Two Stories About Flying Extra Questions and Answers Class 10 English First Flight

Two Stories About Flying Extra Questions and Answers Class 10 English First Flight

Part-1 (His First Flight)

Very Short Answer Questions Part 1

1. How long had the seagull been alone?
Answer: The seagull had been alone for a duration of twenty-four hours.

2. What prevented the seagull from going with the rest of his family?
Answer: He refrained from joining them due to his fear of flying.

3. What caused the seagull’s fear of flying?
Answer: The seagull feared flying because he lacked confidence in the strength of his wings.

4. What methods did the seagull consider to reunite with his family?
Answer: He contemplated joining his family by leaping or by walking up to them.

5. Why did the seagull dive towards his mother?
Answer: The seagull dove towards his mother to obtain the fish in her beak.

6. Why did he stand at the edge of the ledge on one leg and close his eyes?
Answer: He stood at the edge of the ledge on one leg and closed his eyes to attract his family’s attention.

7. Who comprised the seagull’s family, excluding him?
Answer: His family consisted of five members excluding him: his father, mother, two brothers, and a sister.

8. How long had the seagull been alone?
Answer: He had been alone for the past twenty-four hours.

9. What was the seagull’s emotional state?
Answer: He was experiencing intense hunger.

10. What sight provoked the young seagull?
Answer: The sight of food stirred up intense emotions in the young seagull.

Short Answer Type Questions Part 1

1. How did the young seagull’s family celebrate his first flight?
Answer: Despite the young seagull’s initial fear of flying and the challenges he faced, his family rejoiced when he finally took flight. His first flight brought happiness, relief, and pride to both him and his family.

2. Flying is a natural act in birds. Then why was the young seagull ‘exhausted by the strange exercise’?
Answer: Although flying comes naturally to birds, the young seagull was overwhelmed by fear and self-doubt, which exhausted him during his attempts to fly. Despite encouragement, he felt uncertain about the strength of his wings and lacked the courage to take flight.

3. ‘The sight of the food maddened him.’ Who is ‘he’ in these lines? Why was he angry? What does this suggest?
Answer: (i) The ‘he’ in these lines refers to the young seagull.
(ii) He was angered by hunger as he hadn’t eaten for the past 24 hours.
(iii) When his mother approached with food, the young seagull’s hunger intensified, leading him to dive after the food. However, his mother evaded him, highlighting the young seagull’s vulnerability and desperation.

4. What was the young seagull’s experience during his first flight?
Answer: Initially terrified, the young seagull soon found himself soaring and flying confidently. His fear transformed into confidence and then into joy as he navigated his first flight, which culminated in a memorable landing.

5. How did the young seagull’s parents treat him initially when he did not fly?
Answer: Initially, his parents encouraged, coaxed, and even scolded him for his reluctance to fly. They threatened to let him starve if he didn’t fly, but despite their efforts, the young seagull couldn’t overcome his fear.

6. Young seagull tried to fly but he could not. Why was he afraid to fly?
Answer: The young seagull feared flying because he doubted the strength of his wings and lacked the courage to take the plunge, unlike his siblings who had already mastered flight despite having shorter wings.

7. What did the young seagull do to attract the attention of his mother?
Answer: To attract his mother’s attention, the young seagull stood on one leg at the edge of the ledge, closed his eyes, and pretended to fall asleep, hoping his mother would notice him amidst the family’s activities.

8. When did the seagull’s flight begin? And where did it end?
Answer: The seagull’s flight commenced when he attempted to snatch food from his mother’s beak and ended after half an hour when he landed on the sea alongside his family.

9. Did the seagull think the sea was like land? Pick out the words that suggest this.
Answer: Yes, the seagull mistook the sea for land, as evidenced by phrases such as ‘dropped his legs to stand on’, ‘sank into’, and ‘screamed with fright’ when he attempted to land on the water’s surface.

10. When did the seagull’s flight begin?
Answer: The seagull’s flight commenced when he attempted to dive towards his mother to grab the piece of fish she held in her beak, driven by hunger and excitement.

11. Where did the seagull’s flight end?
Answer: The seagull’s flight concluded when he landed on the sea alongside his family after experiencing the thrill and challenges of his first flight.

12. When did the seagull get over his fear of the water?
Answer: The seagull overcame his fear of the water when he realized that despite sinking initially, he could float on the surface, reassuring him of the sea’s safety.

