Class 7 English Honeycomb Poem 5 Summary

Trees Class 7 English Honeycomb Poem 5 Summary is available here. This summary is created by the subject experts of CBSE Wale. The poem is included in the Honeycomb reader book, which is the main English textbook for Class 7 students. By reading this summary, students can better understand the poem and improve their English language skills.

Trees Class 7 English Honeycomb Poem 5 Summary

Trees Short Summary

The poem talks about how trees are useful in many ways. Birds live in trees, and children love climbing them to play and build tree houses and swings. People like sitting under trees to escape the hot sun and have tea parties there. Sometimes, kites flying in the sky get stuck in trees. Trees also give us fruits like apples and pears and their wood can be used to make furniture. During winter, trees don’t have leaves and cannot provide shade. Mothers find trees beautiful and might even paint them, while fathers collect the leaves that fall in autumn.

Trees Short Summary In Hindi

कविता बताती है कि कैसे पेड़ कई तरह से उपयोगी होते हैं। पक्षी पेड़ों में रहते हैं, और बच्चे खेलने के लिए उन पर चढ़ना पसंद करते हैं और ट्री हाउस और झूले बनाते हैं। लोग तेज धूप से बचने के लिए पेड़ों के नीचे बैठना पसंद करते हैं और वहां चाय पार्टी करते हैं। कई बार आकाश में उड़ने वाली पतंग पेड़ों में फंस जाती है। पेड़ हमें सेब और नाशपाती जैसे फल भी देते हैं और उनकी लकड़ी का इस्तेमाल फर्नीचर बनाने में किया जा सकता है। सर्दियों के दौरान, पेड़ों में पत्ते नहीं होते हैं और वे छाया नहीं दे सकते। माताओं को पेड़ सुंदर लगते हैं और वे उन्हें रंग भी सकते हैं, जबकि पिता पतझड़ में गिरने वाले पत्तों को इकट्ठा करते हैं।

Trees Summary

The poem “Trees” by Shirley Bauer highlights the beauty and importance of trees in our lives. Trees serve different purposes for different people. Trees provide shelter and food for birds and animals. Children enjoy making tree houses and swings to play in. The cool breeze blowing through the trees is a welcome relief during hot summer days. Playing hide and seek among the trees is a fond childhood memory for many. Adults even arrange tea parties under the shade of trees to enjoy the beauty of nature. Trees also provide food, such as juicy fruits like apples, pears, and mangoes for both people and animals. Some people use trees to make furniture, while others appreciate their beauty or use dried fallen leaves for decoration. The poem shows how people use trees in various ways and emphasises their significance in our lives.

Trees Summary In Hindi

शर्ली बाउर की कविता “Trees” हमारे जीवन में पेड़ों की सुंदरता और महत्व पर प्रकाश डालती है। पेड़ अलग-अलग लोगों के लिए अलग-अलग उद्देश्यों की पूर्ति करते हैं। पेड़ पक्षियों और जानवरों के लिए आश्रय और भोजन प्रदान करते हैं। बच्चों को ट्री हाउस बनाने और खेलने के लिए झूले बनाने में मज़ा आता है। गर्मी के दिनों में पेड़ों से होकर बहने वाली ठंडी हवा राहत देती है। पेड़ों के बीच लुका-छिपी खेलना कई लोगों के लिए बचपन की याद है। वयस्क भी प्रकृति की सुंदरता का आनंद लेने के लिए पेड़ों की छाया में चाय पार्टियों की व्यवस्था करते हैं। पेड़ लोगों और जानवरों दोनों के लिए सेब, नाशपाती और आम जैसे रसीले फल जैसे भोजन भी प्रदान करते हैं। कुछ लोग फर्नीचर बनाने के लिए पेड़ों का उपयोग करते हैं, जबकि अन्य उनकी सुंदरता की सराहना करते हैं या सजावट के लिए सूखे गिरे हुए पत्तों का उपयोग करते हैं। कविता दर्शाती है कि कैसे लोग विभिन्न तरीकों से पेड़ों का उपयोग करते हैं और हमारे जीवन में उनके महत्व पर जोर देते हैं।

