Class 9 English Beehive Poem 1 Summary

The Road Not Taken Class 9 English Beehive Poem 1 Summary is available here. The poem is in the Beehive reader book, which is the main textbook for Class 9 English. Reading this summary can make it easier for students to learn and improve their English skills.

The Road Not Taken Class 9 English Beehive Poem 1 Summary

The Road Not Taken Short Summary

The poet was walking in the woods and found a place where his path split into two roads. He didn’t know which one to take. One road looked like many people had used it before, and the other was covered in grass and didn’t look used. The poet chose the less travelled road because he was adventurous. He knew he couldn’t go back to the other road once he left it. Later, he regretted his decision and wished he had taken the other road. The poet realised that we can’t go down every road in life, and we have to make choices. It’s important to make the right choice because it can affect our future. If we make the wrong choice, our life will be hard, but if we make the right choice, we can be successful.

The Road Not Taken Short Summary In Hindi

कवि जंगल में टहल रहा था और उसे एक ऐसी जगह मिली जहाँ उसका रास्ता दो रास्तों में बंट गया। उसे नहीं पता था कि कौन सा लेना है। एक सड़क ऐसी लग रही थी जैसे कई लोगों ने पहले इसका इस्तेमाल किया हो, और दूसरी घास से ढकी हुई थी और इस्तेमाल की हुई नहीं लग रही थी। कवि ने कम यात्रा वाली सड़क को चुना क्योंकि वह साहसी था। वह जानता था कि एक बार उसे छोड़ने के बाद वह दूसरी सड़क पर वापस नहीं जा सकता। बाद में, उन्हें अपने फैसले पर पछतावा हुआ और उन्होंने चाहा कि उन्होंने दूसरी राह पकड़ ली होती। कवि ने महसूस किया कि हम जीवन में हर रास्ते पर नहीं जा सकते हैं, और हमें चुनाव करना है। सही चुनाव करना महत्वपूर्ण है क्योंकि यह हमारे भविष्य को प्रभावित कर सकता है। अगर हम गलत चुनाव करते हैं, तो हमारा जीवन कठिन हो जाएगा, लेकिन अगर हम सही चुनाव करते हैं, तो हम सफल हो सकते हैं।

The Road Not Taken Summary

“The Road Not Taken” is a poem written by Robert Frost. It tells a story of a person who came to a point where the road split into two. The person had to decide which path to take. The wood was old and full of people who had lived there for a long time.
The poet stood at the place where the path split into two and carefully looked at both paths. He wanted to know which path was better for him. He could only see one path until it disappeared behind the trees. The poet thought about the benefits and drawbacks of each path. This is similar to how we make decisions in life. We need to think about what will happen in the future when we make a choice.
The poet looked at two paths and thought for a long time about which one to take. He decided to take one path that he thought was better for him. This path had grass on it, which meant not many people had walked on it. He thought this path was the right one to take because he wanted to go somewhere that not many people had been to before.
At first, the poet thought that the path he chose was not used by many people. But as he walked, he realised that both paths were equally worn out. This teaches us that every decision we make has its own pros and cons. We might think we’re better off than others, but it’s not always true.
The poet saw two paths that looked the same with green leaves on them. He chose to go on one path and save the other for later, even though he knew he couldn’t come back because the paths would lead to different places. This is like life when we have to make a choice and go in a certain direction. We might think we can start over if we fail, but that is not always true.
The poet says that he had to make a tough decision at a crossroad where two roads diverged. He chose the road less travelled by because both paths looked equally good to him. This decision had a big impact on his life and made him who he is today. He believes that in the future, he will look back and feel proud that he made that choice.
In the future, when we are grown up, we might have to remember the tough decisions we made in our youth that shaped who we are today. The message of the poem “The Road Not Taken” is that the choices we make in life are important and can have a big impact on our future.
The poem advises us to be cautious when making decisions in life. We should think wisely before making any choice as our decisions shape our future. Once we make a decision, it is hard to change it and start over again. A wrong decision could make us regret it for the rest of our life. Therefore, it is essential to make the right choice today to have a better future.

