MCQ Questions for Class 6 Science Chapter 2 Sorting Materials Into Groups with Answers

MCQ Questions for Class 6 Science Chapter 2 Sorting Materials Into Groups with Answers

  1. What is the process of sorting and grouping things according to some basis called?
    a) Diversity
    b) Division
    c) Classification
    d) Differentiation
    Answer: c
  2. How can we group materials based on their properties?
    a) By their color
    b) By their origin
    c) By their size
    d) By their similarities and differences in properties
    Answer: d
  3. What are materials that get dissolved in water called?
    a) Opaque substances
    b) Soluble substances
    c) Insoluble substances
    d) Transparent substances
    Answer: b
  4. Which type of material allows all the light to pass through it?
    a) Translucent
    b) Opaque
    c) Transparent
    d) Solid
    Answer: c
  5. What is the property that gives a material its shine called?
    a) Transparency
    b) Opaqueness
    c) Roughness
    d) Lustre
    Answer: d
  6. Which state of matter do substances exist in?
    a) Liquid and gas
    b) Solid and gas
    c) Solid, liquid, and gas
    d) Solid and liquid
    Answer: c
  7. What property of materials is responsible for the property of buoyancy?
    a) Roughness
    b) Lustre
    c) Density
    d) Transparency
    Answer: c
  8. Which of the following materials is an example of a conductor of heat?
    a) Wood
    b) Plastic
    c) Glass
    d) Metal
    Answer: d
  9. Materials that allow some light to pass through them are called:
    a) Opaque
    b) Transparent
    c) Translucent
    d) Solid
    Answer: c
  10. Which property of metals allows them to be used for making jewelry?
    a) Transparency
    b) Opaqueness
    c) Lustre
    d) Roughness
    Answer: c
  11. What is the property of metals that allows them to be shaped without breaking?
    a) Transparency
    b) Malleability
    c) Solubility
    d) Hardness
    Answer: b
  12. Materials that are attracted to a magnet are called:
    a) Opaque materials
    b) Translucent materials
    c) Insulating materials
    d) Magnetic materials
    Answer: d
  13. Which type of materials do not allow light to pass through them?
    a) Transparent
    b) Translucent
    c) Opaque
    d) Reflective
    Answer: c
  14. What property of materials is used to determine whether they will float or sink in water?
    a) Transparency
    b) Roughness
    c) Buoyancy
    d) Lustre
    Answer: c
  15. Which state of matter do materials have if they dissolve in water?
    a) Liquid
    b) Gas
    c) Solid
    d) Plasma
    Answer: a
  16. What is the process of grouping objects based on their common properties called?
    a) Sorting
    b) Division
    c) Classification
    d) Separation
    Answer: c
  17. Which type of materials can be pressed easily?
    a) Soft
    b) Hard
    c) Transparent
    d) Rough
    Answer: a
  18. What is the property of metals that allows them to conduct electricity?
    a) Transparency
    b) Malleability
    c) Ductility
    d) Conductivity
    Answer: d
  19. Materials that allow heat to flow through them are called:
    a) Conductors of heat
    b) Insulators of heat
    c) Translucent materials
    d) Opaque materials
    Answer: a
  20. What is the property of a material that determines how much light can pass through it?
    a) Buoyancy
    b) Roughness
    c) Transparency
    d) Malleability
    Answer: c
  21. Which type of materials do not dissolve in water?
    a) Soluble
    b) Insoluble
    c) Transparent
    d) Translucent
    Answer: b
  22. Materials that have a special shine on them are said to have:
    a) Transparency
    b) Lustre
    c) Roughness
    d) Solubility
    Answer: b
  23. What property allows certain materials to float on water?
    a) Lustre
    b) Buoyancy
    c) Transparency
    d) Hardness
    Answer: b
  24. Materials that partially allow light to pass through them are called:
    a) Transparent
    b) Translucent
    c) Opaque
    d) Reflective
    Answer: b
