Class 9 English Beehive Poem 3 Summary

Rain On The Roof Class 9 English Beehive Poem 3 Summary is available here. This summary is created by the subject experts. The poem is included in the Beehive reader book, which is the main English textbook for Class 9 students. By reading this summary, students can better understand the poem and improve their English language skills.

Rain On The Roof Class 9 English Beehive Poem 3 Summary

Rain On The Roof Short Summary

The poem talks about how the poet enjoys lying in a cozy bed on a rainy night and listening to the sound of raindrops falling on the roof. The sound of the rain creates a nice feeling in the poet’s heart and makes him think about pleasant thoughts and memories. The poet remembers his mother watching over him while he slept on rainy nights. The poem makes you feel safe and peaceful, imagining being warm and comfortable inside while the rain falls outside.

Rain On The Roof Short Summary In Hindi

कविता इस बारे में बात करती है कि कैसे कवि एक बरसात की रात में एक आरामदायक बिस्तर में लेटने और छत पर गिरने वाली बारिश की बूंदों की आवाज़ सुनने का आनंद लेता है। बारिश की आवाज कवि के दिल में एक अच्छा अहसास पैदा करती है और उसे सुखद विचारों और यादों के बारे में सोचने पर मजबूर करती है। कवि याद करता है कि बरसात की रातों में जब वह सोता था तो उसकी माँ उसकी देखभाल करती थी। कविता आपको सुरक्षित और शांतिपूर्ण महसूस कराती है, बाहर बारिश होने पर अंदर गर्म और आरामदायक होने की कल्पना करती है।

Rain On The Roof Summary

The poem “Rain on the Roof” is written by Coates Kinney. In this poem, the poet talks about the time when dark clouds full of water were in the sky, and it is going to rain soon. The clouds float over the sky, which is full of stars. After that, big clouds full of water move in the sky. Raindrops fall from the sky and it seems like they wipe away the sadness of the dark night. The poet compares the raindrops to tears because the dark sky appears sad and is weeping, and the raindrops seem like tears shed by it. The poet feels lucky to lie in bed in his room and listen to the sound of raindrops falling on the roof. He thinks it’s a blessing to hear the sound of rain while being warm and comfortable inside.
In the next stanza of the poem, the poet talks about how he feels when he hears the raindrops falling on the roof of his house. He says that every raindrop that falls on the shingles creates an echo in his heart. The sound of the rain stays with him and even appears in his dreams. When he listens to the sound of the rain, he imagines many different things and has fantastic thoughts. The sound of raindrops falling on the rooftop inspires him to dream and remember the past. He remembers many things from his past, which come back into his mind as dreams. As a result, he enjoys listening to the sound of the rain on the roof, which creates new dreams and brings back memories of the past.
In the last stanza of the poem, the poet talks about his mother and how he is dreaming of her. The rain has reminded him of his memories of the past, which include his mother who is no longer alive. He remembers that his mother loved him very much, and used to consider him her darling. She would let him sleep until daybreak and have sweet dreams. As he listens to the sound of the raindrops falling on the roof of his room, he feels as if his mother is looking at him. Moreover, the sound of the rain makes him think about his past and how it connects to his present. That’s why he is so moved by the sound of the raindrops falling on the shingles of his room. Every time he hears this sound, it brings back memories of his past, and he is reminded of his mother.