The Explanation of the Poem “Trees”

Stanza 1

Trees are for birds.
Trees are for children.
Trees are to make tree houses in.
Trees are to swing swings on.
Trees are for the wind to blow through.
Trees are to hide behind in ‘Hide and Seek.’
Trees are to have tea parties under.
Trees are for kites to get caught in.
Trees are to make cool shade in summer.
Trees are to make no shade in winter. 
Trees are for apples to grow on, and pears;
Trees are to chop down and call, “TIMBER-R-R!”
Trees make mothers say,
“What a lovely picture to paint!”
Trees make fathers say,
“What a lot of leaves to rake this fall !”

Important Word Meaning

Swing: “Swing” refers to the movement of something back and forth or from one side to another, often in a curved or arc-like path.
Swings: Swings are pieces of equipment that are commonly found in playgrounds or backyards. They consist of a seat that is attached to two chains or ropes that are hung from a sturdy frame or tree branch.
Blow: Blow means to move air, or any other gas, with a force from one place to another.
Hide and Seek: Hide and Seek is a game played by children in which one player covers their eyes and counts while the other players hide. The player who was counting then searches for the other players, trying to find them in their hiding places. The player who is found last becomes the next person to count and seek the other players.
No shade: “No shade” means that there is no shadow or protection from the sun because there are no leaves on the trees. This usually happens in winter when the trees have shed their leaves.
Chop down: “Chop down” is a phrasal verb that means to cut down a tree or any other object with a sharp tool like an axe or a saw.
TIMBER-R-R: “TIMBER-R-R” is a phrase commonly shouted out loud to warn others when a tree is about to be cut down. It is a way to alert people working or standing nearby to move away from the area, so they are not hit by the falling tree or any debris that may come along with it. The word “timber” itself is used as a warning to indicate that a tree is falling, and the “R-R” part of the phrase is simply an extension of the sound of the word “timber.”
Rake: Raking is the act of collecting leaves, grass, or other debris into a pile using a rake tool. The process of raking is often done in the fall season when leaves have fallen from trees and need to be collected and disposed of.


In this poem, the poet lists the various ways in which trees are used by different people and entities. Trees are homes for birds and provide shelter and food for them. Children love to climb trees, build tree houses and play on them. They even hang swings on trees and swing on them all day. The wind blows through trees, and people love to hide behind them while playing hide and seek. Tea parties are arranged under trees to enjoy nature’s beauty, and kites flying in the sky often get caught in trees. Trees provide cool shade during hot summers and no shade during winter months as they shed their leaves. Trees bear fruit like apples and pears and are cut down to make timber. The beauty of trees inspires mothers to paint pictures, and fathers collect fallen leaves during autumn to rake them up. The poem depicts trees as a versatile creation of nature that serves different purposes to different people and creatures.

Poetic Devices

Repetition: The repetition of the phrase “Trees are” at the beginning of each line emphasises the importance of trees in different aspects of life.
Imagery: The use of visual imagery throughout the stanza creates a vivid picture in the reader’s mind of the different uses and benefits of trees.
Personification: The personification of trees as objects that can provide shade, make swings, grow fruit, and be chopped down, adds a human-like quality to the description of trees.
Hyperbole: The exaggeration in the phrase “What a lot of leaves to rake this fall!” highlights the vast quantity of leaves that trees can produce.
Onomatopoeia: The use of “TIMBER-R-R” is an example of onomatopoeia, where the word sounds like the noise it is describing.
Alliteration: The repeated use of the “T” sound in “Trees are for,” “to make tree houses,” “to swing swings,” and “to make cool shade,” creates an auditory effect and emphasises the importance of trees.

Poet of the Poem “Trees”

The poet of the poem “Trees” is Shirley Bauer.

About the Poet of the Poem “Trees”

Shirley Bauer was a poet who was born in a farmhouse in Cissna Park on October 24th, 1932. She went to McClusky High school and later became a nurse at St. Alexius Hospital, where she worked for 41 years. Shirley enjoyed travelling, spending time with friends, and watching baseball. She married Melvin Charles in 1951, and they had four children together. Shirley was also a Sunday school teacher and helped found Christian Bible Church. Her poem “Trees” shows her love for nature and the beauty of trees. Shirley was a caring and kind person who made a positive impact on her family, community, and profession.

