Mijbil the Otter Extra Questions and Answers Class 10 English First Flight

Mijbil the Otter Extra Questions and Answers

Very Short Answer Questions

Question 1. Why was the author’s home at Camusfearna a fit place for an otter?
Answer: It was a fit place for an otter because it was surrounded by water, providing a suitable habitat for otters.

Question 2. From where could Maxwell get an otter?
Answer: Maxwell could get an otter from the Tigris marshes in Iraq.

Question 3. Why did the author go to Basra?
Answer: He went to Basra to collect and respond to his mail from Europe at the Consulate-General of Iraq.

Question 4. Who visited his room in Basra?
Answer: Two Arabs visited his room in Basra, bringing with them a sack containing an otter.

Question 5. What was there in the sack?
Answer: There was an otter in the sack that the Arabs brought to the author’s room in Basra.

Question 6. Where did the otter sleep on the second night?
Answer: On the second night, the otter slept on the author’s bed between his knees for warmth and comfort.

Question 7. Why did the author book a flight to Paris instead of going directly to London?
Answer: He booked a flight to Paris because British airlines would not allow animals like his otter to fly directly to London.

Question 8. What did the author give the air hostess?
Answer: He gave the air hostess a parcel containing fish for the otter during the flight.

Question 9. What name did the scientists give to Mij’ species?
Answer: Scientists named Mij’s species ‘Maxwell’s Otter’ after the author, who brought this previously unknown species to their attention.

Question 10. How did the woman in the airplane react to seeing the otter?
Answer: The woman in the airplane stood up on her seat and screamed, mistaking the otter for a rat.

Question 11. Why was the otter named ‘Maxwell’s Otter’?
Answer: The otter was named Maxwell’s Otter because Maxwell was instrumental in bringing this species to the attention of scientists.

Question 12. Where could Maxwell get an otter from?
Answer: Maxwell could get an otter from the Tigris marshes in Iraq.

Question 13. ‘She was the queen of her kind’. Explain the reason behind admiration for the air hostess.
Answer: The air hostess’s helpfulness and suggestion to comfort Mijbil during the flight by keeping him on the narrator’s knee earned her admiration.

Question 14. Why was the author not allowed to take a flight of British Airways?
Answer: British Airways did not allow pets on their flights, which meant the author couldn’t travel with his pet otter.

Question 15. Why were Maxwell and his friends going to Basra?
Answer: Maxwell and his friends went to Basra to collect and respond to their mail from Europe at the Consulate-General of Iraq.

Question 16. Why was the otter named ‘Maxwell’s Otter’?
Answer: The otter was named ‘Maxwell’s Otter’ because Maxwell discovered and introduced this previously unknown species to zoologists.

Question 17. How did the otter look?
Answer: The otter was a small creature with a resemblance to a medically conceived dragon, coated with symmetrical seals of mud from head to tail.

Question 18. What happened when Maxwell would call the otter by his name?
Answer: When Maxwell called the otter by his name, Mijbil would follow him without a lead and come to him as called.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. Describe the havoc created by Mijbil on the airplane when it came out of the box.
Answer: When Maxwell opened the box, Mijbil darted out and swiftly vanished down the length of the airplane, causing quite a commotion among the passengers. There were shrieks and cries echoing throughout the cabin.

Question 2. What were the guesses made by the Londoners about Mijbil?
Answer: According to Maxwell, the average Londoner, upon seeing Mijbil, made various guesses about his identity. Some thought he was a squirrel, a walrus, a hippo, a beaver, a bear cub, a leopard, and even a brontosaurus.

Question 3. How was ‘Mijbil’ a source of amazement on London streets?
Answer: Mijbil, the otter, was a constant source of amazement to the Londoners, as few had ever seen an otter before. People were filled with surprise upon encountering such a unique animal and often speculated about its identity.

Question 4. Give an example from the text to show that Mijbil is an intelligent animal.
Answer: Mijbil exhibited intelligence through his playful behavior. He invented games like rolling marbles on his belly and waiting for them at the other end, showcasing his creativity and problem-solving skills.