13. Do you sympathize with the seagull? Give reasons.
Answer: Yes, we sympathize with the seagull as he grapples with fear, self-doubt, and hunger while striving to learn how to fly, showcasing the universal struggle for growth and overcoming obstacles.

14. How did the seagull express his excitement when he saw his mother bringing food to him?
Answer: The seagull expressed his excitement by screaming with joy, tapping the rock with his feet eagerly, and leaning out towards his mother as she approached with food.

15. How did the young seagull’s parents teach him the art of flying?
Answer: The young seagull’s parents attempted to teach him to fly through encouragement, coercion, and eventually by allowing him to experience the plunge from the ledge, hoping that the instinctive response would kick in.

16. Where did the young seagull sit alone? What did he watch from there?
Answer: The young seagull sat alone on the ledge, watching his family soar over the sea as he struggled with his fear and self-doubt, unable to join them in flight.

17. Why didn’t the young seagull take the plunge? What stopped him from doing so?
Answer: The young seagull hesitated to take the plunge due to his fear and uncertainty regarding the strength of his wings, which hindered his ability to overcome the challenge of flight.

18. Did upbraiding and threatening of his parents help him in flying?
Answer: Upbraiding and threatening from his parents failed to motivate the young seagull to fly, highlighting the limitations of coercion in overcoming fear and building confidence.

19. How were his two brothers and sister different from the young seagull?
Answer: Despite having shorter wings, his two brothers and sister had already mastered flight, contrasting sharply with the young seagull’s struggle and reluctance to take flight.

20. How did the hungry seagull try to pretend to attract his mother’s attention?
Answer: The hungry seagull attempted to attract his mother’s attention by standing on one leg, closing his eyes, and pretending to sleep, hoping she would notice his hunger amidst the family’s activities.

21. What was the mother doing standing on a little high hump on the plateau?
Answer: The mother seagull stood on a high hump, tearing pieces of fish and scraping her beak against the rock, which further intensified the young seagull’s hunger and desperation.

22. Why did the young seagull cry “Ga, ga, ga”? Did her mother oblige him?
Answer: The young seagull cried out of hunger and eagerness for food, but despite his cries and excitement, his mother didn’t immediately oblige him, adding to his frustration and desperation.

23. What did the young seagull do when he was maddened by hunger? Did hunger motivate him to dive at the fish in the air?
Answer: Maddened by hunger, the young seagull impulsively dove towards the fish in his mother’s beak, driven by his intense hunger and the instinctual need to satisfy it.

24. How did the young seagull overcome his fear and soar gradually towards the sea during his first flight?
Answer: Despite initial fear, the young seagull overcame his hesitation and fear by instinctively spreading his wings and gradually gaining confidence as he soared towards the sea, driven by hunger and the thrill of flight.

25. Describe the seagull’s first flight.
Answer: The seagull’s first flight was a tumultuous journey marked by fear, excitement, and eventual triumph as he overcame his doubts and soared towards the sea, symbolizing the universal struggle for growth and self-discovery.

26. How did his parents, two brothers, and sisters celebrate the first flight of the young seagull?
Answer: His family celebrated the young seagull’s first flight by flying alongside him, landing on the sea, and offering praises and rewards, highlighting the joy and pride associated with overcoming challenges.

27. What is the message that Liam O′ Flaherty wants to give to the readers through the lesson ‘His first Flight’?
Answer: Through ‘His First Flight’, Liam O’ Flaherty emphasizes the universal theme of overcoming fear, self-doubt, and obstacles to achieve growth and success, resonating with readers facing similar challenges in their lives.

Long Answer Type Questions Part 1

1. How did the seagull family assist the young seagull in conquering his fear and learning to fly?
Answer: The story revolves around a young seagull who hesitates to take flight despite the urging of his parents and siblings. Despite their best efforts, including threats of starvation and mockery from his siblings, the young seagull remains rooted to his ledge, paralyzed by fear. Eventually, the mother devises a plan: she tempts him with food but keeps just out of reach, forcing him to dive for it. In doing so, he falls from the ledge but discovers his ability to fly in the process. Thus, through a combination of hunger and determination, the young seagull learns to overcome his fear and takes flight.

2. What is the underlying message conveyed by the story ‘His First Flight’?
Answer: ‘His First Flight’ communicates the idea that courage is essential for growth and learning. Despite being nurtured and encouraged by his parents, the young seagull is gripped by fear when faced with the prospect of flying. However, through perseverance and the catalyst of hunger, he finds the courage to take the leap, discovering his ability to fly in the process. The story underscores the importance of confronting one’s fears and taking risks in order to achieve personal growth and success.

