A House A Home Class 6 English Honeysuckle Poem 1 Summary

A House A Home Class 6 English Honeysuckle Poem 1 Summary is available here. This summary has been created by the subject experts of CBSE Wale.

A House A Home Class 6 English Honeysuckle Poem 1 Summary

A House A Home Short Summary

In this poem the poet talks about the difference between a house and a home. A house is a building made of bricks, wood, glass and has things like doors, windows, and a roof. On the other hand, a home is a place where a family lives and cares for each other. It’s not just a building, but a place where people share and show kindness to each other. Family members like brothers, sisters, mothers, and fathers are the ones who make a house a home by loving and supporting each other.

A House A Home Short Summary In Hindi

इस कविता में कवि घर और मकान के बीच के अंतर की बात करता है। एक मकान ईंटों, लकड़ी, कांच से बनी एक इमारत है और इसमें दरवाजे, खिड़कियां और छत जैसी चीजें होती हैं। दूसरी ओर, घर एक ऐसी जगह है जहाँ एक परिवार रहता है और एक दूसरे की परवाह करता है। यह सिर्फ एक इमारत नहीं है, बल्कि एक ऐसी जगह है जहां लोग एक-दूसरे को साझा करते हैं और दयालुता दिखाते हैं। भाई, बहन, माता और पिता जैसे परिवार के सदस्य ही हैं जो एक दूसरे को प्यार और समर्थन देकर घर को घर बनाते हैं।

A House A Home Summary

A house is a physical structure made of various building materials like brick, stone, wood, glass, and other construction materials. It usually consists of rooms, doors, windows, floors, and other similar features. However, a home is more than just a building; it is a place where a family lives together with love and care. A home is created by the people who live in it. It is the love and affection between family members that make a real home. In such a home, family members care for each other and work unselfishly to make each other happy. They support each other through thick and thin, sharing both happiness and sorrows. For a family to have a happy home, every member must work together selflessly. This includes being kind to each other, sharing responsibilities, and supporting each other’s goals and aspirations. When family members care for each other, they show it through their actions, making the home a place of warmth, love, and happiness. A happy home is where people feel safe, loved, and supported.

A House A Home Summary In Hindi

एक मकान ईंट, पत्थर, लकड़ी, कांच और अन्य निर्माण सामग्री जैसी विभिन्न निर्माण सामग्री से बनी एक भौतिक संरचना है। इसमें आमतौर पर कमरे, दरवाजे, खिड़कियां, फर्श और अन्य समान विशेषताएं होती हैं। हालाँकि, एक घर सिर्फ एक इमारत से कहीं अधिक है; यह एक ऐसी जगह है जहां एक परिवार प्यार और देखभाल के साथ एक साथ रहता है। एक घर का निर्माण उसमें रहने वाले लोगों द्वारा किया जाता है। यह परिवार के सदस्यों के बीच का प्यार और स्नेह है जो एक वास्तविक घर बनाता है। ऐसे घर में परिवार के सदस्य एक-दूसरे की परवाह करते हैं और एक-दूसरे को खुश करने के लिए निस्वार्थ भाव से काम करते हैं। वे सुख-दुख दोनों को साझा करते हुए सुख-दुःख में एक-दूसरे का साथ देते हैं। एक परिवार के सुखी घर के लिए, प्रत्येक सदस्य को निस्वार्थ भाव से मिलकर काम करना चाहिए। इसमें एक-दूसरे के प्रति दयालु होना, जिम्मेदारियों को साझा करना और एक-दूसरे के लक्ष्यों और आकांक्षाओं का समर्थन करना शामिल है। जब परिवार के सदस्य एक-दूसरे की परवाह करते हैं, तो वे इसे अपने कार्यों के माध्यम से दिखाते हैं, जिससे घर गर्मजोशी, प्रेम और खुशी का स्थान बन जाता है। एक खुशहाल घर वह होता है जहां लोग सुरक्षित, प्यार और समर्थन महसूस करते हैं।

The Explanation of the Poem “A House A Home”

Stanza 1

What is a house?
It’s brick and stone
and wood that’s hard.
Some window glass
and perhaps a yard.
It’s eaves and chimneys
and tile floors
and stucco and roof
and lots of doors.

