The Book that Saved the Earth Extra Questions and Answers Class 10 English

The Book that Saved the Earth Extra Questions and Answers Class 10 English are available here. These questions have been prepared by our expert teachers and are divided into two or three sections. They include short type questions, and long type question answers. Studying these questions will aid you in scoring excellent marks in the board exams.

The Book that Saved the Earth Extra Questions and Answers

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1: How did the children’s book transform his life?
Answer: The children’s book transformed his life as he had to leave his kin and evacuate the entire planet. He had to go to Alpha Centauri, a hundred million miles away to save his life.

Question 2: Why did Think-Tank react in alarm to the third passage read?
Answer: Think-Tank reacted in alarm as he misunderstood the meaning of the poem and thought that they can actually grow crops of rare metals and even explosives also, which are dangerous for him.

Question 3: What different guesses were made by the Martians about what books are?
Answer: In the process of Martian invasion on earth, they landed in a library. They took the books as sandwiches and tried to understand the meaning of the code. And for that, they had to take vitamins given by the chemical department. They thought it would increase their intelligence.

Question 4: What steps did the Crew take to decipher the code in the sandwich?
Answer: Martians reached the library in the process of invasion of earth. They had never seen books before that. They did not understand where they are and what are the things placed in different racks. Firstly they thought that they were sandwiches and tried to eat them. Then they misunderstood that sandwiches are used as some sort of communication device. Later they took them as eye communication and not ear communication, and understand that they had to take vitamins to understand all these codes.

Question 5: Why did Think-Tank send his crew on the earth?
Answer: Think-Tank, the ruler of Mars regarded the Earth as a mass of mud, and Earthlings as ugly, tiny-headed creatures. He planned to invade Earth and expand his domain. He sent Probe One to Earth to get more information about the Earthlings.

Question 6: How did Think-Tank interpret the poem ‘The Cat and the Fiddle”.
Answer: The second rhyme was about the cat and the fiddle, wherein the cow jumped over the moon, the dog laughed to see it and the dish ran away with the spoon. Think-Tank misinterpreted it. He thought that Earthlings had taught their domesticated animals’ musical culture and Space Techniques. They might be launching an interplanetary attack on millions of cows!

Question 7: How does Think-Tank describe the people on Earth? Why does he command Noodles to contact the Space probe?
Answer: Think-Tank thought Earthlings were weak, ignorant, uncivilized persons and hence planned to invade Earth. He sent his commander Noodles to make contact with the crew of the manned space probe, now on Earth to seek more information about the Earth.

Question 8: What do historians speak about the books?
Answer: The historians tell that the twentieth century was called — The Era of Books. They and motivate them when they are man’s best friends and companions. They inspire disheartened. They give us pleasure and knowledge.

Question 9: What do Noodles suggest to Think-Tank about the books?
Answer: Noodles tell Think-Tank that the Earthlings did not listen to the sandwiches, they; opened and watched them. Think-Tank had thought that the books were sandwiches. He told hint that they use these books as a device of communication.

Question 10: Who was Omega? Why did he try to oat the book?
Answer: Omega was the captain of the space control Probe One, on Earth. Think-Tank asked him to pick up the most colourful sandwich (book) and report him about his observation on it.

Question 11: Why are books referred to as a man’s best companion? Which book saved the Earth from Martian invasion?
Answer: Books are our best friends and companions. They are never demanding but always giving knowledge and pleasure. They give us company. The book that saved the Earth from Martian invasion was ‘Mother Goose.’

Question 12: Why did Think-Tank decide to evacuate Mars?
Answer: Think-Tank misinterpreted the rhymes and thought Earthlings were a threat to him as well as to Mars. He got scared and called back Probe One, dropped the idea of invading and escaped to Alpha Centauri, a hundred million miles away from Mars.

Question 13: What happens when the Historian turns on the hysteroscopy?
Answer: As the Historian turns on the hysteroscope, suddenly, the scene changes from the present twenty-fifth century to many centuries ago in 2040. Spotlight on Historian goes out. Think-Tank appears. He is seated on a raised box, arms folded. He has a huge, egg-shaped head. He wears a long robe decorated with stars and circles. Apprentice Noodles stands beside him.

