he grows up. In his village, they have cotton fields, and every year his father spends a lot of money to buy new seeds for growing cotton. Nasir’s grandfather told him that in the past, they could collect seeds from their own plants and use them to grow new plants the following year. But now it doesn’t work that way, and they have to buy new seeds every year. Nasir wants to know why this has changed. He wants to learn how to save and keep seeds so that they can reuse them instead of spending money every year.
Rohit: Rohit expresses his desire to travel if he had a lot of money. He specifically wants to visit the mountains of New Zealand because he saw a beautiful picture of them in a magazine. He also wishes to have an adventure sailing down the Amazon River in South America on a raft. Rohit dreams of living on the beaches of Lakshadweep and diving to see the coral underwater. Although he acknowledges the popular tourist attractions like the Konark Temple in Orissa, the old city in Beijing, and the Pyramids in Egypt, he personally enjoys experiencing nature more than visiting historical buildings.
Serbjit: Serbjit shares that what makes him very angry is when people don’t believe him when he is telling the truth. For instance, when he explains to his teacher that he couldn’t do his homework because his friend Ravi borrowed his book and forgot to return it, or when he tells his parents that it was actually his younger brother who started the fight. Serbjit also mentions situations where he tells his teacher that he genuinely studied for a test, even if he received bad marks. In these instances, people look at him with disbelief, assuming he is lying. This reaction frustrates Serbjit, and he sometimes has to calm himself by looking down at his shoes and counting to ten to prevent his anger from showing.
Dolma: Dolma, a young girl, shares her ambition of becoming the Prime Minister of India when she grows up. Despite people laughing at her dream, she firmly believes that she can achieve it. Dolma’s classmates often seek her advice when they have problems, and her teacher trusts her to take care of tasks at school. She wants to improve the country by ensuring there are good hospitals, roads, and schools for everyone. Dolma also wishes to promote scientific advancements, hoping that India will have talented scientists who can discover cures for diseases and even send a spaceship to Mars.
Peter: Peter, a young boy, shares that his favourite day is the second Sunday of every month. On this special day, his entire family goes to the cinema together. His father prepares in advance by getting the tickets, and then the whole family, including Peter, his grandmother, parents, and two brothers, takes the bus to the cinema hall. During the movie, Peter’s father buys them peanuts, and Peter enjoys sitting in the darkness of the hall, munching on peanuts and watching the film. After the movie, they always make a stop to have ice cream together. The atmosphere is joyful, and they all feel fortunate to be such a happy family.