Question 5. What happened when Mijbil disappeared at speed down the aircraft?
Answer: When Mijbil disappeared down the aircraft, chaos ensued. Passengers were startled, and there were cries and shouts as people reacted to the unexpected presence of the otter darting through the cabin.

Question 6. Prove that Mijbil loved the water, giving two instances in support of your answer.
Answer: Mijbil’s love for water was evident from his behavior. He joyfully played in the bathtub, splashing and rolling around, and he eagerly jumped into the water whenever given the chance, demonstrating his affinity for aquatic environments.

Question 7. Mijbil, the otter invented a game. What do you think would be the game that he invented?
Answer: Mijbil likely invented a game involving a ping-pong ball and a sloped lid of a damaged suitcase, demonstrating his ingenuity and capacity for amusement.

Question 8. What is the most common characteristic of an otter?
Answer: The most common characteristic of an otter is its love for water and playful nature. Otters are known for their intelligence, enjoyment of aquatic environments, and playful behaviors.

Question 9. What routine did Mijbil follow every day while on the walk in London?
Answer: Mijbil would tug Maxwell to a low wall near a primary school in London, where he would then leap and run the full length of the wall, causing amusement and distraction to those around him.

Question 10. When did it come to the author’s mind to have an otter? Or Why did Maxwell keep an otter as a pet?
Answer: Maxwell considered keeping an otter as a pet after his dog passed away. He believed that Camusfearna, surrounded by water, would be an ideal environment for an otter.

Question 11. Why did Maxwell put the otter back in the box? How do you think he felt when he did this?
Answer: Maxwell put the otter back in the box because he was running late for his flight and had no other choice. He likely felt conflicted and regretful about having to confine Mijbil again so soon after liberating him.

Question 12. When and why did Maxwell think of keeping an otter as a pet?
Answer: Maxwell considered keeping an otter as a pet after the death of his dog. The idea appealed to him because of his surroundings at Camusfearna, which offered a suitable environment for an otter.

Question 13. How did the otter behave in the beginning?
Answer: Initially, the otter was aloof and indifferent, preferring to sleep on the floor away from Maxwell’s bed.

Question 14. What are ‘compulsive habits’? What does Maxwell say are the compulsive habits of school children?
Answer: ‘Compulsive habits’ are behaviors that one feels compelled to perform. Maxwell describes how school children have habits like touching specific parts of the environment, such as every seventh upright of iron railings or the centre of each paving block.

Question 15. What would Mij do on the low wall adjoining the school opposite to Maxwell’s flat in London?
Answer: Mijbil would jump onto the low wall adjoining the school opposite Maxwell’s flat in London and run its entire length with leaps, causing a distraction to both pupils and staff.

Question 16. What had crossed the author’s mind and why? Or why did Maxwell think of keeping an otter as a pet?
Answer: Maxwell considered keeping an otter as a pet after the death of his favorite dog, Jonnie. He thought an otter would be a suitable replacement given his surroundings at Camusfearna.

Question 17. What did his friend advise Maxwell?
Answer: Maxwell’s friend advised him to try to obtain an otter from the Tigris marshes, where otters were common and often tamed by the locals.

Question 18. Why were they going to the Consulate-General in Basra? Why did he wait for five days there?
Answer: They were going to the Consulate-General in Basra to collect and respond to their mail from Europe. Maxwell waited for five days because his mail didn’t arrive promptly despite his friend’s mail having already been delivered.

Question 19. How did Maxwell get Mijbil, the otter?
Answer: Maxwell obtained Mijbil from two Arabs who visited his room in Basra and presented him with the otter in a sack.

Question 20. Describe the physical appearance of Mijbil, the otter.
Answer: Mijbil had a unique appearance, resembling a small imaginary dragon of the Middle Ages, with a body coated in pointed scales and a soft, velvet-like fur between them.

Question 21. Why was Mijbil christened Maxwell’s otter?
Answer: Mijbil was christened Maxwell’s Otter because he belonged to a previously unknown species, which was later named Lutrogale perspicillata maxwelli by zoologists in honor of Maxwell.