3. Describe the maiden flight of the young seagull.
Answer: The young seagull’s first flight begins with a desperate attempt to reach the food his mother holds just out of reach. In his hunger-driven dive, he falls from the ledge, initially terrified but then realizing his wings can support him. As he soars over the sea, he experiences joy and freedom, joined by his family in celebration upon his successful flight.

4. What follows after the young seagull learns to fly?
Answer: Following his inaugural flight, the young seagull joins his family in landing on the sea. Initially apprehensive, he discovers his ability to float and is rewarded with food from his family, marking his successful transition to flight.

5. Was the young seagull unchanged from the beginning to the end of his learning experience? Compare and contrast his initial hesitancy with his eventual confidence.
Answer: The young seagull undergoes a significant transformation throughout his learning journey. Initially paralyzed by fear and hesitation, he is unable to muster the courage to fly despite encouragement and taunts from his family. However, driven by hunger and necessity, he ultimately conquers his fears and embraces his newfound ability to fly with confidence and joy.

6. Why does the mother seagull withhold the food from her son? What values does her action exemplify?
Answer: The mother seagull withholds food from her son as a strategy to encourage him to overcome his fear and learn to fly. While it may seem harsh, her actions stem from a place of love and a desire to instill courage and independence in her offspring. By challenging her son to confront his fears and take risks, she demonstrates the values of resilience, determination, and tough love, ultimately guiding him towards growth and self-discovery.

7. Discuss the role of hunger in motivating the young seagull to learn to fly.
Answer: Hunger serves as a powerful motivator for the young seagull, driving him to overcome his fear and take flight in pursuit of food. Faced with the choice between starvation and confronting his fears, he chooses the latter, diving for the food held tantalizingly out of reach by his mother. In doing so, he discovers his ability to fly, highlighting the transformative power of necessity and determination.

8. Describe the challenges faced by the young seagull from his family regarding his inability to fly.
Answer: The young seagull faces ridicule and pressure from his family due to his reluctance to fly. Despite their encouragement and taunts, he remains paralyzed by fear, feeling inadequate and unworthy in comparison to his siblings. Their relentless urging only serves to exacerbate his feelings of insecurity and inadequacy, highlighting the emotional toll of familial expectations and peer pressure.

9. How does the young seagull’s journey reflect the universal struggle to overcome doubts and fears?
Answer: The young seagull’s journey mirrors the universal human experience of confronting doubts and fears in the pursuit of growth and self-discovery. His initial hesitancy and insecurity resonate with the challenges faced by individuals grappling with self-doubt and uncertainty. However, through perseverance and determination, he ultimately finds the courage to confront his fears and embrace his potential, offering a poignant reminder of the transformative power of resilience and self-belief.

Part-2 (Black Aeroplane)

Very Short Answer Questions Part 2

1. What were the reasons behind the pilot’s happiness?
Answer: The pilot experienced joy because he soared above the tranquil countryside and anticipated reuniting with his family upon landing.

2. Why did the pilot initially contact the Paris Control Room?
Answer: The pilot reached out to the Paris Control Room seeking guidance for his journey to England.

3. What advice did the Paris Control offer to the pilot?
Answer: The Paris Control recommended that the pilot adjust his course by twelve degrees westward.

4. How many fuel tanks did the plane have, and what was the remaining fuel quantity?
Answer: The plane featured two fuel tanks, with only enough fuel remaining for a mere five or ten minutes.

5. What atmospheric challenge did the pilot encounter 150 kilometers from Paris?
Answer: The pilot encountered formidable storm clouds 150 kilometers from Paris.

6. Why did the pilot choose to navigate through the storm instead of returning to Paris?
Answer: The pilot opted to proceed through the storm rather than return to Paris because he was determined to reach his destination.

7. Did the Paris Control respond to the pilot’s second call? Why or why not?
Answer: The Paris Control did not respond to the pilot’s second call because his radio had malfunctioned.

8. What was the make and model of the narrator’s aircraft?
Answer: The narrator flew the old Dakota plane DS088.

9. Which country did the narrator traverse during his flight?
Answer: The narrator flew his plane over the expanse of France.

10. What genre categorizes the story ‘Black Aeroplane’?
Answer: ‘Black Aeroplane’ belongs to the genre of mystery fiction.