The Road Not Taken Summary In Hindi

“रोड नॉट टेकन” रॉबर्ट फ्रॉस्ट द्वारा लिखित एक कविता है। यह एक ऐसे व्यक्ति की कहानी बताता है जो एक ऐसे बिंदु पर आया जहां सड़क दो भागों में विभाजित हो गई। व्यक्ति को यह तय करना था कि उसे कौन सा रास्ता चुनना है। जंगल पुराना था और उन लोगों से भरा हुआ था जो लंबे समय से वहां रह रहे थे।
कवि उस स्थान पर खड़ा हो गया जहाँ रास्ता दो भागों में विभाजित हो गया और ध्यान से दोनों रास्तों को देखा। वह जानना चाहता था कि कौन सा रास्ता उसके लिए बेहतर है। वह पेड़ों के पीछे गायब होने तक केवल एक ही रास्ता देख सकता था। कवि ने प्रत्येक मार्ग के लाभ और हानियों के बारे में सोचा। यह उसी तरह है जैसे हम जीवन में निर्णय लेते हैं। हमें यह सोचने की जरूरत है कि जब हम चुनाव करेंगे तो भविष्य में क्या होगा।
कवि ने दो रास्तों को देखा और काफी देर तक सोचा कि कौन सा रास्ता चुना जाए। उसने एक रास्ता अपनाने का फैसला किया जो उसे लगा कि उसके लिए बेहतर है। इस रास्ते पर घास थी, जिसका मतलब था कि इस पर ज्यादा लोग नहीं चले थे। उसने सोचा कि यह रास्ता लेने के लिए सही है क्योंकि वह कहीं जाना चाहता था जहाँ पहले बहुत से लोग नहीं गए थे।
सबसे पहले, कवि ने सोचा कि उसने जो रास्ता चुना है वह बहुत से लोगों द्वारा उपयोग नहीं किया गया है। लेकिन जैसे ही वह चला, उसने महसूस किया कि दोनों रास्ते समान रूप से घिसे हुए थे। इससे हमें यह सीख मिलती है कि हम जो भी निर्णय लेते हैं उसके अपने नफा-नुकसान होते हैं। हम सोच सकते हैं कि हम दूसरों से बेहतर हैं, लेकिन यह हमेशा सच नहीं होता है।
कवि ने दो रास्ते देखे जो एक जैसे दिखते थे और उन पर हरी पत्तियाँ थीं। उसने एक रास्ते पर जाना और दूसरे को बाद के लिए बचाना चुना, हालांकि वह जानता था कि वह वापस नहीं आ सकता क्योंकि रास्ते अलग-अलग जगहों पर ले जाएंगे। यह जीवन की तरह है जब हमें चुनाव करना होता है और एक निश्चित दिशा में जाना होता है। हम सोच सकते हैं कि असफल होने पर हम फिर से शुरुआत कर सकते हैं, लेकिन यह हमेशा सच नहीं होता।
कवि कहता है कि उसे एक चौराहे पर एक कठिन निर्णय लेना पड़ा जहाँ दो रास्ते अलग हो गए। उसने वह रास्ता चुना जिस पर कम लोग चलते थे क्योंकि दोनों रास्ते उसे समान रूप से अच्छे लगते थे। इस फैसले का उनके जीवन पर बड़ा प्रभाव पड़ा और उन्होंने वह बनाया जो वह आज हैं। उनका मानना है कि भविष्य में वह पीछे मुड़कर देखेंगे और गर्व महसूस करेंगे कि उन्होंने यह चुनाव किया।
भविष्य में, जब हम बड़े होंगे, तो हमें अपनी युवावस्था में लिए गए कठोर निर्णयों को याद रखना पड़ सकता है, जिसने आज हम जो कुछ भी हैं, उसे आकार दिया है। “द रोड नॉट टेकन” कविता का संदेश यह है कि हम जीवन में जो चुनाव करते हैं वे महत्वपूर्ण हैं और हमारे भविष्य पर बड़ा प्रभाव डाल सकते हैं।
कविता हमें जीवन में निर्णय लेते समय सतर्क रहने की सलाह देती है। हमें कोई भी चुनाव करने से पहले अच्छी तरह से सोच लेना चाहिए क्योंकि हमारे निर्णय हमारे भविष्य को आकार देते हैं। एक बार जब हम कोई निर्णय ले लेते हैं, तो उसे बदलना और फिर से शुरू करना कठिन होता है। एक गलत निर्णय हमें जीवन भर पछता सकता है। इसलिए बेहतर भविष्य के लिए आज सही चुनाव करना जरूरी है।