Question 14: What does Noodles say in praise of Think-Tank? Why does Think-Tank ask Noodles to go over the whole thing again?
Answer: Noodles bows low before the Commander-in-Chief, Think-Tank. He calls Think-Tank “Great and Mighty”. He was the most powerful and intelligent creature in the whole universe. But Think-Tank stops Noodles abruptly. He had left out a part of his salutation. He asks him to repeat it again from the very beginning. Noodles add that Think-Tank is the newer ruler of Mars has two moons. He bows down to receive orders from his chief.

Question 15: How does Think-Tank compare the Earth and Earthlings, with Mars and Martians?
Answer: Think-Tank’s comments on the Earth and the Earthlings are very sarcastic, ridiculous and insulting. He considers Martians a handsome race. They are much more attractive than those ugly Earthlings with their tiny heads. He calls the Earth as a primitive ball of mud. He even threatens to invade it.

Question 16: Name the persons who are in the Mars Space Control.
Answer: There are five persons who are managing the Mars Space Control. First and the most important of them all is great and Mighty Think-Tank. He is the Commander-in-Chief, and the ruler of Mars and two moons. Noodle is an apprentice who is always praising Think-Tank but also giving subtle suggestions very respectfully. Then, there is Captain Omega who is always opening and closing card catalog drawers. Sergeant Oop is at right, opening and closing a book. Lieutenant Iota is up left, counting books in a bookcase.

Question 17: Describe Think-Tank and his role in the play.
Answer: Think-Tank is the Commander-in-Chief and the ruler of Mars and its two moons. He is considered as the most powerful and intelligent person in the universe. He himself thinks so. He is proud of belonging to a handsome race of Martians. He is dominating, loves no arguments, expects obedience and compliance. But all these claims fall short of realities and belie his claims of greatness.

Question 18: What does Think-Tank, first of all, guess about the books? Why does he order to eat them?
Answer: Think-Tank views a book closely. He declares that the item (book) is called a sandwich. He tells them that sandwiches are the main staple diet of the people of the Earth. There are two slices of bread and between them is some sort of filling. He asks Omega to eat a sandwich to confirm his opinion.

Question 19: Why do they hesitate to eat sandwiches (books)? Who is made to eat a sandwich in the end?
Answer: Having declared books as sandwiches, Think-Tank asks Captain Omega to eat a sandwich to confirm his opinion. When she hesitates, Think-Tank snubs her for doubting the Mighty Think-Tank. Captain Omega orders poor Lieutenant to eat the sandwich. Iota very cleverly orders Sergeant Oop to eat the sandwich immediately. And he eats it for the glory of Mars. He makes terrible faces after eating it. He doesn’t like it.

Question 20: Why does Noodles say that those sandwiches are actually communication sandwiches? Does “Think-Tank’ confirm it?
Answer: Noodles claim that he has seen surveyor films of those sandwiches. He noticed that the Earthlings didn’t eat them. They used them as some sort of communication devices. Think-Tank actually confirms Noodles’ findings. He orders them to listen to them.

Question 21: Why does Think-Tank declare that these sandwiches are not for ear communication but for eye communication?
Answer: They don’t hear any sound coming from the sandwiches. Noodles say that a cloudy piece of information is twirling around in his head. Think-Tank asks to twirl it out. Noodles clarify that the Earthlings don’t listen to the sandwiches but open and watches them. Think-Tank finds it correct and declares that those sandwiches are not for ear-communication but they are for eye communication.

Question 22: Why do Noodles recommend giving space to people vitamins? What does Think-Tank say in this regard?
Answer: They pick up a very large volume of `Mother Goose’. Think-Tanks asks them to decode them. They fail to decode little lines, squabbles and dots along with pictures in the book. Think-Tank says that perhaps the Earthlings are not as primitive as they have thought. He asks their chemical department to give vitamins to space people to increase their intelligence. They will be able to unfold the meaning of the code successfully.

Question 23: How does Think-Tank interpret the rhyme: “Mistress Mary….?” Why does he say that it is no time for laxity?
Answer: As is his habit of misjudging, Think-Tank misinterprets the rhyme on Mistress Mary. He chides Oop for laughing. He says that he should realize the seriousness of the discovery. The Earthlings have discovered how to combine agriculture and mining. They can actually grow crops of silver and other metals. And for cockle shells, Think-Tank interprets them as high explosives. They can grow even explosives. He asks Noodles to contact their invasion fleet.