Rain On The Roof Summary In Hindi

“Rain on the Roof” कविता कोट्स किन्नी द्वारा लिखी गई है। इस कविता में कवि उस समय की बात करता है जब पानी से भरे काले बादल आकाश में थे और जल्द ही बारिश होने वाली है। आकाश के ऊपर बादल तैरते हैं, जो तारों से भरा है। उसके बाद जल से भरे बड़े-बड़े बादल आकाश में विचरते हैं। आसमान से बारिश की बूंदें गिरती हैं और ऐसा लगता है जैसे वे अंधेरी रात की उदासी को मिटा देती हैं। कवि वर्षा की बूंदों की तुलना आँसुओं से करता है क्योंकि काला आकाश उदास और रोता हुआ प्रतीत होता है, और वर्षा की बूँदें उसके द्वारा बहाए गए आँसुओं के समान प्रतीत होती हैं। कवि अपने कमरे में बिस्तर पर लेटने और छत पर गिरने वाली बारिश की बूंदों की आवाज सुनने के लिए भाग्यशाली महसूस करता है। वह सोचता है कि अंदर गर्म और आरामदायक रहते हुए बारिश की आवाज सुनना एक आशीर्वाद है।
कविता के अगले छंद में, कवि बात करता है कि जब वह अपने घर की छत पर बारिश की बूंदों को गिरने की आवाज़ सुनता है तो उसे कैसा लगता है। वह कहते हैं कि दाद पर पड़ने वाली बारिश की हर बूंद उनके दिल में एक प्रतिध्वनि पैदा करती है। बारिश की आवाज उसके साथ रहती है और यहां तक कि उसके सपनों में भी आती है। जब वह बारिश की आवाज सुनता है, तो वह कई अलग-अलग चीजों की कल्पना करता है और शानदार विचार रखता है। छत पर गिरने वाली बारिश की बूंदों की आवाज उसे सपने देखने और अतीत को याद करने के लिए प्रेरित करती है। उसे अपने अतीत की कई बातें याद आती हैं, जो उसके दिमाग में सपनों के रूप में वापस आती हैं। नतीजतन, वह छत पर बारिश की आवाज सुनने का आनंद लेता है, जो नए सपने पैदा करता है और अतीत की यादें ताजा करता है।
कविता के अंतिम छंद में कवि अपनी माँ के बारे में बात करता है और बताता है कि वह कैसे उसके सपने देख रहा है। बारिश ने उन्हें अतीत की उनकी यादें याद दिला दी हैं, जिसमें उनकी मां भी शामिल हैं, जो अब जीवित नहीं हैं। उसे याद है कि उसकी माँ उसे बहुत प्यार करती थी और उसे अपना लाडला मानती थी। वह उसे भोर तक सोने देती और मीठे सपने देखती। जब वह अपने कमरे की छत पर गिरती बारिश की बूंदों की आवाज सुनता है तो उसे ऐसा लगता है जैसे उसकी मां उसे देख रही हो। इसके अलावा, बारिश की आवाज़ उसे अपने अतीत के बारे में सोचने पर मजबूर कर देती है और यह भी कि यह उसके वर्तमान से कैसे जुड़ता है। यही कारण है कि वह अपने कमरे के झरोखों पर बारिश की बूंदों के गिरने की आवाज से इतना द्रवित हो जाता है। हर बार जब वह इस आवाज को सुनता है तो उसे अपने अतीत की यादें ताजा हो जाती हैं और उसे अपनी मां की याद आ जाती है।

The Explanation of the Poem “Rain On The Roof”

Stanza 1

When the humid shadows hover
Overall the starry spheres
And the melancholy darkness
Gently weeps in rainy tears,
What a bliss to press the pillow
Of a cottage-chamber bed
And lie listening to the patter
Of the soft rain overhead!

Important Word Meaning

Humid: “Humid” refers to an atmospheric condition characterised by a high level of moisture or water vapour in the air.
Hover: Hover means to stay suspended in the air, or to linger or remain in a certain place. In the context of the poem, “when the humid shadows hover over all the starry spheres,” it means that the shadows created by the dark clouds filled with moisture are lingering or remaining over the stars in the sky.
Starry Spheres: “Starry spheres” refers to the night sky filled with stars. The phrase suggests the vastness and beauty of the universe, and emphasises the contrast between the darkness of the sky and the brightness of the stars shining in it. The poet uses this phrase to create a vivid image of the night sky and to emphasise the peacefulness of the scene being described.
Melancholy: Melancholy refers to a feeling of sadness or gloominess.
Gently: Gently means in a gentle, mild, or soft manner, not harshly or roughly.
Weeps: “Weeps” is a verb that means to shed tears or cry quietly. In the context of the poem, the melancholy darkness is personified as weeping in rainy tears, meaning that the rain is causing the darkness to appear sad and tearful.
Bliss: Bliss means a state of extreme happiness or joy. It can refer to a feeling of complete satisfaction and contentment or a sense of tranquillity and peace.
Patter: “Patter” refers to a light, repetitive sound that is made when something is gently tapping or hitting a surface repeatedly.
Overhead: “Overhead” refers to the area above someone’s head or the top part of a structure.