Important Word Meaning

Yard: A yard is an outdoor space surrounding a house, usually covered with grass or some other type of vegetation.
Eaves: Eaves are the lower edges of a roof that overhang the walls of a building. They are the horizontal underside of the roof projection, extending beyond the side of the building to provide protection from rain and other elements.
Chimneys: Chimneys are vertical structures that are typically found on top of the roof of a building, designed to allow smoke, gas, or other byproducts of combustion to escape from a fireplace, stove, furnace, or boiler. 
Stucco: Stucco is a type of exterior plaster that is commonly used on the walls of buildings. It is made by mixing cement, sand, and water, which is then applied in layers over a wire or mesh framework.


This stanza describes the various components that make up a house. The stanza begins by listing some of the materials that houses are typically made of: brick, stone, and hardwood. These materials are strong and durable, and are commonly used in the construction of houses.
The stanza goes on to mention some other features of a house, including window glass, which allows light to enter and provides a view of the outside world. The poet also notes that a house may have a yard, which is a common feature of homes in many parts of the world.
The stanza then describes some of the architectural details that make up a house, such as eaves and chimneys, which are features of the roof that help to channel rainwater away from the house and provide ventilation. The stanza also mentions tile floors, which are a common flooring material, and stucco, which is a type of plaster used to cover exterior walls.
Finally, the stanza notes that a house has lots of doors, which are essential for providing access to different rooms and for entering and exiting the house. Overall, the stanza paints a picture of the various components that make up a house, highlighting the materials, features, and details that come together to create a place that people can call home.

Stanza 2

What is a home?
It’s loving and family
and doing for others.
It’s brothers and sisters
and fathers and mothers.
It’s unselfish acts
and kindly sharing
and showing your loved ones;
you’re always caring

Important Word Meaning

Unselfish: “Unselfish” is an adjective that describes a person who is not primarily concerned with their own interests or welfare, but rather shows concern for the well-being and happiness of others.
Kindly: “Kindly” is an adverb that describes a manner of behavior or action that is marked by kindness or benevolence.
Loved ones: “Loved ones” is a term that is commonly used to refer to people who are cherished and deeply valued by an individual. Typically, loved ones are family members, close friends, or romantic partners who are held in high regard and with whom the individual has a strong emotional connection.
Caring: “Caring” is an adjective that describes a person who is concerned about the well-being and happiness of others.


This stanza describes the meaning of “home” in emotional and relational terms. The stanza begins by saying that a home is characterized by love and family, suggesting that it is not just a physical space, but also a place where people feel emotionally connected and cared for.
The stanza goes on to mention some of the specific family relationships that are often found in a home, such as brothers, sisters, fathers, and mothers. These relationships can provide a sense of support and belonging, and can contribute to a feeling of closeness and connection among family members.
The stanza also notes that a home is characterized by unselfish acts and kindly sharing. This suggests that people in a home are willing to put the needs of others before their own, and are willing to share their resources, time, and attention with those around them.
Finally, the stanza suggests that a home is a place where people show that they care about each other. This may involve expressing affection, offering support and encouragement, and taking actions to help others feel happy and fulfilled.
Overall, the stanza suggests that a home is a place where people feel connected, cared for, and supported, and where they are willing to put the needs of others before their own. It emphasizes the importance of emotional connections and relationships, and suggests that these are the qualities that make a house into a true home.

Poet Of The Poem “A House A Home”

The Poet of “A House A Home” Class 6 English Poem 1 is Lorraine M. Halli

Theme of the Poem “A House A Home”

This little poem talks about how special families are. Families can make any boring place feel happy and full of love and energy.

Conclusion of the Poem “A House A Home”

The conclusion of the poem is that a house is just a physical structure made of materials, while a home is a place where people live and love one another. A home is more than just walls, doors, and windows – it is a place where a family cares for each other and shows kindness. The love and support of family members make a house a home. The poem emphasizes the importance of family and how they can turn a house into a warm and welcoming home.