Question 24: How did Think-Tank interpret the `Humpty-Dumpty’ rhyme as a threat to the Martians?
Answer: Although called the most intelligent man in the universe, Think-Tank’s knowledge was skin-deep. He was an expert in misinterpreting things without going into the depth of the words. The rhyme, “Humpty Dumpty had a great fall” makes Think-Tank scream. He misinterprets the words “Had a great fall” meaning that the Earthlings plan to capture Mars Central Control and him. He orders them to prepare a space capsule for him to escape.

Question 25: Why does Think-Tank order the invasion fleet to evacuate the entire planet of Mars? Where are they heading for?
Answer: Misinterpreting the words “Had a great fall” of ‘Humpty Dumpty’ rhyme, Think-Tank declares that the Earthlings want to capture Mars Central Control and him. He orders space people to leave Earth at once without leaving any traces of their visit. They will be heading for Alpha Centauri, a hundred million miles away from Mars.

Question 26: Who is shown when the projector starts?
Answer: The projector shows the Mars Space Control room. We see Think-Tank, who is the Commander-in-Chief. He has a huge, egg-shaped head and wears a long robe decorated with stars and circles. His deputy, Noodles, stands beside him at a switchboard.

Question 27: What is the purpose of the manned spacecraft sent to the earth by Think-Tank?
Answer: Think-Tank has already sent a manned spacecraft to the Earth. Their purpose is to collect information about the Earth’s defense system and send it back to the other spacecraft from Mars, who are ready to attack the Earth before lunch.

Question 28: Who is in a library on the Earth? What are they doing there?
Answer: Captain Omega and his deputies are in a library. They came here to gather secrets of the Earth’s defense. They have landed in a library and are encountering books and a library for the first time.

Question 29: What is Think-Tank’s first guess about the books?
Answer: With the help of his remote camera, Think-Tank looks at the ‘books’. He calls them ‘eatables’ and assumes they are in a refreshment stand. He says that they are ‘sandwiches’, considering them the main food of the Earth diet.

Question 30: What is Think-Tank’s second guess about books?
Answer: Think-Tank’s second guess about books is that they are communication devices. He orders Omega to listen to them (books). He puts a book to his ears and tries hard to listen. Think-Tank asks Omega if he can listen to something from them. Omega replies that they may not be on the correct frequency.

Question 31: What order does Think-Tank give Noodles for escaping from Mars?
Answer: Think-Tank orders Noodles to prepare a space capsule for him. He must escape without delay as the Earthlings are coming to capture Martians. Noodles asks Think-Tank where they shall go. Think-Tank replies they will go to the planet Alpha-Centauri, a hundred million miles away.

Question 32: When was the contact resumed with Mars? What did the Earthlings teach the Martians?
Answer: In the twenty-fifth century, contact with Mars was resumed. They became friends. Think-Tank was replaced by Noodles. They taught the Martians the difference between books and sandwiches. They established a model library on Mars.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1: How did Think-Tank react to the readings from Mother Goose, and how does this justify the statement ‘Pride has a fall’?
Answer: Think-Tank, the Martian leader, reacted with arrogance and pride to the readings from Mother Goose. He believed himself to be the wisest on Mars and disregarded others’ opinions. However, he misinterpreted the nursery rhymes as threats, which led to his fear and eventual retreat from invading Earth, showcasing how his pride led to his downfall.

Question 2: What character traits does Noodles exhibit, and how does he relate to Think-Tank?
Answer: Noodles, a crew member, exhibits loyalty and echoes Think-Tank’s views. He constantly praises Think-Tank and makes sarcastic remarks. Despite having different thoughts about books, Noodles remains a devoted follower of Think-Tank.

Question 3: According to historians, how can books help prevent catastrophes?
Answer: Historians believe books play a crucial role in educating and guiding people in various aspects of life. They argue that books, like the old nursery rhymes, can offer solutions and prevent disasters by providing knowledge and enlightenment.

Question 4: How did an old book of nursery rhymes save Earth from Martian invasion?
Answer: The old book of nursery rhymes, ‘Mother Goose’, saved Earth from Martian invasion by instigating fear in Think-Tank. He misinterpreted the nursery rhymes as threats, leading him to abandon the invasion plan and flee with his followers, thus averting the catastrophe.

Question 5: Why is ‘The Book that Saved the Earth’ an appropriate title for the play?
Answer: ‘The Book that Saved the Earth’ is an apt title because it reflects the central theme of the play. The book of nursery rhymes, ‘Mother Goose’, prevented the catastrophic event of a Martian invasion by influencing Think-Tank’s decision to retreat. The title underscores the book’s significance in averting disaster and saving Earth.