Who I Am? Summary In Hindi

राधा: राधा, एक युवा लड़की, साझा करती है कि उसकी पसंदीदा गतिविधि पेड़ों पर चढ़ना है। उसके घर के पास ही एक आम का पेड़ है और वह उस पर चढ़ना पसंद करती है। पेड़ की शाखाएँ फैली हुई हैं, जिससे उसके लिए चढ़ना आसान हो जाता है। जिस स्थान पर दो शाखाएँ मिलती हैं, वहाँ आराम से बैठना उसे अच्छा लगता है। राधा की माँ उसे सलाह देती है कि लड़कियों के लिए पेड़ पर चढ़ना समझदारी नहीं है, लेकिन एक दोपहर, उसकी माँ ने पेड़ पर चढ़ने में उसका साथ दिया। वे आपस में बैठकर बातें करते और कच्चे आम खाते। जब राधा पेड़ की ऊंचाई पर होती है, तो उसे सशक्तिकरण और आत्मविश्वास का अहसास होता है, जैसे कि वह पूरी दुनिया पर राज कर सकती है।
नासिर: नासिर बड़ा होकर बीज संग्रहकर्ता बनना चाहता है। उनके गाँव में, उनके पास कपास के खेत हैं, और हर साल उनके पिता कपास उगाने के लिए नए बीज खरीदने के लिए बहुत पैसा खर्च करते हैं। नासिर के दादाजी ने उन्हें बताया कि अतीत में, वे अपने पौधों से बीज एकत्र कर सकते थे और अगले वर्ष नए पौधे उगाने के लिए उनका उपयोग कर सकते थे। लेकिन अब यह उस तरह से काम नहीं करता और उन्हें हर साल नए बीज खरीदने पड़ते हैं। नासिर जानना चाहता है कि यह क्यों बदल गया है। वह सीखना चाहता है कि बीजों को कैसे सहेजा और रखा जाए ताकि वे हर साल पैसे खर्च करने के बजाय उनका पुन: उपयोग कर सकें।
रोहित: रोहित ने यात्रा करने की इच्छा व्यक्त की अगर उसके पास बहुत पैसा था। वह विशेष रूप से न्यूजीलैंड के पहाड़ों की यात्रा करना चाहते हैं क्योंकि उन्होंने एक पत्रिका में उनकी एक सुंदर तस्वीर देखी थी। वह एक बेड़ा पर दक्षिण अमेरिका में अमेज़ॅन नदी के नीचे नौकायन करने की भी इच्छा रखता है। रोहित लक्षद्वीप के समुद्र तटों पर रहने और पानी के नीचे प्रवाल को देखने के लिए गोता लगाने का सपना देखता है। हालांकि वह उड़ीसा में कोणार्क मंदिर, बीजिंग के पुराने शहर और मिस्र में पिरामिड जैसे लोकप्रिय पर्यटक आकर्षणों को स्वीकार करते हैं, लेकिन वे व्यक्तिगत रूप से ऐतिहासिक इमारतों का दौरा करने से ज्यादा प्रकृति का अनुभव करने का आनंद लेते हैं।
सर्बजीत: सर्बजीत ने साझा किया कि जब वह सच बोल रहा होता है तो लोग उस पर विश्वास नहीं करते हैं तो उसे बहुत गुस्सा आता है। उदाहरण के लिए, जब वह अपने शिक्षक को समझाता है कि वह अपना होमवर्क नहीं कर सका क्योंकि उसके दोस्त रवि ने उसकी किताब उधार ली थी और उसे वापस करना भूल गया था, या जब वह अपने माता-पिता को बताता है कि वास्तव में लड़ाई उसके छोटे भाई ने शुरू की थी। सर्बजीत उन स्थितियों का भी उल्लेख करता है जहां वह अपने शिक्षक से कहता है कि उसने वास्तव में एक परीक्षा के लिए अध्ययन किया, भले ही उसे खराब अंक प्राप्त हुए हों। ऐसे मामलों में, लोग उसे अविश्वास से देखते हैं, यह मानते हुए कि वह झूठ बोल रहा है। यह प्रतिक्रिया सर्बजीत को निराश करती है, और उसे कभी-कभी अपने जूते को नीचे देखकर और अपने गुस्से को दिखाने से रोकने के लिए दस तक गिनती करके खुद को शांत करना पड़ता है।
डोल्मा: डोलमा, एक युवा लड़की, बड़ी होने पर भारत की प्रधान मंत्री बनने की अपनी महत्वाकांक्षा को साझा करती है। लोगों के उसके सपने पर हंसने के बावजूद, उसे दृढ़ विश्वास है कि वह इसे हासिल कर सकती है। डोल्मा के सहपाठी अक्सर समस्या होने पर उससे सलाह लेते हैं, और उसके शिक्षक स्कूल में कार्यों की देखभाल करने के लिए उस पर भरोसा करते हैं। वह सभी के लिए अच्छे अस्पताल, सड़कें और स्कूल सुनिश्चित करके देश को बेहतर बनाना चाहती हैं। डोल्मा वैज्ञानिक प्रगति को भी बढ़ावा देना चाहती है, उम्मीद करती है कि भारत में प्रतिभाशाली वैज्ञानिक होंगे जो बीमारियों के इलाज की खोज कर सकते हैं और यहां तक कि मंगल ग्रह पर एक अंतरिक्ष यान भी भेज सकते हैं।
पीटर: पीटर, एक युवा लड़का, साझा करता है कि उसका पसंदीदा दिन हर महीने का दूसरा रविवार होता है। इस खास दिन पर उनका पूरा परिवार एक साथ सिनेमा देखने जाता है। उनके पिता टिकट लेकर पहले से तैयारी करते हैं और फिर पीटर, उनकी दादी, माता-पिता और दो भाइयों सहित पूरा परिवार बस से सिनेमा हॉल तक जाता है। फिल्म के दौरान, पीटर के पिता उन्हें मूंगफली खरीदते हैं, और पीटर को हॉल के अंधेरे में बैठकर मूंगफली खाने और फिल्म देखने में मजा आता है। फिल्म के बाद, वे हमेशा एक साथ आइसक्रीम खाने के लिए रुकते हैं। वातावरण आनंदमय है, और वे सभी ऐसा सुखी परिवार पाकर अपने को सौभाग्यशाली महसूस करते हैं।

Important Word Meanings In “Who I Am?”