The Explanation of the Poem “The Road Not Taken”

Stanza 1

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveller, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Important Word Meaning

Diverged: “Diverged” means to separate and go in different directions, usually referring to a path, road, or way. 
Yellow wood: “Yellow wood” refers to a forest or a wood where the leaves of the trees have turned yellow or are yellow in colour, usually during the autumn season.
Undergrowth: “Undergrowth” typically refers to the plants and vegetation that grow close to the ground in a forest or other natural area, such as bushes, ferns, and other low-lying plants. It is also sometimes called “underbrush.”


In this stanza, the poet describes a moment where he stands at a point where two paths diverge in a yellow forest. He regrets that he cannot travel both paths simultaneously and be one traveller. The phrase “long I stood” indicates that he took some time to contemplate and decide which path to take. He then looked down one of the paths as far as he could see, until it disappeared into the undergrowth where it bent, indicating that the path was winding and not straightforward. The use of undergrowth suggests that the path was not well-trodden or popular, and the poet may need to explore it further to determine where it leads.

Stanza 2

Then took the other, just as fair
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same.

Important Word Meaning

Fair: As good as the other one,
Claim: The term “claim” can refer to a statement or assertion that something is true, typically one that is made without evidence or proof.
Grassy: Grassy refers to an area covered with grass.
Wanted wear: had not been used, in the stanza the word “grassy” symbolises that the path was less taken and not frequently travelled by people.


In this stanza, the speaker describes how he chose the second road that was equally fair as the first one. The second road had more grass and wanted wear, which means it seemed to be less travelled by people. The speaker felt that the second road had a better claim as it appeared to be less explored and offered a new experience. However, as the stanza ends, the speaker admits that both roads were almost the same, and people had walked on them equally.

Stanza 3

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves, no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

Important Word Meaning

Trodden: The word “trodden” means having been walked on or stepped on repeatedly, causing wear and tear on the ground or surface.


In this stanza, the speaker tells us that both paths looked the same, with leaves covering the ground, and nobody had walked on either of them that morning. The speaker regrets that he couldn’t take both roads, but he had to choose only one. He says that he kept the first road for another day, but then he realised that once he chooses a road, he will unlikely have the opportunity to come back and take the other road. The speaker realises that one decision leads to another, and there is no guarantee that he will get another chance to take the road he left behind. Similarly, in our life, when we make a choice, we need to move forward with that choice, and we may not get a chance to go back and choose the other option we left behind.

Stanza 4

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence;
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I —
I took the one less travelled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Important Word Meaning

Sigh: A “sigh” is a sound that someone makes when they exhale audibly, often indicating a feeling of relief, sadness, exhaustion, or frustration.
Ages and ages: “Ages and ages” means a very long time, often implying a period of time that is beyond a person’s lifetime. It is used to emphasise the duration of time that has passed.
Hence: “Hence” means “as a result” or “therefore”. It is used to show a cause-and-effect relationship between two things.


This stanza is about the speaker’s reflection on the decision he made to take the less travelled path. The speaker imagines himself in the future, telling his story with a sigh, implying that he still remembers the choice he made. He thinks that his decision will have a significant impact on his life, and this will be something he will remember forever. He imagines himself telling others about his experience and how he chose the less travelled path and that decision made a difference in his life. The stanza highlights the idea that our choices can have a lasting impact on our lives, and we must make them carefully.

Poet of the Poem “The Road Not Taken”

The Poet of “The Road Not Taken” Class 9 English Poem 1 is Robert Frost.

About the Poet of the Poem “The Road Not Taken”

Robert Frost was an American poet born on March 26, 1874, in San Francisco, California. He is considered one of the most prominent and respected poets of the 20th century, known for his realistic and insightful depictions of rural life and nature. Frost’s writing style was often characterised by its use of rural settings, everyday language, and a sense of ambiguity and symbolism. He won four Pulitzer Prizes for his poetry, and his work has been studied and admired by generations of readers and writers. Some of his other famous poems include “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening,” “Birches,” and “Mending Wall.” Frost died on January 29, 1963, in Boston, Massachusetts, leaving behind a legacy as one of America’s greatest poets.

