Madam Rides the Bus Extra Questions and Answers Class 10 English First Flight

Madam Rides the Bus Extra Questions and Answers

Very Short Answer Questions

Question 1. Who was Valli?
Answer: Valli was an eight-year-old village girl.

Question 2. What was Valli’s favorite pastime?
Answer: Her favorite pastime was standing in the front doorway of her house, watching what was happening in the street outside.

Question 3. How old was Valli?
Answer: Valli was eight years old.

Question 4. Who did Valli live with?
Answer: Valli lived with her mother.

Question 5. What was the most fascinating thing for Valli?
Answer: The sight of the bus, filled each time with a new set of passengers, was the most fascinating thing for Valli.

Question 6. When would Valli be jealous?
Answer: Valli would be jealous when one of her friends described the sight of the town to her.

Question 7. What did Valli carefully listen to?
Answer: Valli carefully listened to the conversations of her neighbors who used the bus regularly.

Question 8. How far was the town from the village?
Answer: The town was at a distance of six miles.

Question 9. What type of man was the bus conductor?
Answer: The bus conductor was a jolly and fun-loving type of person.

Question 10. How much money did Valli save for the bus ride?
Answer: She saved sixty paise for the bus ride.

Question 11. What made Valli sad?
Answer: The sight of the dead cow made Valli sad.

Question 12. What was Valli’s deepest desire?
Answer: Valli’s deepest desire was to have a bus ride to the town.

Question 13. What does the bus conductor call Valli?
Answer: The bus conductor calls her ‘madam’.

Question 14. What did Valli buy from the town?
Answer: She bought nothing from the town.

Question 15. What was the most fascinating thing for Valli?
Answer: The most fascinating thing for Valli was the bus that traveled between her village and the nearest town.

Question 16. Why does Valli refuse to look out of the window on her way back?
Answer: Valli refused to look out of the window on her way back because the memory of the dead cow haunted her, dampening her enthusiasm.

Question 17. Why does Valli find information about the bus to the town?
Answer: Valli gathered information about the bus because she wanted to take at least one ride in the bus that was fascinating for her.

Question 18. Why was the conductor of the bus amused while talking to Valli?
Answer: The conductor of the bus was a jolly person who was fond of joking. He found amusement while talking to Valli who pretended to be a grown person.

Question 19. How did Valli manage to leave the house?
Answer: Valli knew that after lunch her mother would nap from about one to four or so. It was Valli’s habit to use these hours for her excursions outside the village.

Question 20. What type of person was the conductor?
Answer: The conductor was a very affable person who knew how to handle and converse with passengers. He was fond of jokes and in his jolly tone, he interacted with Valli many times.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.How did Valli react when she saw the dead cow by the roadside?
Answer: On her return journey, Valli encountered a distressing sight—a dead cow lying in the middle of the road, sprawled in a pool of blood with its legs spread out and lifeless eyes staring. This scene saddened her greatly, causing her to lose all her enthusiasm.

Question 2. Explain “Valli enjoyed each moment of her bus ride.”
Answer: Valli relished every moment of her bus ride. She absorbed everything with her eyes, sighing at the wonderful sights outside.

Question 3. Give examples from the text to show that Valli was a meticulous planner.
Answer: Valli demonstrated meticulous planning by attentively listening to conversations among her neighbors and frequent bus passengers, discreetly asking questions to gather details about the bus journey, and carefully noting various small particulars.

Question 4. How can you say that the conductor was a good-natured jolly fellow? Support your answer with examples.
Answer: The conductor displayed a good-natured, jolly demeanor. For instance, when Valli declined his assistance to board the bus, he jovially remarked, “Don’t be angry with me, fine madam… Everyone move aside please — make way for madam”.

Question 5. What details did Valli pick up about the bus journey? How did she pick up these details?
Answer: Valli acquired intricate details about the bus journey, such as the fare of sixty paise for the round trip, and the duration of ninety minutes from the village to town and back. She gleaned these details by attentively listening to conversations among passengers and villagers.