  25. Which of the following is an example of an immiscible liquid in water?
    a) Lemon juice
    b) Vinegar
    c) Honey
    d) Kerosene
    Answer: d
  26. What are materials called that do not conduct electricity?
    a) Translucent
    b) Conductors
    c) Insulators
    d) Magnetic
    Answer: c
  27. Which property of metals allows them to be stretched into wires?
    a) Ductility
    b) Malleability
    c) Transparency
    d) Solubility
    Answer: a
  28. What property allows some materials to allow all light to pass through them?
    a) Opaqueness
    b) Roughness
    c) Transparency
    d) Lustre
    Answer: c
  29. Materials that allow all light to pass through them are called:
    a) Translucent
    b) Opaque
    c) Transparent
    d) Reflective
    Answer: c
  30. Which of the following materials is an example of an insulator of heat?
    a) Metal
    b) Plastic
    c) Glass
    d) Water
    Answer: b
  31. Materials that can be grouped together based on their common properties are done so for:
    a) No reason
    b) Convenience and studying their properties
    c) Competitive purposes
    d) Aesthetic appeal
    Answer: b
  32. Which property allows us to see through materials like glass and water?
    a) Opaqueness
    b) Transparency
    c) Roughness
    d) Lustre
    Answer: b
  33. What is the process of choosing materials with the right properties for a specific purpose called?
    a) Selection
    b) Division
    c) Classification
    d) Materialization
    Answer: a
  34. Materials that can be dissolved in water are said to be:
    a) Insoluble
    b) Transparent
    c) Soluble
    d) Opaque
    Answer: c
  35. Which type of materials have a shiny surface when touched?
    a) Rough
    b) Soft
    c) Hard
    d) Translucent
    Answer: c
  36. Which type of materials do not allow light to pass through them at all?
    a) Opaque
    b) Transparent
    c) Translucent
    d) Reflective
    Answer: a
  37. Materials that allow heat to flow through them are called:
    a) Reflectors
    b) Conductors
    c) Translucent
    d) Opaque
    Answer: b
  38. What type of substances do not dissolve in water?
    a) Soluble
    b) Miscible
    c) Transparent
    d) Insoluble
    Answer: d
  39. Which state of matter is characterized by having a fixed shape and volume?
    a) Liquid
    b) Gas
    c) Solid
    d) Plasma
    Answer: c
  40. Which property of materials is responsible for their ability to be attracted to a magnet?
    a) Solubility
    b) Conductivity
    c) Buoyancy
    d) Magnetism
    Answer: d
  41. Materials that have a bumpy or uneven surface are said to be:
    a) Soft
    b) Transparent
    c) Smooth
    d) Rough
    Answer: d
  42. What property of materials allows them to dissolve in water?
    a) Hardness
    b) Solubility
    c) Transparency
    d) Magnetism
    Answer: b
  43. What is the process of separating substances based on their properties called?
    a) Division
    b) Classification
    c) Differentiation
    d) Filtration
    Answer: a
  44. Which property allows certain liquids to mix well with water?
    a) Buoyancy
    b) Transparency
    c) Solubility
    d) Density
    Answer: c
  45. Materials that do not allow heat or electricity to pass through them are called:
    a) Insulators
    b) Conductors
    c) Translucent
    d) Opaque
    Answer: a
  46. What is the property that determines whether a material will sink or float in water?
    a) Transparency
    b) Hardness
    c) Buoyancy
    d) Lustre
    Answer: c
  47. Materials that can be pressed easily are said to be:
    a) Smooth
    b) Hard
    c) Opaque
    d) Soft
    Answer: d
  48. Which type of materials can be seen through partially?
    a) Transparent
    b) Opaque
    c) Translucent
    d) Reflective
    Answer: c
  49. Materials that can conduct electricity are called:
    a) Opaque
    b) Insulators
    c) Translucent
    d) Conductors
    Answer: d
  50. Which property of materials allows them to be stretched without breaking?
    a) Roughness
    b) Malleability
    c) Transparency
    d) Lustre
    Answer: b