Frequently Asked Questions Related To The Poem A House A Home

Question 1. What is the moral of the poem a house a home?
Answer. The poem A House, A Home teaches us that a house is just a building made up of bricks, stones and wood. It becomes a home only when there is love, kindness and emotions shared among the people living in it. The poet advises us to be loving and helpful towards each other, so that we may enjoy living in our home.

Question 2. What is the message of the poet in the poem a house a home?
Answer. The poem A House, A Home emphasizes the importance of love, kindness, and togetherness. The poet believes that a house is merely a physical structure made of materials like bricks, stones, and wood. It may have expensive or attractive things, but it remains lifeless until a family lives in it with love and care.

Question 3. What is the basic idea of the poet in the poem a house a home?
Answer. The poet in the poem ‘A House, A Home’ wants to explain that a home is more important than a house. She compared a house and a home to show their differences. She thinks that a house is made of materials like bricks, stones, and wood whereas a home is made up of love, emotion and care.

Question 4. What lesson have you learned from the poem a house a home?
Answer. Every house can be considered a home, but only if there is love, care, and affection towards our family. It means that a house is just a physical structure, while a home is a place where we feel a sense of belonging, comfort, and emotional attachment. We should always be kind and helpful to each other and work towards making our home a lovely place to live in by building strong relationships and creating happy memories.

Question 5. What is a house? 
Answer. A house is a place where people live. It is a building that is made for people to stay in and it provides shelter, space, and protection from the weather. A house can be a separate building or it can be part of a bigger group of buildings like an apartment or townhouse. People can either own a house or rent it, and it may or may not have furniture. A house usually has different rooms like a bedroom, a dining room, and a living room, as well as a bathroom and a kitchen. It can also have other rooms like an office, a guest room, or a playroom.

Question 6. What is the importance of a house in our life? 
Answers. A house is important because it provides a physical space where we can live, eat, and sleep while keeping us safe and protected from the outside world. It is also a valuable asset that can appreciate in value over time and provide financial stability. However, a house is not the same as a home, which is a place where we feel a sense of belonging, comfort, and emotional attachment. A home is created by personalizing the living space and building relationships with family and friends. While a house is necessary, it is the emotional connection to the space that makes it truly a home.

Question 7. What is a home?
Answer. A home is where people live and feel comfortable and happy. It’s not just a building or a place to stay, but a place where people make memories, build relationships, and feel safe. It’s a place where people can be themselves and enjoy time with family and friends. A home can be a house, an apartment, or any other kind of living space, and it can be decorated in a way that shows the personality and style of the people who live there.

Question 8. What is the importance of a home in our life?
Answers. A home is a very important place for us. It is where we feel comfortable, safe, and protected from the outside world. It is a place where we create memories and spend time with family and friends. We can decorate our home with our personal touch to make it our own. After a long day, we can come home, relax, and spend time with our loved ones. Having a home gives us a sense of belonging and stability, which is important for our emotional well-being. A home is not just a building, but a place where we can be ourselves and find happiness.

Question 9. What is common in a house and a home?
Answer. A house and a home are similar in some ways, despite some differences. Firstly, both provide a physical space for people to live and do things like sleep, eat and relax. They both also protect from the weather and offer storage space. Secondly, both can be shared by families or friends. Thirdly, both can be decorated and personalised to reflect the style of those living there, with personal items like pictures, artwork or decorations. Fourthly, both can be a source of comfort, safety and happiness. Lastly, both can provide a sense of stability and continuity in life, no matter if they are rented or owned.

Question 10. What is the difference between a house and a home?
Answer. The words “house” and “home” may sound similar, but they have different meanings. A “house” is a building where people live, and it can be rented or owned. It may be big or small, and can be part of a bigger building. A “home” is a place where people feel comfortable, safe and happy. It’s where people build memories, form relationships and feel a sense of belonging. Even though a house can provide basic needs like shelter, a home is more than just a physical structure. People can make their homes unique and personal by decorating it with things that are special to them, like pictures or souvenirs.

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