Question 6. What made Valli sad on her return journey?
Answer: Valli felt profound sadness on her return journey upon encountering a distressing scene—a dead cow lying in the middle of the road, surrounded by blood, with its lifeless eyes staring.

Question 7. What was a source of unending joy for Valli? What was her strongest desire?
Answer: Valli’s source of unending joy was her desire for a bus ride, a wish that grew into a strong longing over time. She wistfully stared at the faces of passengers, yearning for the experience herself.

Question 8. What was Valli’s favorite pastime?
Answer: Valli’s favorite pastime was standing in the front doorway of her house, observing the street. Despite the absence of playmates, she found joy in watching the street and experiencing its unusual occurrences.

Question 9. Give two reasons why Valli found the elderly woman on the bus repulsive.
Answer: Valli found the elderly woman repulsive due to her large earlobe holes adorned with unattractive earrings and her chewing of betel nut, which she observed during the bus ride.

Question 10. Why did Valli not get off the bus when it stopped at the bus stand?
Answer: Valli’s sole purpose was to enjoy the bus ride. She lacked the funds to make purchases at the town shops and felt intimidated by the unfamiliar surroundings, hence she chose to remain on the bus.

Question 11. Why does the conductor refer to Valli as ‘madam’?
Answer: The conductor, being worldly-wise and jolly in nature, humorously addresses the young girl as ‘madam’ to acknowledge her innocence and not to upset her, despite Valli being only eight years old.

Question 12. Write down the conductor’s advice to Valli?
Answer: Addressing Valli as a child, the conductor kindly advised her to take a seat for her comfort. He explained that standing up repeatedly could lead to her falling and getting hurt, especially during sharp turns the bus might take.

Question 13. What did Valli calculate and plan?
Answer: Valli calculated and planned her bus journey meticulously. She determined that if she took the one o’clock afternoon bus, she would arrive in town by one forty-five. She planned to stay seated and pay an additional thirty paise to return home on the same bus by around two forty-five.

Question 14. What did Valli’s mother say about the things happening without our knowledge?
Answer: Valli’s mother reflected on the countless events occurring around us, emphasizing that we often remain unaware of many happenings, and even when we are aware, complete understanding may elude us.

Question 15. What was the favorite pastime of Valli?
Answer: Valli, an eight-year-old girl, found joy in standing at the front doorway of her house, observing the activities on the street outside. This pastime was as enjoyable to her as the games other children played.

Question 16. What was the most fascinating thing for Valli?
Answer: The bus traveling between Valli’s village and the nearest town captivated her the most. Each sighting of the bus filled her with joy as it brought a new set of passengers, making the experience thrilling for her.

Question 17. What was the tiny wish that crept into Valli’s head?
Answer: Valli harbored a tiny wish to ride on the bus that fascinated her so much. This wish grew into an overwhelming desire to experience a bus ride at least once.

Question 18. Why did Valli listen to the conversations? What did she get from them?
Answer: Valli eagerly listened to conversations to learn more about the bus journey she desired to take. By gathering details from neighbors and regular bus passengers, she aimed to collect necessary information to plan her own bus trip.

Question 19. How did Valli calculate and plan the bus journey?
Answer: Valli meticulously gathered details about the bus journey, knowing the town was six miles away with a one-way fare of thirty paise and a forty-five-minute trip duration. Planning to catch the one o’clock bus, she calculated that she could return home by around two forty-five.

Question 20. How did Valli board the bus? Why did she say, ‘I can get on by myself’?
Answer: Valli signaled the bus to stop and confidently tried to board it. When the conductor offered help upon seeing her as just a child, Valli asserted her independence, stating that she could manage boarding the bus by herself.