Question 6: What message or lesson does ‘The Book That Saved the Earth’ impart to readers, and how is it elucidated?
Answer: The play conveys the danger of half-baked knowledge and the importance of comprehensive understanding. It warns against making sweeping generalizations and emphasizes the need to delve deep into details. Think-Tank’s misinterpretations lead to potential disasters, highlighting the consequences of shallow thinking and misrepresentation.

Question 7: According to the Historian, why was the twentieth century significant in terms of books, and how did a dusty old rhyme save Earth from Martian invasion?
Answer: The Historian refers to the twentieth century as the “Era of the Book,” emphasizing the abundance of knowledge available. He explains that books were essential for teaching and guiding people. Remarkably, a single book of nursery rhymes, ‘Mother Goose’, prevented a Martian invasion. Think-Tank misinterpreted the rhyme “Humpty Dumpty had a great fall” as a threat, leading to the abandonment of the invasion plan and Earth’s salvation.

Question 8: Describe Great and Mighty Think-Tank’s character and intelligence. Was he truly the most powerful and intelligent being in the universe?
Answer: Great and Mighty Think-Tank is portrayed as powerful but shallow and haughty. While revered by others, his intelligence is questionable due to his inability to comprehend deeper meanings. His misinterpretations and ridiculous guesses about books, such as likening them to sandwiches, reveal his limited understanding. His downfall stems from his arrogance and half-baked knowledge.

Question 9: What absurd assumptions did Great and Mighty Think-Tank make about Earth’s books, and how did Noodles tactfully suggest alternatives without offending him?
Answer: Think-Tank’s guesses about books being sandwiches showcase his absurd assumptions. Noodles, using diplomacy, suggests that books are not meant for consumption but serve as a form of communication. He skillfully navigates Think-Tank’s ego by proposing solutions without causing offense, ultimately maintaining harmony while subtly challenging Think-Tank’s views.

Question 10: Provide a character sketch of Noodles, emphasizing his diplomatic approach to handling Think-Tank and offering suggestions without causing offense.
Answer: Noodles exhibits diplomatic finesse in dealing with Think-Tank, recognizing his authority while subtly guiding him. Despite Think-Tank’s arrogance, Noodles remains respectful and uses humility to influence decisions. He adeptly suggests alternatives without challenging Think-Tank directly, showcasing his ability to navigate delicate situations. Noodles’ eventual triumph over Think-Tank signifies the victory of reason over arrogance.

Question 11: What does the historian convey about the twentieth century and Mars to the audience?
Answer: The historian, situated in the Museum of Ancient History, Department of the Twentieth Century, describes the twentieth century as the “Era of the Book.” She explains that books were abundant and served as sources of knowledge. She recounts a significant event from the twenty-first century when Martians attempted to invade Earth in 2040 but were thwarted by a book of nursery rhymes.

Question 12: Who is Think-Tank, and why did he send a manned spacecraft to Earth?
Answer: Think-Tank serves as the Commander-in-Chief of the Mars Space Control Room. With his large, egg-shaped head and adorned robe, he leads operations. He dispatches a manned spacecraft to Earth to gather intelligence on the planet’s defense systems, intending to launch an attack before lunch. However, the invasion plot is halted by unexpected events.

Question 13: What occurs when the Martians land in an Earth library, and what assumption does Think-Tank make about books?
Answer: Upon landing in a library, the Martians encounter books for the first time. Think-Tank, observing through remote cameras, mistakes books for “sandwiches,” the supposed staple food of Earth. He orders his crew to confirm this by eating them, revealing his misunderstanding of Earth’s culture and technology.

Question 14: Why does Think-Tank decide against invading Earth?
Answer: As Think-Tank examines the books, he interprets the contents as evidence of Earthlings’ advanced civilization, combining agriculture and mining. He believes they possess bravery and intelligence, evident in their technology and domestication of animals. Consequently, he opts not to invade Earth, acknowledging its inhabitants’ accomplishments.

Question 15: Why does Think-Tank choose to flee from Mars, and what does the historian conclude after narrating the incident?
Answer: Overwhelmed by fear and misinterpretation, Think-Tank believes Earthlings are plotting against him after seeing a nursery rhyme depicting a figure resembling him. Convinced of imminent danger, he hastily plans to escape to Alpha-Centauri, a hundred million miles away. The historian reflects that a single book of nursery rhymes prevented a Martian invasion, leading to eventual friendship and understanding between Earth and Mars.

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