In this stanza, the poet describes the atmosphere on a rainy night. He talks about the dark clouds that hang over the stars, and the sadness in the darkness that is like tears falling from the sky. The poet expresses his joy in being able to lie in a cozy bed in his cottage, listening to the gentle sound of raindrops falling on the roof. The sound of the rain provides comfort and bliss to the poet, and he enjoys the peacefulness of the moment. The stanza captures the mood of a rainy night, where the darkness is comforting, and the sound of the rain is soothing.

Poetic Devices

Assonance: The prominent use of the vowel ‘o’ in the line – Of the soft rain overhead.
Enjambment: The sentences are being continued to the next line without a break. It can be observed throughout the stanza.
Alliteration: It is the repetition of a letter at the start of closely placed words. The repetition of the letter ‘H’ in “humid shadows hover”, ‘S’ in “starry spheres”,  ‘P’ in “press the pillow”, ‘L’ in  “lie listening”.
Onomatopoeia: The poet has used the word ‘patter’ which is the sound of the raindrops falling on something. 
Personification: The use of personification to describe the darkness as “gently weeping” in “rainy tears” gives human-like qualities to a non-human entity and creates a melancholic mood.
Imagery: The poet uses sensory imagery to describe the feeling of lying in a cozy bed and listening to the “patter of the soft rain overhead.” This creates a vivid picture in the reader’s mind and helps to enhance the poem’s overall peaceful and nostalgic tone.

Stanza 2

Every tinkle on the shingles
Has an echo in the heart;
And a thousand dreamy fancies
Into busy being start,
And a thousand recollections
Weave their air-threads into woof,
As I listen to the patter
Of the rain upon the roof.

Important Word Meaning

Tinkle: Tinkle refers to a light, high-pitched ringing or tapping sound, such as the sound made by small bells or metal objects hitting each other. In the context of the poem, it refers to the sound of raindrops hitting the shingles (roof tiles), which is a soft tinkling sound.
Shingles: In this poem, it is referring to the small, overlapping tiles used to cover a roof.
Echo: An echo refers to the repetition of a sound that occurs when sound waves bounce off a surface and return back to the listener’s ear. In this stanza of the poem, the poet uses the word “echo” to express how the sound of raindrops falling on the shingles creates a similar sound or feeling within the heart of the listener.
Fancies: “Fancies” refer to imaginative thoughts or ideas that are not based on reality. In this stanza, the poet is saying that the sound of raindrops falling on the shingles of the roof creates a sort of musical echo in the heart and mind. This sound triggers the start of many imaginative fancies in the poet’s mind, bringing to life thousands of new ideas and thoughts.
Into busy being start: The phrase “into busy being start” means that the sound of raindrops falling on the roof of the house creates many new thoughts and imaginations in the poet’s mind. 
Recollections: Recollections refer to the act of remembering or recalling past experiences, events, or memories. In the context of the poem, the poet is saying that when he hears the sound of raindrops falling on the roof, he is reminded of his past and many memories come flooding back to him. These memories are like recollections that are woven together and create dream-like experiences in his mind.
Air-threads: In the poem, “air-threads” is a metaphor for memories or thoughts that are light and intangible, like threads in the air. It suggests that the poet’s recollections are fleeting and delicate, and can easily be woven into the fabric of his thoughts and dreams.
Woof: In the context of the poem, “woof” refers to the texture or pattern created by weaving threads. It is used metaphorically to convey that the raindrops falling on the roof are like threads weaving together different memories and thoughts in the poet’s mind, creating a complex pattern or texture of emotions and imaginations.