Question 21. Why was Valli overcome with shyness and avoided everyone’s eyes?
Answer: Valli felt overwhelmed with shyness when, during the bus’s slack time, six or seven passengers, along with the conductor, directed their attention towards her, laughing good-naturedly. To evade their gaze, Valli hurriedly sought an empty seat and averted her eyes.

Question 22. What did Valli see when she peered over the blind?
Answer: Peering over the blind, Valli discovered a picturesque scene outside the bus. The bus traveled alongside a canal, bordered by palm trees, grasslands, and distant mountains. Beyond, vast acres of green fields stretched as far as her eyes could discern.

Question 23. Why didn’t Valli like the remark of the elderly man? What did she say to him?
Answer: An elderly man, noticing Valli standing on the bus, kindly advised her to take a seat, expressing concern for her safety. Disliking being referred to as a ‘child,’ Valli retorted that she was not one and had paid her fare like everyone else.

Question 24. How did Valli react when the conductor called her “a very grown-up madam?”
Answer: Amused by the conductor’s playful teasing, calling her “a very grown-up madam,” Valli promptly corrected him, insisting that she wasn’t a madam and reminded him of the pending ticket. Their light-hearted banter elicited laughter from the passengers, eventually including Valli herself.

Question 25. Why did Valli find the elderly woman absolutely repulsive?
Answer: Valli found the elderly woman sitting beside her on the bus repulsive due to her unsightly earrings, large earlobe holes, and the unpleasant odor of the betel nut she chewed, which seemed on the verge of spilling from her lips.

Question 26. How careful and painstaking elaborate plans did Valli have to make for her first journey and how did she save money for it?
Answer: Valli meticulously planned her inaugural bus journey, saving every stray coin to accumulate the sixty paise required for the fare. To afford the trip, she refrained from indulging in small purchases like peppermints, toys, and balloons, sacrificing her desires for the sake of her journey.

Question 27. What was the next problem after Valli had enough money?
Answer: After saving enough for the fare, Valli’s next challenge was slipping out of the house unnoticed by her mother. She devised a plan to depart during her mother’s afternoon nap, typically from one to four, enabling her to embark on her adventure without detection.

Question 28. Why did Valli laugh until there were tears in her eyes?
Answer: Valli burst into laughter as she witnessed a young cow darting across the road in front of the bus. Despite the driver’s persistent honking, the cow remained unfazed, galloping ahead in a comical manner, leaving Valli laughing uncontrollably.

Question 29. Why didn’t Valli get off the bus when the bus stopped at the town?
Answer: When the bus reached the town, everyone disembarked except Valli. Unwilling to end her journey, she opted to remain onboard, purchasing an additional ticket for the return trip, simply reveling in the joy of the bus ride.

Question 30. Why didn’t Valli want to have a look at the sights alone?
Answer: Valli expressed reluctance to explore the town alone when the conductor suggested it, citing fear as her reason. Despite her solo bus journey, Valli felt apprehensive about venturing into unfamiliar surroundings without company.

Question 31. Why didn’t Valli accept a free drink from the bus conductor? What does this act show about her character?
Answer: Valli declined a complimentary drink from the conductor, citing her insufficient funds. Despite the offer being made gratis, Valli remained firm, demonstrating her pride and self-respect through her refusal.

Question 32. What dampened Valli’s enthusiasm during the return journey?
Answer: Valli’s enthusiasm waned as she encountered the distressing sight of a young cow lying dead by the roadside during her return journey. The stark contrast to its earlier lively presence saddened her deeply, diminishing her excitement.

Question 33. Did Valli’s bus ride remain a secret for her mother and aunt?
Answer: Valli’s bus ride remained concealed from her mother and aunt, who remained unaware of her adventurous excursion despite their casual inquiries. Valli successfully guarded her secret.