Theme of the Poem “The Road Not Taken”

The theme of the poem “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost is the importance of the choices we make in life and the regret that can come from not taking risks and following our own path. It encourages the reader to be an individual, to take the road less travelled and to make their own decisions, even if they are different from what others would choose. The poem also reflects on the nature of decision-making, suggesting that once a decision is made, it is difficult to go back and take a different path. Ultimately, the theme of the poem is the idea that our choices define us and shape our lives.

Main Idea of the Poem “The Road Not Taken”

The main idea of the poem “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost is that life presents us with choices, and the choices we make ultimately shape our destiny. The speaker of the poem stands at a crossroads, facing two paths that diverge in the woods. He chooses one path over the other, but wonders what would have happened if he had taken the other path. Through this, the poem suggests that we should be thoughtful and deliberate in the choices we make, but ultimately, we cannot know what lies ahead and must take responsibility for our decisions.

Moral of the Poem “The Road Not Taken”

The moral of the poem “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost is that the choices we make in life are important and have long-lasting consequences. The poem emphasises the idea that we must make our own decisions and take risks in order to lead a fulfilling life.

Conclusion of the Poem “The Road Not Taken”

As the speaker looks back on his decision to take the road less travelled, he knows that it has made all the difference in his life. The poem concludes with the idea that our choices shape our lives and that we must be willing to take risks and follow our own path, even if it is different from what others would choose. The final lines of the poem suggest that the speaker will one day tell this story with a sigh, suggesting both a sense of regret for what might have been and a sense of satisfaction for the road that he did choose. Ultimately, the poem is a reminder to live boldly and to embrace the uncertainty and challenges that come with making our own way in the world.

Rhyme Scheme of the poem “The Road Not Taken”

The rhyme scheme of the poem “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost is ABAAB.

Poetic Devices In The Poem “The Road Not Taken”

Metaphor: The road, fork in the road, and yellow woods are all used as metaphors in the poem. The road represents life, the fork in the road represents the choices we make, and the yellow woods represent a period of decision-making during difficult times.
Imagery: The use of imagery creates sensory experiences for the readers, such as the sight of leaves, yellow woods, and a road.
Simile: The poet uses a simile in the second stanza when he compares the two paths to the “just as fair” and “perhaps the better claim.”
Assonance: The repetition of vowel sounds, such as the sound of /a/ and /o/, can be found in lines like “though as far as the passing” and “Somewhere ages and ages hence.”
Consonance: The repetition of consonant sounds, such as the /d/ sound in “two roads diverging in a yellow wood” and the /t/ t/sound in “though as far as the passing there.”
Personification: The road is personified when it is described as “grassy and wanted wear” as if it is a living being.

Frequently Asked Questions Related To The Poem The Road Not Taken

Question 1. What is the main problem or the dilemma of the poet in the poem “The Road Not Taken”?
Answer. The main problem or dilemma of the poet in “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost is the decision of which path to take in life. The speaker comes to a fork in the road and must choose which path to take. He is unsure which path to take, as both seem equally attractive and lead in different directions. The speaker recognizes that whichever path he chooses will have a significant impact on the rest of his life, and he is uncertain which path will be the better choice. Ultimately, he decides to take the less-travelled path, which he acknowledges will make all the difference in his life. The poem reflects on the choices people make in their lives and how those choices shape their futures.

Question 2. Why did the poet leave the first road in the poem “The Road Not Taken”?
Answer. In “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost, the speaker leaves the first road because he must choose between two paths that diverge in a wood, and he cannot take both. The speaker describes the two paths as being “just as fair” and “worn… really about the same.” However, he chooses to take the second path because it appears less travelled, and he wants to explore the unknown. The speaker admits that he may someday look back and wonder what would have happened if he had taken the other path, but he also acknowledges that he cannot go back and take that path now. The poem suggests that the speaker’s decision to take the less-travelled path has made a significant difference in his life, emphasising the importance of making choices and taking risks in life.