Sensible: Having or showing good sense or judgement; reasonable or practical.
Fork: A division into two branches or parts.
Empowerment: The process of gaining power, authority, or control; making someone feel confident and in control of their own life or circumstances.
Sown: Planted or put into the ground for growth.
Preserves: To keep something in its original state or condition.
Huge: Very large or extensive in size or amount.
New Zealand: A country in the southwestern Pacific Ocean known for its stunning landscapes and natural beauty.
Magazine: A periodical publication containing articles, stories, and images.
Sail: To travel on water using sails and wind power.
Amazon River: A major river in South America, known for its vast size and biodiversity.
Raft: A flat, buoyant structure used for floating or sailing on water.
Beaches: Sandy or pebbly areas along the shore of a body of water, typically a sea or ocean.
Lakshadweep: An archipelago of islands in the Arabian Sea, known for its pristine beaches and coral reefs.
Coral: A hard, stony substance secreted by marine polyps that forms reefs and various underwater structures.
Konark Temple: A famous Sun Temple in Orissa, India, known for its architectural grandeur.
Beijing: The capital city of China, known for its rich history and cultural heritage.
Pyramids: Ancient monumental structures with a triangular base and four sloping sides, most famously found in Egypt.
Borrowed: Took or received something with the intention of returning it later.
Lies: False statements or untruths.
Ambition: A strong desire or goal to achieve something.
Promote: Support or encourage the growth or development of something.
Cures: Remedies or treatments that restore health or alleviate the symptoms of a disease.
Spaceship: A vehicle designed for travel or operation in outer space.
Interval: A short break or intermission during an event or performance.
Peanuts: Small, edible nuts often consumed as a snack.
Fortunate: Having good luck or favourable circumstances.

Author of “Who I Am?”

The lesson “Who I Am?” is not written by a single author. It is a collection of six different stories about six different people, each of whom shares their unique experiences and feelings. The stories are written by a team of authors at the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), India. 

Theme of “Who I Am?”

The theme of the lesson “Who I Am?” is the exploration of personal identity and aspirations. The lesson delves into the individual interests, dreams, and challenges of the six children: Radha, Nasir, Rohit, Serbjit, Dolma, and Peter. Each child expresses their unique personality, desires, and struggles, highlighting the importance of self-discovery, pursuing one’s passions, and overcoming obstacles in defining who they are as individuals.

Conclusion of “Who I Am?”

The lesson “Who I Am?” concludes by emphasising the importance of accepting and celebrating our individual uniqueness. The lesson begins by introducing us to six different people, each with their own unique interests, talents, and goals. Radha loves to climb trees, Nasir wants to learn to preserve seeds, Rohit dreams of travelling the world, Serbjit is trying to control his anger, Dolma wants to become Prime Minister, and Peter enjoys spending time with his family.

Frequently Asked Questions Related To The Lesson “Who I Am?” Class 6 English

Question 1: What is the lesson “Who I Am?” about?
Answer: The lesson is about the aspirations, likes, and dislikes of different children and their individual identities.

Question 2: Who are the children mentioned in the lesson “Who I Am?”?
Answer: The children mentioned in the lesson are Radha, Nasir, Rohit, Serbjit, Dolma, and Peter.

Question 3: What does Radha enjoy doing in the lesson “Who I Am?”?
Answer: Radha enjoys climbing trees, especially the mango tree outside her house.

Question 4: Why does Radha’s mother scold her in the lesson “Who I Am?”?
Answer: Radha’s mother scolds her because she believes it is wrong for girls to climb trees.

Question 5: What does Nasir want to become in the future in the lesson “Who I Am?”?
Answer: Nasir wants to become a seed collector to help his father with their cotton field.

Question 6: What was different in Nasir’s grandfather’s time regarding seed collection in the lesson “Who I Am?”?

Answer: In Nasir’s grandfather’s time, they could collect seeds from their own plantation, but it doesn’t work the same way now.

Question 7: What does Rohit dream of doing if he has enough money in the lesson “Who I Am?”?
Answer: Rohit dreams of travelling to various places, such as the mountains of New Zealand and the Amazon river in South America.

Question 8: What interests Rohit more, nature or old buildings in the lesson “Who I Am?”?
Answer: Rohit is more interested in nature than old buildings.

Question 9: What problem does Serbjit face in the lesson “Who I Am?”?
Answer: Serbjit faces the problem of people not believing him when he tells the truth.

Question 10: Give an example of when Serbjit is not believed in the lesson “Who I Am?”.
Answer: Serbjit is not believed when he says his brother started the fight with him.

Question 11: What is Dolma’s aspiration for the future in the lesson “Who I Am?”?
Answer: Dolma aspires to become the Prime Minister of India.

Question 12: What does Dolma want to accomplish as Prime Minister in the lesson “Who I Am?”?
Answer: Dolma wants to build hospitals, schools, and roads, and encourage scientists to make new inventions.

Question 13: How does Peter’s favourite day of the month look like in the lesson “Who I Am?”?
Answer: Peter’s favourite day is when his whole family goes to the cinema to watch a film and enjoy each other’s company.

Question 14: What does Peter enjoy eating during the movie in the lesson “Who I Am?”?
Answer: Peter enjoys eating peanuts that his father buys for him.

Question 15: How does the lesson “Who I Am?” encourage students?
Answer: The lesson encourages students to embrace their true selves, follow their passions, and appreciate their unique identities.

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