Question 22. How did Mijbil behave in the beginning? Did some change come in the otter afterwards?
Answer: Initially, Mijbil was aloof and indifferent, preferring to sleep on the floor. However, he later became more curious and interested in his surroundings, eventually even sleeping on Maxwell’s bed.

Question 23. How did Mijbil behave when he was taken to the bathroom?
Answer: Mijbil exhibited excitement and joy when taken to the bathroom, where he enthusiastically splashed and played in the water, displaying his love for aquatic environments.

Question 24. What is a characteristic of otter and how did Mijbil behave in the water?
Answer: A characteristic of otters is their affinity for water. Mijbil demonstrated this by joyfully splashing and playing in the bathtub, thoroughly enjoying his time in the water.

Question 25. How did Mijbil fumble at the tap in the bathroom? Did he succeed?
Answer: Mijbil managed to turn the tap in the bathroom with his paws, eventually achieving a full flow of water, showcasing his dexterity and adaptability.

Question 26. How would Mijbil play with a rubber ball, and jiggle with small objects and marbles?
Answer: Mijbil would play with a rubber ball by shuffling it around the room like a soccer player. He also enjoyed juggling small objects and marbles with his paws while lying on his back.

Question 27. How was Mijbil transported from Basra to London?
Answer: Maxwell transported Mijbil from Basra to London by booking a flight to Paris on another airline, as British Airways did not allow animals on their flights. Mijbil was placed in a small box for the journey.

Question 28. Why did Maxwell call the air hostess “the queen of her kind?”
Answer: Maxwell admired the air hostess for her friendliness and helpfulness. He considered her suggestion of keeping Mijbil on his knee during the flight as a kind gesture, which led him to affectionately refer to her as “the queen of her kind.”

Question 29. Where did Mijbil disappear and how was he found?
Answer: Mijbil disappeared down the length of the aircraft upon being released from his box. He was eventually found beneath the legs of a turbaned Indian passenger, prompting Maxwell to retrieve him from the chaos.

Question 30. What compulsive habits like children did Mijbil develop during walks in the London streets?
Answer: Like children, Mijbil developed habits such as jumping onto a low wall and running its entire length during walks in the London streets, causing a distraction to those around him.

Question 31. What were the wild guesses that the average Londoners make in recognizing Mijbil? Whose remark was adjudged best by Maxwell?
Answer: The average Londoners made various wild guesses about Mijbil’s identity, such as mistaking him for a baby seal, a squirrel, a walrus, a beaver, a bear cub, and a leopard. The best remark came from a laborer who simply asked, “What is that supposed to be?”

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1. Mijbil exhibited distinct personality traits. Which qualities of the narrator are demonstrated in his care for Mijbil?
Answer: Mijbil, an intelligent and playful otter, displayed a strong affinity for water. Maxwell, the narrator, treated Mijbil with paternal care, providing him with a variety of toys and observing his habits closely. Maxwell encouraged Mijbil’s natural inclinations, ensuring he received daily exercise. When Maxwell discovered Mijbil injured, he was deeply concerned, showing his compassionate nature by comforting and caring for the otter.

Question 2. Why did Maxwell want to have an otter as a pet? How did he acquire one?
Answer: Gavin Maxwell, grieving the loss of his pet dog, sought companionship in a new pet. During his travels to Southern Iraq, he decided to adopt an otter instead of another dog. Maxwell’s friend suggested obtaining an otter from the Tigris marshes, where they were plentiful and often domesticated by locals. Maxwell received his otter, named Mijbil, as a gift from his friend, delivered by two Arabs in Basra.

Question 3. How did Maxwell arrange for Mijbil’s transportation to England?
Answer: After British Airways declined to transport pets, Maxwell booked a flight to Paris with another airline, which required Mijbil to be contained in a small box near Maxwell’s feet. Despite initial difficulties, including Mijbil injuring himself, Maxwell managed to board the flight to Paris. Once onboard, the stewardess permitted Mijbil to travel on Maxwell’s knee for the duration of the journey to London.

Question 4. Describe the relationship between Maxwell and the otter in your own words.
Answer: Maxwell and Mijbil shared a tender bond akin to that of a parent and child. Maxwell nurtured Mijbil, providing him with care, companionship, and encouragement. Their relationship was characterized by mutual understanding and affection, as Maxwell attended to Mijbil’s needs and supported his playful nature.