Short Answer Type Questions Part 2

1. What occurred when the author adjusted the aeroplane twelve degrees west towards England?
Answer: Upon adjusting the aeroplane, the author encountered immense storm clouds resembling black mountains looming ahead across the sky.

2. Explain the statement: ‘I was very happy to go behind the strange aeroplane like an obedient child.’
Answer: The pilot found himself in a predicament amidst colossal storm clouds without enough fuel to maneuver around them. Spotting a dark plane flying nearby, its pilot signaled to follow. With limited options, the author complied, akin to an obedient child.

3. “I’ll take the risk.” What risk does the pilot of the old Dakota undertake, and why?
Answer: The risk entails navigating through the storm clouds in the old Dakota aeroplane. With insufficient fuel to circumvent the storm, and an eagerness to reach home for breakfast, the pilot ventures into the turbulent skies.

4. Why did the pilot contemplate returning to Paris?
Answer: Confronted by towering storm clouds resembling black mountains, the pilot considered returning to Paris, recognizing the perilous conditions ahead.

5. What were the two options available to the Dakota plane’s pilot upon encountering the storm clouds? Why did he opt to proceed through them?
Answer: The pilot could either return to Paris or navigate through the storm clouds. Opting for the latter, he was determined to reach England in time for breakfast and reunite with his family.

6. Why couldn’t the woman in the control room assist the Dakota pilot?
Answer: When inquired about the black aeroplane and its pilot, the woman in the control room couldn’t offer assistance as no other planes were detected on radar that stormy night.

7. Describe the black clouds from the pilot’s perspective.
Answer: Flying from France to England, the pilot encountered massive storm clouds resembling black mountains, obstructing his path.

8. Recount the pilot’s experience inside the black clouds.
Answer: Within the clouds, everything turned pitch black, obstructing visibility. The old plane gyrated uncontrollably as instruments malfunctioned, including the compass and radio.

9. How did the black aeroplane rescue the first pilot?
Answer: The pilot of the black aeroplane signaled the first pilot to follow him, guiding him through the storm until safely out of the clouds.

10. Was the Dakota pilot able to meet the black aeroplane’s pilot?
Answer: No, upon landing, the Dakota pilot couldn’t locate the black aeroplane or its pilot, and radar records indicated no other aircraft present.

11. Describe the black clouds from the pilot’s perspective.
Answer: While en route from France to England, the pilot encountered immense storm clouds resembling black mountains, obstructing the sky.

12. Why did the pilot feel frightened once again?
Answer: Realizing the limited fuel and following the black plane, the pilot felt apprehensive about his dwindling chances of survival.

13. Why was the narrator happy, and what was he dreaming of?
Answer: Amidst a clear night, the narrator found joy in flying high above the tranquil countryside, envisioning a holiday and family time.

14. Why and when did he contact the Paris control room?
Answer: At 1:30 AM, the narrator reached out to Paris control for guidance on his journey to England.

15. What did he discover upon inspecting the map and compass?
Answer: After adjusting course and switching fuel tanks, the narrator continued towards England, anticipating an uneventful flight.

16. Why didn’t he return to Paris upon sighting the storm clouds?
Answer: With Paris behind him and storm clouds ahead, the pilot opted to press forward to England to keep his breakfast appointment.

17. What were the two options the pilot had before risking entry into the storm clouds? Why didn’t he choose them?
Answer: The pilot could have returned to Paris or navigated around the clouds, but the urgency to reach England prevailed.

18. What did he experience while inside the clouds?
Answer: Inside, the clouds engulfed everything in darkness, disabling instruments and communication.

19. How did the pilot attempt to navigate out of the storm clouds?
Answer: Despite instrument failures, the pilot followed the guidance of the black aeroplane through the storm.

20. Who rescued the pilot amidst the storm clouds?
Answer: The pilot of the black aeroplane emerged as a guiding force through the storm.

21. When did the pilot feel safe again?
Answer: Upon emerging from the storm clouds and spotting the runway lights, the pilot felt a sense of relief.

22. Did the pilot meet the black aeroplane’s pilot, and how did they vanish?
Answer: No, the pilot never met the mysterious rescuer, and their disappearance remains a mystery.

23. Why did the narrator seek information from the control tower, and did he receive any regarding the black aeroplane’s disappearance?
Answer: The narrator sought clarity regarding the black aeroplane’s vanishing act, receiving no substantial leads from the control tower.