In this stanza, the poet describes the effect of the sound of raindrops falling on the roof of his house. The poet says that every sound of the rain falling on the shingles creates an echo in his heart, and inspires his imagination. The sound of raindrops creates a thousand dreamy thoughts and memories. The poet feels that the sound of the rain on the roof weaves together different threads of air, creating a tapestry of memories and imagination. He is lost in his own world of dreams and memories, as he listens to the patter of the rain upon the roof.

Poetic Devices

Alliteration: It is the repetition of a letter at the start of closely placed words. The repetition of the letter ‘B’ in “busy being”, ‘Th’ in “their air-threads” and ‘R’ in “rain upon the roof”. 
Onomatopoeia: The poet has used the words ‘patter’ and ‘tinkles’, both the words are used for the sound of the raindrops falling on something.
Metaphor: Raindrops are compared to tears, indicating the sadness associated with the rain.
Personification: The poet has personified recollections by using the phrase “weave their air-threads into woof” for it. 
Hyperbole: The poet has used the word ‘thousand’ for dreamy fancies and recollections which is the exaggeration done by him. 
Repetition: The repetition of “And a thousand” emphasizes the sheer volume of thoughts and memories that the sound of the rain evokes.
Enjambment: The sentences are being continued to the next line without a break. It can be observed throughout the stanza.
Imagery: The stanza creates an image of raindrops falling on the shingles and the sound they create, which sets off a chain of thoughts and memories in the poet’s mind.
Synecdoche: “Air-threads” stands for memories, and “woof” stands for the weaving together of those memories.

Stanza 3

Now in memory comes my mother,
As she used in years agone,
To regard the darling dreamers
Ere she left them till the dawn:
O! I feel her fond look on me
As I list to this refrain
Which is played upon the shingles
By the patter of the rain.

Important Word Meaning

Agone: “Agone” is an old-fashioned or poetic word that means “ago” or “in the past.” It is used to indicate a time that has passed or a period of time in the past.
Regard: In this context, “regard” means to look at or observe with affection and care. The poet is saying that his mother used to look at him and his siblings with love before leaving them to sleep until dawn.
Darling: In this context, “darling” refers to the poet and his siblings whom the mother loved dearly.
Ere: “Ere” is an archaic word meaning “before” or “earlier than.” It is commonly found in old literature and poetry.
Dawn: “Dawn” refers to the time of day when the sun begins to rise, and the darkness of the night begins to fade. In this context, it refers to the time of day when the poet’s mother used to leave him and his siblings alone in their beds to go about her daily tasks.
Fond: “Fond” is an adjective that means having affection or liking for someone or something. In the context of the stanza, “fond look” means a loving or affectionate gaze.
Refrain: In this context, “refrain” refers to the repeated sound or melody made by the raindrops falling on the shingles of the roof.


In this stanza, the speaker talks about his mother who used to come and check on him and his siblings before leaving them for the night. He recalls her tender look and love for her children. As he listens to the sound of the raindrops on the rooftop, he imagines that his mother is looking at him with the same affectionate gaze as before. The sound of the rain takes him back to his childhood memories of his mother, making him feel her presence again.

Poetic Devices

Assonance:  The prominent use of the vowel like ‘E’ in “Ere she left them” and ‘O’ in “O! I feel her fond look on”.
Imagery: The stanza creates a vivid imagery of the speaker’s memory of his mother, using phrases like “fond look,” “darling dreamers,” and “played upon the shingles” to evoke sensory and emotional responses in the reader.
Alliteration: It is the repetition of a letter at the start of closely placed words. The repetition of the letter ‘M’ in “memory comes my mother” and ‘D’ in “darling dreamers”. 
Onomatopoeia: The poet has used the word ‘patter’ which is the sound of the raindrops falling on something. 
Enjambment: The sentences are being continued to the next line without a break. It can be observed throughout the stanza.

Poet of the Poem “Rain On The Roof”

The poet of the poem “Rain On The Roof” is Coates Kinney.

About the Poet of the Poem “Rain On The Roof”

The poet of the poem “Rain on the Roof” is Coates Kinney (1826-1904), an American lawyer, poet, and politician. He was born in Ohio and practised law in both Ohio and California. Kinney was also active in politics, serving in the California State Assembly from 1863 to 1864. He was a prolific writer and contributed poems, essays, and stories to various publications. “Rain on the Roof” is one of his most well-known poems and has been included in many anthologies of American poetry.