Question 34. Why did Valli smile to herself? Did her mother and aunt have any chance of knowing the secret of her smile?
Answer: Valli smiled to herself, realizing the irony of her mother and aunt’s ignorance about her remarkable bus journey. Their lack of awareness about her achievement amused her, ensuring her secret remained safe from their scrutiny.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1. Write a character sketch of Valli.
Answer: Valli, an eight-year-old girl born in a small village, was exceptionally curious. She spent her time observing the street outside her house, gaining new and unusual experiences. Her meticulous planning for a bus trip to the town showcased her disciplined and smart nature. Valla’s bold decision to ride the bus, veiled by childish innocence, amused the conductor. Despite her joyful ride, the sight of a dead cow on the return journey haunted her, revealing a touch of maturity uncommon for her age. In essence, Valla was a curious, joyful, disciplined, smart, bold, and, at times, mature girl.

Question 2. “Never mind,” she said, “I can get on by myself.” “You don’t have to help me,” said Valla to the conductor. She shows extraordinary courage in making the bus journey all alone. Taking inspiration from Valla’s character, write how the ability and courage to take risks are essential to fulfilling one’s dream.
Answer: Valla, an eight-year-old village girl, harbored a deep desire to experience a bus ride. With meticulous planning and determination, she saved money for the journey, boarding the bus independently. Valla’s self-dependence, confidence, and courage exemplify the qualities essential for achieving one’s dreams. To fulfill goals in life, confidence, self-dependence, proper planning, determination, and enthusiasm are crucial. Valla’s journey serves as an inspiration to embrace risks for the pursuit of aspirations.

Question 3. Valli was so overcome with sadness to see the dead cow that she lost all enthusiasm. Do you feel the same way? If you feel concerned about the plight of animals falling prey to fast-moving traffic, what efforts will you make to make traveling on roads a safer activity?
Answer: Witnessing a young cow’s death dampened Valla’s spirits, and I share the same sentiment. Concerned about animal safety on roads, proactive measures are imperative. Firstly, keeping stray animals away from busy roads through proper shelters is crucial. Secondly, strict implementation of traffic laws, penalties for violations, and curbing rash driving are essential. In case of accidents involving animals, immediate transportation to animal hospitals becomes imperative to mitigate harm.

Question 4. How did Valla save up money for her first journey? Was it easy for her? Justify.
Answer: Valla, driven by the desire for a bus ride, meticulously saved money despite challenges. She resisted temptations, refraining from buying treats and joy rides, displaying qualities of self-restraint and discipline. For an eight-year-old, saving 60 paise wasn’t easy, reflecting Valla’s exceptional qualities of determination and maturity beyond her years.

Question 5. Justify the statement with instances that Valla was a mature girl and ahead of her age?
Answer: Valla, an eight-year-old with no playmates, showcased maturity through her actions. Her curiosity led to detailed planning for a bus ride, displaying discipline and self-restraint by saving money. Boarding the bus independently, refusing treats, and avoiding interactions with strangers showcased her commanding, confident, and self-dependent nature. Valla’s actions reflected a rare combination of determination and maturity at her young age.

Question 6. Valla’s journey to the city is also her induction into the mystery of life and death. Elaborate.
Answer: Valla’s first bus journey exposed her to the intricacies of life and death. Initially thrilled by the beauty of the outside world, she laughed joyfully at a young cow running. However, the return journey revealed the same cow dead, haunting Valla with a stark realization of mortality. The journey symbolizes Valla’s initiation into the profound mysteries of life and death, transitioning from innocent joy to a more somber understanding.

Question 7. Who was Valli? What was her overwhelming desire?
Answer: Valli, an eight-year-old girl, was a curious observer with no playmates. Her overwhelming desire was to experience a bus ride that passed through her village, bringing unending joy. The sight of the bus triggered an intense longing in Valli, turning into an overwhelming desire to ride it, at least once.

Question 8. How did Valli plan to have a bus ride?
Answer: Valli, driven by her desire for a bus ride, gathered information from neighbors and people who traveled on the bus. She learned about the town’s distance, travel time, and fare. Valli meticulously saved money, resisting temptations, and planned her journey during her mother’s afternoon nap. Her detailed planning and determination paved the way for her first bus journey.