Feel free to ask for more questions if needed!

Of course, here are more multiple-choice questions based on the given notes:

  1. What is the property that makes certain materials allow light to pass through them partially called?
    a) Transparency
    b) Translucency
    c) Opaqueness
    d) Lustre
    Answer: b
  2. Which type of substances dissolve in water and are referred to as “miscible”?
    a) Gases
    b) Insoluble substances
    c) Liquids
    d) Solids
    Answer: c
  3. Materials that do not conduct heat or electricity are called:
    a) Reflectors
    b) Conductors
    c) Insulators
    d) Opaque materials
    Answer: c
  4. What property allows some liquids to mix well with water?
    a) Solubility
    b) Density
    c) Transparency
    d) Viscosity
    Answer: a
  5. Materials that allow some light to pass through them, making objects partially visible, are called:
    a) Opaque
    b) Transparent
    c) Translucent
    d) Reflective
    Answer: c
  6. What is the property of certain materials that causes them to attract towards a magnet?
    a) Transparency
    b) Lustre
    c) Magnetism
    d) Roughness
    Answer: c
  7. Which type of materials can be easily shaped or bent without breaking?
    a) Transparent
    b) Malleable
    c) Opaque
    d) Rough
    Answer: b
  8. Materials that allow light to pass through them without scattering are called:
    a) Reflective
    b) Transparent
    c) Translucent
    d) Opaque
    Answer: b
  9. What is the property that allows certain materials to float in water while others sink?
    a) Translucency
    b) Magnetism
    c) Buoyancy
    d) Lustre
    Answer: c
  10. Which state of matter has the property of having particles closely packed together?
    a) Solid
    b) Liquid
    c) Gas
    d) Plasma
    Answer: a
  11. Materials that allow electricity to flow through them are called:
    a) Translucent
    b) Conductors
    c) Insulators
    d) Opaque
    Answer: b
  12. What type of materials can be seen through clearly, without any obstruction?
    a) Opaque
    b) Translucent
    c) Transparent
    d) Reflective
    Answer: c
  13. Materials that do not allow any light to pass through them are referred to as:
    a) Translucent
    b) Transparent
    c) Opaque
    d) Reflective
    Answer: c
  14. What property of metals allows them to be drawn into thin wires?
    a) Conductivity
    b) Ductility
    c) Lustre
    d) Transparency
    Answer: b
  15. Materials that can be dissolved in water are said to be:
    a) Soluble
    b) Insoluble
    c) Opaque
    d) Conductive
    Answer: a
  16. What property allows certain materials to be pressed easily?
    a) Density
    b) Transparency
    c) Solubility
    d) Softness
    Answer: d
  17. Which type of materials do not allow electricity to flow through them?
    a) Conductors
    b) Insulators
    c) Translucent
    d) Opaque
    Answer: b
  18. Materials that have a smooth and even surface are referred to as:
    a) Rough
    b) Transparent
    c) Opaque
    d) Smooth
    Answer: d
  19. What is the property that makes some materials allow heat to flow through them easily?
    a) Conductivity
    b) Translucency
    c) Opaqueness
    d) Hardness
    Answer: a
  20. Which type of materials can conduct both heat and electricity?
    a) Transparent
    b) Conductors
    c) Translucent
    d) Opaque
    Answer: b
  21. What is the process of sorting and grouping things based on similarities and differences in their properties called?
    a) Division
    b) Comparison
    c) Classification
    d) Arrangement
    Answer: c
  22. Materials that can dissolve in water are referred to as:
    a) Soluble
    b) Insoluble
    c) Transparent
    d) Opaque
    Answer: a
  23. Which property of materials allows certain liquids to mix well with water?
    a) Opaqueness
    b) Solubility
    c) Buoyancy
    d) Roughness
    Answer: b
  24. What is the property that causes certain materials to be attracted to a magnet?
    a) Conductivity
    b) Magnetism
    c) Transparency
    d) Ductility
    Answer: b
  25. Materials that allow light to pass through them partially are called:
    a) Opaque
    b) Translucent
    c) Transparent
    d) Reflective
    Answer: b
  26. What is the property of metals that allows them to be shaped without breaking?
    a) Hardness
    b) Malleability
    c) Conductivity
    d) Magnetism
    Answer: b
  27. Materials that allow heat to flow through them are called:
    a) Conductors
    b) Insulators
    c) Reflectors
    d) Translucent
    Answer: a
  28. Which state of matter has particles that are closely packed together and have a fixed shape?
    a) Gas
    b) Liquid
    c) Solid
    d) Plasma
    Answer: c
  29. What property allows certain materials to float in water?
    a) Solubility
    b) Buoyancy
    c) Conductivity
    d) Transparency
    Answer: b
  30. Materials that do not conduct electricity are called:
    a) Conductors
    b) Insulators
    c) Transparent
    d) Opaque
    Answer: b
  31. What type of materials can allow all light to pass through them without any obstruction?
    a) Translucent
    b) Opaque
    c) Reflective
    d) Transparent
    Answer: d
  32. Materials that have a bumpy or uneven surface are said to be:
    a) Soft
    b) Rough
    c) Hard
    d) Smooth
    Answer: b
  33. Which type of materials do not allow any light to pass through them?
    a) Transparent
    b) Translucent
    c) Reflective
    d) Opaque
    Answer: d
  34. What property allows metals to be stretched into thin wires?
    a) Malleability
    b) Conductivity
    c) Magnetism
    d) Transparency
    Answer: a
  35. Materials that can dissolve in water are said to be:
    a) Soluble
    b) Insoluble
    c) Opaque
    d) Transparent
    Answer: a
  36. What property of materials allows certain substances to float on water?
    a) Buoyancy
    b) Transparency
    c) Conductivity
    d) Ductility
    Answer: a
  37. Which type of materials allow only some light to pass through them?
    a) Opaque
    b) Transparent
    c) Translucent
    d) Reflective
    Answer: c
  38. Materials that do not allow heat to flow through them are referred to as:
    a) Reflective
    b) Conductors
    c) Translucent
    d) Insulators
    Answer: d
  39. What property allows certain liquids to mix well with water?
    a) Opaqueness
    b) Solubility
    c) Roughness
    d) Conductivity
    Answer: b
  40. Materials that can be shaped without breaking are said to be:
    a) Hard
    b) Soft
    c) Malleable
    d) Rough
    Answer: c

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