Theme of the Poem “Trees”

The theme of the poem “Trees” is the beauty and significance of trees in our lives. The poet highlights the various ways in which trees benefit us, such as providing shade, making homes for birds and tree houses for children, being a spot for tea parties and hide and seek games, and serving as a place for swings and kite flying. The poem also emphasises the changing seasons and the different roles trees play in different times of the year.

Main Idea of the Poem “Trees”

The main idea of the poem “Trees” is that trees are an essential part of our lives, providing various benefits such as shelter, shade, and fruit. The poet emphasizes that trees are not only important for practical purposes but also for their beauty and significance in nature.

Moral of the Poem “Trees”

The moral of the poem “Trees” is to appreciate and value the importance of nature, particularly trees, in our lives. Trees provide us with countless benefits, including shelter, food, and oxygen, and they play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of our ecosystem.

Message of the Poem “Trees”

The message of the poem “Trees” is to appreciate the beauty and importance of trees in our lives. Trees provide us with many benefits, such as shade, oxygen, fruits, and a home for birds and animals. The poem encourages us to take care of trees and to recognize their value in nature.

Conclusion of the Poem “Trees”

The poem “Trees” by Shirley Bauer celebrates the beauty and importance of trees in our lives. In conclusion, the poem “Trees” leaves us with a message of gratitude for the gifts that trees offer and a sense of responsibility to protect and care for them.

Rhyme Scheme of the poem “Trees”

The rhyme scheme of the poem “Trees” by Shirley Bauer is irregular and does not follow a consistent pattern; it is written in free-verse.

Frequently Asked Questions Related To The Poem Trees

Question 1. Who hides behind the trees in “Hide and Seek” in the poem “Trees”?
Answer. In the poem “Trees” by Shirley Bauer, children hide behind the trees in the game of “Hide and Seek.”

Question 2. What do mothers say when they see trees in the poem “Trees”?
Answer. In the poem “Trees” by Shirley Bauer, mothers say “What a lovely picture to paint!” when they see trees.

Question 3. How are trees useful for birds in the poem “Trees”?
Answer. In the poem “Trees” by Shirley Bauer, trees are said to be useful for birds as they provide them a place to perch, rest and build their nests. Trees also provide shelter and protection to birds from predators and harsh weather conditions. The line “Trees are for birds” emphasises the importance of trees in providing a natural habitat for birds to thrive.

Question 4. How are trees helpful in summer and winter in the poem “Trees”?
Answer. “Trees.” In summer, trees provide cool shade that offers relief from the scorching heat. However, in winter, they provide no shade, allowing the warmth of the sun to penetrate through their branches and leaves.

Question 5. How are trees related to kites in the poem “Trees”?
Answer. In the poem “Trees” by Shirley Bauer, trees are related to kites as they provide a place for kites to get caught in. .

Question 6. What are the trees chopped for in the poem “Trees”?
Answer. In the poem “Trees” by Shirley Bauer, the line “Trees are for apples to grow on, and pears; Trees are to chop down and call, ‘TIMBER-R-R!'” suggests that trees are chopped down for timber, or wood.

Question 7. Who is having tea parties under the trees in the poem “Trees”?
Answer. The poem “Trees”  by Shirley Bauer, the adults enjoy having tea parties under the shade of the trees

Question 8. What happens when the winds blow in the poem “Trees”?
Answer. In the poem “Trees” by Shirley Bauer, when the winds blow, the trees sway and dance. The branches move and the leaves rustle, creating a beautiful and calming sound.

Question 9. Who is the poet of the poem ‘Trees?
Answer. The poet of the poem “Trees” is Shirley Bauer.

Question 10. What does the phrase “to rake this fall” mean in the poem “Trees”?
Answer. The phrase “to rake this fall” in the poem “Trees” refers to the act of using a rake to gather fallen leaves during the autumn season.

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