Question 9. What did Valli notice after she boarded the bus?
Answer: Once on the bus, Valli observed the comfortable seats, a beautiful clock, and shining overhead bars. Attempting to look outside, she stood on her seat to enjoy the scenery along the canal—palm trees, mountains, and green fields. An elderly man warned her about standing, but Valli, proud of paying her fare, ignored him. Her journey was filled with vibrant scenes and encounters.

Question 10. Describe Valli’s return journey.
Answer: During the return journey, Valli enjoyed the familiar sights but encountered a traumatic event—a young cow lying dead by the roadside. Struck by a vehicle, the once lovable creature now appeared horrifying. The memory haunted Valli, dampening her enthusiasm. She refused to look out of the window and, upon reaching her village, bid farewell to the conductor with a heavy heart.

Question 11. Why does Valli refuse to look out of the window on her way back?
Answer: Valli, who had laughed heartily at a young cow during her journey, refused to look out of the window on her way back. The sight of the same cow lying dead, a stark contrast to its earlier lively state, deeply saddened her. The memory haunted her, dampening her enthusiasm, and she chose to avoid witnessing such distressing scenes.

Question 12. What was Valli’s obsession? How did she prepare and save money for her first bus journey? Or How did Valli plan for her first bus journey?
Answer: Valli’s obsession was to experience a bus ride passing through her village. To prepare for her journey, she gathered information about the distance, travel time, and fare. Thriftily saving money by resisting temptations, she planned her journey during her mother’s nap time. Valli’s meticulous planning and determination enabled her to embark on an enjoyable first bus journey.

Question 13. Describe what Valli saw during her bus journey. How did the scenes and sights affect her?
Answer: Valli, excited for her first bus journey, observed the scenic beauty outside. The canal, palm trees, grasslands, mountains, and green fields thrilled her. A funny encounter with a young cow running in front of the bus brought joy, but the same cow’s death on the return journey deeply saddened Valli. The journey unfolded a mix of enchanting landscapes and poignant moments, leaving a lasting impact on her emotions.

Question 14. What did standing at the front door mean to Valli?
Answer: For Valli, standing at the front door was a source of great enjoyment. As an eight-year-old with no playmates, observing the street outside became her favorite pastime. Each passing scene, especially the bus, brought her joy and new experiences, compensating for the lack of social interactions with peers.

Question 15. Do you think that Valli enjoyed her first ride on a bus? Give examples in support of your answer.
Answer: Valli’s first bus ride was filled with excitement and joy. She relished the scenic beauty outside, from palm trees to green fields. The sight of a young cow running brought laughter and tears of joy. Despite encountering a distressing event—a dead cow on the return journey—Valli’s initial enthusiasm and laughter signify her enjoyment of the experience.

Question 16. Describe Valli’s interaction with (i) the conductor (ii) with the old gentleman (iii) with the elderly repulsive woman.
i. Valli interacted playfully with the conductor, asserting her independence and refusing help. Despite the conductor’s teasing, she remained firm and self-respecting.
ii. The old gentleman expressed concern for Valli’s safety, but she confidently asserted her maturity and equal footing with other passengers, challenging his perception.
iii. Valli found the elderly woman repulsive due to her appearance and unpleasant habits, indicating her discerning nature and unwillingness to engage socially with those she found unappealing.

Question 17. Give a character sketch of Valli in your own words by giving examples from the text.
Answer: Valli, an eight-year-old with a curious and observant nature, displayed maturity beyond her years. Her determination to experience a bus ride showcased discipline and planning skills uncommon for her age. Despite challenges, Valli saved money diligently, resisting temptations for her goal. Her journey reflected a mix of excitement, joy, and poignant realizations, highlighting her sensitivity and depth of character. Assertive in her interactions, Valli showed self-respect and independence, leaving a lasting impression of resilience and maturity.

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