Question 5. What led the author to consider an otter as a substitute for dogs or cats?
Answer: Following the loss of his dog, Maxwell sought a new pet companion but was reluctant to replace his dog with another dog. Upon his friend’s suggestion and the prevalence of otters in the Tigris marshes, Maxwell became intrigued by the idea of owning an otter as a pet. His friend’s gift of an otter solidified Maxwell’s decision to keep Mijbil as his cherished companion.

Question 6. When did Maxwell decide to adopt an otter, and how did he obtain one?
Answer: Maxwell decided to adopt an otter after the death of his pet dog, Jonnie. While traveling in Southern Iraq in 1956, he resolved to make an otter his new companion. With the suggestion from a friend and the prevalence of otters in the Tigris marshes, Maxwell received Mijbil as a gift from his friend, delivered by two Arabs to his home.

Question 7. How did the otter appear upon arrival, and how did it enjoy being in the bathroom?
Answer: Upon arrival, the otter, Mijbil, appeared muddy but possessed a velvety soft skin underneath. Mijbil swiftly adapted to his new surroundings, initially sleeping on the floor before gradually becoming more comfortable, eventually sleeping on Maxwell’s bed. Mijbil displayed a fondness for water, particularly enjoying his time in the bathroom where he delighted in playing with the running water and various objects.

Question 8. How did Maxwell arrange for the transportation of his otter to London?
Answer: Recognizing the challenges of transporting Mijbil, Maxwell booked a flight to Paris with an airline that allowed pets, albeit in a small box. Despite initial complications, including Mijbil injuring himself, Maxwell managed to board the flight, with Mijbil eventually traveling on his knee with the stewardess’s approval.

Question 9. Describe Maxwell’s experience with the otter during the flight.
Answer: During the flight, Mijbil caused a commotion upon escaping from his box, prompting chaos among the passengers. Despite the initial turmoil, Maxwell managed to locate Mijbil, who eventually settled on his knee, displaying affectionate behavior towards his owner amidst the chaos.

Question 10. Why did Maxwell opt to have an otter as a pet, and how did he acquire one?
Answer: Following the loss of his pet dog, Maxwell desired a new companion but wished to explore alternative pet options. Encouraged by his friend and the prevalence of otters in the Tigris marshes, Maxwell decided to adopt an otter. His friend facilitated the acquisition, gifting Maxwell an otter named Mijbil, which marked the beginning of their unique bond.

Question 11. Why was the otter named Maxwell’s otter by zoologists, and how did its behavior evolve over time?
Answer: Initially unfamiliar to science, the otter, Mijbil, was eventually classified as Lutrogale perspicillata maxwelli, or Maxwell’s otter, in honor of its owner. Mijbil’s demeanor transitioned from initial aloofness to active engagement with his surroundings, eventually becoming playful and affectionate towards Maxwell.

Question 12. What characteristic of otters did Maxwell observe in Mijbil’s behavior, particularly in his playfulness?
Answer: Maxwell noted that otters, including Mijbil, possessed a penchant for interacting with water, often exhibiting exuberant behavior. Mijbil showcased his playful nature by engaging in various activities, such as splashing in the bathtub, manipulating objects, and frolicking with toys, reflecting the typical behavior of otters.

Question 13. How was Mijbil transported from Basra to London, and what disruptions did he cause during the flight?
Answer: Transporting Mijbil from Basra to London proved challenging, requiring Maxwell to book a flight to Paris with an airline accommodating pets in small boxes. During the flight, Mijbil escaped from his box, causing chaos among passengers before eventually settling on Maxwell’s knee, demonstrating his playful and mischievous nature.

Question 14. What amusing misconceptions did Londoners have about Mijbil, and who made a memorable remark about the otter?
Answer: Londoners, unfamiliar with otters, speculated wildly about Mijbil’s identity, suggesting he resembled various animals, including a seal, a squirrel, or even a walrus. One laborer’s candid inquiry about Mijbil’s identity stood out, highlighting the curiosity and amusement surrounding Maxwell and his otter companion.

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