24. What message does Frederick convey through ‘The Black Aeroplane’?
Answer: Frederick underscores the importance of resilience and unexpected assistance in dire circumstances, encapsulated in the narrator’s harrowing ordeal and eventual rescue.

Long Answer Type Questions Part 2

1. How did the narrator’s values aid him in enduring critical situations bravely? Discuss in 100-120 words.

What qualities did the narrator exhibit when faced with the inability to fly due to a storm and lack of fuel? Was accepting defeat not in his nature? Discuss the necessary values one must possess to handle failures and progress in life within 100-120 words.
Answer: Despite the narrator’s dwindling fuel reserves and the storm’s obstruction, he displayed resilience and hope. His determination to reunite with his family for breakfast underscored his deep familial bonds. Despite recognizing the risks of entering the clouds, his courage propelled him forward, demonstrating his commitment to his goal and his readiness to take calculated risks to achieve it.

2. Narrate your friend’s experience as a pilot flying from Paris to England, encountering storm clouds, and being rescued by a mysterious black plane and its pilot to your family.
Answer: Last week, my friend, a pilot, encountered a peculiar incident during his flight from Paris to England. Lost in storm clouds, his instruments failed, leaving him disoriented. Suddenly, a black plane emerged, guiding him safely through the tempest. However, upon landing, the enigmatic rescuer vanished, leaving my friend bewildered. Despite inquiries, no other plane was detected, shrouding the incident in mystery.

3. What transpired unexpectedly after the narrator remarked, “Everything was going well. It was an easy flight”?
Detail the journey of the Dakota airplane until its safe landing at the airport.
Answer: Initially, the Dakota’s journey from Paris to England was smooth, with clear skies and favorable conditions. However, upon encountering massive storm clouds 150 kilometers from Paris, the situation drastically changed. Despite limited fuel, the narrator opted to brave the storm, driven by his desire to return home. In the midst of the darkness and instrument failure, a mysterious black plane guided him safely to land, defying the odds.

4. Who might have been the pilot of the mysterious black plane according to the narrator’s story?
Answer: The identity of the pilot of the mysterious black plane remains a puzzle in the narrative. Despite the narrator’s harrowing experience and the intervention of the unknown pilot, inquiries revealed no presence of another plane during the incident, leaving the question unanswered and adding to the tale’s intrigue.

5. Describe the events of the pilot’s flight before encountering the dark clouds.
Detail the journey of the Dakota airplane until its successful airport landing.
Answer: As the pilot embarked on his journey from France to England, the night sky offered a serene backdrop. The initial leg of the flight was uneventful, with the pilot relishing the prospect of reuniting with his family. However, upon approaching the storm clouds, his situation turned dire, with limited fuel and daunting obstacles obstructing his path. Despite the peril, the pilot’s resolve and determination saw him through the storm, guided by an inexplicable black plane to safety.

6. How was the writer aided during his ordeal?
Answer: Amidst the chaos of the storm clouds and malfunctioning instruments, the writer found himself in a precarious situation. However, the timely appearance of a mysterious black plane offered a lifeline. Guided by the pilot’s gestures, the writer followed diligently, ultimately emerging from the storm to safety, albeit with unanswered questions lingering.

7. What prompted the narrator to remark, “Everything was going well. It was an easy flight”?
Answer: The narrator’s optimism stemmed from the smooth progress of his journey until encountering the storm clouds. Prior to this, clear skies and favorable conditions characterized the flight, instilling a sense of ease and contentment.

8. Why did the narrator opt to fly into the storm clouds instead of choosing alternative routes?
Answer: Faced with the looming storm clouds and dwindling fuel reserves, the narrator weighed his options. Despite the risks, his desire to reach his destination and reunite with his family propelled him to confront the storm directly, a decision fraught with peril but driven by unwavering determination.

9. Describe the appearance of the mysterious black plane and how it aided the narrator.
Answer: In the midst of despair and uncertainty, the mysterious black plane emerged as a beacon of hope for the narrator. Despite the absence of wing lights, its pilot’s gestures provided much-needed guidance, leading the narrator safely through the tumultuous storm clouds to an unexpected but secure landing.

10. Who might have been the elusive rescuer in the mysterious black plane, and what was the response from the control room regarding the incident?
Answer: The identity of the enigmatic pilot of the black plane remains shrouded in mystery, with no tangible evidence or radar detection corroborating the encounter. Despite inquiries, the control room offered no clarity, leaving the narrator to ponder the inexplicable events that unfolded amidst the stormy night.

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