Question 3. What does the divergence in the road signify in real life in the poem “The Road Not Taken”?
Answer. In “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost, the divergence in the road symbolises the choices that people face in their lives. The speaker comes to a fork in the road and must choose which path to take. The two paths represent two possible life paths or choices, and the decision he makes will determine the course of his life. The fact that the paths diverge also implies that once a choice is made, it cannot be undone, and there is no going back to take the other path. The poem emphasises the importance of making choices and taking risks in life, even if the outcome is uncertain. The speaker’s decision to take the less-travelled path suggests that he is willing to explore the unknown and take risks, which has made all the difference in his life. The poem reflects on the choices people make in their lives and how those choices shape their futures.

Question 4. Why did the poet stand long on the forked road to make the decision in the poem “The Road Not Taken”?
Answer. In “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost, the speaker stands long on the forked road to make the decision because he is uncertain about which path to take. The two paths seem equally attractive, and the speaker cannot decide which one to choose. He describes the paths as “just as fair,” indicating that there is no clear advantage to either one. The speaker recognizes that whichever path he chooses will have a significant impact on the rest of his life, and he is uncertain which path will be the better choice. The fact that he stands on the forked road for a long time emphasises the importance of the decision he is making and the weight of the consequences that will follow. Ultimately, he decides to take the less-travelled path, which he acknowledges will make all the difference in his life. The poem reflects on the choices people make in their lives and the significance of those choices, even when they seem small or insignificant at the time.

Question 5. Why do you think the poet sighs in the last stanza of the poem “The Road Not Taken”?
Answer. In the last stanza of “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost, the speaker sighs because he recognizes that he cannot go back and take the other path. He reflects on the fact that he has made a choice that will forever alter the course of his life, and he cannot change it. The speaker acknowledges that someday in the future, he may look back on this decision and wonder what would have happened if he had taken the other path. The sigh may also suggest a sense of regret or longing for what could have been. However, the poem’s overall tone is not one of regret or sadness but of acceptance and satisfaction with the speaker’s choice. The poem suggests that the speaker has taken the less-travelled path, which has made all the difference in his life, emphasising the importance of making choices and taking risks in life.

Question 6. What does the poet mean by ‘yellow wood’ in the poem “The Road Not Taken”?
Answer. In “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost, the “yellow wood” refers to a forest with yellow leaves, which could represent the changing of the seasons or the autumn of life. The speaker describes coming to a fork in the road while travelling through a “yellow wood,” which adds to the sense of uncertainty and the weight of the decision he must make. The “yellow wood” symbolises the passage of time and the inevitability of change, as the leaves on the trees will eventually turn brown and fall. The image of the “yellow wood” could also suggest a sense of ambiguity or confusion, as the leaves may obscure the path and make it more difficult to see which way to go.

Question 7. Which road does Robert Frost choose and why in the poem “The Road Not Taken”?
Answer. In “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost, the speaker chooses to take the less-travelled path, which he describes as being “grassy and wanted wear.” He acknowledges that both paths are equally attractive and “really about the same,” but he chooses the one that appears less travelled, and he wants to explore the unknown. The speaker admits that he may someday look back and wonder what would have happened if he had taken the other path, but he also acknowledges that he cannot go back and take that path now. The poem suggests that the speaker’s decision to take the less-travelled path has made a significant difference in his life, emphasising the importance of making choices and taking risks in life.

Question 8. Justify the title of the poem ‘The Road Not Taken’. 
Answer. The title of the poem “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost is a reference to the choice the speaker makes between two paths in a “yellow wood.” The title highlights the significance of the decision and the weight of the consequences that follow. The poem reflects on the choices people make in their lives and how those choices shape their futures. The title also emphasises the idea that there is no going back or changing the past, and once a choice is made, it cannot be undone. The speaker acknowledges that he may someday look back and wonder what would have happened if he had taken the other path, but he cannot go back and take that path now. The title of the poem thus emphasises the importance of making choices in life and accepting the outcomes of those choices.

Question 9. What is the moral lesson of the poem “The Road Not Taken”?
Answer. “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost offers several potential moral lessons or interpretations. One possible lesson is that the choices people make in their lives have significant consequences and can lead to different outcomes. The speaker’s decision to take the less-travelled path has made all the difference in his life, suggesting the importance of taking risks and exploring the unknown.
Another possible lesson is that people should be prepared to accept the outcomes of their choices and not look back with regret. The speaker acknowledges that he may someday wonder what would have happened if he had taken the other path, but he accepts that he cannot go back and change his choice. This suggests the importance of living in the present and not dwelling on the past.

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