Theme of the Poem “Rain On The Roof”

The theme of the poem “Rain on the Roof” is the comforting and soothing effect of rainfall on the human mind and soul. The poem emphasises how the sound of raindrops falling on the roof creates a peaceful and calming environment, allowing people to relax and reflect on their memories and feelings. The poem also highlights the role of rain in bringing back nostalgic memories and creating new dreams and aspirations.

Main Idea of the Poem “Rain On The Roof”

The main idea of the poem “Rain on the Roof” is the peaceful and comforting feeling of lying in bed and listening to the sound of raindrops falling on the roof. The poem also explores the power of these sounds to trigger memories and emotions, as well as the beauty of nature and the importance of family. 

Moral of the Poem “Rain On The Roof”

As a poem, “Rain on the Roof” does not necessarily have a moral in the traditional sense, but rather expresses the poet’s emotions and reflections on the soothing sound of raindrops falling on the roof. However, the poem may encourage readers to appreciate the simple pleasures of life, such as the beauty of nature, the warmth of home, and the comfort of memories.

Message of the Poem “Rain On The Roof”

The message of the poem “Rain on the Roof” is to appreciate the simple joys of life and find comfort in the familiar and soothing sounds of rain on the roof. The poem encourages the reader to take a moment to reflect on their memories and loved ones and find solace in the peaceful rhythm of the rain. It also highlights the power of nature to evoke emotions and memories within us. The poem suggests that even in difficult times, the calming sound of rain can provide a sense of comfort and tranquillity.

Conclusion of the Poem “Rain On The Roof”

The poem “Rain on the Roof” by Coates Kinney paints a serene and peaceful picture of rain falling on a roof. It speaks to the soothing effect that the sound of rain can have, especially as one lays in bed listening to it. Through the use of vivid imagery and poetic devices, Kinney brings to life the sights and sounds of a rainy night, while also evoking feelings of nostalgia and longing. 

Rhyme Scheme of the poem “Rain On The Roof”

The rhyme scheme of the poem “Rain On The Roof” is ABCBDEFE.

Frequently Asked Questions Related To The Poem Rain On The Roof

Question 1. What is the poem “Rain on the Roof” about?
Answer. The poem is about the peaceful and soothing sound of rain falling on the roof and how it evokes memories and emotions in the speaker.

Question 2. Who is the poet of the poem “Rain on the Roof”?
Answer8. The poet of the poem is Coates Kinney.

Question 3. What is the rhyme scheme of the poem “Rain on the Roof”?
Answer. The rhyme scheme of the poem is ABCBDEFE.

Question 4. What is the main idea of the poem “Rain on the Roof”?
Answer. The main idea of the poem is the calming and comforting effect of the sound of rain falling on the roof and how it can evoke memories and emotions.

Question 5. What is the tone of the poem “Rain on the Roof”?
Answer. The tone of the poem is peaceful and nostalgic.

Question 6. What is the message of the poem “Rain on the Roof”?
Answer. The message of the poem is to appreciate the simple pleasures in life and the beauty of nature.

Question 7. What is the mood of the poem “Rain on the Roof”?
Answer. The mood of the poem is tranquil and reflective.

Question 8. What is the setting of the poem “Rain on the Roof”?
Answer. The setting of the poem is inside a cottage during a rainy night.

Question 9. What is the significance of the mother in the poem “Rain on the Roof”?
Answer. The mother in the poem represents a comforting and nurturing presence, and her fond look evokes a sense of security and warmth.

Question 10. What does the sound of rain on the roof signify in the poem “Rain on the Roof”?
Answer. The sound of rain on the roof signifies comfort, peace, and a connection with nature.

Question 11. What is the moral of the poem “Rain on the Roof”?
Answer. The moral of the poem is to appreciate the simple joys of life, such as the sound of rain on the roof, and to find comfort and solace in nature.

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